View Full Version : Pocket Carry Competition

Caswell Ranch
03-22-2011, 02:56 PM
Hi All,
Wanted to let you know about a new shooting association,
www.pocketcarrycomp.com (http://www.pocketcarrycomp.com)

Caswell Ranch
03-22-2011, 02:59 PM
What was said after the first match



03-22-2011, 03:24 PM
Good for you guys. Great idea. Thanks for sharing.

Caswell Ranch
04-01-2011, 09:52 AM
Need to have more Kahr Arms owners shooting PCCA, only had two so far.

04-01-2011, 10:19 AM
Great idea. I took the time to visit your links and it looks like it was fun time with some real world learning going on too.

I hope they do something like that on my coast. I'd probably give it go if it was available.

I like the concept of doing the course the way you normally dress. I usually wear one of those vest like many of the shooters were wearing. But I think I'd try a untucked shirt also. Except I never wear an untucked shirt which is probably why I wear the vest.

I suspect you'll see alot more Kahrs in that as the word gets out.

04-01-2011, 10:57 AM
I like that program to ol great one, no doubt they havet o have it set up for ol timers like me that just can't get up and down hardly anymore with ease, let alone to play games etc. Still would be nice to do that course to see how it is set up and basically "screw the clock" thing, Shoot for fun, shoot for learning expericnce, shoot it like u stole it, pay the range fee. Get the hell ouf of the way ol timers for the young zoot people.

04-01-2011, 12:29 PM
I'm with you Jocko. I wonder if they deduct time for groans and stretching out the back when us old but wise ones rise off the floor? I watched an IDPA match and really like the concept but it's clearly a sport for the more limber of us.

I read the PCCA rule book and like it. I don't know that it will fly as an additional entity, but if not I hope IDPA will adopt it as an alternative venue. They had a large group at the match I observed and I mixed with them a bit during and they were very friendly. Out of about 40 people all but 2 were men and most of them active and retired LEOs.

PCCA may be a perfect fit to involve their families. It could be intimidating for folks like me and the women to be teamed with LEOs in competition knowing we would hurt the team's scores. Wow, did I just say me and the women? OK, there's lots of women that can out shoot me any day so I really don't mind if I remind them of their fathers (as long as they don't hate their fathers that is!).

04-01-2011, 01:04 PM
I'm with you Old Lincoln. Walking into any new game you never done before is intimidating and walking in with a bunch of seasoned and experienced shooters and Lawmen could be doubly so.

My plan would be to go and just watch a match or two and see how it plays out. On a couple of occasions in an earlier life I did just that only to be talked into participating. I didn't even have anything to play with with me since I was gonna watch. But of course everyone just stepped up. Here use my gun, heres some bullets, use this. Have fun and I did.

I remember one event was a shotgun event at a local club I shot alot at but didn't really know many of the members. A guy handed me a Perazzi!:eek:

I was like thanks so much for letting me touch your gun but I'll get my Mossberg out of the truck.

I think most of the participates in matches are pretty nice folks an love to help new comers especially the cute angelic female types which of course I'm not any where close to being in the same league with handsome as I may be.

Be nice to forget the scoring for anyone that just wants to try it too. Take some of the pressure off, course then if you like it and play you lose that first bar to compare your future efforts to.

04-05-2011, 07:28 AM
They had me until I read this in the rule book.

While the name of the sport is “Pocket Carry Competition” this is more in reference to the size of the firearms used. Safety being paramount we feel the only way to conduct competitions is to have all participants use a strong side belt holster.

04-05-2011, 07:32 AM
Be nice to forget the scoring for anyone that just wants to try it too. Take some of the pressure off, course then if you like it and play you lose that first bar to compare your future efforts to.

Score is required if you want to track your personal progress. I don't mind being dead last as long as my score is better than my previous attempt. If it's not, then I'm just wasting lead and powder.

04-05-2011, 12:32 PM
I don't care about my individual score, but don't want to affect my team. There are so many shooters in the match I saw they were in 4 man teams. I can see a benefit of having some stress for training, but would prefer to get access when only a safety guy is watching.

Funny, I don't think anything about dropping my shorts in front of a bunch of women med types, but I don't want to embarrass myself in front of the guys. Go figure.

04-05-2011, 12:46 PM
I'm with you with similar thoughts.

Thats why woman are generally better new shooters. No pressure, if they aren't good they have the I'm just a girl card to play. (which incidently works just fine for me and I'm glad they have it.)
Guys on the other hand are expected to do well at anything they do that is remotely manly. The pressure to perform well in the manly shooting task throws us out of sync sometimes and we do very poorly.

Some are effected by it much more than others, some not at all. LIke everything else, some are just naturally good shooter, the rest like myself have to work at it and practice alot.

04-05-2011, 03:00 PM
A lot of my buddies shoot competitions but I don`t.I`ve shot in a few over the years and didn`t enjoy any of them.I started with a skeet competition and ended with IDPA.The people were so serious about doing well that it wasn`t any fun for me.I enjoy taking a break and shooting the bull and you just can`t do that during competitions.I still compete but only with myself.I can`t help it but I really don`t care if I do better than someone else or not.There have been lots of occasions when I realize that someone is trying to beat me and I`ll purposefully miss so they will win and get away from me.Is that what`s called being passive aggressive?Don`t mean to be,just don`t care.Odd ain`t I?

04-05-2011, 03:05 PM
It's the Scarlet in ya. You hang around with guys like me that frankly don't give a damn.

I'd shoot to miss to just to let you win.

04-05-2011, 04:45 PM
That one picture of the guy shooting past his outstretched leg.... ahem... not something I personally like to see in competition, but then again, I grew up on IHMSA where that is totally disallowed.

04-05-2011, 08:01 PM
I have competed in many different gun games, and been match director at various type matches.
I have used many different scoring systems with a few being very random in picking "winners".
What I've experienced is, there are those who "bend the rules" just to win, even when there's no prizes awarded.
I've called people on it as match director, and listened to the whiners who wanted to be winners complain about others.
When I see it as a competitor, I ignore it, and have pity for those who do it.
I've coached people in my class until they beat me...so many times that they couch me, but have found there's NO substitute for youth!
I have no trouble dropping to the ground to shoot, as gravity is on my side, but that stage better end there, with me still on the ground.

How many posting in this thread have practiced while laying on the ground?

I cannot replicate the stress of a defensive shooting practicing by myself, and for me competition adds the stress I need to find my weaknesses.

I have found that you can "shoot for score" in most games and I purposely shoot with gear that doesn't comply, so no one can beat me, is concerned about loosing to me, or whining to the match director about my gear.
just sayin'

04-05-2011, 08:21 PM
I want a competition where instead of dropping to the ground you sit in a recliner and lay back. Or to level the playing field, put everybody in a power chair like Bawanna and see how they do. They can wheel around a tight course and try shooting around corners at pop-ups or out one of those standard height windows that are right at eye level in a chair.

Caswell Ranch
04-05-2011, 08:45 PM
That one picture of the guy shooting past his outstretched leg.... ahem... not something I personally like to see in competition, but then again, I grew up on IHMSA where that is totally disallowed.

The photo was taken from a position that looks odd, when the match was set and run the shooters legs were not in the line of fire in any way, first target was just about 90deg from the shooters body center line and the second target was above the shoulder line. Shooter started the stage on the ground and finished on the ground, also had to wear a pair of safety glasses with dom eye blacked out. Fun.


04-06-2011, 07:44 AM
I like that stage!
...but I'd bring a recliner with a swivel base:boink:.
You should start a game geared towards mature competitors.

I don't know maybe call it: Geezer Practical Pistol or Hang Belly Challenge.

It could be a postal match, you send out the special targets, we shoot and return them, then you score them...all from your recliner.
Of course all fees would be yours to keep too:).

just sayin'

04-06-2011, 10:16 AM
I want a competition where instead of dropping to the ground you sit in a recliner and lay back. Or to level the playing field, put everybody in a power chair like Bawanna and see how they do. They can wheel around a tight course and try shooting around corners at pop-ups or out one of those standard height windows that are right at eye level in a chair.

I like it. Really make it a challenge and park the power chair and use a manual. That would really separate the derelicts from the men right there.

I'd have an unfair advantage though with so much driving experience. Would be a kick though.

I console myself with the fact that I can do anything anyone else can do, I just usually have to find a different way to do it. Somethings just aren't worth it though and that list gets longer everyday as the miles add up.

I like the mail in target idea.

04-06-2011, 11:30 AM
Yeah, and all targets mailed in are inspected for powder burns!

04-06-2011, 11:40 AM
Yeah, and all targets mailed in are inspected for powder burns!

Dang it, so much for my pencil plan. Switching to plan B.

Caswell Ranch
04-07-2011, 10:09 PM
Looks like the thread has gone off track, I have shooters from late 20's through 76, one in a wheelchair, no track race.

Posted about PCCA here as Kahr Arms main market is the pocket/sub compact gun and thought it would be of interest to the owners of such guns, a sport with a defense base with real world carry guns.

04-08-2011, 06:55 AM
Welcome and thanks for the info.
Drift is common here, and I can say that I'd be 1st in line at sign up if I lived were you hold your matches.
I shoot steel challange with iddy biddy guns and have asked for a BUG or revolver class many times.
With 5 targets and six rounds, I make many more mag changes than most and compete against myself.
Good luck in your quest to start a new game and hopefully a club near me with start having matches.
Just don't ask us to wear special clothes or use an alias, and you should be able to grow this game:D.

Caswell Ranch
04-08-2011, 07:41 AM
I hope a club near you pick up PCCA, we have a few club looking at holding matches, 2 in PA, 1 in GA, 1 in NH, 1 in FL and 1 in Texas, just takes time.

I've shot many steel challenge matches a few with a 2.25" SP101 in .38spl and won with it one time, fun to do with a J-frame size gun.

04-08-2011, 07:56 AM
I think the idea is pretty cool too. I am always interested in new games and like shooting almost any gun. I compete and perform adequately at best in most of them but man do I have fun. How do you put 150 rounds down range and get to hang with 30 other guys doing the same then have a grill out afterwards and not dig life that evening?

If it ever makes it to MN I will go give it a try!


Caswell Ranch
04-14-2011, 07:31 PM
Official PCCA targets came in today (Caswell Ranch) a couple of PD's have also picked the target for training and quals.

01-17-2012, 12:45 AM
This is something I would like to try only I only got the one actual pocket gun... My Kahrs don't qualify...

Bongo Boy
01-17-2012, 10:17 AM
Near as I can tell, only the TPxx series Kahrs would not qualify, all others do based on a quick review of the rulebook.

Maybe time for an update from Caswell Ranch on how things have been progressing and if there have been any stumbling blocks, equipment concerns, etc. This seems like something that might be integrated into IDPA if that would be beneficial to the game.

01-21-2013, 07:14 AM
If anyone lives near Palm Springs, CA, we run a CCW match once a month. This is a true CCW match where you can draw from appendix, pocket or ankle using compact autos and J frames. Only small of the back and shoulder holsters are not allowed. Scoring is time plus straight points.
