View Full Version : CW45 Long Break In
Pa Kahr
03-22-2011, 07:07 PM
Purchased my CW45 about two months ago. As of today have put about 450 rounds through it. The first 350 was tough going. Had at least one stove pipe out of every six rounds fired. This was followed with regular cleaning, but not a complete take down of the slide. So I bit the bullet and disassembled the slide..what a mess! After a good hour of fine cleaning, and I do mean fine, IE looks like new. The gun performed much better.
Have any of you had this same problem? Yes I did a regular cleaning upon purchase. Not a deep cleaning like I ultimately had to do but a good field strip cleaning. I used Winchester, Remington, Federal and UMC Remington flat tip ammo during this LONG break in period. Almost sent it back but since it seems to be behaving after this deep clean I will hold off.
Let me know if any of you have had this same problem, I have not seen any posts regarding this so I thought I would share.
03-22-2011, 07:18 PM
I've got 250 rounds though my CW45. I had one fail to fire during the first 100 rounds (good primer strike but no boom) and one failure to go into battery during the second 100 rounds (pushed slide forward and it fired). The last 50 rounds were flawless but I'll have to gain some more history with the firearm before I'll be comfortable about it's reliability.
BTW, is your guide rod beveled at the end that is inserted into the slide (see my earlier thread)?
03-22-2011, 07:22 PM
evidently kahr is not getting their sloides clean after their machining process. My thoughts are that it is maching oil etc that is just gummed up inside and they are not getting it clean enough. Once spiffy clean that little clean out hole on the bottom of the slide is all you need to use to keep that area clean and ready to go.
Pa Kahr
03-22-2011, 07:49 PM
2edgesword my guide rod has the bevelled end. Jocko, I was surprised by the amount of metal shavings I have and continue to see on cleaning the CW45. My Ruger had a lot of grease but not nearly the metal shavings. BTW the Ruger had some minor early problems but no problems for over 1300 rounds...
03-22-2011, 08:12 PM
another reason to whern cleaning the gun to just spray every time in that little clean out hole onb the bottom of the slide . Takes 10 seconds at best. Insert nozzle in hole and spray away, fluids will comeout front and back. Then I even pull back the striker and while holding it back I spray directly from the breech face intothe striker channel, witht her striker pulled back anything left will comeouot of that clean out hole. this IMO should part of what one should do when giving his gun a cleaning job. I have never taken my srtriker area apart other than in its very early stages, I installed the 5# striker spring and then even thin I just took off the back plate and pulled the spring. I never took the slide all the way down. Once I realizedf whatthat little hole in the bottom of the sldie was there for, I just spray clean that channel every time I clean the gun..
Probalby not metal shaving ur seeing but brass shaving from the casing, or primer swipe. If u look at the photo that kahr shows in their manual, it shows what we call a primer swipe which kahrs says is OK to see on ur spent rounds, but this swipe could also be dragging back insode the striker channel some of this primer swipe. Just my theory, Ihave 30,000+ rounds through myPM9 and have never had a light striker, nor ever taken down the slide completly either, but that fokker inside is spiffy clean, I am sure of that to..
Pa Kahr
03-22-2011, 08:24 PM
What cleaner do you use to spray into the hole? And then do you use compressed air to dry the striker channel? Believe me I really do not want to have to take the slide apart every 300 rounds....
03-22-2011, 08:46 PM
PM sent.
03-22-2011, 10:02 PM
Hey, Jocko, this is way too close to home! I wanna know, too. I was going to call Kahr and send'em my bum CW45. But, I'd much rahter keep it at home if I can. Thanks.
03-22-2011, 10:17 PM
What cleaner do you use to spray into the hole? And then do you use compressed air to dry the striker channel? Believe me I really do not want to have to take the slide apart every 300 rounds....
I would also like the name of the spray.
MW surveyor
03-23-2011, 06:06 AM
FWIW - I (and a whole bunch of others here) use the non-chlorinated 3M brake cleaner from NAPA. About 2 bucks a can when on sale.
Just let the slide sit for a bit. No real need to blow out with compressed air using the 3 M cleaner. It has plenty of power (psi) to get all the cr*p out and will dry on its own.
03-23-2011, 08:26 AM
Is the hole you spray it in on the inside of the slide?
MW surveyor
03-23-2011, 08:43 AM
Yes. It is almost the exact size as the extension tube for the spray cleaner. Please see the sticky in the tech section. Or look at your manual.
03-23-2011, 12:28 PM
I just picked up a can of the 3M spray #08880, it works great.
MW surveyor
03-23-2011, 01:19 PM
That's the stuff. Works great don't it?
03-23-2011, 02:54 PM
I just picked up a can of the 3M spray #08880, it works great.
what'd I tell ya:third:
03-23-2011, 02:55 PM
Is the hole you spray it in on the inside of the slide?
is on the unders die of the slide up by thge breech face. It is the only hole in the bottom of that slide, u can't miss it..
03-23-2011, 05:29 PM
I did the clean & prep on my Wife's and my CW45 today, the spray works great.
Both pistols were fairly dirty, but they should be good to go now.
We just need to get out and shoot those 200 rounds.
My thanks to the forum for all of the great info.
03-23-2011, 05:37 PM
I did the clean & prep on my Wife's and my CW45 today, the spray works great.
Both pistols were fairly dirty, but they should be good to go now.
We just need to get out and shoot those 200 rounds.
My thanks to the forum for all of the great info.
Just noticed the birdshead vaquero on your list. I got the last one our LE Dealer got in. Didn't think I was gonna get one at all.
One of my favorite guns of all. Mines also in 45 LC.
03-23-2011, 06:03 PM
hELL bAWANNA, EVERY gun is your most favorite...
03-23-2011, 06:15 PM
hELL bAWANNA, EVERY gun is your most favorite...
Yeah maybe so, maybe so. No sense of single devotion I guess. Now I got a hankering for a Mares Leg, little sawed off Win 92 in 45 Colt. Think if would fit real nice on the chair in a scabbard.
BUT I'm sure it won't be my favorite, or maybe it will.
03-23-2011, 06:23 PM
Just noticed the birdshead vaquero on your list. I got the last one our LE Dealer got in. Didn't think I was gonna get one at all.
One of my favorite guns of all. Mines also in 45 LC.
Yep, mine is an all stainless old model. My oldest Son gave it to me for my birthday last year, which makes it very special. (my favorite :D)
I havent even fired it yet, it's still new in the case.
It's a Real Beauty.
Pa Kahr
03-25-2011, 06:08 PM
Thanks for all the info. I continue to appreciate the CW45 more and more.
Pa Kahr
03-28-2011, 03:52 PM
Well I think I (typed) spoke too soon. Took the CW45 to the range yesterday and sure enough started to have the same issues. Again I am not limp wristing the gun and have meticulously cleaned and lightly oiled. So Jay responded to my email and the gun will be heading back to the factory first thing tomorrow. If I continue to have this problem may have to sell the damn thing and buy another brand. Bought Kahr because I had heard so many good things about the product...very frustrated!
03-28-2011, 03:55 PM
give kahr the one chance to make you happy and then after that, if not right, peddle it and find a gun that pleases u. Sh-t happens and u got one of them, but kahr will get u running right .. Hopefully kahr is picking up the send me back tab opn your gun as u should not be out any money for their mistake. If not I would again calland talk to them abou tissueing a pre paid pick up..
Pa Kahr
03-28-2011, 04:05 PM
Jocko, they are prepaying and yes I am willing to give them a chance, just very frustrated, really like the look and feel, but will be hard pressed to trust in a pressure situation. But again I am going to remain as calm as I can until it comes back. Thanks for offering the advice
03-28-2011, 04:10 PM
Ur best gun that u own as u know can malfunction on the very next shot, . Kahr will get your right, I have no doubt of that and you will soon forget about the past. Glad to see kahr is picking up the gun to. You willget avery fast turn around on it to.
Pa Kahr
03-28-2011, 04:16 PM
You are right, and I am impressed so far with the quick response to my problem. Thanks again
03-28-2011, 04:27 PM
well if you have read some of my posts, I stated just his past week of the issue I had with my new Porsche and that at 600 miles it would not run. I like u was not happy but Porsche made me happy and that was over 4 years ago. I put it all behind me and now drive it like I stole it..
Pa Kahr
03-28-2011, 07:15 PM
Porsche!!! my dream car....right now the only way i would get one is to steal it...or take the kid out of
03-30-2011, 08:34 PM
I am a new owner of a CW45, it was surprisingly dirty when it arrived, did a standard cleaning to it, blew the crud out of striker channel, racked the slide a few hundred times, & dropped the striker alot, over the course of a few days in anticipation of my up coming range day. My son & I went to the range & put 206 rounds thru it, ( 200 fmj 230 gr & 6 rounds of remington 185 hollow points ), very glad to say NOT ONE failure ! I did quick clean, ( blew slide out with powder blast, drop or 2 of CLP, reassemble ), at about 160 rounds, & shot the rest of the rounds. Only problem . . . my spare mags had not come in yet . . . we got sore thumbs from constant reloading !!! Overall very happy with it's performance of first " use ", my colt & firestar definately did not fare near as well on their debut at the range !! They are both trusted with my life daily now, & this CW45 will be as well ! Night sites are next !
Pa Kahr
03-31-2011, 03:21 PM
I just received an email that my CW45 is on its way back. 48 hours after arriving at the Kahr repair facility. That is mighty fast turn around. I hope all is fixed and this is the end of the problem. 48 hour turn around..?? fingers crossed
I am a new owner of a CW45. . . my spare mags had not come in yet . . . we got sore thumbs from constant reloading !!!
Wow, CW45 "spare" magazines reload themselves? :D
Anyway ya load 'em... I s'pose.
03-31-2011, 06:17 PM
Picked up my CW45 today, got Jocko's stickies bookmarked and ready to give her a good prep and cleaning. I had a can of electronics cleaner and found the nozzle tube for it, so will use that in the clean out hole. Got 200 rounds of WWB round nose for break in, probably go down to Gander Mountain and see what they have for self defense in .45. Seems like last time I was there I was a little disappointed that they didn't carry more different brands of HP ammo.
Probably shoot as many of the first 200 as I can, then load the mag with some good SD ammo, and keep it around the house until I can get down and put another couple hundred through it. After that, if she proves reliable, she'll be my new primary carry piece.
Walmart has the 230 gr Federal Personal Defense hp's if you get there on "ammo" day. I figured that, or some Golden Sabre, or some Gold Dot should do the trick.
Have to go to Gander Mountain or one of the indoor shooting ranges for the Gold Dot and Golden Sabres. Gander Mountain usually has a better selection than the ranges do. Might look around the next gun show for some Winchester Ranger with the Talon bullet. That's always been a favorite of mine in about any caliber. Those are wicked little bullets. Still have a mag of 9mm Black Talons stashed away. Wonder how long they last? They're in a gun safe nice and dry. Don't shoot that old Star Model 30 very often anymore. That was my first semi-auto pistol I ever bought, and the only 9mm I have. I bought it back when all the cops were switching to high capacity 9mm's. Got a great deal on it from a guy that sold guns out of his house back before the ATF was such a bear to deal with and more people had FFL's. It's a real sturdy gun, and shoots real nice and is accurate, but it stovepipes a little too often for me to carry. Not real bad, maybe one stovepipe in 100-200 rounds. I just figure it would happen at the worse possible moment if I carried it. Plus it's a little heavy. Close to the same weight as a full sized 1911. Would have shot those Black Talons up by now, but figured maybe someday some collector might want them.
Ok, 'nuff ramblin out of me. Take Care everyone.
03-31-2011, 06:42 PM
I like the Gold Dots and the Winchester T stuff too. My PM45 and others all seem to digest it well so it works for me.
Melissa sent a link on another thread to GT Distributors with a decent price on the Gold Dot, not sure what other brands they carry.
Also unclear if they only sell to LE but there was another distributor in that same thread.
Hurts to pay big bucks for the carry stuff but nice to have at least a couple boxes after a box or two to confirm they run.
Pa Kahr
04-04-2011, 08:45 PM
Got the CW45 back today. According to the invoice they had to replace the ectractor and polish the ejector. Seven days and repairs seem to be completed. So I guess I can give Kahr customer service a thumbs complaints. Now off to the range in a few days to put a few rounds down range.
Pa Kahr
04-04-2011, 09:05 PM
I must be tired that is "replace the extractor"
Pa Kahr
04-08-2011, 03:48 PM
Just took the CW45 to the range. Very impressed, put 100 rounds thru it with out one problem. Very Pleased. Will be my trusted what to get for the home defense......for now this will have double duty
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