View Full Version : First Outing with PM9
11-25-2009, 09:00 AM
I took my new baby to the range yesterday and while I need to work on my groupings, the PM9 shot 125 flawless rounds through the pipe...YEAH.
Like all of us with PM9s, I wanted a small, easily concealable, lightweight pistol. The first one I bought was a Kel-Tec PF9, yes it certainly met the criteria, but it was painful to shoot, the trigger was terrible and I had nothing but FTFs and FTEs (eject). To make a long story short, I got rid of it. Then I purchased a Bersa Thunder CC, it too met the criteria (not quite as small), a .380, but definitely concealable. It was better then the Kel-Tec and after replacing the spring it shot pretty well, but with the slightest movement of my wrist (some may call it limp wristing), but I mean the slightest wrist movement, it would stovepipe. So what good is that if I had to shoot under stress and pressure and my wrist moved? So, I went to my LGS and traded in the Bersa and shelled out additional bucks for my new "baby" PM9.
I cleaned her up, as suggested by those on this forum, thank you, Jocko, racked the slide 500 times and yesterday I took my PM9 to the range. I'll admit, I expected the worst, as my experience thus far proved that small, easily concealable, lightweight pistols (that work and work well) are a myth.
Much to my surprise and delight....the PM9 was great and is a keeper, not one issue and while the trigger has a somewhat long pull, it is smooth which makes for a better, steady shot. It did not hurt my hands and not one FTF or FTE as I had with my PM9's predecessors.
I've decided that with Guns, you get what you pay. I know I'm going to have a long and happy relationship with this great 'lil pistol.
Finally, for those that may have issue with my comments regarding the PF9 and the .380 CC, they are my opinions and my opinions only and they are based upon my experience.
Thank you Kahr for the PM9 :yo:
11-25-2009, 10:15 AM
nice report, and as u know that looooong but totally smooth trigger pull is there by design. If u can shoot a DA revolver, u will have no problems with shooting the PM9. It is as close to a DA revolver as any semi on the market. More rounds down range also and the gun will get even smoother. take your time with it, practice close 7-10 yards and under, get good at that distance and that gun might just save ur life someday
11-25-2009, 10:25 AM
Thanks Jocko,
As it happens, I do have a S&W 442 DAO .38 snubbie with a pro trigger done by S&W. They trigger is similar, but the PM9 is a bit easier on my hands then the .38.
They both serve their purpose and the PM9 is a special pistol.
11-25-2009, 10:31 AM
ur last two words says it all. IT IS A SPECIAL PISTOL. Not made to shoot beer cans at 25 yards IMO but to defend yourslef in a close up and personal way. I can honeslty say I have not adjusted to the looooong trigger on the kahrs and I have 25,000 rounds through my PM9 but I love to shoot it, I feel good with it I shoot it well at 10 yards but my G19 shoots circles around it at 10 yards due to different trigger systems and the way they work etc, but you know what. The G19 sits in my vanity drawer ready to go and never ride sin my front pocket like my PM9 does 24/7..
Nice report, th Pm9's are incredible.
I was looking at a Ruger LCP today, and while a step above the Keltec, I can't image it being nicer than the PM380.
11-25-2009, 04:20 PM
Nice report, th Pm9's are incredible.
I was looking at a Ruger LCP today, and while a step above the Keltec, I can't image it being nicer than the PM380.
it isn't either..... but for $300 it is a super nice gun, two steps above the kt's in over all quality, both seem to go bang though..
The trigger was horrendous with the reset being the worst part.
11-25-2009, 07:37 PM
The trigger was horrendous with the reset being the worst part.
Very true!!! My wife has one. So far it has been 100% reliable, but I can't hit squat with it because of the trigger.
Love my new PM9 as well. Got it last Friday. Put 100 rounds thru it Saturday with nary a hiccup.
Still love my Glock 26 for what it is, but I also love the PM9 for what it is.
GREAT little pistol!!!!
11-25-2009, 09:37 PM
I have an M&P 9c and love it..truly a great gun, but for summer carry or quick, in the pocket kind of carry, you just can't beat the PM9.
11-26-2009, 07:57 AM
I have an M&P 9c and love it..truly a great gun, but for summer carry or quick, in the pocket kind of carry, you just can't beat the PM9.
an M & P 9 that Dave Bowie of Bowie tactical completely reworked for me. Out of the box, the trigger was the worst I had ever encountered, after a 6 month wait at Bowie's (never again either willi do that). The gun came back with other mods done to it. It was truly an amazing shooter then. The trigger was awesome, It was dead nuts accurate and at the same time I had a G19 at Accurate-Iron for some custom work etc, and when I got it back,,,, as good as the M & P was I shot the G19 far better, so I sold the M & P 9 to a fella in Texas, who has told me it is the finest gun he has ever had. bowie can do wonders on the M & P, that is for sure, but it just never floated my vboat like my G19 does and course both were merely range and home guns, never carried for size and weight. I wish I cold shoot my PM9 half as good at my G19 but I don't and I have to credit that to the looooong trigger pull system. It shoots great and is my primary carry 24/7....
11-26-2009, 08:03 AM
I traded a Bersa in on my PM9 too.Not because I had any problems with the gun,but because I got tired of not having any ammo for it and I wanted something with more power for pocket carry.
Nothing makes the people in this forum more happy than reading a glowing range report from a new owner.Congratulations on your new "baby".:)
11-26-2009, 09:59 AM
an M & P 9 that Dave Bowie of Bowie tactical completely reworked for me. Out of the box, the trigger was the worst I had ever encountered, after a 6 month wait at Bowie's (never again either willi do that). The gun came back with other mods done to it. It was truly an amazing shooter then. The trigger was awesome, It was dead nuts accurate and at the same time I had a G19 at Accurate-Iron for some custom work etc, and when I got it back,,,, as good as the M & P was I shot the G19 far better, so I sold the M & P 9 to a fella in Texas, who has told me it is the finest gun he has ever had. bowie can do wonders on the M & P, that is for sure, but it just never floated my vboat like my G19 does and course both were merely range and home guns, never carried for size and weight. I wish I cold shoot my PM9 half as good at my G19 but I don't and I have to credit that to the looooong trigger pull system. It shoots great and is my primary carry 24/7....
I'm really surprised that the trigger was so bad on your M&P. I have both the full size and compact and the triggers, on both are sweet. Could they be better, probably, but all in all great pistols. Glocks are fine and obviously, very popular, but the size of the grip just did not work for me. My M&P's have at least a few thousand rounds, each, and not one issue with either of them. I do carry my compact and feel very confident with it at my side.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to breaking in my PM9 and being able to carry it with as much confidence as my M&P 9c.
Great to hear all went well with your baby on it's first outing. The more you shoot it, the more you'll love it. Any thoughts on naming it?
11-27-2009, 10:34 PM
Great to hear all went well with your baby on it's first outing. The more you shoot it, the more you'll love it. Any thoughts on naming it?
Hi Zena,
Nnothing has come to mind...I think it's probably too soon, but I'm sure something will come to me when the time it right.
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