View Full Version : Getting old and spooning

03-23-2011, 11:28 AM
Well, some of us might resemble this, but I'm glad to say my wife of 25 years and a day doesn't! :D


And a cell-phone picture from our 25th Anniversary celebration (just the two of us) at Red Lobster last night. I had them order us two 3-pound Maine lobsters... tasty and we have the huge claws left for my wife's snack tomorrow night after work.

The picture is pretty dark mainly because of the bright windows behind us, but you can change the angle of viewing and see a little better, especially the huge, red, insect-like thingies on the plates.:D


03-23-2011, 11:37 AM
+1 on the choice of your meal.As for the cartoon,Eww.

03-23-2011, 11:45 AM
Unfortunately, I can't spoon very much because of two torn rotator cuffs AND carpal tunnel... AND I'm a major heat source... hot-natured. It definitely isn't because my wife isn't cuddly.:D

I injured both shoulders... one in Austria and the other in Germany while I was serving our country in the USAF... "service-connected" injuries, since I wouldn't have been skiing if I hadn't been in Europe.


03-23-2011, 11:55 AM
Unfortunately, I can't spoon very much because of two torn rotator cuffs AND carpal tunnel... AND I'm a major heat source... hot-natured. It definitely isn't because my wife isn't cuddly.:D

I injured both shoulders... one in Austria and the other in Germany while I was serving our country in the USAF... "service-connected" injuries, since I wouldn't have been skiing if I hadn't been in Europe.

Wynn,you tickle the life out of me sometimes.

03-23-2011, 11:56 AM
Hey! Ditto!


03-23-2011, 12:50 PM
Well, some of us might resemble this, but I'm glad to say my wife of 25 years and a day doesn't! :D


And a cell-phone picture from our 25th Anniversary celebration (just the two of us) at Red Lobster last night. I had them order us two 3-pound Maine lobsters... tasty and we have the huge claws left for my wife's snack tomorrow night after work...
Congrats on the 25th wedding anniversary!!

03-23-2011, 12:56 PM
Congrats on the 25th wedding anniversary!!

Ditto that. 25's a milestone many these days don't reach. We got there last August. I'm also blessed with a cuddly wife after all those years. I didn't get to do the military so my rotator cuffs are fine and dandy, never park my car in a tunnel. Perhaps that's why we made it.

As for the cartoon, perhaps that's partially why many don't make it. Certainly be an incentive for lots of overtime and out of town travel for sure.

03-23-2011, 02:26 PM
Thanks, guys. I'm really lucky to have found someone who can put up with me. I really tested her for a long time and couldn't run her off, so she's definitely a keeper.:cheer2:


03-23-2011, 08:16 PM
Congrats Wynn. When you find a keeper you need to take care of her. I found mine 21 years ago and we've been married for 20. I haven't bought myself a gun in years. I just mention I saw one I liked and it has a way of showing up at the right time. Now that's a keeper.

03-23-2011, 08:30 PM
That's pretty good. Mine lets me buy what I want for those special occasions... birthday, Christmas, anniversary, sales, gun shows, and any other good reasons. I try not to abuse her good graces, but I'm a bit selfish and I'm not getting any younger... 65 in June.

I use the last one a lot, but I've only gone berserk on guns since joining this forum. It can be a bad influence. I joined after ordering my P380 with N/S and before I knew what was happening I went to a gun show, hoping to just see a PM45. Didn't see one of those, but I saw a used PM9, DLC with N/S and all the stuff that comes with it... like new. After all of the praise on this forum about that most popular Kahr, I just had to snap that up. My wife had told me I could get a gun for Christmas the month before, so she was okay with that. A month later I ordered a PM45... the following June's birthday gift for myself. A month later, the P380 finally came in... 11 months after I ordered and paid for it... a birthday gift for myself the year before last! She's very understanding. <sigh> I'm just so lucky to have met her and let her catch me.


03-23-2011, 08:43 PM
Congrats on the big 2-5, wyn!! I hope you'll be able to celebrate at least 25 more happy years together!! Did you happen to bring any of those yummy cheddar biscuits back to the forum with you?

03-23-2011, 08:55 PM
Thanks, Mikey. No, I didn't even take any home. We had really good Caesar salads and had to save some room for the giant crawfish. We had baked potatoes, too, and a soup bowl of garlic butter each. I was dunking my bites of tater in the butter sauce, too.
They had given us the usual 1 1/2 ounce little "bowl" and we asked for more, so they brought us each a soup bowl-sized container each! It easily held about a half pound of butter... or so! We brought one of them home with us for the claws we saved. We had Them put the bowl of butter sauce into two paper containers so we wouldn't waste it.
It was a memorable meal and one we won't have again for a while.


03-23-2011, 09:23 PM
Sounds like a great time all around, and with the love of your life. Just make sure not to have your cholesterol levels checked any time soon!!

03-23-2011, 09:58 PM
Hmmm... maybe I ought to take an extra Lipitor... or two! I already take 1 1/2 40 mg Tabs a night.


03-23-2011, 10:33 PM
Congratulations on your 25th.

03-23-2011, 10:47 PM
Spooning??? I always called it forking. Yuk, yuk, yuk. Sometimes I just crack myself up.

03-24-2011, 12:00 AM
Thanks, kramm. And Bill, spooning is kind of a full-contact hug... that might lead to the other thing, but not necessarily.


03-24-2011, 07:42 AM
Congratulations on the big 25! We are coming up on 20 this year. Funny how younger folks often look at us like rare birds for having been married that long, and only once! ;)

I do have quite a few friends who are long timers as well, so it cannot be that peculiar. :D

03-24-2011, 08:36 AM
Congratulations on your 25th.

congrats indeed. Not to brag, but I have been married 44 years, course I had to go through two women to get there though, but marriage is marriage,,,, isn't it????:001_huh:

My last one though is surely a keeper 27 years, loves to ride Harley's with the ol man, never complains when she see's loaded guns on the mantel or vanity and one hell of a cookl. Indeed LIFE IS GOOD!!

Just One Shot
03-24-2011, 09:27 AM
Congrats! Here's to 25 more.:cheer2:

03-24-2011, 10:01 AM
Congratulations Wynn. Ain't life wonderful?

03-24-2011, 11:24 AM
Yes, it's wonderful having someone to share life with. Thanks, guys.

It took both of us the second try to get it right. I'm sure there's more than just one Mr. or Mrs. "Right" out there for everyone, but it's rare to run into one... especially first "try".
I've certainly had more than my share of good fortune and my wife is at the top of the list and I couldn't be happier about that.

Now if I could just win the lottery so she wouldn't have to work and I could concentrate on accumulating "toys".


03-24-2011, 12:40 PM
Congratulations Bud. You all are making me feel really old....I just hit my 36th anniversery year this past January.

03-24-2011, 12:43 PM
Thanks. I had almost 12 years with the first try and 2 1/2 years between. Practice makes perfect... sometimes.


03-24-2011, 12:50 PM
Congratulations Bud. You all are making me feel really old....I just hit my 36th anniversery year this past January.

I'd be right there with ya DKD but I was engaged for 13 years. (to present and only wife) Guess I wanted to make sure I was making a good choice which I of course did. And for all you sinners wondering, NO, we did not live together 1 single day prior to the official nuptials.
I did have a mother in law from hell which was a huge factor that I care not to discuss.

Might say I did'nt want to buy the cow when the milk was free, Lord I apologize to Ms Melissa and TD2K and GunstoreGirl and all the starving pigmies.

The down fall to that long engagement is kids. I'll be nearly retired with kids still living at home. Actually not a total bad thing in my case as I need em once in awhile when I bribe em to change light bulbs, clean gutters, and help extricate me when I get stuck in rough terrain.

Play the cards your dealt I guess.

03-24-2011, 08:50 PM
Thanks. I had almost 12 years with the first try and 2 1/2 years between. Practice makes perfect... sometimes.


Great. Natural Selections is going into my comics.com subscription list. Current, and last, wife are one year behind you at 24. Took me three before. Her none. I sometimes picture her standing with one hand on a hip watching my previous fiascoes with the cartoon text balloon..."are you done yet?"

03-24-2011, 09:29 PM
My first wife and I are the best of friends. We like the same books... Sci-Fi and military/techno thrillers, so I send her or carry my books up to her to read. She's part of our family and we all get along. When my wife and I go up to visit the kids (daughter 36 and son 38), we include her in everything. She does hit me when I say something about being there (in the bar or restaurant) with my wives.:D

It took my wife a while to realize that we didn't have to be enemies because we couldn't get along together married and got divorced, so the two of them are good friends as well.

As for the Comics... "Get Fuzzy" and "Pearls Before Swine" are two of my favorites, and "Dilbert" is just terrific. I dropped the newspaper but keep up with all of my favorite comics... around 30 to 40 or more.

There used to be enough coupons in the Sunday paper to more than cover the cost of the newspaper for a year... $220 or $230, but now there are mostly ads and really crummy coupons, so I save more by dropping the paper. I get the coupons from my neighbor and they are pitiful... don't miss the paper.

Dang! Time flies when you're having fun. I need to clean up and get ready for wifey's return from work. I'm repairing and renovating and need to clear up the bathroom so she can use it.



Oh! The lobster claws were good for supper tonight. I have my wife's ready for her when she gets home.

03-24-2011, 09:41 PM
wow wynn that is very strange though, most wives and ex's don't get along, damn near most. I guess if you wanna call yourself lucky, that is OK. I couldn't imagine my x coming into my home today and having coffee with my wife. Just ain't gonna happen. i WOULD HAVE TO HAVE HER FRISKED FROM HEAD TO TOE, AND then run through a metal detector for hidden explosives. and then hand cuff her to the table chair away fromn any spoons, or forks or knves and I would still have a gun pointed at her the entire time she was there. Once we got past that sh-t, we probalby could enjoy each other.

03-24-2011, 10:34 PM
We've always had a civil and friendly relationship which is great when you have kids. A lot of people are surprised. We just didn't get a long together. She wanted to rule the roost and stay at home. Guns were okay, because she loved to shoot, but she didn't like my other hobbies... like ham radio and computers.

Friends are better than enemies.


03-24-2011, 11:06 PM
As we're sharing war stories, I'll confess to be coming up on 42 years with my wife. The worst day I ever had with her was wonderful.

03-25-2011, 06:49 AM
Come April 14th,me and "She who must be obeyed" will celebrate our 27th.I love her so much that sometimes I could hit her in the head with an ax.

03-25-2011, 10:23 AM
Bill, that's great. I wish that I had met my wife first and that we could have been married all of this time, but she still had high school to start and finish when I got hitched the first time. She's 10 years younger and part of my old-age support system... ya know, changing my Depends and wheeling me around. :D

And Dietrich! Would that be a "love tap"?? Or is it hard to get her attention??


03-26-2011, 09:31 AM
Come April 14th,me and "She who must be obeyed" will celebrate our 27th.I love her so much that sometimes I could hit her in the head with an ax.

Put mine in August, and knock 17 year off of that, and that's my thoughts. I have a better cutter than an axe, but I can use one of them too.
Bawanna, as for the mother in law, well lets just say I can sympathize, though she is starting to get better. I appreciate my late father in law more and more even though he was an old cuss, kept the leash from running out with the other one. I'll finish with there's a reason I moved back home and 1200+ miles away from her.

03-26-2011, 10:11 AM
Congrats on the 25 year anniversary.

MW surveyor
03-26-2011, 12:36 PM
Ok, SHMBO and I will hit 40 years this June. Congrats to all you long (and short) timers out there.

Joke -

Wife gets up early in the morning to find her husband of 20 years downstairs at the kitchen table sobbing.

What's the matter she says.

He replies - Remember when your father, the sheriff caught us making love. Stuck that shot gun in my face and said, Marriage or jail?

She replies - Yes, but what's that got to do with your crying?

Wait for it

I would have been out today!

Apologies to anyone that may be offended.:behindsofa:

03-26-2011, 12:44 PM
Tsk. Tsk. :D

Thanks, guys.

I'm out the door shortly for the gun show. Grabbed the emergency stash... not for guns! :D

Just in case.!


03-26-2011, 01:10 PM
Congratulations, Dietrich, and you too (early) MW Surveyor!

03-27-2011, 03:13 PM
Well, for the last three times, this gun show has really sucked and now the Shriners started charging $3 for parking and the previous show, the Gun Show raised the ticket price one dollar to prevent the parking fee... which happended anyhow and now it's $8 + $3= $11 to get in and I didn't see anything to buy. I did buy a bluing pen for $7.

The only thing I considered at all was a Taurus .22 magnum SS 9-shot snubbie... and that because of the possibility of getting CCI 22 Magnum Short Barrel version, which is supposed to work fine in the snubbies. It was as NIB for $400 and I thought about it, but decided against that. My wife doesn't want another gun... and it would be to replace the 4" H&R 9-shot .22 LR that we have at the head of her side of the bed. I have my S&W 645 cannon on my side... and the 12 ga. Charles Daly Tactical Semi-Auto against the wall a few feet away from my side, along with a bandolier of Remington 00 buck shot.

I really looked for deals but there weren't any that I was interested in. I could do a lot better on the Internet, though I was hoping to find a good deal on something with a private dealer... off the books... one of those "loophole" sales.:D
