View Full Version : holster ?

03-23-2011, 04:59 PM
currently I carry cw40 am looking at the cw45 will the cw45 fit into the cw40 holsters or is the frame larger ?

mr surveyor
03-23-2011, 05:36 PM
even though the barrel lengths are 3.60 for CW40 and 3.64 for CW45, the slide width could be a factor for form fitted kydex. CW40 is .94 width and CW45 is 1.01 width. If it is leather, and not boned/super tight retention, you may get away with the extra width. I use a Don Hume 715 IWB holster that was originally made for the 1 inch width of a compact (4") 1911 for carry of my CW9, which has slide width of 0.90....but inside waist band/belt adds the necessary retention. So, consider the holster style/type and go from there.
