View Full Version : A tale of two states

03-24-2011, 12:46 PM
Consider how different the culture is between “shall issue” and “may issue” states even now:

In Florida, the state that pioneered CCW laws in 1987 when they decided they could "trust" the average person who elected them to office in the first place, they are on the verge of going open carry. The NRA-backed HB 517 just passed the House Criminal Justice Subcommittee and its companion bill in the Senate (SB 234) is moving along nicely as well. The bills are expected to pass the remaining hurdles and become law probably within the next 45 days.

http://www.examiner.com/gun-rights-in-ft-myers/open-carry-bills-advance-fl-legislature (http://www.examiner.com/gun-rights-in-ft-myers/open-carry-bills-advance-fl-legislature)

Contrast that with California. A “shall issue” concealed carry bill has been proposed there too. But only for politicians, not for the peasants. They're obviously better than you & me and their lives are obviously more important to protect:

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/mar/15/guns-for-us-not-for-you/ (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/mar/15/guns-for-us-not-for-you/)

Big difference in how the unwashed masses are perceived by the ruling class in each of the respective states.

03-26-2011, 09:07 AM
I've been keeping up with these and a few other stories lately. I cannot fathom the pols in Kommifornia, first time I saw that I asked why are they special. Boggles my little mind.

03-26-2011, 09:54 PM

Don't forget the "climate" in IL and WI, where the politicians have managed to keep the subjects convinced for nearly 140 YEARS (at least in Wisconsin) that Concealed Carry is evil and not necessary, as the Police will protect them.

How the subjects in Wisconsin can field an ARMY of 400,000+ Deer Hunters every year and still swallow that story is a concept I just can't wrap my mind around.

Talk about two states that NEED "Climate Change"!


03-27-2011, 10:01 PM
We had a shall issue bill filed here in MA for the last couple years, but never makes it out to the vote before end of the year.

03-29-2011, 08:51 PM
Open carry in Florida will be cool. I won't do it, but I'll sure be watching for it.

By the way, Florida did not pioneer the shall issue permit. It was Washington state. When I got my first permit (in Wa) it was shall issue and that was in 1974.


03-30-2011, 08:59 PM
Open carry in Florida will be cool. I won't do it, but I'll sure be watching for it.

By the way, Florida did not pioneer the shall issue permit. It was Washington state. When I got my first permit (in Wa) it was shall issue and that was in 1974.


....and mine, state, was in NH about the same time. But Florida gets the credit for making a national big deal about it and bringing on the revolution.