View Full Version : Auto Reloaders

03-25-2011, 12:49 PM
Last night I started to shut down my PC and go to bed, but made a quick pass at a reloading site that had a link to something called Automatic Reloader. I thought it must be a special setup for auto ammo which didn't make sense so I clicked it.

Holy Molly, Batman! Did you know they make motors to drive presses? By chance the first thing I saw was a full progressive loading rifle casings just going ka-ching, ka-ching like a sewing machine with no hands. Casings were fed, bullets fed, powder dropped, primers pressed. That was impressive. Then the associated links took me to the Camdex 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7t7jelgHd4&NR=1) auto prep units that punch, size, bell and other stuff like magic.

I was so taken by all that I saw, I surfed until way passed my bedtime. There is a Dawson Precision Reloading Room (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oMnQsJZr58&feature=related) site that showed 2 guys manning 4 machines, just standing there watching. Then a link to a tumbler that could hold many thousands of casings, but is used to finish metal components. Also saw some regular vibrators using liquid media. Didn't know that was okay.

It's fun to stumble into a rabbit hole once in a while. Of course that means a nap today is mandatory.

MW surveyor
03-25-2011, 06:05 PM
+1 on the nap.

I have though about getting some kind of motor or ram to operate my press. Then I think again.

03-25-2011, 06:26 PM
Aww yes, machinery. The modern way to screw things up faster with less effort.

Oddly, most of my grip efforts that have become firewood were when I fired up the bench sander and other motorized tools in an effort to make things go faster.

Would definitely be nice to plug in, throw the switch, go to bed and wake up with a 2 or 3 5 gallon buckets of fuel for your favorite gun.

03-30-2011, 01:26 PM
They are amazing to watch. I've stood in front of a machine that was spitting out .38 specials in a blur, something like 6000 rounds an hour. They do have to be set up right, or Bwanna would be right: a real mess and destroyed components, really fast too!

I've never seen a real loading machine, the sort that amories would employ. Would love to tour one though.


03-30-2011, 01:39 PM
My mechanical mind looks for ways to mechanize things, but truth be told I enjoy the single pull at a time process. I enjoy the case prep process as much or more than the actual loading. Problem is I ran out of brass to clean. Maybe I should trade some ready to load brass for really dirty stuff. Almost has to be local though as it's $15 to ship the large flat rate box which fits 2K rounds of 9mm.

03-30-2011, 02:31 PM
On that cleaning note I changed out my media with the crushed walnut shells, couldn't find the lizard bedding but got bird cage stuff (didn't harm my lizard tilos.) that they claim is the same stuff. Couldn't find nu finish so I substitued Turtle Wax Ice. Ran a couple batchs thru it already and it works really nice. Much better than the old stuff that was I think just OLD. Lost it's effectiveness. It cleaned well enough but didn't make it pretty.

I do like shiney brass, I think it comes from hanging around Old Lincoln. Good influence???

03-30-2011, 03:52 PM
You Betcha! :)

03-30-2011, 04:49 PM
I`ll have to cast my vote as a no to auto reloaders.I reload as a hobby,for fun and relaxation.To put a machine on my reloader would kind of be like putting a small winch on my fishing rod to reel the fish in for me.Naw,I think I`ll pass.Like to see one in person though.

04-07-2011, 08:41 PM
I haven't even started reloading yet,(still in the research mode, checking out equip and such), and that automation thing just sounds,...wrong! I can see soo many things going south, especially if you were so confident, you left it to go have lunch or something, that's when the gremlins come out,..don't ya know !
I think it would be kinda like when they developed the "Yugo",....it sounded like a good idea ! ;)