View Full Version : Our Government Needs Change!
11-26-2009, 01:42 AM
Alert: I got a call this week from the NRA advising that Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State for Obama, is working with the UN to establish an agreement that all UN countries would require citizens to give up their firearms. I have not verified this, but I tend to feel the NRA is not spoofing me. Such A-holes in our government!!!! :53:
11-26-2009, 01:51 PM
Cappy,this may very well be the direction that the current administration is going to try.I think the socialists in power know that they can`t disarm the American people through the house and senate by conventional means,so they`re going to try other avenues.This is just the beginning,just as 9-11 was just the beginning with another group who wants to enslave us.I view both groups with an equal amount of fear and loathing.Get on the phone to your elected officials and when the opportunity arises,get to the polls.Our voices and our votes are the most effective tools we have.
The mainstream media will ridicule us in an effort to downplay us as a force, but that`s what they tend to do when they`re scared of something or someone.Ms.Palin,are you listening?
Spank the Monkey
11-26-2009, 02:31 PM
Well gee whiz. Doesn't sound too far fetched for our current administration.
Soooo.... the UN and the pony they rode in on too!
It's a shame that this kind of rote government tripe comes around with all the hope and change we're already benefiting from. I'm sure HRC is a benevolent public servant looking out for our welfare. :puke:
BTW Happy T Day! :yo:
11-26-2009, 04:25 PM
Vote them cronies outta office... disarming legal citizens while criminals & crooks continue to "well equipped".
Pro-gun-ban = pro-rape. I can't wait to see the day this country sends UN outta here and let them move to Iran.
Serious concern..........does anybody else doubt that SOMEONE controls the vote counts, or is my paranoia just overextended?
Longitude Zero
11-27-2009, 08:39 AM
Vote the bums outta office. Refuse to submit.
11-27-2009, 03:49 PM
Dietrich is right, we need to voice our distaste in Clinton's efforts. I am rather active with biker and gun rights. I spend lots of time at our State Capital meeting with State Representatives voicing my opinion and representing the organizations I serve. I am there enough they have set me up with an I.D. Badge for getting through Security, and am on a first name basis with many of the Reps. It takes time, but it is nice when the State Reps remember your name and know when I am there I am representing a couple hundred members. We all need to make the time and get involved. Shoot, I hate politics and still do it!!
11-28-2009, 10:19 AM
Here is the link to the whole discussion at the NRA. Read it over and please get involved, by joining a group like the NRA that fights for our rights in DC (if you have not). :typing:
NRA-ILA :: The UN And International Treaties (
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11-28-2009, 03:03 PM
Serious concern..........does anybody else doubt that SOMEONE controls the vote counts, or is my paranoia just overextended?
In what way? By falsifying the count? By restricing access to the polls? By purging voter records?
Maybe its just the issue that the FEC makes it nearly impossible for a 3rd party to actually get on the ballot in all states, and if they do they cannot qualify for FEC funds.
The system is rigged to protect the two parties, and they both have proven that their only pupose is to perpetuate their existence. The good of the people be damned.
11-28-2009, 03:26 PM
Bravo Raoul,Bravo!! In the words of Franc White,the Southern Sportsman,"Don`t re-elect anybody,not even your Mama".
11-28-2009, 11:43 PM
In what way? By falsifying the count? By restricing access to the polls? By purging voter records?
Maybe its just the issue that the FEC makes it nearly impossible for a 3rd party to actually get on the ballot in all states, and if they do they cannot qualify for FEC funds.
The system is rigged to protect the two parties, and they both have proven that their only pupose is to perpetuate their existence. The good of the people be damned.
Raoul is so right, but we need to fight the system we have. The only way I know to fight all these corrupt attorneys we have in the Senate and House is to make them think they are losing votes. They want to be popular to get votes for that well paid job to do nothing with great benefits and retirement. For those of us that work, when you watch our government in action you want lose your cookies. It is sick what we pay in Taxes, and they don't give a chit (except for popularity). The reason I got active is because of how sick I got watching our government do their job. Few are there to represent us, they are there to pad pockets!! If you get active you will find the special ones that still care about serving the people.
11-29-2009, 08:10 AM
Please everyone....don't re-elect anyone.
Vote the corrupt bums out of their castle and give us their health care program and retirement program!
11-29-2009, 07:25 PM
Get the United States out of the U.N and get the U.N. out of the United States! Some of the countries within the United Nations are the most corrupt dictatorships on earth!
The Bush administration with John Bolten as our U.N. Ambassador told the U.N. that the United States would not agree to their gun-ban schemes.
With the current administration and the libs running everything, now is a prime time for the U.N. to try their scheme again.
Get the United States out of the U.N and get the U.N. out of the United States! Some of the countries within the United Nations are the most corrupt dictatorships on earth!
The Bush administration with John Bolten as our U.N. Ambassador told the U.N. that the United States would not agree to their gun-ban schemes.
With the current administration and the libs running everything, now is a prime time for the U.N. to try their scheme again.
Obama has already gone on record changing the Bush policies regarding the UN and gun control. At this point, it is not unreasonable to imagine a UN soldier knocking on your door to disarm your household.
The current politicians need to be replaced across the board.
12-08-2009, 06:25 PM
At this point, it is not unreasonable to imagine a UN soldier knocking on your door to disarm your household.
I really hate blue hats.
The current politicians need to be replaced across the board.
And every election thereafter.
12-08-2009, 06:42 PM
Vote in 2010 for real change, lets clean out every *&^%$ in office and start over!
12-08-2009, 09:18 PM
Personally, I think this is ridiculous and while I support the NRA and I'm an active member, sometimes we, the people, need to make some decisions for ourselves and read between the lines. First, the article never mentions Hillary Rodham Clinton. Secondly, there is nothing really happening, just some what. The article also states the following:
The current issue under discussion, the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), is in the early stages of the negotiation process. There is no actual draft text at this time. Work on the ATT is scheduled to continue by a consensus process between now and 2012. It should be noted that any treaty must be approved by two thirds of the U.S. Senate for ratification.
This actually says nothing and since when is the NRA "engaged" at the United Nations, as they so clearly state in the article.
So, to that end, I would not be surprised if there are discussions about Arms at the UN, but let's be real...the Senate is not going to approve a treaty of the ATT and even if they did, with whom would the treaty be in place with, what countries?
Most of us believe the UN is not worth it's weight in what makes anyone think that any country is going to sign on to this supposed treaty just because there is some talk?
the technology certainly exists to falsify the count.
01-28-2010, 08:29 PM
Our government needs to change??? Uh, that's what our glorious (in his eyes) "great leader" is trying to do with all of his Mao spouting buddies... or cohorts. You won't see their "slips(?)" anywhere but on Fox News... and on Glenn Beck's show. How do you all feel about his closest counsels saying they are inspired by Mao and other misunderstood mass-murdering despots... talking about government from the barrel of a gun... or using the persuasion of force, if the force of persuasion doesn't work :eek: -- certainly not reported by his ever-supportive "mainstream media".:mad:
01-29-2010, 01:33 PM
1. End the Fed
2. Legalize the Constitution
3. Restore the Republic
Most of the types of folks who are visiting this forum understand things are bad, but I don't believe that even most of us realize how bad it is. I've worked in government and in the media and I've seen first hand how corrupt those they are. I personally believe things are going to get much worse (including our economic condition). They key is getting the info out.
I'm curious if any of you have any favorite political videos, speeches or quotes you'd like to share; here a some of my favorite vids:
"Government Immorality Will Lead to Bankruptcy"
YouTube - US Government Immorality Will Lead to Bankruptcy (
"Peter Schiff Was Right" (Predicted the crash years in advance)
YouTube - Peter Schiff was right (new) - 2002 to 2009 with exact dates. (
Glenn Beck just did a great piece following the SOTU address. You may not like him, but this is really well put together:
Part 1:
YouTube - Beck 1-28-10 SOTU-1 (
Part 2:
YouTube - Beck 1-28-10 SOTU-2 (
Part 3:
YouTube - Beck 1-28-10 SOTU-3 (
Part 4:
YouTube - Beck 1-28-10 SOTU-4 (
01-29-2010, 01:54 PM
Here's an article that lays the blame for our present financial debacle right at the root of the problem...AND ACCURATELY predicts what has come to pass... in the New York Times... during Clinton's reign... unbelievably prescient article... published September 30,1999!!!
I accidentally ran across this when I was trying to watch a recorded episode of John Stossel's Show "Stossel" on Fox Business Channel. What I got was an episode of the Dave Ramsey Show and this was one of the first things he brought up. Check this out! See how this mess really started:
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - (
01-29-2010, 02:17 PM
Here's an article that lays the blame for our present financial debacle right at the root of the problem...AND ACCURATELY predicts what has come to pass... in the New York Times... during Clinton's reign... unbelievably prescient article... September 30,1999!!!
I accidentally ran across this when I was trying to watch a recorded episode of John Stossel's Show "Stossel" on Fox Business Channel. What I got was an episode of the Dave Ramsey Show and this was one of the first things he brought up. Check this out! See how this mess really started:
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - (
I'm a fan of Ramsey and Stossel as well; they're good guys who "get it."
It's a good article and I agree that Fannie is a culprit. I would add that Fannie wouldn't even HAVE the money to lend out if it weren't for the Fed creating that money (out of thin air / "printing" it) and lending it to Fannie. IMO, Fannie is a culprit, but the fed is the culprit.
The fed chooses who to lend printed money to (instead of letting individuals in the market make those decisions), which leads to malinvestment and bubbles in certain sectors of the economy. If they loan disproportionately to the housing sector, you'll likely see a housing boom and bust cycle at some point; just as in any other sector that they lend to disproportionately. The cycle is always the same; prices gradually increase (such as radical and unrealistic increases in home value), quality typically decreases after a certain point, and then the system becomes unmanageable and a "bust" occurs as all the phony wealth evaporates. Health care, housing and education are some of the most obvious examples.
Goods and services are best provided in a free marketplace (as free as possible). Imagine if the government had determined to develop and distribute cell phones to the general population back in the 80's! The free market has provided phones with ever improving technology, lowering costs drastically (even in spite of inflation) and providing exponentially improved availability and service.
Look at health care; in areas where government and insurance are (for the most part) completely uninvolved, such as refractive eye surgery (lasik) and cosmetic surgery, quality has improved drastically and prices have fallen in spite of inflation. In the sectors of health care where government is involved, and where they spend fifty cents of every health care dollar, prices are rising drastically while quality and availability decrease.
01-29-2010, 02:49 PM
Yep. The government doesn't have to worry about profits, but like Margaret Thatcher said "The trouble with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money". Unfortunately, Obama and his cronies want to destroy capitalism that has allowed our country to prosper by creating wealth and jobs for the people who make consumer goods. Then what! It's a perfect example of killing the "golden goose" to get all of the golden eggs now. When they've destroyed capitalism and gotten rid of the evil rich, where will jobs and consumer goods come without entrepreneurs and venture capital?? The government doesn't produce anything except more government, which is the big reason that the writers of the U.S. Constitution wrote the document to LIMIT the power of government and keep it from becoming what it has -- all consuming and growing exponentially until all resources are consumed and the state controls everything and decides who's making enough contributions to the collective and who is worthy of any of the collective's resources like housing, food, etc. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, North Korea's Great Leaders, and lesser other despots all got to power the way our our Great Teleprompter Reader and his Marxist cronies are striving... with the help of "useful idiots.":(
This won't happen overnight, but Obama is trying to seize control of every aspect of our life and wants to rewrite the inconvenient U.S. Constitution and insure they get complete control of our country. He just announced the cut of funding to NASA and much of the space program. You can bet Russia and China won't stop their progress towards space. They won't be so benevolent as we were when they hold the real "high" ground. Do you doubt that they would claim the Moon and other prizes for themselves, not all mankind as we did?
Wow! I can sure get diarrhea of the mouth or keyboard!:typing::blah:
I'll get off the soapbox for a while.:o
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