View Full Version : Question for Jocko

03-27-2011, 11:57 PM
Hi Jocko. As you were putting the 30,000 rounds through your PM9, what kind of maintenance regimen did you follow? Mostly, I'm asking about parts replacement like the recoil spring. Is there a recommended replacement schedule for such parts? I've not seen such a schedule.


03-28-2011, 11:51 AM
Hi Jocko. As you were putting the 30,000 rounds through your PM9, what kind of maintenance regimen did you follow? Mostly, I'm asking about parts replacement like the recoil spring. Is there a recommended replacement schedule for such parts? I've not seen such a schedule.


replaced recoil springs only, I did put in the 5# striker spring from the git go but never touched it since, Never had the extractor area ever apart. I am a believer if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I realy have no set round count for my recoil spirngs. When I get a wild hair, I replace,l but IMO the spring should go easily 2000+ rounds and if u are using the 20.5# recoil springs in the old style pM9 and pM40 slides, for sure 2000 rounds will suffice. Then just replace the outter and leave the inner alone. Magazine springs require less replacement but again for me it is that wild hair thing that gets them changed to. Springs are not expensive and if your start having issues, normaly it is related to springs.. Being the PM9 i9s mky 24/7 carry peace, If I go to the ranjgje, then I come hone and clean an lube it. My G19 is my home and range gun, so it doesn't get that tlc, either. I have had two cfracked magtazine followers that I never even knew they were cracked until I took my magazine apart to clean it one day and out fell a peace.

03-28-2011, 12:26 PM
I have the newer style PM9 Jocko, with the beveled snout. Is Kahr good about putting in the right springs at the factory or is this something I need to check?


03-28-2011, 12:35 PM
nawur ok, just count the outter coils, If u have 15 coils instead of 13, ur good to go. Hell just shoot it like you stole it..

03-28-2011, 12:37 PM
Thanks buddy.