View Full Version : How are you carrying on your motorcycle?

03-28-2011, 03:34 PM
Hey fellow riders how are you carrying securely when you ride? With all the getting off and on the bike, leaning, and getting bumped around on the road I thought some would like to share how they securely carry on two wheels (or one wheel).

There are so many holster styles out there I'm just curious.

03-28-2011, 05:28 PM
front right jacket pocket with the zipper slightly closed.

03-28-2011, 06:05 PM
Usually in the saddlebag when I'm riding I have these grips on my revolver that let you mexican carry easy, it has a clip on the grips that hooks on your belt so it doesn't go sliding down your pants. So when we stop for lunch, I just slide the pistol down the front of my pants. I have a Charter Arms .44 special snubbie, that I bought years ago for a riding partner. A speed loader usually goes into one of my pants pockets.
Sometimes, in jacket weather, I use my shoulder rig. That's what I'd use if I were going to carry my Kahr. I't disappears under just a leather vest almost as well.
If I had a smaller gun, say a PM9, a jacket pocket would work great as bonjorno suggested.
I haven't found any kind of waist band carry that won't reveal the gun at somepoint during the ride, except appendix carry, and that's just too uncomfortable.
I've felt pretty good with my gun being easy to get too in my saddle bag. My original purpose for carrying, was if was riding alone, and broke down, and a couple of guys decided they'd pop me one and throw the bike in the back of a pickup or something then I could put up a little argument. So if I am broke down or stopped for something, the gun is immediately transferred from the saddlebag onto my person, even gas stops. I've got to where I can do it very discreetly, even if someone is watching they don't know what I'm doing.

03-28-2011, 06:10 PM
My PM45 will fit in -

My front jeans pocket, where I carried it all day Sunday, riding about oh...about 160 miles or so. I had no inclination that it was going to fall out. The very end of the magazine was visible, but my t-shirt easily covered it.

Also fits in either side of my vest, in an inside pocket. However, I need to add two snaps on each inside pocket before I feel its not going anywhere unexpectedly.

I got the Kahr, specifically, to carry when I ride. Its light, small, and stainless. And its a .45, so that pretty much does it.

The PM9 would be easier for some folks to put in the pocket. I tried both in my front pocket, the PM45 fit... so I went with it.

03-28-2011, 06:42 PM
My money's on the fact that jocko carries his PM9 in a DeSantis Nemesis in his front pocket when he rides. Left front to be exact. Easiest money I would ever make. :typing: I'm bored, what can I say?

03-28-2011, 07:47 PM
My old lady packs the heat when I go "Up on Two".

03-28-2011, 07:52 PM
My money's on the fact that jocko carries his PM9 in a DeSantis Nemesis in his front pocket when he rides. Left front to be exact. Easiest money I would ever make. :typing: I'm bored, what can I say?

left front pocket, when I got into a bad motorcycle wreck last sept. I was laying on the pavment when the para medics came, semi counscious and I knew i had a PM9 in my front pocket. When the police arrived I could see the chief who was my friend also and I motioned him over and whispered in his ear, that I had a 9mm in my front pocket. He said give it to me and I will see that ur wife gets it. The trade was very fast and I don't think anyone even noticed. I am sure had they taken me to the hospital and found a gun on me all bells and whistles would have went off. I was legal to carry but still people panic when they find a gun on a person in an accident. My wife later told me the chief came up to her and gave her the gun with the magazine out, slide locked back and handed her the extra round. all nice and tidy and never was a word ever said to me after that either..:33:

Four years prior to this wreclk I was in Hunstsville, alabama with a group of local bikers of which one was my doctor and personal friend. We were on the trail of tears ride and during this ride my doctor friend went down with his girlfriend on the back. not sure what happened other than I could hear metal sliding down the pavement and his bike side past me and no one was one it. There was probably 30,000 bikes on this 200 mile ride, so they had to get a helocopter from Huntsville hosptail to fly out. Cops were at the scene and I knew he had a G19 on his person. While laying on the highway I sneeked up to him and took the G19 out of his pocket and this cop seen me and told me best to put it in the doctors bike saddlebags and lock it up and it would be safe as they would take the bike to the police station until all this accident s-it got straightened out. He was a nice cop and he had a permit to carry also and never really contested any of this even. Anyway my doctor friend died at the huntsville hosptial 5 weeks later, he never woke up from the wreck. He was 51 at the time. He saved my life earlier on as he found my prostrate cancer early enough to save my life. Kinda ironic how life can change so fast

03-28-2011, 09:43 PM
Sorry to hear about your friend the doc not making it, Jocko

03-28-2011, 10:39 PM
jocko, as CJB said, I'm sorry to hear about the circumstances of your doctor friend passing, but I thank you for sharing the story and memory of him and what he did for you.

03-29-2011, 06:22 AM
thanks. Life is short and for some even shorter, so live every day like you stole it.

I wish I could have just sad at the end that this was a pretend story..

03-29-2011, 09:22 AM
Thats the truth about living like ya stole it. Ya just never know. At the risk of rehashing this horribly sad memory I find myself wondering how the girlfriend made out. Did she come out ok?

For what it's worth I'm glad your doc saved ya, wouldn't be the same around here without ya. Kind of like a saddle without a bur in a totally nice sort of way.

03-29-2011, 11:17 AM
oh my another sad story. she lived with my doctor friend for 5 years, and when he died, his kids immediately told her she had one week to get the hell off the property. She had nothing, a nice gal to, but had no where to go. so my wife said let her come stay with us until she gets settled.. That we did and 7 months later she was still here with us. She was very dispondent on the him dying and we worked with her all this time and finally found her a a nice job and a place to live about 5 minutes from our place. So yes it did work out OK and just this last year she married a super nice guy who is a construction worker. To this day they are very happy and all is well, they now live about 100 miles from us. She received only a broken leg in the accident..

We just could not let her hit the streets so to say b ack then and my wife and her were friends being we all road together etc., I stillhave his photo of doc and I above my desk. He was a real survivalist. He lived on a big hill and had one road up to his home, he had auxilliary heat, and power, He had quite a few class 3 licensed guns. Proably 500 thousands rounds of 8mm ammo. thousands of rounds of 223 (buried) Alarms system everywhere. We did alot of shooting right off his back porch, hell he owned 200 acres around him. Deer everywhere. Beautrful home, but a real bit-h to get to on a motorcycle up to see him as the 500 yard road to his place was damn near straight up and all gravel. One trip up to see him and that was enough for us on the bikes. He would have fit in with this forum real good. Plus he was one hell of a great doctor to. When he bought his new Harley and had it all customized etc, He had over 35 K in it and the very day he brought it home , the next day he was riding early into the hosptail in my home town where he had an office and he hit a deer, tore the sh-t out of his bike. I never went to his funeral. I regret it now but just at the time I was not with the program.....

I'm past it now ....

03-29-2011, 11:50 AM
A recent thread, same subject:



04-07-2011, 11:49 PM
I carry a thumb break. Its the only way I have felt comfortable and secure. I like the fact I can still have easy quick access without fumbling with zippers or buttons. Pocket carry is my back up.

04-08-2011, 12:08 AM
she lived with my doctor friend for 5 years, and when he died, his kids immediately told her she had one week to get the hell off the property

That is the ****. What greed can do.

Gal I know moved in with a guy about a year after his wife died (after long long illness). Her kids, from a previous marriage wanted half her estate. No valid claim in Fl law - surviving spouse gets it all. Anway, they were happy for five years. Then he had "the big one" and died. The first wife's kids, sisters and brother came in for the kill, with a lawyer, kicked my gal friend out on her butt. Literally came in with no warning and a court order and sheriff's deputies about 4 days after his burial (maybe 10 days after he passed on). She lost HER furniture in the deal, her dishes, her cookware, her... basically everything but her clothes, and they even made claim on some of that stuff - leather jackets and chaps and such. That was five years ago, and she's still not right with it, still not able to function because of what they did, stripped her of her possessions and her dignity, almost her humanity.

Very sad what greed can do.

Sorry to hear it all Jocko, hopefully your doc friend's lady is on the mend with life.

04-08-2011, 04:50 AM
moneyh makes peole do strange things..

04-19-2011, 05:22 PM
moneyh makes peole do strange things..

Jocko, I too, offer my condolences on the loss of your friend. Possessions can turn people into very greedy folks, especially when the possessions were never theirs in the first place. My aunt passed many yrs ago, and my uncle remarried within a yr, he just couldn't survive alone.
The new "aunt" seemed to join the family, but some were doubtful from the get go. My uncle was pretty well off, and when he passed, she cut herself from the family, and (legally) got everything he had. Including pic's and other things that pertained to our family, not hers. One of those things was my Dad's old side-by-side 12 gauge my uncle had borrowed when my Dad died . I'll never see that again. Life's too short, gotta let it go.
I am glad you posted about your accident, I have wondered about just that scenario, if I wrecked, and was unconcious, what would happen when the ER folks discovered my pistol.Hopefully I'd get it back, or my son could get it for me. Ya never know,......

04-19-2011, 05:38 PM
I carry a CW45,iwb at 1:30 when riding my road glide. It conceals well and after getting used to,it's a comfortable position when riding,walking or laying down.You're always able to get to it,and nobody see's it....

04-19-2011, 06:32 PM
I have a nice mesh motorcycle jacket and I put the ruger 357 mag. revolver in a fobus paddle holster in the inside right pocket. Dont have to worry about it falling out and dont hardly know it's there. I have not tried to carry the Kahr but will next time I ride. I dont want to put it on the hip, dont want to rick it falling out or showing.

04-19-2011, 07:42 PM
If my PM9 an't in my pocket while riding it is in my leather vest pocket, fits perfectly, does not print what so ever.

I am headed this july to W. VA to the Mountain fest and I see that as an Indiana person with a permit I am not allowed to carry in W.Va, even though we allow W. Va people wity permits to carry in our state. So my PM9 will be in my locked saddlebag with slidelocked open . Beats not having anything but maybe not by much though. I hate that crapola, along with being told I have to wear a bucket to. I guess maybe their still pissed at us Northerners for our past Northern Agression!!!!

04-19-2011, 09:12 PM
Just an update on riding -

I ended up putting some extra snaps on my vest, so the snapped inside pocket would be more secure. I did that on both sides, mostly for symmetry, so the vest wouldn't obviously look altered. I can get the PM45 into the pocket very easily, and also put a few mags in the other for counter balance. I did that right before Leesburg, but ended up not using that arrangement.

Like I said earlier - 289 miles up, 289 miles back, and around 250 miles all around the Leesburg, no issues having it in my front pocket. Walked all over downtown Leesburg, no issues, you forget the pistol is even there.

04-20-2011, 07:08 AM
Thanks for reminding me Jocko. I gotta get a new lid this weekend. I got one of the half helmets that makes me look like a mushroom:eek:

04-20-2011, 07:52 AM
Either in my inside Mesh jacket pocket or inside vest pocket.

04-21-2011, 02:34 PM
I've got a crossbreed minituck, a smartcarry and a galco stow n go. Of the 3 I like the minituck the best for just about everything including riding my Spirit 1100. Of course I have to wear something to cover but I'm from the north country-Thousand Islands NY and can see Canada from my deck (just like Sarah can see Russia from her house-ha ha). The smartcarry comes in when I need deep concealment and the stow n go is yeah, stow n go to the store or whatever

04-21-2011, 03:02 PM
I've got a crossbreed minituck, a smartcarry and a galco stow n go. Of the 3 I like the minituck the best for just about everything including riding my Spirit 1100. Of course I have to wear something to cover but I'm from the north country-Thousand Islands NY and can see Canada from my deck (just like Sarah can see Russia from her house-ha ha). The smartcarry comes in when I need deep concealment and the stow n go is yeah, stow n go to the store or whatever

Well how bout that, another one of lifes mysterys unveiled. That must be where that stuff in a bottle you put on your rabbit food comes from. I had no idea. They ask me about dressing when I'm in restaurants (rarely, I think I embarass my wife) and I always just say Thousand Islands. So put me down as a supporter. I never been to New York though. I read about Alvin York if that means anything.

ok bye

04-25-2011, 10:40 AM
If my PM9 an't in my pocket while riding it is in my leather vest pocket, fits perfectly, does not print what so ever.

I am headed this july to W. VA to the Mountain fest and I see that as an Indiana person with a permit I am not allowed to carry in W.Va, even though we allow W. Va people wity permits to carry in our state. So my PM9 will be in my locked saddlebag with slidelocked open . Beats not having anything but maybe not by much though. I hate that crapola, along with being told I have to wear a bucket to. I guess maybe their still pissed at us Northerners for our past Northern Agression!!!!

This is interesting because as someone from Michigan with a CPL they allow carry in WV. I heard laws for CPL were a little more lax in Indiana so maybe other states don't honor Indiana's laws like they do from other states.