View Full Version : Problems in a public restroom

Zippo Guy
03-28-2011, 09:52 PM
I carry my P380 in my front pocket. When I visited a public restroom recently and dropped my pants, I noticed that they dropped quite quickly with the weight of the gun in the pocket.

My question to those of you that carry in a holster, do you have problems in public restrooms with losing your gun or exposing it to others in stalls around you? What about the women out there, any suggestions if I am carrying in a holster and nautre calls?

03-28-2011, 10:33 PM
No problems here to date. Just have to think about things and keep the belt nice and tight. It would be even easier with a P380. If you fear it will happen again, head to the stall instead. As for what women do, can't speak authoritatively.

03-28-2011, 10:37 PM
My first thought is... if nature is a callin', ya gotta answer. An iffin' that call is on the 10 or 12th ring, I kin see how you needed to get to it real quick like and just plumb fergot about the equalizer in yer britches pocket. Happens.

The more civilized of us keep our breeks no lower than our knees whilst at the public bogs.

03-28-2011, 11:29 PM
Thats why I totally dig the stalls with the coat rack hanger thingy. I'll hang it up there by the trigger guard. Good to go!

03-29-2011, 06:39 AM
kb2wji took my answer.

03-29-2011, 07:01 AM
I try to use standing room only in public, failing at that I head to walled side of things, and remove weapon, then drop trou. I have set it on top of my leg behind a closed door, but the coat hangar works wonderfully as well.

03-29-2011, 07:23 AM
Thats why I totally dig the stalls with the coat rack hanger thingy. I'll hang it up there by the trigger guard. Good to go!

:eek: Ya'll are just asking for an ND. Bump that trigger and "BOOM".

In the women's stalls, there is a metal box for umm...women's things. That box is flat and level, so it makes a great resting place for a weapon.

03-29-2011, 08:31 AM
Maybe the men need a metal box too.

03-29-2011, 08:37 AM
:eek: Ya'll are just asking for an ND. Bump that trigger and "BOOM".

In the women's stalls, there is a metal box for umm...women's things. That box is flat and level, so it makes a great resting place for a weapon.

As some one who works building maint. I can say that the tops are not always level, but it may be better than the coat hangar. I've also seen some of those that hadn't been emptied in some time too. YUCK. Of course if you put the hook BEHIND the trigger, it works much better. The other thing I used to do was use a pair of handcuffs behind the trigger, and lock them down. Then I thought about what would happen if I'm on the can and need my pistol. Let that visual run through your head for a while.

Chief Joseph
03-29-2011, 08:46 AM
If you do take it off, don't forget it, we had a lady detective take hers off in a public restroom, then forgot it. When she remembered and went back it was gone. They put out a public notice, but it's gone.

03-29-2011, 08:55 AM
I've not tried this, but it seems like it would work. Take your pants down while keeping a good hold on your belt, sit down, then buckle your belt right above your knees. That way the holster wouldn't slide off your belt.

03-29-2011, 09:00 AM
Hmmm, that might work. I know Mas has something to say about the topic, but have no idea what it is. Now I have to think about that, thanks guys.

03-29-2011, 09:13 AM
Guess theres an advantage to chair life. It's like having a roll away tool box with you. Since standing with the boys is no longer an option and the derelict stall is the only choice regardless of the occasion I have the whole seat to pile stuff on. Within easy reach, can't forget it cause I have to sit where it's resting so it's all gotta go back on the belt. Another good place to take advantage of the ankle gun also. It doesn't have to move so it's in good position in case the shtf. Silly thought...............

Now if we could keep the underelict slobs out of the derelict stalls or the dude with 13 kids all having to go tinkle at once, life would be good.

I've had a few incidents where I thought people coming out healthy might be handicapped before they reached the exit. It's a rude world out there.

Warm happy thoughts.

03-29-2011, 09:46 AM
I'm always in a stall (duh), but I have to be careful that my pants not go clear down to the floor. I try to hold them just below knee level. I carry an MK9 IWB, it's quite heavy and will make the drawls go down quickly if I don't watch myself.

03-29-2011, 09:51 AM
Have to wonder if this is how trap door long johns got invented?

Thanks for stopping by TD2K, we miss you when you don't visit often.

03-29-2011, 11:26 AM
Guess theres an advantage to chair life. It's like having a roll away tool box with you. Since standing with the boys is no longer an option and the derelict stall is the only choice regardless of the occasion I have the whole seat to pile stuff on. Within easy reach, can't forget it cause I have to sit where it's resting so it's all gotta go back on the belt. Another good place to take advantage of the ankle gun also. It doesn't have to move so it's in good position in case the shtf. Silly thought...............

Now if we could keep the underelict slobs out of the derelict stalls or the dude with 13 kids all having to go tinkle at once, life would be good.

I've had a few incidents where I thought people coming out healthy might be handicapped before they reached the exit. It's a rude world out there.

Warm happy thoughts.

Of course with 13 kids, some might consider him derelict already. He might thank you for jackin' him up. As for the rest of us non-derelicts, what can we say, we like elbow room and the commanding seat height thing.

03-29-2011, 11:34 AM
lol this is funny....

03-29-2011, 11:43 AM
Of course with 13 kids, some might consider him derelict already. He might thank you for jackin' him up. As for the rest of us non-derelicts, what can we say, we like elbow room and the commanding seat height thing.

I hate the commanding seat height thing, don't know what genius thought that up. I feel like Gilda Radner with my feet dangling off the floor. An that's the truth....................

03-29-2011, 11:56 AM
I have no idea who that is, but I get the picture. I kinda like the chair height crappers, and they are for sure better than the ones were the stupid plumbers mounted it too low. I feel like I'm falling getting to some of those. Yup, chair height all the way.

03-29-2011, 12:50 PM
Maybe we need a Tactical Toilets thread. Nah, I think maybe not so much.

03-29-2011, 01:13 PM
I feel like Gilda Radner with my feet dangling off the floor. An that's the truth....................

Or Lilly Tomlin...;)

I have no idea who that is, but..

Damn, now I feel old...:001_tt2:

As mentioned, one way to deal with it (in a stall) is to only pull your britches down as far as your knee, and hang on to the pistol with one hand

Another thing that will/should work for most, is when you drop trou, hook the waist of your drawers over the gun to so it's covered and let it fold it self towards the inside of your pants.

This way it isn't just out in the open and visible under the bottom of the stall.

03-29-2011, 01:20 PM
Hmmm... Tactical Toilets....

Situational awareness is a biggie in the rest room. I never want to be facing a wall with my back unprotected... your head too easily slammed against the wall. I prefer stalls because a have a "bashful bladder" and age and diabetes II and probably swollen prostate mean that I can't always start quickly... or finish quickly. And I NEVER SIT on a public toilet!! In extreme emergencies, I use the helicopter mode and I need a securely locking door! Sorry if that was more information than you wanted. :D

I have taken my IWB holstered pistol and placed it on that plastic or metal, toilet paper housing/ash tray to preclude any gravity associated problems. And I have heard that placing items on the hook on the door can be an invitation to theft while you are indisposed and vulnerable.:D


03-29-2011, 01:25 PM
I remember a story that a cop hung his gun on a hook in the restroom & as he reached for it, it fired until empty. I don't know if that would be possible or not.

03-29-2011, 01:35 PM
Or Lilly Tomlin...;)

Damn, now I feel old...:001_tt2:

As mentioned, one way to deal with it (in a stall) is to only pull your britches down as far as your knee, and hang on to the pistol with one hand

Another thing that will/should work for most, is when you drop trou, hook the waist of your drawers over the gun to so it's covered and let it fold it self towards the inside of your pants.

This way it isn't just out in the open and visible under the bottom of the stall.

Your absolutely right and I was absolutely wrong, it was Lily Tomlin, and thats the truth for sure. I feel old too.

Helicopter mode, I'd forgotten all about that mode of operation. That would be handy sometimes after the 13 kids. Damn kids.

03-29-2011, 02:11 PM
Helicopter mode :confused: Is that a military or a man thing? Maybe I don't want to know. :o

03-29-2011, 02:18 PM
Helicopter mode :confused: Is that a military or a man thing? Maybe I don't want to know. :o

Naw, I think it's more a girl thing. Germs and icky and stuff. Maybe hover mode would be a better descriptor.
I'm convinced thats where children come from. I know all of mine came following trips to pick up or drop of kin at the airport. So maybe it's only airport toilet seats? Each time the missus had to go tinkle and next thing ya know bang, stork on the way.
Since I thought of this possibility I don't allow her to use the airport restroom and tell her we'll stop on the way home. So far it seems to be working. The youngest is 17.

03-29-2011, 02:23 PM
You ever notice the slightest hint of potty talk and we get 200 visits to a thread in one day? Compared to a ammo thread with like 12?

Hmm wonder what goes on within are minds, a varitable gutter of PC incorrectness perhaps. A sewage waste line to reality. A highway of icecream awaiting Jocko and his 2 wheeler?

I'm about to enter the twilight zone. (cue special effects)

03-29-2011, 02:32 PM
Naw, I think it's more a girl thing. Germs and icky and stuff. Maybe hover mode would be a better descriptor.
I'm convinced thats where children come from. I know all of mine came following trips to pick up or drop of kin at the airport. So maybe it's only airport toilet seats? Each time the missus had to go tinkle and next thing ya know bang, stork on the way.
Since I thought of this possibility I don't allow her to use the airport restroom and tell her we'll stop on the way home. So far it seems to be working. The youngest is 17.

Ah, hover mode I understand.

Well, maybe you haven't had kids since your east and west Timor stopped working! :19:

03-29-2011, 02:51 PM
Ah, hover mode I understand.

Well, maybe you haven't had kids since your east and west Timor stopped working! :19:

Dang I hadn't thought of that. Course I studied up on that a bit last night and realized I had confused Timor with Femur. (Leg Bone, for you anatomy drop outs.) I haven't felt my femurs for about 16 years. I can't grasp a connection between my femurs and airport toilet seats but perhaps I'm not seeing the hole picture.

Awwww you wicked wicked monkey! Your one of them that believes in body chemistry and gallavantin around causes this stuff. Boy I almost fell for that one too. I was headed for the pit of evil and enjoyable, I surely was.

I'm happy to announce to no one in particular that my east and west Timor survived my construction mishap without harm. Which reminds me of the little chat they made me have with the shrink in the hospital. It was a hoot. I'll save that for another day.

03-29-2011, 03:05 PM
Perhaps I was confusing east and west timor with the east bank and the west bank. :p

03-29-2011, 03:18 PM
Your absolutely right and I was absolutely wrong, it was Lily Tomlin, and thats the truth for sure. I feel old too.

What likely caused the confusion was the episode Lilly hosted, where her and Gilda were both in the chair...
Gilda did do the teen character oposite Bill often, not to mention Rosanna Rosanna Danna...


As for hover-mode, seems like too much effort...and if you drop your gun while using it, it has further to fall (not to mention the potential for a "splash")):tongue:

03-29-2011, 03:54 PM
In the women's stalls, there is a metal box for umm...women's things.

Thats it... I KNEW someone was gonna have to mention the bird cages....now I'll have flashbacks again for a month.

03-29-2011, 03:56 PM
Try cutting a wiz with button fly jeans and a cut index finger that makes you howl I'f you even so much as breath on it, and an IWB at 4 o clock without undoing your belt.Dang near wet myself .then couldn't get them buttoned again.

03-29-2011, 04:02 PM
Try cutting a wiz with button fly jeans and a cut index finger that makes you howl I'f you even so much as breath on it, and an IWB at 4 o clock without undoing your belt.Dang near wet myself .then couldn't get them buttoned again.

Now thats a sad story right there. Brings tears to my eyes. Reminds me of the first week of last year when I run my hand thru the table saw. Now that hurt by doggie. Make ya cry just unscrewing the whiskey bottle that did. That was a joke son, I don't abide by the devils kool aid, cept on special occasions but ya get the flow of my river.
Come to think of it it's tuesday night, Biggest Loser is a special occasion. My hands mostly all better too. NO pain. (cept when the weather changes)

03-29-2011, 04:37 PM
well guys, I have to tell u one that will bring tears to your eyes. I was at the Indianapolis Moto Gran Prix cycle races at the Indy 500 track (brickyard), anyway I had to take a wiz, so I trecked down the bleachers to find one of their many restrooms on the grounds under the grand stands. finding one, I walked in and all 3 waLLS had stainless steel urinals lined along it. they were all full, BUT in the middle was what looked very similar to what was lineing the walls, and no one was there, so I just stepped right up and started wizzing away. i noticed people looking at me but no one said a word, so when I was done I left and when I get back to the bleechers, I was telling my two buddies about this and they both started laughing BIG TIME. I was wizzing the the hand washbasins...

Me bad!!

03-29-2011, 10:07 PM
Well, there was this one guy who claimed he dropped his Kahr and it went off... which is supposed to be impossible:

Dang! Have I used up all of my picture posting allowance?? :(

This has happened several times... I can't use any of the tools... it's like a picture of the Edit Post tools. I have to highlight and copy and paste smilies, too.


03-29-2011, 10:30 PM


03-30-2011, 03:31 AM
I guess it was the 3.6.16 version of Firefox that was giving me troubles??

I just uploaded pix with Chrome.

I went and deleted several megabytes of pictures and still couldn't up load until I tried Chrome.:confused:


03-30-2011, 06:34 AM
I find the first two pages of comments most enlightening. Funny, but I'll bet this, he was playing with the damn thing. We know the a Kahr won't fire unless the trigger is pulled, and the LE spokesman, is an idiot, implying Kahrs are cheap junk guns like that

03-30-2011, 06:46 AM
No way a Kahr fired from being dropped. He should have said the holster got stuck in the trigger guard or something. The guy picked the wrong story to have anyone who knows anything about guns believe him. ;) It is a shame, though. As some pointed out on that Defensive Carry thread, it just feeds antis when people make up stories like that, adding to the perception that guns are dangerous apart from the shooter.

03-30-2011, 07:20 AM
That was were I was on it. One thing confuses me about that story though, why was he relieved of his weapon by LE, if it wasn't criminal? I bet that the responding ossifers think he was playing with it too, in which case removing the weapon would be right.

03-30-2011, 09:58 AM
I remember a story that a cop hung his gun on a hook in the restroom & as he reached for it, it fired until empty. I don't know if that would be possible or not.

Yup, this is possible. Unlikely though. It's called "bump fire". I "know a guy" who can fire his or her sig 220 "full auto" and also his or her ar-15 in "full auto". I wont go into details, but it has nothing to do with weapon modification. If interested, just google or youtube "bump fire".

If anyone mows down a bus full of nuns while attempting this, its on YOU. I do not suggest trying this. :cool:

03-30-2011, 10:57 AM
When that thread came out I emailed Kahr asking about it and they replied that it is impossible for a Kahr to fire when dropped free. Mainly I was telling them to get some press out there but they didn't respond.

Just One Shot
03-30-2011, 11:45 AM
Going # 2

Remove gun (or gun and holster if pocket carrying), drop pants insert gun barrel down in pant leg on the inside of my left leg (I'm right handed, left handers use inside of right pant leg).

Gun remains out of sight of neighboring stall, it's secure and readily available if needed and there's no chance of leaving it behind as you will feel it against your leg when you go to pull up your pants.


Zippo Guy
03-19-2012, 11:39 AM
I just found this on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEjidDyyn8U Very interesting from a females perspective.

03-19-2012, 11:43 AM
Never, ever, EVER remove your weapon and 'set it somewhere' while you go about your 'duty'. My firearm stays holstered just where it is, even in my Smartcarry, should be no reason to do anything differently to use the toilet, if you feel you have to then maybe you need to reconsider your holster choice.

03-19-2012, 01:08 PM
I carry my P380 in my front pocket. When I visited a public restroom recently and dropped my pants, I noticed that they dropped quite quickly with the weight of the gun in the pocket.

My question to those of you that carry in a holster, do you have problems in public restrooms with losing your gun or exposing it to others in stalls around you? What about the women out there, any suggestions if I am carrying in a holster and nautre calls?

I try to avoid exposing myself to women in restrooms. I can't abide their raucous laughter. :)