View Full Version : Obama to Illegal Aliens: We don't want to deport you, we want you to succeed

03-29-2011, 05:07 PM

03-29-2011, 05:13 PM
Obama hasn`t convinced me that he himself isn`t an illegal alien. He needs to be the first in line to be deported.That guy is really starting to make me say ugly words.

03-29-2011, 05:20 PM
Obama hasn`t convinced me that he himself isn`t an illegal alien. He needs to be the first in line to be deported.That guy is really starting to make me say ugly words.

You have great restraint just now starting with the ugly words. I've been talking like a longshoreman since it was nominated.

My work here is done, I won't be back, this is too traumatizing for me and my sensitive disposition.

03-29-2011, 05:37 PM
Obama hasn`t convinced me that he himself isn`t an illegal alien.

That's funny! :biggrin1:

03-29-2011, 05:39 PM
It gets worse: he's getting ready to announce his reelection bid. I'd like to think that he has no shot, but sadly, at least 40% of the electorate is ready to pull the lever for this tool.

03-29-2011, 05:45 PM
Throw in a few undocumented democrat votes and he's a shoe in!

One thing I've learned is never to put any creedance in the impossible. I truely thought Clinton the female had zero chance of winning and that was good for normal humans, The the "O" enters and I figured we're home free.
Wrong wrong wrong and we've been circling the drain and bowing to the Burger King ever since.

I'm convinced the american voting public is a dumb lot as a general rule. I think California should be removed from the voting all together, Washington maybe too, dumb far outrules common sense in our state too.

I said I was done here, what the heck am I doing getting myself worked up.

03-29-2011, 05:58 PM
and with one out of 6 being HISPANIC and our population now of over 50 million hispanics, He has a damn good shot at winning it again. Sure would love to know though of those 50 million hispanics, how many are illegals!!!

03-29-2011, 06:00 PM
I'm not sure who exactly he is speaking for, but I for one WANT ALL THE ILLEGALS deported.

If you want to be here, come thru proper channels or don't come at all.

03-29-2011, 06:00 PM
I think the number would be much easier to comprehend if you asked how many are legal.

03-29-2011, 06:02 PM
I can`t say a lot for North Carolina either.The people here went democratic in the last presidential election for the first time since Jimmy Carter.Not that I`m comparing Carter to Obama.I believe in my heart that Jimmy Carter is a fine man but I also believe in my heart that Obama is pure evil.

03-29-2011, 06:21 PM
good point "great one"..

I have way agree with you diet: carter was a good man, just ignorant. He should have stuck to raising peanuts..

03-29-2011, 06:22 PM
I can`t say a lot for North Carolina either.The people here went democratic in the last presidential election for the first time since Jimmy Carter.Not that I`m comparing Carter to Obama.I believe in my heart that Jimmy Carter is a fine man but I also believe in my heart that Obama is pure evil.

He might even be the antichrist. :40:

03-29-2011, 06:25 PM
Me thinks we have another Bingo!

I'll just wait for the call from the Secret Service..............................

I'm told Federal Pens are really plush, probably have wireless internet access so I can keep in touch with my homies.

So much for my gun rights but if/when I get out you know I'll be not nekkid.

03-29-2011, 06:32 PM
He might even be the antichrist. :40:Melissa,you don`t happen to have some Robinson blood in your veins from eastern NC do you? Mrs.Dietrich [She who must be obeyed] says the same thing.

03-29-2011, 06:38 PM
Melissa,you don`t happen to have some Robinson blood in your veins from eastern NC do you? Mrs.Dietrich [She who must be obeyed] says the same thing.

Not that I know of. I do have some relatives in Kannapolis though.

Bawanna, I would never advocate anyone harming the POTUS. My thoughts were running toward where the Bible says that the antichrist will be fatally wounded in his head, but will live.

03-29-2011, 06:46 PM

03-29-2011, 06:51 PM
Well stroked.

03-29-2011, 06:56 PM
Not that I know of. I do have some relatives in Kannapolis though.

Bawanna, I would never advocate anyone harming the POTUS. My thoughts were running toward where the Bible says that the antichrist will be fatally wounded in his head, but will live.

Well that works fine for me Melissa, whatever it takes. We've been without a leader and cabinet with a +IQ for too long.
Now it's really time for a change seriously. And Ms Palin if your listening in, It Ain't YOU!. You'd make a fair vice but thats far as you go and if you drag down a good candidate if there is one, your not going there either.

03-29-2011, 07:01 PM
He forgot the remainder of the statement...

"We don't want to deport you, we want you to succeed..
and vote democrat"

03-29-2011, 09:16 PM
Sarah hunts & shoots. She is my angel! God, I'd love to see her ankles!:D:2rolleyes:

03-30-2011, 12:08 AM
The governor of my state (O'Malley, D-MD) won't call them "illegal aliens" of course, but he won't even call them by their PC name "undocumented workers". No, he goes further and flat-out calls them "future Americans". Up here we all figure he's of course pandering in anticipation of running for President in 2016.

03-30-2011, 07:59 AM
...We've been without a leader and cabinet with a +IQ for too long. Now it's really time for a change seriously. And Ms Palin if your listening in, It Ain't YOU!...

She is only good for stirring the base and generating money. She has her place and it is not anywhere near the White House.


03-30-2011, 09:36 AM
He might even be the antichrist. :40:

He certianly is an anti colonialist who gave his first re election speech 2 days ago disguised as a Libya speech. He is worse then a socialist who only wants to spread the wealth around ....our own country, this D bag anti colonialist wants to spread our wealth and power around the entire world. Weaken the USA to make it more fair.

I am with Bawana on this I can not return to this topic without being banned for a few days for inappropriate content.


03-30-2011, 02:23 PM
For all those who think "illegal aliens", "immigrants" and "undocumented workers" should go back to their own country, I suggest you leave too!
That is unless you are native american!

03-30-2011, 02:27 PM
Theres a huge difference in non native americans and illegal aliens. I agree that the native americans got a bum deal and I always felt bad about that.

If this starts to turn uncivil, the plug will be pulled.

03-30-2011, 02:36 PM
I see no difference. sounds like a double standard to me.
My wife's mom WALKED here from central america.
She works harder than any "AMERICAN" i've ever met or seen on tv/media.
SHE is a REAL AMERICAN living the 'American Dream'.

Im not trying to start any arguements, but it seems like certain members are voicing strong anti-immigrant opinions.
Anti immigration laws are like a kid that goes into someone elses tree house, takes all their toys to play with (but leaves them a few so they dont feel so bad), then says, 'new rule, no one else can come play in the tree house with us!'

03-30-2011, 02:46 PM
I don't mind legal immigration. If I inadvertently gave that impression then I apologize. America is stronger for our immigrants and as you point out we're all descendents of immigrants. Even the so-called indigenous native peoples of this continent walked or floated here from some other place in some far distant past.

What I object to is illegal immigration. I see no justice in going to the head of the line just because someone broke the law to get here. Thousands of citizens each year take the trouble and expense to become legal citizens. God bless them. But I don’t support folks who cut in at the head of the line and expect special treatment. That’s just not fair, nor is it legal, though many politicians would wish otherwise.

Edit: And yes I agree some of the hardest working folks I've known have been recent immigrants. I'm sure there are many reasons for that of course but I suspect the ability that this country provides for people to start at the bottom and work their way up to the top is a unique and appealing attribute this great country offers. Way better than the formal or informal caste systems still in place many places around the globe. I suspect many folks who have lived in other countries appreciate that more than some who have it just dumped in their laps by virtue of their good fortune of having been born here.

03-30-2011, 02:56 PM
I don't mind legal immigration. If I inadvertently gave that impression then I apologize. America is stronger for our immigrants and as you point out we're all descendents of immigrants. Even the so-called indigenous native peoples of this continent walked or floated here from some other place in some far distant past.

What I object to is illegal immigration. I see no justice in going to the head of the line just because someone broke the law to get here. Thousands of citizens each year take the trouble and expense to become legal citizens. God bless them. But I don’t support folks who cut in at the head of the line and expect special treatment. That’s just not fair, nor is it legal, though many politicians would wish otherwise.

I understand that. but unless you yourself are in fact an illegal, you dont know what its like. it's all politics when it comes to getting here legally. and i must disagree with your "jumping to the head of the line"....HAHAHA, that makes me laugh. hard labor is not the head of the line! you have no idea what they go thru to put food on the table.

AGAIN, i do not endorse breaking the law, but the law is a double standard set by people who already broke it, and dont want anyone else to come in.
Why wouldnt they want more people? Thats a good question.
It is because they KNOW that the truth is, immigrants work harder than they do and dont want to risk losing their comfy jobs!:9:

03-30-2011, 03:05 PM
I think most of us have no ill-will against people that come to our country legally, and try to assimilate into our culture.
I think what we are tired of is the illegals, coming in and demanding special rights, clogging up the ER's at the hospital, getting benefits like welfare and stuff, generally being a drain on our economy. I also think we're tired of the Muslims coming in, demanding special treatment, wanting their sharia law, and generally causing trouble. It seems like most of the muslim organizations have roots that lead back to Al Qeada/Hamas and other terrorist groups. President Obama has some of these members in some pretty high places in his administration.
Just take a look at France and see what's going on over there. There are neighborhoods under muslim control where the cops or ambulances won't even go, where they freely practice sharia law and police themselves. Thats what this being diverse and multculturism crap gets you. Some people are talking civil war over there being imminent. I say if you're coming to our country, learn to speak the language and try and assimilate into our culture.

I feel terrible about the way the Native Americans were/are treated, At least the Native Americans have found a way to get back at us with their Indian Casinos.
They can't get their land back, but they sure take our money. Good for them.

03-30-2011, 03:12 PM
I see little possibility of changing your mind or your beliefs in this matter. I'm bowing out as I've been here a long time and I dont want to get my plug pulled.
I will be observing but I see little chance of this thread going anywhere useful and my fingers on close button.

FWIW I do not oppose legal immigration. Get a social security number, get a drivers license, pay taxes and don't expect any benefits until you meet the same requirements that everyone else does.
I got issues with dispursing Social Security and medicare and so on to people who just snuck across last tuesday.

Said more than I should have and not nearly as much as I'd like to. I'm done here.

03-30-2011, 03:17 PM
LOL, good points thetmanski. I agree with most of what you said. I guess i assumed everyone was talking about latinos because of the video (the latina and obama).
And I think its very tough to have balance like you said.
How can we have open borders and tight security?
Their are very real threats out there trying to get in (terrorists) and many already here!
With all that said,
my mother-in-law is....
not on welfare,
not rich or wealthy,
doesnt demand special rights,
doesnt speak english (that is not important to being american!)
and most of all she is....
still the essence and definition of a TRUE AMERICAN!

(so i guess the only comment i didnt agree with is learn to speak the language and try and assimilate into our culture) She is doing great!

03-30-2011, 03:44 PM
Good for your mother-in-law Speedy. She's worked hard to live the American dream, as have millions of immigrants before her. I applaud her efforts.
Take Care

03-30-2011, 03:46 PM
i must disagree with your "jumping to the head of the line"....HAHAHA, that makes me laugh. hard labor is not the head of the line!

I did not say hard labor == jump to the head of the line. I appreciate your personal passion, but it will help the conversation stay friendly if we minimize the hyperbole. There is a process for legal immigration. Thousands of people spend a lot of time and a lot of money working to qualify and become legal naturalized citizens. It’s not fair to them, and to those still on the waiting lists, to allow folks who broke the law to cut in line without going through the process tens of millions of US citizens have been through across the generations.

it's all politics when it comes to getting here legally

So to the extent that is true (would like to hear more) that is the area in which I think most people of good faith could agree needs to be fixed. Few, I hope, would resist taking politics out of an immigration system in which it does not belong. Heck, most of us here already think “politics” is too intrusive in many other areas of our lives!

the law is a double standard set by people who already broke it, and dont want anyone else to come in

Generalization and thus not true. I’ve already given you a brief synopsis of why I don’t support illegal (vs. legal) immigration, and I’m one who is a descendent of legal (vs. illegal) immigrants. I'm far from being alone in this position.

Be careful of stereotypes. Just as I guessing you’ve been unfairly a victim of stereotypes yourself, please don’t fall into the same trap you rightly condemn others for - in completely different situations.

AGAIN, i do not endorse breaking the law

Alas therein lies your own paradox. If you do not endorse breaking the law then you cannot endorse illegal immigration. It’s one or the other.

Why wouldnt they want more people? Thats a good question.
It is because they KNOW that the truth is, immigrants work harder than they do and dont want to risk losing their comfy jobs!

Another generalization but I will concede a few people feel that way, primarily in the lower economic rungs of the ladder, though I would hardly call those sorts of jobs “comfy”. But you’d be wrong if you paint with a big brush, which you did in your language above. You’ll win more friends and be more persuasive in your arguments if you try to divorce the emotion from the logic and be more exacting in your choice of words.

In my own case (again as a descendent of legal immigrants myself a few generations back) my father never even graduated from high school. Both of my parents grew up dirt poor on a farm. To this day I can see my father’s upbringing in how he handles money, and he’s well into his 70s. But I worked very hard, got a Ph.D., and now contribute to the nation’s defense. Even now, it is not uncommon for me to work 10-12 hour days (even though I don’t get paid for the extra hours – it is just the right thing to do for the country.) I’m not rich but I’m comfortable and count my blessings. And I know one of my greatest blessings is living here in this country. I thank God that I’m blessed to have been born here, through no effort on my own. Indeed this country is so great – that’s why people want to flock here in the first place!

I understand the motivation. But I also understand there is a process, and a right way and a wrong way to go about it all.

03-30-2011, 03:54 PM
Good for your mother-in-law Speedy. She's worked hard to live the American dream, as have millions of immigrants before her. I applaud her efforts.
Take Care

Agreed. That is the character of the people we DO need in this country. I'm just sayin' go through the lawful process to get here, and then contribute to the society like the rest of us.

Hey. Here's an idea: We have enough deadbeats in our own society. Would love to do a one-on-one swap for some quality citizens like your mother-in-law. Guess it will be a pain to "unload" our own boat anchors, however ... probably no one else wants 'em either, eh? :hippie:

03-30-2011, 03:56 PM
FWIW I do not oppose legal immigration. Get a social security number, get a drivers license, pay taxes and don't expect any benefits until you meet the same requirements that everyone else does.

You hit the nail on the head, Bawanna. I feel the same way.

03-30-2011, 03:58 PM
With all that said,
my mother-in-law is....
not on welfare,
not rich or wealthy,
doesnt demand special rights,
doesnt speak english (that is not important to being american!)
and most of all she is....
still the essence and definition of a TRUE AMERICAN!

Doesn't pay taxes...TRUE AMERICANS PAY TAXES!

03-30-2011, 04:26 PM
:popcorn: I can`t think of anything to say that ain`t already been said.So if ya`ll don`t mind, I`ll watch.Call your next case.

03-30-2011, 05:08 PM
Doesn't pay taxes...TRUE AMERICANS PAY TAXES!

She DOES pay taxes!
And TITHES too!:yo:

03-30-2011, 05:23 PM
She DOES pay taxes!
And TITHES too!:yo:

Sales tax or income tax? Good on her for tithing, but the Bible does say to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.

03-30-2011, 05:29 PM
There is a process for legal immigration. Thousands of people spend a lot of time and a lot of money working to qualify and become legal naturalized citizens. It’s not fair to them, and to those still on the waiting lists, to allow folks who broke the law to cut in line without going through the process tens of millions of US citizens have been through across the generations.
correct, however, the process is slanted torwards those with deep pockets:rolleyes:

Heck, most of us here already think “politics” is too intrusive in many other areas of our lives!
It is! thats why i want to be sure no one here stereo types those few criminal immigrants. there are many bad people who come here. but remember, there are already many bad people who live here "legally"

Generalization and thus not true. I’ve already given you a brief synopsis of why I don’t support illegal (vs. legal) immigration, and I’m one who is a descendent of legal (vs. illegal) immigrants. I'm far from being alone in this position.
think of it like this, if you lived in washington dc a few years ago, it was illegal to have a handgun for self defense in your own home. it ok to have own, but not assembled. point is, laws dont always make sense. and to anti gun people, that law made sense. all im saying is that if you went thru the process (TODAY, not 30, 40 or 50 years ago), its not a working system. thats why there are so many problems.

Alas therein lies your own paradox. If you do not endorse breaking the law then you cannot endorse illegal immigration. It’s one or the other.
its not black and white, there are shades of grey.
if a man is trying to feed and cloth and provide a roof over his family's head, then by all means nessesary he should (provided, he's not stealing, killing, or something to that degree). Again, with the law. think of this, what if native americans had this law. they probably did, how the ____ would we know. did we ask them? You cant 'call dibs' on a country and proclaim its the law. well you can, but you see where that gets us;)

Another generalization but I will concede a few people feel that way, primarily in the lower economic rungs of the ladder, though I would hardly call those sorts of jobs “comfy”. But you’d be wrong if you paint with a big brush, which you did in your language above. You’ll win more friends and be more persuasive in your arguments if you try to divorce the emotion from the logic and be more exacting in your choice of words.

good point. it would be wrong to put everyone in a category. as i said before, yes there are real threats (terrorists and criminals). however we have "american" terrorists (mass shootings) and criminals (thieves/murders) already here.

In my own case (again as a descendent of legal immigrants myself a few generations back) my father never even graduated from high school. Both of my parents grew up dirt poor on a farm. To this day I can see my father’s upbringing in how he handles money, and he’s well into his 70s. But I worked very hard, got a Ph.D., and now contribute to the nation’s defense. Even now, it is not uncommon for me to work 10-12 hour days (even though I don’t get paid for the extra hours – it is just the right thing to do for the country.) I’m not rich but I’m comfortable and count my blessings. And I know one of my greatest blessings is living here in this country. I thank God that I’m blessed to have been born here, through no effort on my own. Indeed this country is so great – that’s why people want to flock here in the first place!
AMEN! AGREED! Especially with the 'being blessed' part. :music:(music to my ears bro!)

I understand the motivation. But I also understand there is a process, and a right way and a wrong way to go about it all.
yes indeed. we just need to fix the whole process so it lets good people in and keeps bad people out:yo:

03-30-2011, 05:43 PM
"yes indeed. we just need to fix the whole process so it lets good people in and keeps bad people out"

That's profiling!:eek:

"You cant 'call dibs' on a country and proclaim its the law"

I am indeed calling dibs on my country. If yours is broken (whereever that is), fix it. Don't claim mine because yours can't be fixed until mine is ruined too.

A few issues I have and then I'm really gone.

For the record our dept is immigrant friendly. We do everything possible to let them know that we are here to help. We make no efforts to deport anyone or have interaction with INS unless a person in on a list already. IE- a known criminal.

Our local hispanic community is insisting that we have 2 man patrol cars so that one of the officers can speak fluent spanish.

We pay huge translator fees for court sessions. The police depts dime. If they dont speak english and contest a speeding ticket the dept gets a translator bill.

We have 2 hispanic sisters working here. Very nice girls, good workers, very dedicated. Here to translate at the front desk, interview non english speakers etc.
Many of our non hispanic citizens can't understand our spanish speaking front desk person even when she speaks english. She speak 100 miles an hour with an accent. Bless her but I can't understand her either. So we have to have a second front desk person to talk to the non hispanics.

Our officers are required (mandatory) to take a basic spanish class so they can have basic communication skills.

I've vented, I'm done.

03-30-2011, 06:29 PM
I had to really think about if posting a comment on this thread would be a good idea or not since there seems to be quite a bit of emotion about this subject but I decided to throw my 2 cents in anyway....I live in Dekalb County Georgia...I grew up here and I don't even recognize the place anymore...Georgia currently has 850,000 Hispanic immigrants in the state with an estimated 450,000 being illegal....Now folks thats alot of people and in the Metro Atlanta area it seems to be more of an invasion than immigration and that just isn't right in my opinion...Several years ago when the construction boom was going on and there was an opportunity to find work even if you were not a legal citizen and send money home that was ok but now since everything in the construction and landscaping fields has dried up there is nothing for them to do except collect welfare, food stamps and commit crimes to stay alive...The main objective seems to be to have as many children in this country as possible to try and get a foothold for the family to stay here...I am an EMT in my building and have to deal with the Dekalb EMS Paramedics fairly often and I know for a fact that the responce times are much longer now due to the department having to make EMS runs to the overflow of humanity that has taken over the area demanding free medical treatment...The County can't refuse an emergancy call from anyone and since the illegals cant afford to go to a regular doctor who do you think they call for service...Now don't get me wrong but what is happening here isn't right and the government isn't doing anything about it and when ANY ethnic group of people is allowed to completely take over the demograpics of any area of our country it is high time we do something about it...If everyone above the Mason Dixon line suddenly decided that Canada was the place to live and work and just up and took over the place what would the Canadian Government have to say about it? That is just what is happening here...Right now I can drive as far as I want to on Buford Hwy which is a main north/south 8 lane highway and not see a single sign printed in English, only Spanish and if I wanted to live in Mexico I would do it legally and that would be fine but I do not!!!!! And thats all I have to say about that.....

03-30-2011, 07:34 PM
I'm a law and order guy. There is a legal way to be an immigrant and an illegal way. If you're here legally, welcome. If you're here illegally, we should enforce the laws and you should leave.

You know an illegal who's here, and holier than Mother Teresa? Fine, but for every mother Teresa, there's a bum too. We have laws that deal with those situations and should be enforced on the bum and Mother Teresa equally.

03-30-2011, 11:36 PM
Obama hasn`t convinced me that he himself isn`t an illegal alien. He needs to be the first in line to be deported.That guy is really starting to make me say ugly words.

Not sayin' this is true or anything, but is seems others have no doubts. At any rate I found this funny:

03-31-2011, 08:21 AM
2 sides to every bit of banter...especially this topic or any pertaining to the Goof in the White house Not exactly on topic but very good example of how people think or don't think.....

A very good example

"http://www.youtube.com/v/yAyCdfOXvec&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param "http://www.youtube.com/v/yAyCdfOXvec&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"


03-31-2011, 08:24 AM
Agreed. That is the character of the people we DO need in this country. I'm just sayin' go through the lawful process to get here, and then contribute to the society like the rest of us.

Hey. Here's an idea: We have enough deadbeats in our own society. Would love to do a one-on-one swap for some quality citizens like your mother-in-law. Guess it will be a pain to "unload" our own boat anchors, however ... probably no one else wants 'em either, eh? :hippie:
addressing your bold part... yea its tricky. yall thought getting a batf tax stamp was tough? well the legal way to get here makes that look like kindergarden compared to calculus!:ohmy:

As for the the idea, hmmmm, sounds like you might be on to something. :third:

03-31-2011, 08:27 AM
Good for your mother-in-law Speedy. She's worked hard to live the American dream, as have millions of immigrants before her. I applaud her efforts.
Take Care

Thank you Sir:yo:
I just want to 'give credit where credit is due', and she is the hardest working person i've met. a Faith Filled True American

03-31-2011, 08:45 AM
Sales tax or income tax? Good on her for tithing, but the Bible does say to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.

BOTH! and she pays her own insurance and her own medical/medicine!
Im sorry to burst your bubble (actually i'm not), but america would collapse if we deported everyone who came here illegally. Whoever disagrees should watch the movie "a day without a mexican":9:

ALSO, most illegals pay taxes. how do you think they keep from getting caught? they blend in! the way they blend in is that they use someone elses id/social security number and pay taxes thru them. they do this because businesses do the minimum required by law to check for legal status. once they prove once (by showing someone elses id card or whatever) most companies never check again! Why you ask? thats a good question....its because businesses know they cannot survive without cheap labor. do you think a so called "american" will do hard labor (building houses, lawn maintenance, city construction, tending the fields, etc) for next to nothing pay? I think not!:eek:

03-31-2011, 08:48 AM
So, now you're telling us that your MIL is an illegal who uses a fraudulent ID to pay taxes?

03-31-2011, 09:02 AM
"yes indeed. we just need to fix the whole process so it lets good people in and keeps bad people out"

That's profiling!:eek:..
Haha, sounds like a personal problem to me. Ive been profiled before so i know what its like. it inrages you. its offensive. but everybody judges someone at sometime. we're only human.

""You cant 'call dibs' on a country and proclaim its the law"

I am indeed calling dibs on my country. If yours is broken (whereever that is), fix it. Don't claim mine because yours can't be fixed until mine is ruined too..
haha, good one. it'd be interesting to see if you'd joke like that if you were on the other side brother.

"For the record our dept is immigrant friendly. We do everything possible to let them know that we are here to help. We make no efforts to deport anyone or have interaction with INS unless a person in on a list already. IE- a known criminal..
sounds like a good plan to " fix the whole process so it lets good people in and keeps bad people out":D

"Our local hispanic community is insisting that we have 2 man patrol cars so that one of the officers can speak fluent spanish..
GOOD! Cops SHOULD have a partner for backup!
I hate to hear when the police get hurt or even worst, killed, because we were too cheap to get them a partner. (better to have a partner and not need him, than to need a partner and not have him!)
PLUS, most illegals pay taxes under someone elses name (read my reply to melissa for more details on how):D

"We pay huge translator fees for court sessions. The police depts dime. If they dont speak english and contest a speeding ticket the dept gets a translator bill..\
GOOD! most illegals pay taxes under someone elses name (read my reply to melissa for more details on how):D
and if they pay taxes (which the most likey do because they cared enough to SHOW UP IN COURT in the 1st place), then they deserve due justice.

"We have 2 hispanic sisters working here. Very nice girls, good workers, very dedicated. Here to translate at the front desk, interview non english speakers etc.
Many of our non hispanic citizens can't understand our spanish speaking front desk person even when she speaks english. She speak 100 miles an hour with an accent. Bless her but I can't understand her either. So we have to have a second front desk person to talk to the non hispanics.

Our officers are required (mandatory) to take a basic spanish class so they can have basic communication skills..
LMAO, CUTE, she sounds cute! like sopfia vergara on modern family (tv show).
bold part sounds like a personal problem to me. ponder this fellow kahr peoples,
How long do you think it will be before you and i have to take a basic CHINESE class? hmmmmmmm:rolleyes:

"I've vented, I'm done.
LOL, Bawanna, you should really check out the movie "a day without a mexican". granted only some are mexican, its still a good movie (low budget but good).

03-31-2011, 09:20 AM
I had to really think about if posting a comment on this thread would be a good idea or not since there seems to be quite a bit of emotion about this subject but I decided to throw my 2 cents in anyway....I live in Dekalb County Georgia...I grew up here and I don't even recognize the place anymore...Georgia currently has 850,000 Hispanic immigrants in the state with an estimated 450,000 being illegal....Now folks thats alot of people and in the Metro Atlanta area it seems to be more of an invasion than immigration and that just isn't right in my opinion...Several years ago when the construction boom was going on and there was an opportunity to find work even if you were not a legal citizen and send money home that was ok but now since everything in the construction and landscaping fields has dried up there is nothing for them to do except collect welfare, food stamps and commit crimes to stay alive...The main objective seems to be to have as many children in this country as possible to try and get a foothold for the family to stay here...I am an EMT in my building and have to deal with the Dekalb EMS Paramedics fairly often and I know for a fact that the responce times are much longer now due to the department having to make EMS runs to the overflow of humanity that has taken over the area demanding free medical treatment...The County can't refuse an emergancy call from anyone and since the illegals cant afford to go to a regular doctor who do you think they call for service...Now don't get me wrong but what is happening here isn't right and the government isn't doing anything about it and when ANY ethnic group of people is allowed to completely take over the demograpics of any area of our country it is high time we do something about it...If everyone above the Mason Dixon line suddenly decided that Canada was the place to live and work and just up and took over the place what would the Canidian Government have to say about it? That is just what is happening here...Right now I can drive as far as I want to on Buford Hwy which is a main north/south 8 lane highway and not see a single sign printed in English, only Spanish and if I wanted to live in Mexico I would do it legally and that would be fine but I do not!!!!! And thats all I have to say about that.....
I understand your frustration,and while it might be the case with alot, this is still not the case with everyone. as said before, most illegals pay taxes so they dont get caught. and most dont collect welfare for fear of being caught.
Also, with welfare, there are plenty of LAZY white or black people collecting. so to say immigrants are taking it all is wrong.
as for the 'being fruitful and multiplying' statement, that made me laugh cuz it is true! one latino comedian (paul rodriguez) says that its their form of social security. they know that if they have 12 kids, at least one will succeed and provide for them when they are old! (again, because they use someone else's id/social to pay taxes, guess what, they DONT get social security when they retire!)

03-31-2011, 09:23 AM
Not sayin' this is true or anything, but is seems others have no doubts. At any rate I found this funny:

03-31-2011, 09:32 AM
2 sides to every bit of banter...especially this topic or any pertaining to the Goof in the White house Not exactly on topic but very good example of how people think or don't think.....

A very good example

"http://www.youtube.com/v/yAyCdfOXvec&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param "http://www.youtube.com/v/yAyCdfOXvec&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"


:DHAHAHAHA, I've seen one like that for the Ipod/Iphone/or some new apple crap lol

03-31-2011, 09:39 AM
So, now you're telling us that your MIL is an illegal who uses a fraudulent ID to pay taxes?
LOL, see thats the problem with everyone. We INFER from the facts given. You cant believe everything on the news. they twist it and slant it to make you INFER something not true. This is what just happened. I never said my mother in law was illegal. I said she was an immigrant. she walked here. thats how much she wanted to make a good life for her kids. and she did. my wife has a college degree and a very successful job. It make me proud. Proud to be an american.

so, the things ive mentioned about illegals are from friends of the family. not my family. for instance, my sister once had a boyfriend who was illegal. he paid taxes, shoot, he even had his own business! it was very successful. he didnt need welfare or free medical. in fact, in our culture, its disgraceful and dishonoring to take a hand out. we work for everything we have (and we work HARD):third:

03-31-2011, 09:43 AM
I'm a law and order guy. There is a legal way to be an immigrant and an illegal way. If you're here legally, welcome. If you're here illegally, we should enforce the laws and you should leave.

You know an illegal who's here, and holier than Mother Teresa? Fine, but for every mother Teresa, there's a bum too. We have laws that deal with those situations and should be enforced on the bum and Mother Teresa equally.

sounds like you should read my other posts. and watch the movie "a day without a mexican" since you believe we could do better without all the illegals:bump2:

03-31-2011, 09:56 AM
LOL, see thats the problem with everyone. We INFER from the facts given. You cant believe everything on the news. they twist it and slant it to make you INFER something not true. This is what just happened. I never said my mother in law was illegal. I said she was an immigrant. she walked here. thats how much she wanted to make a good life for her kids. and she did.

OK, when your MIL walked to America, did she go through all the legal hoopla to become an American with her own SSN? If so, then I applaud her efforts.

03-31-2011, 10:01 AM
OK, when your MIL walked to America, did she go through all the legal hoopla to become an American with her own SSN? If so, then I applaud her efforts.

She did. but keep in mind, laws constantly change. this was 30 years ago. laws are WAAAAAY different today.

03-31-2011, 10:15 AM
She did. but keep in mind, laws constantly change. this was 30 years ago. laws are WAAAAAY different today.

I'm glad to hear that she is not an illegal. I am not against Hispanics or immigrants...just illegals.

03-31-2011, 10:42 AM
I'm glad to hear that she is not an illegal. I am not against Hispanics or immigrants...just illegals.

I think that is the attitude that most folks have.

We may have to agree to disagree on this one Speedy. You say you are not for illegal immigration but it seems that if not, then you’re certainly walking right up to the line and peering over it. Just sorta my impression based on your comments anyway.

She did. but keep in mind, laws constantly change. this was 30 years ago. laws are WAAAAAY different today.

So work to get the laws changed to something more rationale, even if that includes a roll-back to earlier legislation. Change is not always an improvement. (Now what hidden message might be lurking in there, eh?) Most people support reasonable immigration reform. Where many folks part company is when that phrase is used as a proxy for amnesty, which is clearly not supported by a majority of US citizens if you believe the polls.

most illegals pay taxes under someone elses name

So having just completed my taxes, I suggest we set up a “Let’s pay aray’s taxes fund escrow account”. Have ‘em all contact me and I’ll supply W-4s to the companies. As Charlie Sheen would say: WIN! :wof:

03-31-2011, 10:49 AM
Amnesty is NOT acceptable! Those who have cheated to get to the front of the line should not be rewarded.

03-31-2011, 10:52 AM
BOTH! and she pays her own insurance and her own medical/medicine!
Im sorry to burst your bubble (actually i'm not), but america would collapse if we deported everyone who came here illegally. Whoever disagrees should watch the movie "a day without a mexican":9:

ALSO, most illegals pay taxes. how do you think they keep from getting caught? they blend in! the way they blend in is that they use someone elses id/social security number and pay taxes thru them. they do this because businesses do the minimum required by law to check for legal status. once they prove once (by showing someone elses id card or whatever) most companies never check again! Why you ask? thats a good question....its because businesses know they cannot survive without cheap labor. do you think a so called "american" will do hard labor (building houses, lawn maintenance, city construction, tending the fields, etc) for next to nothing pay? I think not!:eek:
Whoa! Back up a minute there Hoss.I started out working in the tobacco fields of North Carolina in sweltering heat and when my father decided I was old enough to work in his plumbing business [14] he put me to work there.I`ve spent many a day up to my elbows in someone`s sewage and my days doing hard physical labor didn`t stop until I turned 55.I see lots of young kids working their tails off doing manual labor so don`t start with this "Americans won`t do hard physical labor" bull$hit.Some won`t but a lot of them have to.

03-31-2011, 11:03 AM
Whoa! Back up a minute there Hoss.I started out working in the tobacco fields of North Carolina in sweltering heat and when my father decided I was old enough to work in his plumbing business [14] he put me to work there.I`ve spent many a day up to my elbows in someone`s sewage and my days doing hard physical labor didn`t stop until I turned 55.I see lots of young kids working their tails off doing manual labor so don`t start with this "Americans won`t do hard physical labor" bull$hit.Some won`t but a lot of them have to.

Yep, there are plenty of Americans who do manual labor and there would be even more if law-breaking companies weren't hiring illegals to do those jobs at a lower rate. I blame the companies and the illegals. So, yes illegals are taking jobs away from true Americans.

03-31-2011, 11:52 AM
Whoa! Back up a minute there Hoss.I started out working in the tobacco fields of North Carolina in sweltering heat and when my father decided I was old enough to work in his plumbing business [14] he put me to work there.I`ve spent many a day up to my elbows in someone`s sewage and my days doing hard physical labor didn`t stop until I turned 55.I see lots of young kids working their tails off doing manual labor so don`t start with this "Americans won`t do hard physical labor" bull$hit.Some won`t but a lot of them have to.

And this "trickles up" as well. The guy who did our deck for us a couple of years back has a small home improvement company. He hires lots of folks of all ethnic backgrounds. But he does go the extra mile and confirms that they are all US citizens.

He said (of course) that the construction industry is really taking a beating, but what little work there is left out there is even more tough for companies like his because he is often underbid by companies that hire illegals. The overhead costs are lower for them, so he loses business. He's afraid he might go out of business one day for all of the reasons cited.

I've known this guy for years & he is as honest as the day is long, so I have no reason not to believe him.

03-31-2011, 01:30 PM
I'm glad to hear that she is not an illegal. I am not against Hispanics or immigrants...just illegals.
thats the problem right there. you need to see the movie "a day without a mexican". it will give you and idea of what life would be like here without illegals!:D

03-31-2011, 01:35 PM
I'll put that on my calendar.

Deal with my personal problems.
Hell freezes over
Rent A day without a Mexican

03-31-2011, 01:42 PM
I think that is the attitude that most folks have.

We may have to agree to disagree on this one Speedy. You say you are not for illegal immigration but it seems that if not, then you’re certainly walking right up to the line and peering over it. Just sorta my impression based on your comments anyway.
I want people to get here legally, but that is not always possible. and unless you came here and went thru the process, you have no room to talk!:D think of it as if a 1911 person started to harp about kahr. they aint got no business and neither do ANY OF YOU!:faint2:

So having just completed my taxes, I suggest we set up a “Let’s pay aray’s taxes fund escrow account”. Have ‘em all contact me and I’ll supply W-4s to the companies. As Charlie Sheen would say: WIN! :wof:
HAHA, good one, i like that idea:D

03-31-2011, 01:47 PM
Amnesty is NOT acceptable! Those who have cheated to get to the front of the line should not be rewarded.
good thing GOD doesnt judge how we do. I've seen people like this 1st hand and they are good people trying to live out the american dream.

03-31-2011, 01:52 PM
Whoa! Back up a minute there Hoss.I started out working in the tobacco fields of North Carolina in sweltering heat and when my father decided I was old enough to work in his plumbing business [14] he put me to work there.I`ve spent many a day up to my elbows in someone`s sewage and my days doing hard physical labor didn`t stop until I turned 55.I see lots of young kids working their tails off doing manual labor so don`t start with this "Americans won`t do hard physical labor" bull$hit.Some won`t but a lot of them have to.
granted, and good for you, you know the value of a dollar. My grandmother started working in the fields as a child (7 years old!!!):ohmy:. not only did they have it tough from a physical stand point, but i'm sure they had people like everyone here giving them grief/problems back in their day. All im staying, is everyone here seems to be all pious and perfect. like yall (not just you, but everyone here) have never broken the law (ran a stop sign, gone 56mph in a 55mph zone, etc). people think is soooooo easy to LEGALLY get here. its NOT brother. and we should repect those people yall call "ILLEGAL" enough to call them fellow Americans. :ohmy:

03-31-2011, 01:55 PM
So, yes illegals are taking jobs away from true Americans.
:roll::roll:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:roll::r oll::roll:
Thats just as absurd as an anti gun person saying "guns kill people". You are SO WRONG. Watch the movie (a day without a mexican) and get back to me.

03-31-2011, 01:56 PM
I want people to get here legally, but that is not always possible. and unless you came here and went thru the process, you have no room to talk!:D think of it as if a 1911 person started to harp about kahr. they aint got no business and neither do ANY OF YOU!:faint2:

I'll say one more thing and then I'm done here. A day without an illegal would be a glorious day indeed. I was born here and have every right to oppose the invasion of law-breakers slipping into our borders. It IS my business and I've got a lot of room to talk. Furthermore, I will do everything in my power to stop amnesty from happening. Thank God I don't live in a border state. That is all. Over and out.:madgrin:

03-31-2011, 02:03 PM
And this "trickles up" as well. The guy who did our deck for us a couple of years back has a small home improvement company. He hires lots of folks of all ethnic backgrounds. But he does go the extra mile and confirms that they are all US citizens.

He said (of course) that the construction industry is really taking a beating, but what little work there is left out there is even more tough for companies like his because he is often underbid by companies that hire illegals. The overhead costs are lower for them, so he loses business. He's afraid he might go out of business one day for all of the reasons cited.

I've known this guy for years & he is as honest as the day is long, so I have no reason not to believe him.
Thats call CAPITALISM my friend. Its just the same as nike getting other countries to sew their shoes/clothes for them. Thats why China is becoming so powerful. they hustle just like 'illegals' do. i applaud Dietrich and any other hard working TRUE AMERICAN. yall are what made america great! all im saying is not to say that 'illegals' should go back where they came from or that they are not american. because they ARE.

03-31-2011, 02:05 PM
I'll put that on my calendar.

Deal with my personal problems.
Hell freezes over
Rent A day without a Mexican

LOL, good one:D.
however humor still doesnt change that fact that america could not run without 'illegals'. weather yall believe it or not, it still is the truth:ohmy:

03-31-2011, 02:05 PM
just to add some humor: speedy could your last name be gonzales???

My grand parents came over on a freighter from Italy back n the 1900. THE LEGAL WAY. Had all their luggage stolen before they ever got off the ship.They had only the clots on their back.. Stayed at Ellis Island for almost one month before coming to my home town. She spoke only Italian then to but took her oath of citizenship 100% in english. My dad spoke fluid Italian, but his dad (my grandpa) told all of the boys (3) that they can speak Italian while in the their home but when out in public YOU WILL SPEAK ENGLISH. They didn 't want to be different, they didn't ask for jack sh-t from anybody, worked in the unsafe coal mines and they lived and prospered and nobody gave them anything BUT the right to become a citizen through due process. U just don't sneak into our country or for that matter any cuntry and expect to receive a standing ovation. Just ain't gonna happen and for me it should not happen. I feel some of those people pains, but I ain't their doctor either. I think Speedy your way off base, I respect your opinion but I totally disagree. If I have to pay more for oranges and lettuce or what ever, then so be it, but I seriously doubt that will happen. Right now it is more profitiable to pay illegals than it is to buy some of the modern machinery that can do the same thing, .

It should not be easy to get here, who ever told anyone that. How can any say and prove that an undocumented illegal person pays taxes and everything else in this country that you and I do. They are UNDOCUMENTED. We don't know that. Hell we don't know how many undocumented people are even in this country. Not like we have a national illegal person registeration day once a year so we can get an accurate count of those who do not belong there.

If offends me that my grand parents went througth hell back in the 1900's but did it the right way and the LEGALway and now we want to let people sneak over into our cuntry and pop a kid and then we give them everything on a platter. U lost me on this one speedy... In this matter you are not preaching to the choir...

quote:however humor still doesnt change that fact that america could not run without 'illegals'. weather yall believe it or not, it still is the truth
That speedy has to be the stupidiest statement I have ever read . ur getting alittle bent out of shape on this and trust me join the kahr forum in good faith and enjoy it but this is not going to make you famous and more than likely maybe even short lived.

03-31-2011, 02:11 PM
granted, and good for you, you know the value of a dollar. My grandmother started working in the fields as a child (7 years old!!!):ohmy:. not only did they have it tough from a physical stand point, but i'm sure they had people like everyone here giving them grief/problems back in their day. All im staying, is everyone here seems to be all pious and perfect. like yall (not just you, but everyone here) have never broken the law (ran a stop sign, gone 56mph in a 55mph zone, etc). people think is soooooo easy to LEGALLY get here. its NOT brother. and we should repect those people yall call "ILLEGAL" enough to call them fellow Americans. :ohmy:
It`s hard for me to equate running a stop sign to illegal immigration.As far as people having a tough time of it,I guess we all have had a tough row to hoe at some time in our lives.Life isn`t fair and it sure isn`t easy.I see now that you have decided to start to insult all who disagree with your point of view.So be it.I know all I need to know about you now.One last thing though.I am not your damn brother.

03-31-2011, 02:15 PM
I'll say one more thing and then I'm done here. A day without an illegal would be a glorious day indeed.

I was born here and have every right to oppose the invasion of law-breakers slipping into our borders.
I take it that you are native american:yo:

It IS my business and I've got a lot of room to talk. Furthermore, I will do everything in my power to stop amnesty from happening.
Thats the problem with americans, we talk too much (including myself. i've been on this stupid computer:smash: too long trying to show yall that illegals are americans just like you and i am. they are trying to live the american dream just like the rest of us). i guess i'd have better luck trying to sell a gun to an anti gun person:D.

Thank God I don't live in a border state. That is all. Over and out.:madgrin:
Amen, Gracias a Dios I dont leave near you!:p

03-31-2011, 02:18 PM
now I know your last name is gonzales. Gracias a Dios. I gotta get my illegal dictionary out for that one. It is not in Websters

03-31-2011, 02:34 PM
just to add some humor: speedy could your last name be gonzales???.
HAHAHA:D no, i just got that nickname cuz i like to shoot fast (rapid fire:D)

LMAO!!!! *tear in eye* ahhhh thats classic. i do like your family history Jocko:yo:

My grand parents came over on a freighter from Italy back n the 1900. THE LEGAL WAY. Had all their luggage stolen before they ever got off the ship.They had only the clots on their back.. Stayed at Ellis Island for almost one month before coming to my home town. She spoke only Italian then to but took her oath of citizenship 100% in english. My dad spoke fluid Italian, but his dad (my grandpa) told all of the boys (3) that they can speak Italian while in the their home but when out in public YOU WILL SPEAK KENGLISH.. They didn 't want to be different, they didn't ask for jack sh-t from anybody, worked in the unsafe coal mines and they lived and prospered and nobody gave them anything BUT the right to become a citizen through due process. U just don't sneak into our country or for that matter any cuntry and expect to receive a standing ovation. Just ain't gonna happen and for me it should not happen. I feel some of those people pains, but I ain't their doctor either. I think Speedy your way off base, I respect your opinion but I totally disagree. If I have to pay more for oranges and lettuce or what ever, then so be it, but I seriously doubt that will happen. Right now it is more profitiable to pay illegals than it is to buy some of the modern machinery that can do the same thing, .
Im glad for your familia! that is how mine made it here to. Hard work!.
i dont expect a standing ovation. i expect respect and treating them as equals, not some criminals or 2nd class citizens!

I think Speedy your way off base, I respect your opinion but I totally disagree..
i feel the same way about you my brother!;)
keep this in mind. the gun law were very different in 1900 than 2011....and so were the immigration laws.:D

It should not be easy to get here, who ever told anyone that. How can any say and prove that an undocumented illegal person pays taxes and everything else in this country that you and I do...

They are UNDOCUMENTED. We don't know that. Hell we don't know how many undocumented people are even in this country. Not like we have a national illegal person registeration day once a year so we can get an accurate count of those who do not belong there.

If offends me that my grand parents went througth hell back in the 1900's but did it the right way and the LEGALway and now we want to let people sneak over into our cuntry and pop a kid and then we give them everything on a platter. U lost me on this one speedy... In this matter you are not preaching to the choir...
Bold/underlined......LMFAO! YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING JOCKO! believe me when i tell you, NOTHING, i mean NOTHING was handed to the people i personally know! you are WAY OFF! unless you personally know someone who has abused the system the way you've decribed:ohmy:

That speedy has to be the stupidiest statement I have ever read . ur getting alittle bent out of shape on this and trust me join the kahr forum in good faith and enjoy it but this is not going to make you famous and more than likely maybe even short lived.
im not getting bent out of shape. i am repectfully shedding light on the TRUTH. every one says they want the truth, but then are like women (no offense melissa) when you politely tell them the truth "yes, hunny, that dress is ugly, i dont like it".
I KNOW FROM PERSONAL EXPERIANCE! I know these people. yall do not. PUNTO! (for those who did not take the manitory basic spanish class, punto=period!)

03-31-2011, 02:37 PM
Sorry Speedy, your way of sanitizing this issue doesn't fly with me at all and I really do not believe most illegals in this country pay taxes through someone else in order to not get caught because what happens if they do get caught and deported, nada!!!... Dude there are tour busses running everyday 24x7 between Atlanta and Mexico...They leave empty and return full so the process of deportation is just a long bus ride and then 1 day later they are back with new forged papers and a different name....Now THAT is the fault of our Government not doing their jobs because all I.C.E would need to do is set up a Customs office in the parking lot and screen the passengers as they get off the bus but that is profiling and not PC so we choose to do nothing because Presbobama looks at all these people as potential future Democratic Party voters (for him in 2012) and that is the REAL reason why nothing is being enforced...You say that the only thing illegal immigrants bring to America is a strong back and a desire for hard work, that may be true but the CDC here in Atlanta says cases of antibiotic resistant TB have skyrocketed in the last few years as has Hepatitis B and C due to the influx of illegal Hispanics who have never had medical care and vaccinations to prevent these diseases or are IV drug users having unprotected sex...Currently 1 in 4 Hispanic immigrants in Atlanta has active TB or is a carrier of the disease which was almost unheard of here 20 years ago...My sister in law is a elementary school teacher and says she spends most of her time trying to teach illegal immigrant children the very basics which is almost impossible if the children don't speak English and their parents don't try and learn the language and teach their kids and this leaves the other legal English speaking American children behind which isn't fair to them and their educational future...My point is this, controlled immigration is a good thing and for that matter we are all immigrants which is What America was founded on BUT what is happening in many southern and border states is not immigration but invasion, occupation and control which in my book is a direct and fundamental attack on my country and my way of life plain and simple!!!...

03-31-2011, 02:37 PM
now I know your last name is gonzales. Gracias a Dios. I gotta get my illegal dictionary out for that one. It is not in Websters
LOL, sorry, i forgot to translate. Yes, GRACIAS A DIOS= THANKS BE TO GOD
actually im not a gonzales, but i am latino. more importantly i am AMERICAN! my uncle Johnny is a WWII vet, and when asked if he wanted to be called....
PUNTO! (period lol)

03-31-2011, 02:44 PM
illegal was illegal in the 1900's. The meaning of the word has never changed. ur defending your people, it is very evident.

Thats admirable. WRONG, but admirable.

03-31-2011, 02:46 PM
It`s hard for me to equate running a stop sign to illegal immigration..
and its hard of me to equate someone trying to live the american dream as a criminal/illegal/not welcomed/etc!

As far as people having a tough time of it,I guess we all have had a tough row to hoe at some time in our lives.Life isn`t fair and it sure isn`t easy..

I see now that you have decided to start to insult all who disagree with your point of view.
I truely do apoligize if i insulted anyone. i just want to stand up for those who are too afraid to stand up (for fear of being caught). They are no less american than you or I.

I am not your damn brother.
you are right, you are not. you are my BLESSED Brother!:D In GODS eyes we are all HIS children. even if we dont get along. and you are blessed to be living here in the FREE country!

03-31-2011, 02:54 PM
because ur uncle is an AMERICAN. he has earned that right to be cazlled that. I guess then we should call illegals, ILLEGAL AMERICANS . hOPEFULLY u are an American latino and not an illegal latino american. There is a difference.

I don't believe an illegal should be allow to sneak across our borders or fly into our cuntry and pop a kid and that kid be called an American citizen.... One in 6 people in the U.S. are hispanic, sure would be interesting to know what percentage of those 50 millions hispanics are legal. They should be ashmaed of themselves. I want to make a million dollars to, but that doesn't give me the right to hold up a bank to get it...

Ur OK speedy, alittle goofy around the edges for me to accept but being your latino which I surmised from the git go. I can understand your right to take an AMERICANS Job. I have 2 brothers that I can call my brother,ur name is not on that list.

03-31-2011, 03:04 PM
Sorry Speedy, your way of sanitizing this issue doesn't fly with me at all and I really do not believe most illegals in this country pay taxes through someone else in order to not get caught because what happens if they do get caught and deported, nada!!!... !!!...
doesnt matter if you believe or not, its still the truth!:D I know some of these people personally and have seen it many times with my own eyes.

Dude there are tour busses running everyday 24x7 between Atlanta and Mexico...They leave empty and return full so the process of deportation is just a long bus ride and then 1 day later they are back with new forged papers and a different name....Now THAT is the fault of our Government not doing their jobs because all I.C.E would need to do is set up a Customs office in the parking lot and screen the passengers as they get off the bus but that is profiling and not PC
that might solve some but definately not all. most come in under the radar. the real problem is with the laws.

she spends most of her time trying to teach illegal immigrant children the very basics which is almost impossible if the children don't speak English and their parents don't try and learn the language and teach their kids and this leaves the other legal English speaking American children behind which isn't fair to them and their educational future.!!!...
bold part above....INCORRECT! the parents have NO TIME to learn english. they are too busy working hard trying to have food on the table, clothes, a roof to live under, to worry about english. again, my mother in law is a perfect example. she works harder than anyone ive ever known. she cant talk english, but by golly, she is FOR SURE AN AMERICAN!

..My point is this, controlled immigration is a good thing and for that matter we are all immigrants which is What America was founded on BUT what is happening in many southern and border states is not immigration but invasion, occupation and control which in my book is a direct and fundamental attack on my country and my way of life plain and simple!!!...
lol, an invasion is what we did to the native americans. this is NOT invasion. this is simply the desire to have a better life for their children. and working hard to make it happen. :)

03-31-2011, 03:13 PM
the injuns were here first, doesn't mean we invaded them. I never knew they occupied the entire United States as we know it now. Ur mother in law chose not to TRY to speak english.. I always get alitle laugh out of when I go into one of our mexican restaurants in my area. All by the way have the same fokking name and the same fokkinbg menu. Most every menu is numbered 1 to 30 on them, , u order by number, certainly the waiter is hard pressed to hold any conversation so I just point to a number and then he repeats the item numbers wording verbatum, But ask him for something not on the menue and he is fokked.. U would think u just insulted his mamma...

03-31-2011, 03:22 PM
illegal was illegal in the 1900's. The meaning of the word has never changed. ur defending your people, it is very evident.

Thats admirable. WRONG, but admirable.
yes illegal is illegal. but it would be interesting to see what would happen if they ever banned guns altogether. i'm curious to how everyone here would interpret the status of "legal" vs "illegal":D (hypothetically speaking of coarse:D).
here's some basic math (since we are already taking basic spanish with your new dictionary)
Legal does not equal Right.
Illegal does not equal Wrong.
It is WRONG to treat them as you would a murderer/criminal.
a traffic ticket violater, ok, i can see that. but a criminal, c'mon guys, you gotta be kidding.
It is RIGHT, to treat them as a human being, get to know one, Listen and hear their story with out preconcieved assumtions/conclusions, then see if you still feel the same. (and i mean a face to face get to know someone, not chatting about friends of mine).

for those who read the bible, think of it as when Jesus healed on the sabbath.....look up Mark 2:9-24. sometimes doing right is 'unlawful'

03-31-2011, 03:42 PM
oh boy, now were getting into the bible stuff. this outta get this thread locked up pretty fast now. I am glad to see thatou realize illegal is illegal, now if just allthose people sneaking across our borders heading north would realize that, we would need no fences, border guards. wold save us millions and I betcha I cuold still buy a head of lettuce for 50 cents. Around my area we have alot of amish people. I respect their work ethics, but I totally disrespect their refusing to fly or honor the American Flag. I always wondered how in the fokk they could become citizens when they are supposed to give their oath of allegiance to the U.S.. I think we call it he pledge of alegiance.(course we probably make someacceptions for them, as usual... Course maybe most of them are illegals to. I have no clue. they want to run (trott) their horse down our nice paved roads and literaly rutt the sides of the pavement with their horse and yet balked at putting a slow moving vehicle glow in the dark sign on their buggies and paying an annual $25 a year buggie fee. Just so so typical of illegals...

03-31-2011, 04:00 PM
I was sorta hoping that we could keep this friendly without getting into name calling. I realize that’s tough with the emotions inherent to this topic. It’s very personal to people.

Let me take one more stab at this if I might, hopefully without inflaming things more:


There are very legitimate reasons for our country, or any country, to control its borders that have nothing to do with the ethnicity of the immigrants. This is an issue of national sovereignty. Some examples are below.

* National Security

Before anyone enters the country to live a background investigation needs to be conducted to the extent practical and possible. We need to keep out terrorists. This is not hypothetical this is real. We need to keep out criminals. Gang members, murderers, etc. should not bring the sort of violence we see in other countries to our neighborhoods. Etc.

Yes we already have some of that here now. That is no excuse to toss open the doors blindly and make matters worse.

* Cultural

One of the many reasons the US is a magnet for so many people is precisely because we have a culture that fosters an environment of freedom and success. To continue that across the generations people need to not just know and understand that culture, but to participate in it as well. It is a reasonable requirement for naturalized citizens to demand that they complete training and take a test that helps them to understand and integrate into our society.

I’m talking about fundamental principles like: democracy, separation of powers as a bulwark against tyranny and the component parts our federal and state governments have put in place to enact same, trial by jury of peers, habeas corpus, … and yes also the Bill of Rights to include yes the Second Amendment. Lots of stuff here to learn and I won’t even try to enumerate them all but I trust you get the picture.

As above I’ll concede there are a lot of dumb US Citizens who have gone through public schools here and I guess slept through them, or else their education consists of watching The Daily Show or the Colbert Report and they think they are “informed”. I’ve seen them on Leno’s “Jaywalking” and laugh and cringe every time that happens. But my response is NOT to abandon a broken public educational system or a broken immigration system, but strive to FIX both.

* Level playing field

You made the comment to me that a company operating with illegal immigrants underbidding a US company with legal immigrants as nothing more than capitalism. That is only true if I believe your assertion that illegal immigrants all pay taxes in order to blend in. The problem is I simply don’t believe that. Company can and do operate on a cash basis with many of these workers. It’s exploitive of them, but hey it’s food on the table and money to send home to the relatives so we both know it goes on. And – it provides an unfair advantage to one company who breaks the law over another company who does not.

Once again, like all of the arguments above, there are exceptions to the rule. I’m trusting you won’t pounce on some statement in isolation and try to offer a counter example and conclude that therefore the whole discussion is thus invalid.

* Infrastructure

Communities can only build schools and hospitals and roads, etc. at a certain rate. Besides an actuarial birth rate they can deal with reasonable additions due to population migrations and yes immigration influxes. But many are being swamped now due to the very high increases seen as the federal government by policy refuses to secure the southern border, and there is no objective doubt that it is putting severe strains on local communities, ERs, etc. I believe it is not just reasonable but incumbent upon a national government to control and as necessary adjust over time the rate of immigration to mitigate the impact on community services.

* Ethics

As already expressed many times it is simply not fair to those who have waited in line, studying for the exams, spent their hard earned money on forms and lawyers and all the rest of the junk necessary to become legal naturalized US citizens – for those people to see others “cut in line” and be granted amnesty simply because they did none of those things, broke the law, and now want special consideration by virtue of no other fact than they are already here. That does not seem fair or ethical to most folks here.

* Services

Yes our businesses utilize the inexpensive immigrant labor pool offered by landscapers, food service workers, construction, etc. But we also profit by the influx of doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants etc. as well. I’m not convinced we should allow 100% of one and 0% of another. This country is way better off in so many ways thanks to its immigrant history. But by policy it does, and I would argue should, control the relative ratios of the various category of people that we can reasonable absorb over time. I don’t think we should overly micromanage the process, but conceptually the policy seems reasonable. (The exact ratios can be argued over by people a lot smarter than me.)

For all of these reasons and more, the USA and all countries of which I’m aware have immigration policies. I believe they should be enforced as law, and amended where they don’t make sense. But you’ve lost me if you think that they should simply be ignored. No country should desire that (or at least any country that is attractive enough that people want to get *in* to it as opposed to *out* of it). Indeed as I’m sure you’re aware most of the Central and Southern American countries have way more harsh penalties than does the USA for violations of immigration laws. Mexico is a great case in point.

Finally, I respectfully disagree with your assertion that unless we are Native Americans that we have no say in this matter. The minor issue is that even the Native Americans immigrated from somewhere, and they themselves had a history of tribal warfare and infighting over territory long before the colonization from Europe began following 1492. At some point you just can’t put the broken jar back together again and rewrite history made centuries or millennia ago. Whatever sins were committed by people long dead are on their heads and they’ll account for their actions before the Creator. Practically, however, you know that it is impossible to undo that. But the more major point is that as US Citizens we all have a right to speak our opinion on this issue or any other issue that affects law, politics, or culture. That’s one of the great things that a democracy not just affords us but demands of us as good citizens.

For all these reasons and more I do believe that we should secure the borders and enforce the immigration laws. However I also believe that where broken the laws should be changed. We profit by legal immigration and we should help people to join us, just like the hand was extended to so many of our own ancestors before us.

I also think however that as a country we should be involved to the extent practical and possible in lifting other countries out of the mire that makes many of their own citizens want to flee those countries and come to the US in the first place. The glorious words in the Declaration of Independence should speak for all of humankind throughout the globe: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”.

I’m blessed to live in a country that believes that, that defines those principles in law, that strives despite human imperfections to enforce those principles and apply it towards all of its citizens. Would that all countries do the same…

Speedy I know this is very personal for you and it sounds like your extended family and their work ethic is a blessing to this country. I pray for your continued good fortune and success. I doubt I’ll change your mind, but I do hope that I can at least convince you that people who might disagree with you are thoughtful, sincere, of good intent, and wish people like your family all the best – even if we happen to disagree with you on people who did not go through that process and demand special consideration - with which we simply cannot agree.

God bless you.

03-31-2011, 04:40 PM
Off topic but with the indulgence of the readers please allow me to make a digression.

According to our current president, the Declaration of Independence does not read:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

but rather:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

That is in speeches he has twice (so it is not an accident) deleted the words in bold above. So I guess these rights are not God-given and thus not subject to change, but instead are man or government given and thus subject to the changing political whims of (as they like to put it) “a living breathing Constitution”.

Sorry for the complaint and digression. I guess it is that “bitterly clinging to their guns and religion” part of me that gets uppity when I hear the current president uncork these sorts of things.

03-31-2011, 04:46 PM
i think ur giving the president to much credit here, He probalby didn't omit it, he is just stupid.

03-31-2011, 04:52 PM
i think ur giving the president to much credit here, He probalby didn't omit it, he is just stupid.

I noticed he also left off that part about "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

I'd like to think that he and his speech-writers left that off because of time. I fear however that they left it off because they don't believe in that either...

03-31-2011, 05:00 PM
ur probably more right than I am ....

03-31-2011, 05:13 PM
Obama is anti-American




03-31-2011, 05:16 PM
he actualy playihg with himself..

04-01-2011, 07:47 AM
I think this thread has run its course.