View Full Version : CW9 range report from a newbie

03-31-2011, 01:12 PM
This is my first handgun and my 2nd time to the range in my life. I put 50rds through it the day I purchased it, and I put 250rds through it today, so 300rds total. Not a single failure of any kind. I have no complaints at all about this gun and my accuracy seems to be pretty good when I'm fresh, not fatigued.

This target is the last 100rds of the 250 that I shot today. I got some advice on my grip which helped a lot, but I was getting a little wore out by this time so some of my shots were a little off. The next time I go to the range I'm going to concentrate more on finger placement on the trigger since I'm told that could be why my shots drift down and left as a right-handed shooter.


I'm also needing a cleaning kit. Can anybody recommend a quality cleaning kit that isn't all disposable?

03-31-2011, 01:22 PM
damn good shooting and welcome to the forum. Heh most of these pistolo cleaning kits will have more than enought to get you started and then just add to it as things wear out or ruhn out. I would advise buying one of those 9mm snakes for fast cleaning of the bore when at the range even. You can take the magazine out and get both the feed ramp and the entire bore with those snakes and they are really excellent..

03-31-2011, 01:29 PM
Welcome Beau. Your doing just fine and your target is very typical of new kahr shooter. Low left. Nothing to be discouraged about and your on the right track to making it right.

Glad ya found us.

03-31-2011, 05:38 PM
Congratulations and welcome to the forum! I have a CW9 with 700 + rounds down range, and love the pistol. Good shooting! I think the Kahr is an outstanding pistol design for carry and defense. Thanks for the range report.

-- Richard

03-31-2011, 07:58 PM
Welcome to the nut house!! I also am a proud owner of a CW9 They are fantastic guns for sure and you will only get better each time you go to the range. Here is a good sight to print targets from that will help you in your shooting www.reloadbench.com. they have a target on here that will tell you what you are doing and how to correct it. It looks like this. This is with a 357 magnum revolver at 25FT. in a 3"circle DA. As you can see the shots went up to the right each time. This shows I was anticipating recoil . THis was a while back. I have since gotten better! I got some new targets the other day. Im gonna shot em with my CW9 and will post a pic of it tomorrow. Stay close, 21ft. till you get more use to your gun then back the target up a couple of ft. I try to stay at 25 to 30 ft. It is a carry weapon anyway, not a tack driver. Have fun!

03-31-2011, 08:13 PM
Welcome! skills can be develokped quickly if you concentrate on the fundamentals each time you shoot and dry fire often focusing on those same fundementals. Develop a plan with the same procedure each time out, focus on the fundamentals and by having the same procedure you'll be able to measure progress.

below is a sample plan using only 60 rounds each session.

10 Rounds slow fire marksmanship - Very small dot, ability dependent, 3 inches, Silver Dollar or Quarter size - Rest between every shot, focus on sight picture / alignment, trigger press, 3 yard line.

10 Rounds: Presentations, one shot, 5 times low ready, 5 times high ready, presentations should be at 80% to max speed, speed of shot is dictated by difficulty of shot not speed of presentation, 3 yards 3 inch dot.

10 Rounds: The Draw, if you use more than one holster switch every week, 10 one shot draws, if you use concealed focus on that method, 3 yards 3 inch dot.

20 Rounds: Rythum Drills, 5 yards with 8 inch dot, 1 second, ½ second, ¼ & maximum cadence of five rounds.
10 Rounds: Reloads, chambered round w/empty mag, one shot, reload, one shot, from holster, 3 inch dot at 3 yards.

03-31-2011, 08:52 PM
I had a moment of weakness and bought a High Noon OWB holster. It rides pretty high so it should work for CC as well.

04-01-2011, 06:14 AM
I tjhink 50 to 60 rounds should be the max in shooting. after that you tend to (just let them fly) so to speak

04-01-2011, 06:56 AM
This is another target I like 70rds with the CW9 at 30ft. the ones in the neck and chin area are when I tried to shoot one handed. Im going to hav to do that more often

04-01-2011, 07:00 AM
Very Impressive. I think you made the best choice for a compact carry 9 !

I have had one for about 6 months and have had nothing but enjoyment shooting it.