View Full Version : Bwanna & his PM 45 on deck please.

04-01-2011, 04:32 PM
Young man,

Did you say at one time that your PM functioned fully with Wilson 47D mags?

I'm looking to find a mag that works fully and then see about cutting it down.


04-01-2011, 04:59 PM
Young man,

Did you say at one time that your PM functioned fully with Wilson 47D mags?

I'm looking to find a mag that works fully and then see about cutting it down.


Bawanna reported as ordered sir!

I did indeed say that and I spoketh the truth. My 47D Wilsons work my PM45 flawlessly with 6 different mags.
Ironically my officers size Wilson mags the 47OX model which is shorter fit and feed but do not lock the slide back when empty. I'm at a loss for an explanation for this. The tube and followers look identical. Only thing I can think is maybe the spring is stronger or not as strong in the D's.

04-01-2011, 05:07 PM
Ahhh. Then I'll purchase some and go to work. Thanks.

The King's mag I shortened to flush was ok as a first experiment. But it was old, you can't get that exact style anymore, it is blued and doesn't lock back.

I really want flush as I can then pocket carry. And nothing that matter with one more round too. So we'll see.

I'll report back.


04-01-2011, 05:13 PM
Hope ya come up with something viable that works. Several have experimented with this before with mixed results. My carry method really doesn't benefit from a flush mag but I'd sure like at least one if you make it fly and go into production.

I'm a wood butcher myself, dont mess with metal too much. Gotta be quite a trick to shorten a magazine and refold everything on the bottom as stuff.

I'll anxiously await your followup reports.

04-01-2011, 08:26 PM
I haven't had any luck with the Wilson keeping my slide back on empty magazine, nor most of the other mags I've tried, either. 1911 magazines just don't seem to have the spring strength that the Kahr needs in the front to actuate the slide lock. I've tried a bunch of metal followers and magazines, but none reliably hold the slide back in operation. Most appear to do so until you actually shoot.

One of these days I'm going to try playing with the Checkmate Officers model and see if I can modify it to make it work. I don't mind the extended length of a 7-round mag... which takes up slightly less room or length than the 6-round extended-grip Kahr magazine.

I've just been too busy... or supposed to have been busy!



04-01-2011, 08:42 PM

You're talking about a PM 45 here, correct? And what six round .45 Kahr mags are you referring too?


You've shot the 47Ds in the PM for function, correct?

Thanks gentlemen, just trying to make sure I'm understanding here.


04-01-2011, 10:05 PM
Oh, yes the PM45... "Franken-Boomer". I have the 6-round extended grip model that I got as part of my PM45 package. It was a third magazine. I have two of the 7-round extended grip models and they have been flawless, but a bit long for CCW. I use them at the range and for home defense. I have one in the PM45 at my TV chair and the other in a pocket-converted TK mag holder... 7+1 plus 7.
These are the Kahr magazines for the .45's.


04-01-2011, 11:08 PM

You're talking about a PM 45 here, correct? And what six round .45 Kahr mags are you referring too?


You've shot the 47Ds in the PM for function, correct?

Thanks gentlemen, just trying to make sure I'm understanding here.


Yup I shot the 47D's in my PM and the functioned. The 47OX's worked but didnt lock back. They don't work for Wyn. Wierd.

04-01-2011, 11:26 PM
..The King's mag I shortened to flush was ok as a first experiment. But it was old, you can't get that exact style anymore, it is blued and doesn't lock back.

I really want flush as I can then pocket carry. And nothing that matter with one more round too. So we'll see.

I'll report back.

Can you run a Kahr follower and spring in your modified King's mag? That combo might give you a flush fit magazine that will lock the slide back.

04-02-2011, 03:19 PM

I've never tried it. The mag base is welded on, so getting the follower in would probably be sorta tough I would think. I'll give it a go though, who knows?

As an aside Greg, I wanted to thank you for your work on the problems that the PMs can have. My PM was one that would stuff the last empty back into the mag. Did that for the first 250 rounds or so, every single time with each of six factory mags. Returned to the mother ship and of course they had no clue. They were nice, but they hadn't read your thread yet!

Their solution was to give me a new mag catch that held the mag in about .037" lower, which exposed more of the mag at the base of the grip. I grew to hate that gap.

I have just finished applying your concepts to all my mags and have reinstalled the old mag catch. I'm off to the range to test 'em, I'll report back.


04-03-2011, 02:36 PM

I"m back from the range. I gotta tell ya Greg, you are one sharp dude, end of story.

With the old mag catch in my PM never once stuffed a case. Tested all my mags, worked perfectly.

You know, Kahr could do a whole lot worse than hire you as a consultant for their mind-numbing problems. So could Glock and Smith & Wesson, for that.

Thanks a bunch.


04-03-2011, 03:01 PM
You made me blush :blushing: Thank you for the kind words.

BTW, about putting a Kahr follower and spring into a fixed base magazine:
It takes a little manipulation (and an awareness that the front of the Kahr follower can be broken), but it can be done. Here's a video I did in response to a question about how I do it:

04-03-2011, 04:44 PM
Nice video. Mmmm, didn't look all that tough, I'll give a shot and let you know. Thanks.


04-09-2011, 12:30 PM

I've been researching Wilson's mags. There's a pile to choose from, dang it.

Are your's seven or eight round? I see they make them with bumpers, base plates made out of plastic,steel and aluminum. The base plates probably won't make any difference as far as we're concerned, but who can tell? Mag capacity might though.


04-09-2011, 12:45 PM

I've been researching Wilson's mags. There's a pile to choose from, dang it.

Are your's seven or eight round? I see they make them with bumpers, base plates made out of plastic,steel and aluminum. The base plates probably won't make any difference as far as we're concerned, but who can tell? Mag capacity might though.


The ones that work for me are called the 47D. If you look at like Brownells they have different part numbers but when you look at the actual model I think it does mention 47D. I know it was confusing to me too.
I'll try to go there and get a link.
They are eight round. I have the 7 round also for my officers model and they run but don't lock the slide back on empty.
I have a metal flush base on the one in the gun and rubber pads on the extra's. Doubt that makes a difference like you said.

They have some new models with different slots in the mag, not sure what the heck they call those.

http://www.brownells.com/.aspx/pid=16398/Product/1911_AUTO_WILSON_ROGERS_MAGAZINE These are the ones that work for me. Note I don't think they worked for Wynn so no gaurantees. Mine all work. The 47DOX is the officers size and they do not lock back. They do cycle and shoot fine.

04-09-2011, 02:20 PM
Ok, that's about what I was figuring, thanks.

As far as holding you responsible, don't worry. You will be. If they don't work I'll expect ten times my money back, free pistol grips for life, and maybe get to shoot ya just a litte bit. Just a little, don't worry.

Isn't there allready somebody on a Harley looking for ya? I'm from the Northwest, ya know. I've been to Monroe, know right where it is.

Maybe him and I'll team up.

We'll let you know.


04-09-2011, 02:50 PM
Aim low! Won't hurt so much. Try not to hit my battery, really messes with the propulsion system.

Maybe I should just send you one to try. If it works I'm a hero, if it don't you can cuss me, slander my questionable good name, throw the mag away and shoot me just a little anyway. But cheaper.