View Full Version : Kahr factory 7 round .45 mag questions

04-02-2011, 04:42 PM
Ok, who's been buyng all the Kahr .45 mags? Been looking around the usual places, and they either have the 6 round in stock, but no 7 round mags with the grip extension, or else the other way around.
Another question. http://www.kahr.com/Magazines/Kahr-7-Round-45-ACP-W-Grip-Extension.asp shows a 7 round mag with the grip extension but says it only fits the P45. Why wouldn't that work in a CW45? They show the 7 round mag for the TP45 listed as the one that fits the CW45, but I'd rather have the extended grip, not a half inch of bare metal hanging out the bottom of my gun between the end of the grip and the mag base,
Lastly, it seems some have had problems with the extra round capacity magazines in some of the pistols, anyone having problems with the 7 round mag for the CW45? I have two 7 round mags for my CW40 and they work fine.
I also found that my 10 round mag (Pro Mag I think, been a few years since I bought it) will fit and lock into the CW45, seems to feed ok, and locks the slide on empty. Neither my Springfield or Chip McCormick mags will work.

04-02-2011, 07:24 PM
The CW45 and P45 use the same magazines... 6-round flush polymer base, 7-round(TP45 model which leaves a one-round length without grip, or gap between the bottom of the grip and the base) flush-fitting polymer base, and 7-round extended grip.


04-02-2011, 10:33 PM
Got my 7 round magazine from CDNN but it looks like they don't have any 45 magazines now. No problems with it in my CW45.

04-03-2011, 03:55 PM
Try any of your local gun shows and look for them. I have 2 mags of 7 rds with the finger extention and have worked perfectly.

I was lucky that I ran into them in a local gun show and bought the 2 of then without any hesitation.

This is the internet name of the people where I got them from @ the gun show:


Good luck!!

04-03-2011, 05:34 PM
Darn Cornel, you're too late, but thanks a bunch, bookmarked it for future reference. I just ordered 4 mags and a Handall Jr from Midwest Hunter Supply. Anyone done any business with them? They are out of Green Bay Wisconsin, so figured nothing bad comes out of Packer-land, LOL. But I did find some complaints about slow turnaround, and it being a real hassle to return or exchange something. They have a page on Facebook that's just full of happy customers talking abou the quick turnaround and great customer service, but I'm sure they can and do edit out the negative comments. I was just happy to find a place that had everything I was looking for in stock. The mags were pretty reasonably priced, I've seen better prices, but they were sold out of one thing or another. They had a $5 flat rate shipping fee that kind of made up for the higher costs. I guess I'll wait on the mags and CT Laser I ordered to come in before I head across town to the indoor range I prefer. The other one is closer but in a rough neighborhood. You darn well better be packing if you leave that place after dark.
That will give me a chance to check Walmart on "ammo day" and see if they got in any Federal 230gr Premium Personal Protection ammo. Almost ordered some Winchest Ranger Talons, found a place selling to non-leo's for $32 a box, standard load or +P, but hate to go ordering something I haven't tried. Did that with some .40 loads that don't work so well with the CW40. Next gun show is at the end of this month, so maybe I can find a couple boxes there to try. Got to say that that Ranger +P had some pretty impressive ballistics, standard load wasn't bad either. If I get the +P I'll only shoot enough to make sure they feed well out of all the different mags, and save the rest for CC. Don't want to put more wear and tear on my gun than it needs with that +P. Meanwhile I'll keep racking the slide. Should be pretty well broke in before it ever fires a shot.