View Full Version : CW9 going dark

04-03-2011, 10:19 PM
I have decided that, as soon as I can afford to do so, I want to make my CW9 night capable.

I’ve tried to do my research here in kahrtalk and other places, but I still would like to run my thinking past everyone and would appreciate your feedback. Best I can tell for the CW9 there are only three options for me:

* Option 1: Dawson Precision Tritium inserted front sight
Part # 019-059, .180 Tall x .125 Wide
Cost: $49 + $4.25 shipping = $53.25 total

If I chose this option I would go with just the front sight only and retain the factory rear sights. I do this because I’ve read the many posts about how tight the rear sights are. I don’t have a sight pusher, and I’m not much of a DIY kinda guy so I’m afraid I would damage the slide or the rear sights if I tried to replace those myself.

The front sights however seem pretty easy to replace: http://www.dawsonprecision.com/images/Instructions/Kahr%20Front%20Sight%20Insert2.pdf

* Option 2: Kahr factory-installed front & rear Trijicon night sights for CW series
Cost: $80 part + $5 USPS slide ship out + $65/one-hour-labor + $25 Kahr ship/handle return = $175 total

I’d prefer all three dots to be illuminated if I could but as above I don’t trust myself to do the rear sight install so the whole thing has to go back to Kahr, hence the much larger cost.

* Option 3: Crimson Trace Laserguard
Part # LG-437
Cost: $209 MSRP with free shipping from CT - $50 IF received before June 30th = $159 total
Current web prices (shipping costs added): Amazon = $168.45, Buds = $169
BUT you’re probably also gonna need a new holster. Cost varies. Add $40-50?
Total = $200-210 range. After the rebate, total rises to ~$260 if you get it directly from CT.

There is another issue on the CTL, at least for me. I have Hogue grips, and I love them. Not sure how this is going to work with them. At best I’m assuming I’ll have to create a rectangular cut-out to accommodate the CTL. At worst I suppose it could make the grips unusable if the cut-out is too large to retain structural integrity.


* DP Pros:
- Cheapest.
- Fastest since I don’t need to save up as much money.

DP Cons:
- Only the front sight is illuminated. I’d prefer the traditional three-sight picture.
- Least accurate choice as a consequence of that single dot. (Yes, I know in a SD situation front sight is paramount. But what I said is still true.)

* Trijicon Pros:
- Traditional three-dot sight picture consistent with standard firearm day training
- Medium accurate choice

* Trijicon Cons:
- Medium cost
- Loss of gun while shipping waiting for shipping & Kahr work

* CTL Pros:
- Most accurate. The dot is the spot!
- Can keep eye focus on the bad guy & not on the front sight
- Great for dry firing practice & working out bad technique

* CTL Cons:
- Most expensive
- Slowest option (for me since I’ll have to save up for it – may even have to miss the rebate)
- Need new holster
- Requires modification of or abandonment of grips

Not sure which way I’m going but I would appreciate folks opinions & experience. In addition I have a few questions if I might:


* Question 1: Are there any options for the CW9 that I’ve overlooked? I don’t think so. Big dot sights, Meprolights, etc. don’t make sights for the two-post CW9 slide mount.

* Question 2: Throughout its web site DP makes a big point of getting the front sight height right otherwise the gun will shoot high or low: http://www.dawsonprecision.com/images/Instructions/FrontSightHeight.pdf I get the point, but I don’t understand what that means to me. Do these DP front sights work out of the box with Kahr factory installed rear sights? If so why tell me all that? If not best I can tell there is no height adjustment or other part options so how can I ensure I get the proper height needed? Can anyone who has ordered this option for their CW9 comment on this please?

* Question 3: When I can CCW, I prefer IWB holsters. Currently I have the Bianchi Model 100 Size 9A http://www.bianchi-intl.com/product/Prod.php?TxtModelID=100 for my CW9. Does anyone have a CTL for a CW9 and goes with an IWB holster, and if so which holster(s) have you found that work well in that option?

* Question 4: What do others with the CT lasers do with pre-existing grips?

It will be a while before I can save up to do this, but do this I will. I just need to decide what is the best option for me.

Thanks in advance for all of your help.

04-03-2011, 11:37 PM
I'm lost aray. The CW is tupperware. Nothing happens to the grip when you add the CT Laser that I can think of. I'm feeling stupid here, what am I missing?

To me the CT should be considered a luxury and not be counted on to replace good sights. I'm not against lasers but they do add bulk, as you stated make you buy another holster and limits those options as well.

If your use to and prefer 3 illuminated dots I see the trijicon as your only option. As far as down time I believe you'd only be without for a week at most and possibly less than that.

Trijicon will also install their sights so that might be an option to check out also.

I like a big bold illuminated front sight and really don't need much on the rear which is why I like the XS system so much but again as stated no available for the CW YET.

04-04-2011, 01:01 AM
I'm lost aray. The CW is tupperware. Nothing happens to the grip when you add the CT Laser that I can think of. I'm feeling stupid here, what am I missing?

aray, the CT for the CW9 is a laserguard, not a lasergrip. It adds to the front of the triggerguard, and therefore, yes, different holsters are needed if all you have are non-laserguard holsters - but nothing changes with regards to the grips. I wish we could get lasergrips for the tupperware, but don't know how it's possible without DIY melting it onto the grip! :target: Maybe I'm misunderstanding too. Now I've confused myself (not hard to do).

My vote would be the CT laserguard AND the front night sight (if possible). If you're sold on the CW9 for your long-term carry option, both would be perfect. I'm definitely sold on the CT system and for me, my stock Kahr sights just work and I don't want to mess with what has worked so well for me. When funds become available, I'm planning to maybe give the XS front a try to see if it works for me.

As for your question #3, aray, for IWB I've enjoyed using my PM9 (I know, not CW9 but still) with laserguard with my Tucker Silent Thunder IWB. And of course, I enjoy pocket carrying my PM9 in a DeSantis - most likely not an option for you with the CW9. Sorry I can't be of more help with the other questions, others on here will be able to speak better to answering your questions and with more experience.

04-04-2011, 07:50 AM
Guy's he is asking about what to do with his grip sleeve when adding a laser...

DO NOT cut a rectangle in your grip sleeve it will cause it to tear easily.
All you need is a small hole punch to put a hole in the grip at the button of the laser.

You have covered about all your options.
I will add one...-XS will install Big dots for $200ish total... it requires a dovetail cut for the front sight.(more then I will spend, and I hope they will soon see the sales they are loosing by not making a CW/CM Big dot set that will fit with no mods to the slide.)

IMO, I would get the Laser first, now that they have the $50 rebate... They can be bought for about $150 shipped -$50= $100 for a laser is a DEAL! for sure.
I have one on my CW9 and it works very well, I may add a Dawson front night sight someday, But the stock sights are great for daytime now, I prefer the "i" sight picture over a 3 dot anyway, and the laser is great anytime.

As far as a holster for a CW and CTC I would highly recommend a REMORA they only cost $25 and work well ...And a mini/micro/supertuck type of holster. Kholster also makes this type of holster for about half the price of Crossbreed.They are also having a sale now and they have the mold for the laser(I have Kholster that I modified heavily for my CW9/ctc and I like it a lot too I can post a pic if you want one)

04-04-2011, 10:57 AM
I installed the Dawson front and rear nite sights on my CW9. I just went slow and easy, it went ok. Just had to use a plastic driver from the Big Dot install. Also, I have the CT Laserguard. Best deal ever for the CW9. Good luck.

04-04-2011, 11:07 AM
In a gun fight(night or day) you won't be lining up any sights...I say get the DP's save money and be done with it. As food for thought, in a night fight, having only the FS illuminated might be to your benefit.

Bob G
04-04-2011, 12:11 PM
CT Laserguard on Ebay $169..That is where I got mine..Going to add the Dawson NS. Love the CW9.

04-05-2011, 12:23 AM
Guy's he is asking about what to do with his grip sleeve when adding a laser...

DO NOT cut a rectangle in your grip sleeve it will cause it to tear easily.
All you need is a small hole punch to put a hole in the grip at the button of the laser.

Yes, this. Sorry to the others I confused: in hindsight I was not very articulate in my original posting.

For the sake of completeness since I made the OP I also saw Jeepster in another thread recommend the ArmaLaser: http://www.armalaser.com/SB6_-_KAHR_POLYMER-KAHR.html This was in a discussion of a member's CTL not fitting well; Jeepster liked the QC and sturdiness of the ArmaLaser better. That may be but it looks bulkier to me. Either CT or AL would require a new holster, so I have to factor that in either way. But both do make lasers that fit the CW9 it seems.

As far as a holster for a CW and CTC I would highly recommend a REMORA they only cost $25 and work well ...And a mini/micro/supertuck type of holster. Kholster also makes this type of holster for about half the price of Crossbreed.They are also having a sale now and they have the mold for the laser(I have Kholster that I modified heavily for my CW9/ctc and I like it a lot too I can post a pic if you want one)

If you don't mind that would be great. Thanks. I'm sure I'm not up to working with leather and modifying a holster but if I can find a stock option I'd throw it into the mix of possibilities for sure.

Anyway with the addition of the ArmaLaser, and adding in the comments & suggestions from the rest of you, I think that is a pretty complete run-down of all of the night options for the CW9.

I need to do the research on the holsters ya'll mentioned above if I go that route. Still not sure what I'll do plus there is the finance thing. But I do very much appreciate the help!

Hey, someone suggested this is what I need:

04-05-2011, 07:39 AM
Yes, this. Sorry to the others I confused: in hindsight I was not very articulate in my original posting.

For the sake of completeness since I made the OP I also saw Jeepster in another thread recommend the ArmaLaser: http://www.armalaser.com/SB6_-_KAHR_POLYMER-KAHR.html This was in a discussion of a member's CTL not fitting well; Jeepster liked the QC and sturdiness of the ArmaLaser better. That may be but it looks bulkier to me. Either CT or AL would require a new holster, so I have to factor that in either way. But both do make lasers that fit the CW9 it seems.

If you don't mind that would be great. Thanks. I'm sure I'm not up to working with leather and modifying a holster but if I can find a stock option I'd throw it into the mix of possibilities for sure.

Anyway with the addition of the ArmaLaser, and adding in the comments & suggestions from the rest of you, I think that is a pretty complete run-down of all of the night options for the CW9.

I need to do the research on the holsters ya'll mentioned above if I go that route. Still not sure what I'll do plus there is the finance thing. But I do very much appreciate the help!

Hey, someone suggested this is what I need:
WOW!!! where can I get one of those!! Imagine the holster you would need:eek:

04-05-2011, 10:37 AM
Aray, as requested here are some Kholster pics.

This is a pic of my CW9 Kholster as delivered...It was ordered as a non-laser model, but I ask him to put the rivets far enough away to allow me to re-mold it for a laser later.( I had not yet purchased a laser for it but intended to)

They are very usable and comfortable as delivered you don't have to do any mods if you choose not to... But I prefer to have a "combat cut" (cut to get a correct grip from the holster) Also, I think my modified version looks and feels much better.

I have 3 Kholsters and have done combat cuts, re-molded, stained and trimmed down all of them for more comfort and better appearance. Yes, I may be a little anal, but I enjoy fooling with stuff and saving money. The 3 holsters you see cost me less then 1 Crossbreed would have.

I have a code# for 10% off Reg. pricing if you want it. If you what any "how-to" help with your grip or a holster or anything else I could help with, just ask.

Bob G
04-05-2011, 12:13 PM
I have a Kholster on the way as well.. My third.. Use this coupon code for 10% discount..12-7334..Place this code in special instructions fields...Beardog...I like your combat cuts..I too like to use black leather dye after I trim...

04-05-2011, 12:26 PM
I ordered the CTL for my CW45 and holster choices are very limited. I see a few more for the CW9 and CW40, but very few for the CW45 with CTL. I think a leather holster for the CW40 might stretch out to fit the CW45 depending on the leather used. I don't know if a Kydex one could be remolded to fit the CW45 or not. Thomas at Old Faithful Holsters (he posted in the holster section about $80 holsters for $35) said that he'd sell me a kit to mold my own. The kits are $20.00 so wouldnt be out a lot of $$ if I messed it up. I'll have to watch for Beardog's experience with remolding his kydex holster.

04-05-2011, 03:58 PM
I ordered the CTL for my CW45 and holster choices are very limited. I see a few more for the CW9 and CW40, but very few for the CW45 with CTL. I think a leather holster for the CW40 might stretch out to fit the CW45 depending on the leather used. I don't know if a Kydex one could be remolded to fit the CW45 or not. Thomas at Old Faithful Holsters (he posted in the holster section about $80 holsters for $35) said that he'd sell me a kit to mold my own. The kits are $20.00 so wouldnt be out a lot of $$ if I messed it up. I'll have to watch for Beardog's experience with remolding his kydex holster.

Re-molding kydex is not that difficult to do. I do it with a butane lighter (the long handled kind for lighting grills and such, mine has a wind proof torch type flame). A heatgun would work well also, But for just modifying/adjusting/reshaping a Kholster or a crossbreed I like the precision I get using the lighter.

I went to the holster kit website you are looking at getting and it is really a "KIT" you have to do everything almost. He has a how-to video on his site. Looks like fun, if you have the skills and tools and time. But much,much more work will be involved to finish it nicely then what I have had to do with my Kholster's. You are going to have to make a press and use an oven to heat the kydex and mold it to your gun/laser, and have access to few tools if you go that route.

I did check at Kholster and he DOES make them for the CW45 with CTC laserguard. So you would not have to mold anything. I also prefer having spring steel clips like you get with a Kholster over Kydex ones. Today he has them on sale for $42 delivered...Thats more then I have paid in the past 2 yrs ($30-$35 during sales) but what else is new??? IMO I think I would just get a Kholster that is much more finished and trim it up a little...

Good luck with what ever you choose!

04-06-2011, 12:02 AM
Beardog, that is some mighty fine work you did there. I don't have talent with my hands but I recognize it and appreciate it in others.

As part of my research I did check out the Kholster web site (http://www.kholster.com/products.htm). If I'm reading it correctly it could be ordered for the CW9 with CT Laserguard for IWB in the Crescent model. If I understood what you wrote and their web site I wouldn't have to do anything past that point. You just chose to cut it and dye it yourself but that should be optional. Not sure how you remolded it but I'm guessing I wouldn't have to do even that if I ordered it in the CTL option right?

Still not quite sure what I'm going to do but I should decide in the next few days or so. Lack of finances is going to stop me from doing anything for a while, but I want to decide now exactly what I'm going to do when I'm able to move forward.

Thanks again for everyone's help!

armed pacifist
04-06-2011, 11:44 AM
There is also a series of glow in the dark paint that could be applied to the factory sights. It doesn't work as well as the tritium (that is to say, you need to let it soak up light before it will glow, where as tritium doesn't have to), but the cost is MUCH less. One bottle should last you almost as long as the tritium sights.


04-06-2011, 03:56 PM
Beardog, that is some mighty fine work you did there. I don't have talent with my hands but I recognize it and appreciate it in others.

As part of my research I did check out the Kholster web site (http://www.kholster.com/products.htm). If I'm reading it correctly it could be ordered for the CW9 with CT Laserguard for IWB in the Crescent model. If I understood what you wrote and their web site I wouldn't have to do anything past that point. You just chose to cut it and dye it yourself but that should be optional. Not sure how you remolded it but I'm guessing I wouldn't have to do even that if I ordered it in the CTL option right?

Still not quite sure what I'm going to do but I should decide in the next few days or so. Lack of finances is going to stop me from doing anything for a while, but I want to decide now exactly what I'm going to do when I'm able to move forward.

Thanks again for everyone's help!

Thanks, And you are correct, Just order a Crescent with the CTC laserguard option and you will be all set! Nothing will need to be done, and they are actually very comfortable stock with the full leather backer as it will completely shield the gun from your body...I just do the combat cut for my own preference.
If you decide on getting a Kholster here is a code that will get you 10% off.
Rebate code# 335973 put it in the notes field during checkout and you get 10% off your entire order.