View Full Version : Questions on Kahr PM9 reliability and recoil

04-04-2011, 03:55 PM
Hello everyone,
I am searching for the best CCW for me. This is what I have learned so far regarding my own preferences. 9mm is the largest caliber I can shoot due to recoil sensitivity because of thumb and wrist arthritis, pocket carry is my preferred carry mode. I bought a glock 26 and while I enjoy shooting it, it is too big to pocket carry and be able to draw quickly. I bought a S&W M&P 340 which conceals very nicely but the recoil is brutal, so I am afraid I will not be able to practice with it much ( not good ) . I have a Kahr P380 which is an awesome pocket gun, but after 500 rounds and a trip back to Kahr it still has too many problems for me to trust it with my life. I held a Kahr PM9 at the gun shop today, and I thought it was ok for pocket carry in the cargo shorts I was wearing. So, I hope you can share your wisdom with me. Is the PM9 reliable ( I don't want to go through the same unpleasantness I experienced with the P380 ) ? Is the PM9 ok for pocket carry in shorts like cargo shorts, and can you draw quickly in that mode ? Is the recoil in the PM9 acceptable ? How does the recoil in the PM9 compare to the lightweight j frames, the glock 26 and the Kahr P380 if you have had experience with them or similar guns ?
Thank you for sharing your insight with me .


Bill K
04-04-2011, 04:47 PM
Welcome to Kahrtalk!

I'm new to Kahr and the PM9, there will soon be folks here with a whole lot more knowledge of the gun than what I have.

I bought the PM9 primarily for pocket carry. So far I've found that it works well in all but a few pants pockets of mine, my P3AT fits in all my pants pockets. Cargo pants pockets, and I'm referring to the slash pocket, are big and deep enough for me to pocket my Glock 26. The PM9 can swim in cargo pants pockets.

There is a negative that I have to work on concerning drawing my PM9 from my pocket. Occasionally the rear sight will snag a bit at the top of a pocket. More practice drawing the PM9 from the pocket should fix that. Worst case I need to do some de-horning on the year sight.

Bill K.

04-04-2011, 04:59 PM
I share your concerns about the P380. I gave up on mine after 1400 rounds and two trips to Kahr. My experience with my relatively new PM9 has been very positive. After 600 rounds, no failures to chamber or eject. It is accurate and fun to shoot. I have great confidence in this pistol as I do with my K9 Elite. Feedback on the PM9 has generally been very positive. I find recoil to be comfortable and nowhere near what I experienced with a S&W 340 or even the 642. Carry in cargo shorts should be similar to a J frame. Hope this is helpful to you and welcome to the forum.

04-04-2011, 05:02 PM
So far, I've fired 250 rounds through my PM9 and have found that it is very reliable with the 6-round mag. Recoil is a little more than a G26 because the PM9 is a smaller gun, but is a little less than a lightweight j-frame. The last lightweight J-frame I shot actually hurt to shoot it. Also, I've found that recoil depends on what brand of ammo I'm using. Magtech has quite a kick, but WWB and Federal Champion are pleasurable to shoot. I can't compare the PM9 to the p380, but I prefer the PM9 over the Ruger LCP. The PM9 trigger is a lot better.

04-04-2011, 05:27 PM
Welcome to Kahrtalk!

I'm new to Kahr and the PM9, there will soon be folks here with a whole lot more knowledge of the gun than what I have.

I bought the PM9 primarily for pocket carry. So far I've found that it works well in all but a few pants pockets of mine, my P3AT fits in all my pants pockets. Cargo pants pockets, and I'm referring to the slash pocket, are big and deep enough for me to pocket my Glock 26. The PM9 can swim in cargo pants pockets.

There is a negative that I have to work on concerning drawing my PM9 from my pocket. Occasionally the rear sight will snag a bit at the top of a pocket. More practice drawing the PM9 from the pocket should fix that. Worst case I need to do some de-horning on the year sight.

Bill K.

no doubt the pM9 is not a fast draw gun for front pocket carry. BUT I can with ease carry my PM9 in any pair of jeans I wear with a desantis
My P380 can ride that a tad better but really not much faster in drawing it in my front pocket than my PM9, Neither is fast in that area. But that doesn't really bother me either. At least I am carrying and I feel no real need to out draw anyone either. For me the 9 mm trumps a 380 any time..

04-04-2011, 05:28 PM
Melissa Port that PM9 and u will really enjoy one smooth shooter..

04-04-2011, 05:35 PM
Melissa5 is right on the money. Recoil is less than my S&W Bodyguard and is quite pleasurable to shoot espcially with standard pressure 9mm loadings.
For that matter I wouldn't be too concerned with +P 9mm loads as in case of an emegency I seriously doubt that you would even notice the recoil.
As for daily carry I normally have it in a front pocket scabbard by GALCO and should be no problem. I haven't had any problems with mine at all and that includes the extended magazine fully topped off. When in my front pocket I stick with the flush magazine for eaze of draw.

04-04-2011, 05:50 PM
Reliability is my main concern in a CCW and the PM9 will server you well. I've got thousands of rounds through mine with zero malfunctions.

If speed is an issue, carry it in another method other than pocket carry. I carry mostly IWB, and have recently gone from the PM9 to the P9 due to slightly larger grip and increased speed from IWB.

Bottom line is not one can tell you what you should do. You might get a PM9 and find it slightly too large for pocket carry, but with Kahr you have real options for CC.

Bill K
04-04-2011, 06:27 PM
If you've got your hand positioned in your pocket ready to draw then the draw from the pocket can be very fast. With my PM9 I'm working first to get a smooth draw, a fast draw will follow after the smooth draw has been mastered.

Bill K.

04-04-2011, 06:35 PM
my jeans fit tight and witht he Pm9 in there , even tighter. What would look smooth to some inh my case might be alot of effort. It for me is certainly not a fast draw area and will never be. My jeans just don't allow it, but I am cool with though. Alittle awareness of the situqation goes a long way to... If I was walking dwon cabreani square n chicago at night. my had would be on that gun in my pocket for damn sure. If I was walking into the vatican to see the pope, I would be more relaxed..

04-04-2011, 06:45 PM
If I was walking dwon cabreani square n chicago at night. my had would be on that gun in my pocket for damn sure. If I was walking into the vatican to see the pope, I would be more relaxed..

C'mon, jocko - you know it's illegal to carry in both of those places!! :crazy:

Bill K
04-04-2011, 06:52 PM
my jeans fit tight and witht he Pm9 in there , even tighter. What would look smooth to some inh my case might be alot of effort. It for me is certainly not a fast draw area and will never be. My jeans just don't allow it, but I am cool with though. Alittle awareness of the situqation goes a long way to... If I was walking dwon cabreani square n chicago at night. my had would be on that gun in my pocket for damn sure. If I was walking into the vatican to see the pope, I would be more relaxed..

I've got a pair of jeans and my Dickie work pants that have particularly small pockets. With them I need to start with a pinch draw (talking about my .380, PM9 will not work in these pants pockets) and form my shooting grip as the gun is reaching the top of the pocket. Yes, the draw is less quick than with my other pants but just about as smooth. By smooth I guess I'm meaning one flowing motion without fits of stop and starts or snags.

Bill K.

04-04-2011, 06:59 PM
I can carry the PM9 in cargo pants pocket using a pocket holster. It works amazingly well and the draw is as fast as I am. I've yet to experience a problem in drawing from a pocket holster. The pocket holster I use is from El Paso Saddlery.

As Melissa said, the recoil on the PM9 is harsher than that of the G26. I have an AGrip on order for my PM9 and I think that will make the gun a little more manageable.

Welcome to KahrTalk.

04-04-2011, 06:59 PM
I'm new to PM9 as well. I've got about 550 rounds thru mine and the only issue I've had was yesterday at the range shooting Federal American Eagle FMJ for the first time. When I compared it against the Remington UMC round, the Federal was larger. I had 2 serious nose dives (both on 2nd round of 7rd mag) but never an issue with WWB or UMC.

The PM9 won't let you down.

04-04-2011, 07:05 PM
Yeah, if your pockets are all big enough AND you have your hand in your pocket, draw from pocket can be quick.
Sounds more like an ideal situation. I hope that given an encounter we are all in the ideal situation. Oh wait, that means we'd be at home, behind locked doors with no one within miles.

Try drawing from the pocket, with snug fitting pants while moving to cover, while being shot at with hands outside your pocket. See how well the inside the pocket works for you.

Ok, that was extreme. Attend an IDPA match and do the stages from a pocket holster.

04-04-2011, 07:07 PM
I don't believe Cabrini Green exists any longer. It's been torn down I believe. However, if it did, you'd be crazy to go for a walk there, gun or no gun.

Bill K
04-04-2011, 07:10 PM
I'm new to PM9 as well. I've got about 550 rounds thru mine and the only issue I've had was yesterday at the range shooting Federal American Eagle FMJ for the first time. When I compared it against the Remington UMC round, the Federal was larger. I had 2 serious nose dives (both on 2nd round of 7rd mag) but never an issue with WWB or UMC.

The PM9 won't let you down.

Same issue with my new PM9. 100 rounds UMC all OK. 100 rounds of WWB with the problem you mention. Only occurred with 7 round mag and always the second round but never with the the standard mag.

Bill K.

04-04-2011, 07:29 PM
I think its the round popping up when you chamber the first with the slide lock. I bet if I dropped the mag I would notice the top round a bit out of place. But at the range, I just want to pull the trigger and hear bang.

04-04-2011, 07:46 PM
As KPM9 points out, the pocket holster is only fast if you hand is already on the gun. My positive experience with that method of carry was indeed in my family room where the biggest threat was my Rottweiler. KPM9, have you been peeping in my windows?

04-04-2011, 07:50 PM
KPM9, have you been peeping in my windows?

...um...Maybe?? :eek:


04-04-2011, 08:38 PM
I don't believe Cabrini Green exists any longer. It's been torn down I believe. However, if it did, you'd be crazy to go for a walk there, gun or no gun.

Definitely crazy to think about going for a walk there years back. Now, not as much. I think most of it has been bulldozed, but I think interestingly enough the last building of what used to be the complex is going down as we speak. I think an art museum is going up. My, how times have changed. Now, back to your regularly schedule program (i.e. Kahrtalk)

04-06-2011, 12:39 PM
...So, I hope you can share your wisdom with me. Is the PM9 reliable ( I don't want to go through the same unpleasantness I experienced with the P380 ) ?...

I think the carry issues you raised have been very thoroughly addressed. The reliability question may be important to you after your P380 experience. I've owned a PM9 for about 4 years now and mine has been 100 percent reliable with the following recommendations:

Make a reasonable effort to track your total round count. I let mine go a little too long before I swapped out my recoil spring and I started having some FTRB problems associated with a weak recoil spring. Problem was easily fixed.

Appreciate the fact that all (most) short action semi-autos can have critical timing. Free translation: your grip style may have to change to accommodate the shorter action cycle. This was true for mine until it was broken in. Ask anybody that owns a production-run, 3" 1911 if they've ever had reliability issues...LOL.

The advice in the owner's manual about using the slide release to chamber the first round is really good advice. Don't try to sling shot this little beauty.

Recognize also there is a running debate over the 7-round magazine and its contribution to potential reliability problems. I've had two of these magazines: one worked, and one didn't. I like the 6 rounders.

And speaking of good advice...the Kahrtech section's lube chart is invaluable. I printed, laminated, and posted a copy over my work bench. I think paying attention to the cleaning and lubrication instructions here will go a long way toward making you happy with the PM9.

Good luck.

04-06-2011, 12:54 PM
Lobo 79 : said all the right things. no need for me to even try to add to it. If that lube chart ain't the finest for all semi's ,, I don't know what is..

04-06-2011, 01:02 PM
Lobo 79 : said all the right things. no need for me to even try to add to it. If that lube chart ain't the finest for all semi's ,, I don't know what is..

Thanks for the feedback. That darn lube chart (and building on it) saved me from getting rid of a CZ75B .40S&W by mistake.