View Full Version : Laser or Night Sights

04-04-2011, 09:35 PM
I don't really like the way the C/T laser makes the grip feel on my PM9 and the lack of holsters. Should I get night sights or ???

04-04-2011, 09:45 PM
If I had to choose between a Crimson Trace or Night Sights, I'd take both!! :p That said, if it really came down to one, I would take the CT. I know I may very well be in the minority on this one...and my instructor would have my hind end for saying it, but the CT just works that well for me. And I've been a huge fan of the standard bar-dot Kahr sights, very accurate aiming with them alone.

04-04-2011, 09:45 PM
I have night sights on all of my defensive pistols and I just ordered Laser Grips for my K9 which has new N/S on it. The old ones had gotten a bit dim after about 13 years. Trijicon charged me $18 a lamp to re-lamp them... including return shipping!!

I prefer the 3-dot system over the post and dot, also.

The night sights might give you an edge in low light or night conditions. Any edge could be the difference between life and death.


04-05-2011, 07:35 AM
I also like the standard bar-dot sights and feel that they are good enough for up close social work. My Glocks that I use for HD, do have night sights.

04-05-2011, 08:45 AM
My wife has helped me save money by keeping me in the house after dark. The world is probably a safer place that way too.

04-05-2011, 03:14 PM
For a Personal=Protection,,,Self defense pistol. It would be the CTL. Absolutely!

04-05-2011, 03:27 PM
I also like the standard bar-dot sights and feel that they are good enough for up close social work. My Glocks that I use for HD, do have night sights.

I'm with melissa and mikeykahr on this one. I like the standard bar-dot sights, they work well for me. They are similar in some respects to the XS system which I like very much.
I would not be opposed to a CT laser and wouldn't mind having one but I would consider it extra or a bonus if you will. Plan on the battery being dead when you need it most. It probably won't be but I'm close enough to Murphy and rely on enough stuff in my life that runs on batteries that I know they will quit when most needed.

Night sights are generally overrated far as I'm concerned but its a nice option that may tip the cards in your favor. Personally when you look the elephant in the eye I doubt you'll even know your gun has sights. Not that you might not instinctively use them but your mind will be elsewhere for sure.

My nightstand gun has a surefire X300 light on it. It's my version of the big dot laser. Center of the lighted area gets a nasty mark left behind.

04-05-2011, 05:56 PM
I just 'fessed up to my wife that I had ordered some more stuff... the Laser Grips. I let her hold the K9 and showed her a picture of them installed. Too heavy! She still likes the H&R 9-shot .22 revolver with the 4" barrel for her bedside gun. <sigh>

On top of trying to put a Pergo floor in my "Computer Room" and getting everything else ready for my brother's visit, I decided to put an ad in the paper/online for a garage sale this Friday and Saturday. I spent all afternoon trying to get pictures and everything for that and I took too long and had to start over!!

Wifey's off today and tomorrow and I have to go cook supper now... grilled steelhead trout and salad.

If I could only have one or the other, I would take the night sights. The CT Laser grips will be nice to play with, but I don't care for the ones for the Tupperware... ugly! And they require a new holster. JMHO.


Captain Skippy
04-06-2011, 07:36 PM
I agree, why not both? I was in Law Enforcement for 25 years and remember when night sights came out. They revolutionized police work. I was issued a laser for use on our SRT team and now realize what a quantum leap they are. I have purchased one for my CW9 and am very impressed with the ease of use. I like the fact it doesn't require me to switch it on. All others do. When the balloon goes up you loose fine motor skills (I know from experience, but that's another story). With the laserguard there are no switches. And you can fire from unorthodoxed positions assured you will hit your target. My 2 cents.

Longitude Zero
04-06-2011, 08:19 PM
At TAC school it was painfully driven home that if there are particulates in the air, dusty, foggy, the laser can assist your adversary almost as much as it assists you. Nights sight do not do that. Lasers have their place and it is not as big an area as night sights.

Just saying...

04-06-2011, 10:48 PM
Longgitude Zero. I agree with Skippy! FWEIW, The intent is to utilize the laser in dry firing drills to build "Mussel Memory" and develop competence in "instinct/point shooting" This a MAJOR factor in reacting properly and safely in THE crisis moment of self defense. It is a different set of requirements for "Tactical" be it military or SWAT or even LEO training than for an individual's training for self defense in a situation he could not otherwise avoid.