View Full Version : My CM9 has arrived !

joe d
04-05-2011, 05:49 PM
Got it this morning...Broke it down,cleaned it,lubed it according to the awesome stickys here,polished the feed ramp and chamber w/ a dremel and racked the slide about 1000 times...Headed to the range and put 250 trouble free rounds thru it...(pain in the butt w/ one mag)...Not one malfunction...Shot WWB and Federal 124gr FMJ's...Shot like a dream...Trigger is smooth...hitting the range again Friday after work...I have two extra mags on the way...I'm very pleased w/ my first Kahr...Thanks to all here for all of the excellent advice and knowledge! I'll give a better range report Friday after I bring some defense ammo with me as well...


04-05-2011, 05:52 PM
SWEET! I'm glad we're starting off with a good report on these.

04-05-2011, 05:54 PM
now I am getting jealous. nice report, being it is a clone to the pM9, I would expect no less than the same report. U did right in the prep thing though and u also got to know the gun alot better before that first BANG thing..

Bill K
04-05-2011, 06:13 PM
Congrats! Sounds like your off to an excellent start with your new piece.

What SD ammo do you plan on using for your next range trip?

Bill K.

mr surveyor
04-05-2011, 06:23 PM
joe d

I hate you

no, not really

well, maybe a little


congratulations on being one of the first to win the lottery:)

joe d
04-05-2011, 06:26 PM
What SD ammo do you plan on using for your next range trip?

I have some boxes of hornady critical defense,some speer gold dot LE 124gr,and federal hydra shock...I've always been partial to the Speer GD's so we'll see how it goes...

04-05-2011, 06:31 PM
Gold Dots rock!

joe d
04-05-2011, 06:31 PM
joe d

I hate you

I'll take that as a compliment.. ( I know you're really happy for me)...:D

04-05-2011, 06:31 PM
i think were gonna read alot more about the cm9 in the next few months. this should be a good gun right out of the box. they had all the time they needed with the PM9 to work out the kinks so the cm series should be a real crowd pleaser.

04-05-2011, 06:35 PM
I'll take that as a compliment.. ( I know you're really happy for me)...:D

Jealousy rears it's ugly head. I suspect you'll get alot of this for the next several months. Don't let it get to ya. Somebody always gets to be the first.

Well it's never happened to me but there may come a day when it could happen, course it probably won't cause it ain't ever happened before.

I gotta get on the floor in a fetal postion and suck my thumb till this jealousy feeling subsides. Mr. Surveyor, feel free to join in.

joe d
04-05-2011, 06:41 PM
Jealousy rears it's ugly head. I suspect you'll get alot of this for the next several months. Hey, I'm the guy that's jealous here ! You guys have known and been enjoying Kahrs' for a lot longer than me...(keepin' the good stuff all to yourselves...) ;)

04-05-2011, 06:48 PM
just shoot it like u stole it, u ain't gonna hurt it, u ain't gonna shoot it out either. keep it clean, lubed and good ammo and it will be ur life saver, along with the most fun gun u ever owned IMO. Nice gun, kahr has a pre-winner. I wish I could have said that about my
Butler Bull dogs, last night. They played almost as bad as I shoot my pM9..

mr surveyor
04-05-2011, 06:50 PM
I chewed off both my thumbs the night of March 28 when all the stock was sold out and I couldn't come up with the fun money in time:(

04-05-2011, 07:31 PM
glad to hear it, keep us informed, and i know your fingers hurt after all that reloading! you must of been the well over a hour!

04-05-2011, 08:00 PM
That's awesome man. Glad to hear it. Hope my experience goes as well as yours. Hopefully mine will be here by the first of next week or so. I plan on doing the prep work like you before I head to the range. It is gonna be tough! I know I am just gonna want to go burn some powder!

04-05-2011, 10:29 PM
Congratulations on your CM9 Joe. It looks like a great gun.

04-05-2011, 11:10 PM
Headed to the range and put 250 trouble free rounds thru it...(pain in the butt w/ one mag)

Well if you had 40 magazines and put 6 shots in each... or reloaded one magazine 40 times, the number of mag loads would be the same no?


I'm looking at that picture... and to me... it looks like the machined pin in that slide stop, not the MIM pin. MIM pins are cast in, no extra "pin hole" seen on the exterior, while the ground pins are added to the lever, and you can see the hole where they were affixed. Just sayin'... you might have made out nicely there. I imagine that Kahr would sub in the "better" part if they were out of the MIM one.

joe d
04-06-2011, 03:15 AM
Well if you had 40 magazines and put 6 shots in each... or reloaded one magazine 40 times, the number of mag loads would be the same no?

You are correct... One mag made it feel like I did more loading than shooting though stopping every 6 rounds...

and i know your fingers hurt after all that reloading! you must of been the well over a hour!

I'm a wussy,I use a mag-lula to load :D...I was there about 1 1/2 hours...

04-06-2011, 07:07 AM
Thanks for the initial range report. I'll be curious to hear how Friday goes.

04-06-2011, 07:15 AM
Well if you had 40 magazines and put 6 shots in each... or reloaded one magazine 40 times, the number of mag loads would be the same no?


I'm looking at that picture... and to me... it looks like the machined pin in that slide stop, not the MIM pin. MIM pins are cast in, no extra "pin hole" seen on the exterior, while the ground pins are added to the lever, and you can see the hole where they were affixed. Just sayin'... you might have made out nicely there. I imagine that Kahr would sub in the "better" part if they were out of the MIM one.

looks like the cast slide stop to me. the forged ones have a bevel on the end of them, this does not Never seen a MIM slide stop break on a kahr have seen aq few of the machined ones break. My eyues are not that good and I can't see the two peace assembly. If it is,m it is the forged machined slide stop lever.

04-06-2011, 09:16 AM
joe, did you follow all the steps of the pre-prep before your first outing? did you order the 7round mags or just the 6 rounder?

04-06-2011, 11:50 AM
Got it this morning...Broke it down,cleaned it,lubed it according to the awesome stickys here,polished the feed ramp and chamber w/ a dremel and racked the slide about 1000 times...Headed to the range and put 250 trouble free rounds thru it.

Joe, Congratulations, on what must be the shortest break-in period on record. Glad to hear it was a successful first outing. Keep us posted on how things progress. Hope the CM9 is a keeper for you.

joe d
04-06-2011, 02:10 PM
joe, did you follow all the steps of the pre-prep before your first outing? did you order the 7round mags or just the 6 rounder?

Yes I did to a 'T', and I'd bet that's most of why things went so smoothly......I ordered 2 extra 6 round mags which just arrived this morning...Off to the range again Friday...I'll post another report on the SD ammo...Thank you for all of the support and well wishes !!

04-06-2011, 02:39 PM
i think were gonna read alot more about the cm9 in the next few months. this should be a good gun right out of the box. they had all the time they needed with the PM9 to work out the kinks so the cm series should be a real crowd pleaser.

I agree Jocko. It should be a run-away best seller. The only negative I see, is that it may kill the CW9, which was my first Kahr and an excellent pistol.

04-06-2011, 03:00 PM
O'dell u ight have a goo dpoint there. I think if it hurts anything it might indeed be the cw9 over thye pM9. If I want and can afford the PM9, I would buy it but if I couldn't then I might have settled for the cw9, now the cm9 really comes into play, for I now can have basically a PM9 at the price of a cw9. good point.

04-06-2011, 03:12 PM
That's my story. I was looking for a pocket carry gun to replace my 380. It was to be a working gun not for show and the CW9 was my initial choice based on price. However once I put it in my pocket is was ruled out and my only other real choice was the much more expensive PM9. Had the CM9 been available I would have bought it in an instant.

I got a fair deal on the PM9 ($640) but by the time I had the shipping & FFL it was $700. Too much for a working class gun but we were too nervous not to have a carry gun.

04-06-2011, 03:26 PM
I think the CW9 will stand on its own too. I think there is market interest for all of these models and customers willing to buy each according to their unique needs. In my case:

1. Full-sized gun. For the bedside and around the house. Beretta 92FS. Wouldn't dream of carrying it but it has a great feel in my hands and the largest round capacity. Love this gun.

2. Compact gun. Primary CCW IWB holster. CW9. I like the feel of this gun too. I don't like the pinky dangle that shorter grips have (like on the PM9 and CM9). This is small enough to carry but not too small that it feels awkward.

3. Sub-compact gun. BUG in the pocket or wife's purse. CM9. I'm willing to put up with the diminshed capacity and feel for the ultra small size for those times that you need something like this. Don't need the bells & whistles of the PM9 - just something that goes bang reliably in the same 9mm series I already own.

I see all of these guns as distinct & separate markets. It's like Goldilocks guns. I think they'll all survive.

Joe - good for you for getting the first CM9. Ya got a lot of us drooling out here.

04-06-2011, 04:01 PM
That's my story. I was looking for a pocket carry gun to replace my 380. It was to be a working gun not for show and the CW9 was my initial choice based on price. However once I put it in my pocket is was ruled out and my only other real choice was the much more expensive PM9. Had the CM9 been available I would have bought it in an instant.

I got a fair deal on the PM9 ($640) but by the time I had the shipping & FFL it was $700. Too much for a working class gun but we were too nervous not to have a carry gun.

u still got a super gun, put that price behind you, not like your buying a $5 burger and eating it and having nothing to show for it after, You sitll have the PM9, ur not gonna buy another small 9 unless it puts t shame ur PM9. Plus u have had the PM9 for awhile which was not ur choice of a cm9 until now and they are gonna be scarce for awhile yet..

04-06-2011, 07:45 PM
Agreed, I do really like my PM9 and have bonded with it. We were talking about the market for CM/PM guns and I said if I had the choice initially I would have opted for the CM9. Now, I would trade my PM9 straight across for a PM45 but that's about all.

04-06-2011, 07:56 PM
BLASPHEMY!!! Trading a great PM9 for a PM45: shame on u!!! traitor. I bet ur from the South to???

04-06-2011, 08:31 PM
I'm from South America, way down near Bakersfield. Of course you know Bakersfield for the Blackboard Cafe where the Hells Angels hung out in the 50's. It was always fun when they dropped in for a visit.

04-06-2011, 08:43 PM
My grandfather owned the blackboard cafe..!!!

got a brother in palmdale and one in Palm Springs..

04-06-2011, 11:07 PM
looks like the cast slide stop to me. the forged ones have a bevel on the end of them

The picture isn't the best, but it looks like something going on at the axis of the lever... dunno, hard to see, but it suggests a separate pin in there. The MIM part should be just fine. Colt has been using IC and MIM parts, including slide stops, for at least 20 years, and you just dont hear of them breaking. The quality has also gone up quite a bit on the individual parts, fewer casting/molding lines and such.

FWIW, Kahr charges the same price for either part as a replacement, so I dunno how they can claim it reduces costs all that much.

04-06-2011, 11:15 PM
Small world. He probably knew Sonny first hand. Did he ride with them any? It was kinda funny when they came to town, like those westerns were the mothers grab their kids and drag them off the street. The teenyboppers went for the bad boys like bees to flowers and a lot of trouble resulted. Those were the days.

04-07-2011, 10:28 AM
Now, I would trade my PM9 straight across for a PM45 but that's about all.

Old Linclon,

I knew you were my kinda man, that's class showing there, that's what that is.

If'n I had more screws loose that I 'ready do I might have also have bought a PM9. Even looked for one at a show one time. I was feeling 'specially un-assembled that day. Lucky for me there was none to be found.

I love my PM 45 with a unbounded love, a love just soooo overreaching that . . .

Well, you get my point I'm sure.

Would like it if Kahr would come out with CM45 though, that'd be kinda neat.


04-07-2011, 11:39 AM
IMO, it will happen, might be a couple of years. No real reingeering needed..