View Full Version : CW9 problems

04-06-2011, 06:53 PM
Have fired about 275 to 300 rounds so far. No problems with first 50 rounds. Having problem now when loading, when attempting to load a magazine with slide closed I can not chamber first round from mag by pulling slide back to locked position and then releasing slide. First round from mag does not enter chamber and slide does not close when I use slide release. I can make this happen with slight hand pressure pushing slide but I shouldn't have to do it this way. However if I open slide to locked position insert mag, release slide - round goes to chamber and slide locks. Once first round feeds there is no problem with remaining rounds they feed and fire normal. It does not appear to be an ammo problem, or spring problem with all 3 new magazines. When visually inspecting chamber I don't see any burrs at ramp all things appear normal. What am I doing wrong / what have I missed.

04-06-2011, 07:06 PM
OKay unless I am reaidnng this wrong, you are slighshotting the slide--right?? and it is not going into full battery. but using the slide lock lever to load then all is well.

#1 The kahr manual will tellyou definitely to use the slide lock lever to load that first round.

Kahrs are tight, their recoil springs for such a smallass gun are strong as u will know. What you ar e oing is riding the slide back to battery just enough to prevent if from doing w hat it should do. Bhy using the slide lock releave lever, u are now releasing it every time with the same velocity need to feed that first round.

Once you and the gun get well matted up and the gun gets more broken in and even smooths out more,k you will be able to slingshot that slide with ease. I had a hell of a time with my PM9 slingshotting andwith 30,000 rounds through it yet, IMO this gun is still tight and If I ride that slide at all, it will do what \yours is doing.

When I first got my P380 I know I complained alot over on the P380 forum about my difficulties in hand racking. I just could not do it with any relaiblilty. The gun was small, it was tight, recoil springs werestout and I just screwe up about every time/. Now today with over 1200 rounds through the gun I can hand rack with ease. It lossened up, and I certainly got to know it better.

IMO ur OK, you and the gun just need to get to know each other better. No other way to say it. Ur certainly not the first to tell us this and u won't be the last. My advice for awhile, use the slide lock lever to load that first round like the manual states, and after awhile u will get the hang of hand racking this little gun and u will then have two methods. For me if the slide is locked up, I use the slide lock lever, as I know it willdo its thing. Practicing the tap,rack and bang thing requires you to get proficient with hand racking. Kahrs willnever be as easy as hand racking a gun like a glock but again two different guns, size and everything. Work with it and u will be perfectly fine..

04-06-2011, 07:18 PM
Don't baby it and as jocko stated it'll get easier. I can slingshot all my kahr's, (from day one) but not if I ride the slide.

No browning/tilt barrel designs are meant to operated by riding the slide.

04-06-2011, 07:20 PM
No I am certainly not slighshotting the slide. My problem is I can only chamber the first round from a mag by first locking open the slide then inserting mag then releasing slide lock

04-06-2011, 07:23 PM
No I am certainly not slighshotting the slide. My problem is I can only chamber the first round from a mag by first locking open the slide then inserting mag then releasing slide lock

i am willing t olearn new terms here, but unless you are locking the slide open and inserting a loaded magazine and then using the slide lock lever to relase the slide then anything other than that is slingshooting the slide.

what ur doing is according to the kahr manual correct.. as u well know if the slide is closed and u insert a loadewd magazine and pull the slide back, it will not lock open,m it will want to feed that top round.

04-06-2011, 07:47 PM
I'm sorry I not making myself clear. Let me try again. I can not place a full mag in pistol with slide closed and chamber a round by pulling slide to locked position then release slide lock no round goes to chamber and slide does not close. But , If I open slide to locked position insert mag, then release slide, round will chamber and slide will close. So if I'm carrying weapon with full mag but not chambered - I must remove mag lock open slide insert mag then release slide lock button round will chamber.

04-06-2011, 07:50 PM
When you lock the slide back after inserting a fully loaded magazine, is the part of the slide that strips rounds from the magazine completely behind the top round in the magazine or sitting on top of it?

04-06-2011, 07:52 PM
behind round

04-06-2011, 07:56 PM
sorry on top

04-06-2011, 08:02 PM
behind round
OK, I'm not sure what's up with you CW9. I asked becuase someone had a similar problem (with a P380) and found that the slide was not getting completely behind the round when loading in the manner you describe.
Could you post some photos of the problem?

OK, just saw the "on top" post. You might want to see if this will help at all:

04-06-2011, 08:15 PM
OK, I'm not sure what's up with you CW9. I asked becuase someone had a similar problem (with a P380) and found that the slide was not getting completely behind the round when loading in the manner you describe.
Could you post some photos of the problem?

OK, just saw the "on top" post. You might want to see if this will help at all:

That does appear to be happening in my case - nothing is pushing round into chamber and slide must be hitting shell holding slide open. The odd thing is if I start with slide locked opened then insert mag then release slide lock all is good. I'll send some pics next trip outside. Thanks to all so far I know it's hard dealing with a rookie sorry

04-06-2011, 08:41 PM
... So if I'm carrying weapon with full mag but not chambered - I must remove mag lock open slide insert mag then release slide lock button round will chamber.

CW9, Carrying a pistol for defensive purposes with NO round in the chamber is not realistic for a semi-pistol like any of the Kahrs. Change that strategy and your problem is solved, if I'm understanding your situation correctly.

04-06-2011, 09:06 PM
CW9, Carrying a pistol for defensive purposes with NO round in the chamber is not realistic for a semi-pistol like any of the Kahrs. Change that strategy and your problem is solved, if I'm understanding your situation correctly.

Agree 100% on the empty chamber - just trying to explain problem using that as an example. However carrying a chambered weapon around that appears to be having problems could be a serious mistake .

04-06-2011, 09:10 PM
Understand now ... I just picked up a CW9 from Bud's today ... haven't had a chance to loosen it up yet ... gotta get some brake cleaner and blow the crud out. Good luck with your CW9.

04-07-2011, 06:41 AM
Maybe i dont understand either ( or have had too much coffee already this morning) but I ALWAYS lock the slide back BEFORE inserting a magazine then use the slide lock to chamber the first round. I have never tried to put the mag in first. It was to my understanding that the way I do it is the way it is suppose to be done.:confused: I have never had a problem with feeding my CW9.At the range, after emptying a magazine the slide locks open. I always thought that this means it is hungry for more. I then load up a magazine and insert, then use the slide lock to feed it's hungry little mouth and love the sound of it chomping down on its diet of FMJ's or HP's.:) I think Im getting hungry now. better go have breakfast. I never carry it unless there is one in the pipe anyway.

04-07-2011, 09:16 AM
tconroy. totally agree, what your doing is the kahr manual way, now to change that method and going to hand racking, one has to get good at it, or the gun gets blamed.

IMO, if the gun loads right with the slide locked open and the slide releease is used and not by hand racking, then it is shooter error and not the gun.

Bob G
04-07-2011, 04:11 PM
Mine did the same thing at the range..I fired the gun until the mag was empty and drop the mag and released the slide. I set it down, then grabbed a loaded mag and it did not want to seat until I locked the slide back..So now I know to have the slide locked back before I insert a mag..

04-07-2011, 04:22 PM
Mine did the same thing at the range..I fired the gun until the mag was empty and drop the mag and released the slide. I set it down, then grabbed a loaded mag and it did not want to seat until I locked the slide back..So now I know to have the slide locked back before I insert a mag..

I'm curious why when the mag is empty your dropping the mag and then releasing the slide? Most ranges would much prefer to see a gun locked open at the range during a reload.
Many times they insist on this if you lay the gun down. Our current indoor range likes only one gun per shooter out, otherwise in you bag or pistol case.
My chief for awhile carried a 1911 after a long career carrying Berettas and stuff with decocking capabilities. On more than one occasion when he wanted me to look at something he would remove mag, eject chamber, point it under his desk, turn his head and pull the trigger to drop the hammer.

I of course would plug my ears. He'd ask why, I'd ask why he was shooting under his desk????
Anyhow I made my question kind of long as usual.

04-07-2011, 04:26 PM
Bob G. that it totally not right. U should be able to sove a loaded magazine i the gun with the slide closed, naturaly it won't lock up as easy as with the magazine open. For when it is closed ur actually compressing that top round under the slide interace bar and the magazine already full is harder to insert. But it should go, when you get the magazine past the magazine release button, then gfive that sucker a good hit on the bottom and it shoud lock in place. If there is no way to do it, then try it with one round out of the magazine to see if that works, if so, then quite possably u just might have a to long of a magazine spring. It has happened before. Also if you keep the magazine fully loaded to that spring will take a designed set.

I guess what I am saying is that IT SHOULD WORK the way ur saying it is not working..

I have no idea about some of these range edicats, I would think what bawann stated would be the proper safe method of handling that gun around other people, but that being said the gun should accept a fully loaded magazine with the slide closed. I myself use the sling shot method and the slide lock lever depending if the slide is open or closed but then I drop the magazine and top it off and have no issues in getting a full magaizne to lock up. Never had that on aqny gunI ever owned. I don't slam my magazines but once I feel the magazine glide past that magazine release button, I then give the magazine a damn good love tap. I don't consider that slamming magazines like some do.

04-07-2011, 04:40 PM
Did anyone actually read the Manual section on loading and firing?

"Insert the magazine into the magazine well at the base of the grip until the magazine catch engages fully.
Pull the slide fully to the rear and lock it back using the Slide Stop. Next push down on the Slide Stop to chamber the first round into the barrel."

Sounds like he is following the loading procedure from the manual. STOP and I can't believe kahr's own foolishness here.

Load the mag, lock the slide back, then insert the magazine into the mag well completly and release the slide lock.

04-07-2011, 04:45 PM
ur last sentence tells it right. Kahrs is very confusing

04-07-2011, 08:24 PM
I'm curious why when the mag is empty your dropping the mag and then releasing the slide? Most ranges would much prefer to see a gun locked open at the range during a reload.
Many times they insist on this if you lay the gun down. Our current indoor range likes only one gun per shooter out, otherwise in you bag or pistol case.
My chief for awhile carried a 1911 after a long career carrying Berettas and stuff with decocking capabilities. On more than one occasion when he wanted me to look at something he would remove mag, eject chamber, point it under his desk, turn his head and pull the trigger to drop the hammer.

I of course would plug my ears. He'd ask why, I'd ask why he was shooting under his desk????
Anyhow I made my question kind of long as usual.
If at the rang e they call a cease fire you are suppose to pull the mag out and lay it down and have the slide locked back other wise they will tell you to pick up your weapon cause you are done for the day. I have seen this happen to guys next to me.

04-07-2011, 09:00 PM
Did anyone actually read the Manual section on loading and firing?

"Insert the magazine into the magazine well at the base of the grip until the magazine catch engages fully.
Pull the slide fully to the rear and lock it back using the Slide Stop. Next push down on the Slide Stop to chamber the first round into the barrel."

Sounds like he is following the loading procedure from the manual. STOP and I can't believe kahr's own foolishness here.

Load the mag, lock the slide back, then insert the magazine into the mag well completly and release the slide lock.

You just hit the nail on the head this is exactly what I was trying to do as the manual states and it's failing to chamber the round. But it will chamber round if slide is locked opened then insert mag then release slide lock as you stated. So maybe I'm not have a problem after all? Still have a few more post to read - but I'm feeling better about what I thought was a problem. Thank you and all those that have posted so far. You guys have been a great help

04-08-2011, 05:00 AM
You just hit the nail on the head this is exactly what I was trying to do as the manual states and it's failing to chamber the round. But it will chamber round if slide is locked opened then insert mag then release slide lock as you stated.

No worries now. You and your gun are good to go.

04-08-2011, 05:45 AM
I must have one of those special kahrs, but I have no issues with my K9 or PM9 in loading a full magazine with the slide closed and then hand racking it to load that first round. A gun is supposed to work that way also.

I guess one can't pracrtice the TAP, RACK AND BANG drill with a full magazine then. just makies zero sense to me. I might be paranoid over this but if the gun will work perfectly with using the slide stop lever to load the first round and not when hand racking, then it is the shooter who has not mastered hand racking good enough to load this gun.

The main reason kahr states to use the slide lock to load that first round is : that the slide wil release every time with the same needed velocity to load that first round. If it won't load usng the slide lock lever, it won't load by hand racking either. And most will acknowledge that kahrs are very tight, with what feels like strong recoil springs.

Now if ones gun will only work perfectly using the slide lock lever to load, indeed stick with it

04-08-2011, 06:34 AM
I dont know about you but I like to hear the "snap" and that little jolt it gives your hand as it closes shut on the first round. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over:p:w00t: