View Full Version : magazine feed.............

11-30-2009, 06:13 PM
put 100 rounds throught the P9 today and about 4 times the slide did not go all the way foward. I wouldn't say it jammed a slight tap to the back opf the slide and all went well. It shot well and I did notice the mags are pretty tight, do I need to "losen" this thing up?

mr surveyor
11-30-2009, 06:28 PM
my suggestions:

1. Thoroughly clean the chamber with solvent, and do not leave lube in the chamber or barrel

2. Work the mag springs by loading/unloading them. Springs only "break-in" by working the tension...increase - decrease.

just some thoughts


11-30-2009, 06:51 PM
to much lube bad?

mr surveyor
11-30-2009, 10:54 PM
yes...too much lube, particularly in the wrong places can be very bad. One of the main causes of failures to feed or to go into battery I have witnessed in over lube in the chamber. It may seem to make sense to think that more oil may make the rounds feed smoother, and they probably will feed for the first magazine or two...but after several rounds are fired all the powder/carbon residue starts to foul up with the excessive lube and builds up some pretty nasty, sticky and abrasive gunk. The more it's fired in this condition, the more gunk bakes on to the surface of the chamber. Too much lube left in the barrel can be pretty damaging as well. I have seen folks with oil dripping out of their barrels at the range, and my first impulse is to put distance between myself and them, just in case they experience an overpressure condition and have a catastrophic barrel failure. I've not personally witnessed anything that severe although I have heard over the years the possibility. Another place you want absolutely NO lube is the breech face and the firing pin tunnel or channel, basically for the same reasons I suggested above about the chamber. The gunk buildup will cause weak primer strikes due to firing pin action being inhibited and extraction problems can be caused by fouling of the extractor.

Thorough cleaning of the chamber and barrel with good solvent, a light oil patch through the barrel, followed by a dry patch to remove any excess oil. Other than that, the rails get a thin smear of quality lube/grease of your choice, and the other metal to metal contact points get the same.

Any again, in short, too much lube is a bad thing in a firearm.


12-01-2009, 11:07 AM
have to agree with mr. surveyor on the "over" lube thing..