View Full Version : broke it, fixed it, goes bang every time

04-08-2011, 11:57 AM
Well my trusty PM9 today gave me some hiccups. Went to my norml outdoor range for the second time this year with the PM9 and P380. Shot kthe P380 first for 50 rounds. It was flawless, Nice gun when the do what they are designed to do.

Then took my trusty PM9 and proceeded to fire it.It went bang every time but was not locking open on the last round. Niever missed a beat though, so I had my ammo/too box and inside I had an extra slide lock spring and a new 5% extra strength magazine spring and a spare modifed slide lock lever.

I put in the new slide lock spring using GB6491 description of how to take the spring out without take that little pissy screw all the way out. the new spring went in with zero problems. I snugged the screw and examined the old spring which has had over 31,500 rounds out of it and probably been taken apart 300 times or more. It looked alittle out of whack compared to the new one.

I was prepared to replace the mag springs and slide lock lever in that order had this first fix not worked. The slide lock lever spirng was the issue. Gun locks open on every empty magazine , shot 115 and 147 wwb and worked perfectly.

Thanks GB6491. ur method also insures that I won't loose that damn little screw either. and not much chance of that little screw making its own threads by leaving it part way in the frame... I am an advocate of if it is not broken don't fix it, but I keep on hand the parts that I think might need replacing if needed.

I more than likely when putting the slide lock lever back in the gun did it improperly, or who knows maybe after 30,000 rounds I should not have been such a cheap ass and should have replaced it . But I personally am scared to death of stripping that little screw out and then what. .

Over all I was impressed with the accuracy of my PM9 today, at 7 yards I for the first time out shot my P380. Xs sights on both .

So no shooting "go bang" issue with my m9 after over 31,500 rounds, so no bit-hing from this ol timer.. I did in my first outting this year put in a new set of 2o.5# wolffs springs. At first it was kinda hard to hand rack but after 150 rounds I can't tell any difference...

04-08-2011, 12:16 PM
Your the wizard. Now shoot it like you stole it.

Bill K
04-08-2011, 01:35 PM
You da man!

Now could you have done it blindfolded, with two DIs screaming for you, the puke, to hurry up and how you've ruined their Marine Corps? :)

They don't treat Marine recruits like that anymore, do they?

Bill K.

04-08-2011, 02:07 PM
whattcha mean pretty face. ??? goergous is more like it.!!

Everything breaks in time or goes bad in time, just fix it and move on.

Bill KI. answer is NO, with no lines glasses, it is bi-ch to get that little spring set right. I spread a big white cloth on the take so when I dropped that little springhy or screw and or washer, Icould find it. Luckily it worked out perfect. Hoefully I won;t have to fart with that area for another 30,000 rounds which should be a very long time...

I was also content that if all those changes failed to help the slide to lock open I was just going to say "screw" it and not worry about it. I don't carry a spare mag, and it is my defense gun and it did go bang every time....

04-08-2011, 03:34 PM
I can't believe how close he got to spelling gorgeous correctly. That huked on fonix must b wurking reely gud for him.

Oh I better go back and review the 3 reasons not to give up my guns. It's a learning process. Muscle memory. Repetition.

04-08-2011, 03:41 PM
thank you "ol great one"