View Full Version : CW9 Sight Picture

12-01-2009, 05:40 AM
Hi guys,

I'm a new CW9 owner (as of just this past weekend). I'm just getting back into shooting after a long hiatus. When I was breaking in the CW9 with a 250 box of Remington UMC, I discovered that I tended to shoot low, about an inch to an inch and a half below my intended point of contact at 15 to 20 feet.

I went shooting with my brother in law is a very experienced shooter and pistol instructor. He thought that I might be having a flinch problem since it's been a while since I've shot. But then he tried my CW9 and he tended to shoot low with it too. Meanwhile, my sister (who is is in between me and my brother in law in terms of shooting experience) was shooting her new P380 in the next lane and she was hitting low.

I read in some of the reviews that Kahr posted on their website that in certain models, some reviewers tended to shoot low. We're now wondering if Kahrs have a different sight picture than say a Glock 17 and 26 or Walther PPS which I also shot this past weekend. I was fairly good with a 6 o'clock hold with the PPS at the same distance. But when I aimed the same way with the Kahr, I shot low.

So any thoughts? Do you shoot your P9 or CW9 with a 6 o'clock or 12 o'clock hold? See Sight Picture - Bob Tuley (http://www.bobtuley.com/sight_picture.htm) for a diagram.


12-01-2009, 08:19 AM
I use a 6:00 picture. But I would suggest you try a diffrent brand of ammo.

My CW9 favors the Winchester 115 gr white box for practice.

12-01-2009, 10:04 AM
buy a half dozen snap caps and throw them in with about 30 rounds of range ammo and then let someone load the magazines for you, so that you don't know if u have one, or two or none of those snap caps in the magazine.

That my friend will show you first hand exactly what you are doing!!! Best training method I have found. You might hav eto change your sight picture on your karh to achieve the group you want. Everyone has their style of shooting, some like 6 o'clock hold, some like cover the target. eash to his own. but again snap caps will also show u what is going on and fast...

12-01-2009, 06:58 PM
Dry fire alot and get used to the trigger. The rest the pistol, to determine if it is indeed the sights.

12-01-2009, 08:18 PM
I "dot the i" with my CW9 sights. In other words, I put the front sight white dot on top of the rear sight white bar. At normal defensive handgun distances, I center the front sight on the intended target. The bullets go where I want them.

The CW9 set up is similar to XS Sights. They are a fast aquisition defensive sighting system, not target sights.

12-02-2009, 08:23 AM
Thanks for the pointers guys. I suppose more trigger time with varied kinds of ammo is in order. I'll keep everyone posted.

12-02-2009, 10:38 AM
Thanks for the pointers guys. I suppose more trigger time with varied kinds of ammo is in order. I'll keep everyone posted.

some snap caps, u will see first hand...

12-03-2009, 08:27 AM
Jocko's absolutely correct. The snap-caps are the best self-teaching aid you can buy.

12-03-2009, 11:45 AM
Hi, Guys & Gals.
The slide-locked-back-on-empty-magazine is a good feature to keep you from amusing everyone with an obvious flinch. The random snap cap idea is great. You don't always notice the flinching, but an FTFire can be an eye opener when you really are wrenching your pistol!