View Full Version : CW45 and CW9

04-09-2011, 03:09 PM
Let me start by saying that I love the feel of my kahr CW45. best feeling gun in the hand and when it functions it is fun to shoot and an accurate gun.

Now let me give you the run down what has been taking place with both the 45 and 9. I purchased the CW45 and loved the way that it felt so I turned around and bought a CW9 without ever shooting the 45, I know I know dumb mistake. After shooting 7 rounds of WWB through it I was impressed with the accuracy and the feel of the shot going off. However I did find out something very critical, my gun HATES and mean HATES Wolf ammo. In the next 8 mags I had 10 FTF and 2 FTE. At first I was cussing the gun and myself for purchasing it however I shot 2 boxes of federal through it without so much as a hiccup. I also shot 25 winchester SXZ through it and it digested them just as well. I still have 350-400 more rounds to shoot before I wholeheartedly trust the gun but its on the right path.

Now for the CW9. After purchasing the gun I tried everything under the sun to get it to feel like the CW45, with no good results. Grip was just not to my liking so I sold the gun to another officer I work with. She took the gun out and put 250 rounds through it and never had a FTF or a FTE but did have issues with the slide not fully chambering. She said that all she had to do was push the back of the slide with her thumb and it was fine but found it irritating and not very reliable for her to carry as an off duty weapon.

I truely hope that Kahr figures out the problems they are having with their guns and gets them fixed. The CW series are great feeling guns but alittle on the unreliable side for me as of right now.

I have had many many other guns and never had an issue like these before. I hate to admit this ( mainly because I can not stand glocks) but when I had my G22 it would digest any round that I fed through it. Same with the XDM.

Hope that everything gets worked out. I had planned on buying the 380 but after hearing the horror stories on here there is no way I will be buying one until things are fixed.

04-09-2011, 03:34 PM
the cw9 just needs some more rounds through it and it will smooth out, not know what kind of prep this lady did for the gun either, doesn't help. Kahrs are tight, some tighter than others, there is a reason why kahr recommends the 200 round thing, now at 250 it should be there but hers is not yet, but it will be... As far as the 45 hating wolff ammo, then just stay away from it. Maybe after it gets limbered up to, it will be Ok with the wolffs ammo. Not sure whart kind of prep u did for the gun either did you look at the kahr tech section and hit on the sticky;: karh lube chart and the propper prepping ofyour new kahr. both willhelp u alot.

04-09-2011, 04:55 PM
Thanks for the response jocko.

As for the prep, yes both guns were taken care of by another officer here. He loves his kahrs and did the recommened prep.

Now, how do I talk kahr into introducing a double stack gun with the same feel as the CW45? LOL

04-09-2011, 06:18 PM
don't hold ur breath. That would surprise everyone. These 45 guys here will be looking for the cm45 soon.

It would just be so strange to see of anyone having issues with the CW9, they aree IMO just that good of a gun. They are not a problem child IMO..

04-10-2011, 12:32 AM
I had the same problem of the slide not going fully into battery when I was breaking in my CW40. I had to change my hold on the gun a little, putting my wrist more inline with the gun, and make sure I wasn't limp-wristing it, and the problem immediately went away. Did she let anyone else fire it and see if they had the same problem? The range officer I consulted about my problem with my gun not returning to battery told me that a great deal of the polymer framed guns returned for repair are do to user malfunctions and the gun is working perfectly. They have more flex than a metal framed guns. I never had a problem shooting my 1911 or my Beretta Cougar, but the Kahr showed me very quickly I needed to change some things to make it operate well. Maybe they flex a little more than other poly framed guns.
As for Wolf ammo, that stuff ought to be taken off the market as far as I'm concerned. I've heard of lots of problems with that crap. Had very few problems with some other Russian ammo's but I avoid Wolf like the plague.
I don't expect to see a double stack Kahr anytime soon. They've found their niche in the market and fill it very well. Small thin guns for easy concealment.

MW surveyor
04-10-2011, 06:08 AM
"slide not fully chambering" - Was this on reloading or firing the gun? If you load the first round on a new mag using the slide stop...no problems. If you try to sling shot it...you or she will have problems with fully chambering the first round off a new mag.

In any event. Welcome to the forum.

04-10-2011, 06:25 AM
Everytime it was during firing and no she did not have anyone else shoot the gun. I will tell her to have her husband shoot it next time and see if he has the same issues.


MW surveyor
04-10-2011, 09:40 AM
That's kinda weird. Hate to be one of those that says "my gun eats everything it's fed" but.....it does.

Could be ammo related or the dreaded "limp wrist".

04-10-2011, 05:45 PM
My CW 9 is going on 700 rounds of Win, Rem and Fed stuff with out a single problem. I recently tried some VERY hot Win PDX +P in it and the gun shot it well but did not want to release the mag easily after a full mag of this stuff. I took that to mean that it was maybe a little much. I will save it for my SIG 239.

No shame there. This has been my carry gun since I bought it over a year ago and I could not be happier with it.

04-10-2011, 06:28 PM
thetmanski is dead on target with his explanation of problem grip causing sometimes slide not going into full battery. Gun gets blamed for it but most often it is shooter error. A good way to check is to let another "good" shooter try the gun, if he can produce the same issues, assume then it could be gun related, if not, then one needs to work on his grip.

04-11-2011, 08:17 AM
My CW45 did not like the steel cased ammo either.So I just shoot brass.