View Full Version : Fixed it!

04-10-2011, 08:05 PM
Some of you my remember me bellyaching about it being very difficult to unchamber a live round of 155gr HP Winchester Ranger RA40155HP, for cleaning or to make the gun safe for someone to handle. I thought it might hang up on some of the bigger HP bullets from other brands.
Well I finally got around to taking a file to the spot the bullet was catching on, and removed just enough of that part of the barrel so that the Ranger rounds would eject much easier.
I used a very fine file to remove a little bit of metal at a time, then put the gun back together to see if the round would eject. After 3 tries, I got it to where the round would eject just as easy as any other round I've tried. I only did 2 or 3 strokes with the file before testing it. When I got it working, I took it back apart and used some 300 grit sand paper to smooth everything down, reassembled it, and from the outside of the gun you can't tell anything was done to it. I removed just enough material to let the round eject normally. I was very cautious and removed no more metal than absolutely necessary.
Here is a picture for you. The part circled in red is where I filed.


I don't believe I altered the function of the gun any. I'll let you know if it blows up or anything. I'm not sure what that part of the barrel does, but I didn't think filing one or two thousandths of an inch would make any difference. Anyway it will eject that Ranger ammo now. It chambered and shot fine before, it was just a bear to get a live round out of the chamber.

04-10-2011, 08:11 PM
Shouldn't hurt a thing near as I can tell. That's not a critical high pressure area. You done good making it eject the rounds you like. Mission accomplished.

04-10-2011, 08:13 PM
looks like a postive fiux to me. nice work indeed.

04-10-2011, 08:56 PM
Thanks Jocko.
Yeah, I didn't think there would be much pressure in that area either. I got to thinking if it wouldn't eject those 155gr HP bullets, there might be quite a few other HP bullets it wouldn't like either, for instance say some 165gr - 180gr HP bullets with a wide mouth. Should be hitting the range this week when I get my extra mags in for the .45, so will soon find out if I messed anything up.