View Full Version : Introduction. Proud owner of a new(to me) P9

04-12-2011, 12:38 AM
Hey guys!

New to the forum, and new to Kahr.
I have owned a 3rd gen G19 for the last year and have been CCW for 10 months... And the first time i put the P9 in my hand last week, i knew i had to have it!

Bought a used one off of a friend of mine. Havent shot it yet, and i will have pictures to follow.
Some questions!

1. Curious about serial numbers and years? Ive been trying to figure out how old the firearm is...

2. What ammo should i use for plinking? I know my G19 shoots anything, and im hoping to find something that i can reliably use in both firearms.

3. What ammo is proven to be a consistant favorite for CCW?

4. I have read the "proper prep" thread... but that is for new guns.
any advice for used guns with a somewhat unknown round count?

04-12-2011, 01:19 AM
Welcome to you, kylet. You've got a great gun there in the P9 - doesn't it just fit in the hand? That's what the P9 felt like when I first picked it up. I decided to go with the PM9 instead for more concealibility, but I don't doubt that the P9 will eventually find it's way home. I think you'll really enjoy it for CCW over the G19, especially when you need to downsize. To answer your questions:

1) GlockTalk's serial number thread - http://www.glocktalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=268364
KahrTalk's serial number thread - http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=207

2) I'd suggest going with WWB (Winchester White Box) from good ol' Walmart - packs of 100 go for about $23. I've had good luck with it, shoots clean and accurate. I've also had good luck with S&B and Remington FMJ.

3) Gold Dots seem to have quite a few fans among Kahr owners, I'd also consider Federal HST (my fave), Corbon DPX, etc. Lots of great choices for 9mm. Shoot what works and runs accurately in your gun.

4) Even though it's used, I would still go through the prep thread if it were mine, just like it was a new gun. It can't hurt any and will get you familiar with the gun. I'd give her a real thorough clean and lube (see awesome lube chart sticky in Kahr Tech section). Since used and unknown round count, if it were me, I would put in a new recoil spring (outer only) and give her a go. I can imagine it'll be tough to be patient to wait for the recoil spring so you may give it a go as is. If you do just go out to shoot it and you start having some function issues, that'd be the first thing to swap out.

Good luck to you and I hope she runs well for you. Make sure to follow up if you have any other questions and let us know how it goes!

04-12-2011, 07:00 AM

04-12-2011, 07:35 AM
I concur on replacing the recoil spring. You never know how many rounds are on a used gun and if you are planning on carrying your P9, it would be nice to know the spring is fresh. They are cheap anyway, about $9.

I practice with the cheapest ammo; WWB, Remmington UMC and Federal, but by far my favorite practice ammo is surplus NATO ammo, which is Walmart cheap when purchased in bulk, (about $11 a box). The NATO rounds are not only cheap but also mimic the "feel" of my carry ammo, because the military rounds are a little hotter than normal practice ammo.

Any top grade quality HP carry ammo should suffice. Experiment with several available brands and pick the one you shoot best. A few I've used with good results are;
Hornady TAP FPD
Winchester PDX1
Speer Gold Dot
Winchester Silver Tip
Winchester Ranger T (I like this because it comes in 50 round boxes) ;)

There are other fine brands of course but these proved accurate, reliable and most importantly... easy to find.

Enjoy your new Kahr. I suggest you read the manual. Although you are an experienced shooter, the Kahr has it's particular quirks.

04-12-2011, 09:20 AM
For range time WWB 115 work just fine in my Kahr and Glock pistols.

For CCW it's Gold Dot 124

04-12-2011, 11:26 AM
Welcome to the forum Kylet. Can't comment on ammo for the 9mm. WWB shoots fine out of my CW40. My 9mm is an old Star Model 30 which shoots about anything.

Bill K
04-12-2011, 12:06 PM
Welcome to Kahrtalk!

Bill K.

04-12-2011, 12:10 PM
Welcome to the forum Kylet and congratulations on your P9. I've always had good luck with Blazers for use at the range. I've been shooting them for as long as they've existed. I just bought a bunch of Federal for $1 a box more. I'll see how they work.

Good luck with your new gun buddy.

MW surveyor
04-12-2011, 12:24 PM
Welcome to the forum and good luck with the pistol.

04-12-2011, 01:40 PM

04-12-2011, 01:40 PM
I obviously havent had a chance to clean it. But there she is!

04-12-2011, 01:51 PM
From your photos, it appears you have an older P9, judging by the pinned bolw-out panel and lack of punch marks on the slide. This is a piece of information to use when ordering some spare parts. Sights in particular are different for older guns and are labeled "old style" or "new style". The gun looks to be in fine condition. I'm sure you'll enjoy shooting it.

04-12-2011, 01:54 PM
What parts are different from the new and the old?

Anything else you guys notice thats important for me to know about my specific P9?
I didnt notice wear on the slide release... and the barrel has quite a bit of wear...
anything else with the internals that you guys notice?

04-12-2011, 02:21 PM
kylet. ur barrel is perfectly fine. that wear is just the outer finish that kahr puts over the nickel plating. No worry there. Now if u will look at the bottom of your slide toward sthe backright behind that striker block, there should be a dimple there indicating u have the new slide for if u need to buy sights. Go the the kahr webb site and hit on the parts and then hit on the sights and hit on the meprolight old style sights and it will pop up a photo of the dimple. your slide is also OK, not a thing wrong with it. Order just regular recoils springs and I would indeed get a couple to have around.

04-12-2011, 04:09 PM
What parts are different from the new and the old?

The only other parts that come to mind are the slide release spring and accompanying pin or screw, (could be either). As far as I know the new parts fit and replace the old with no problem. This is something to be aware... not something to worry about. Mainly be aware of the difference in sights should you plan to replace the standard sights on your P9 now.