View Full Version : New P380 Range Report - Good News

04-12-2011, 08:16 PM
First post here on Kahr Talk. First Kahr for me (new p380). First time at the range with it.

I followed the excellent prep instructions this weekend to the letter.

Went to the range and shot 200 rounds of Winchester White Box.

Only problem I had was FTEs, all stovepipes, on rounds 38,39,43 and 58. No problems after round 100. I may have been riding the slide.

I'll take it. I was worried after reading here, but it was smooth after 50 rounds or so feeding the first round, and this little bugger is way better than I am out to 25 yards. I was amazed at the accuracy (I am better better with it than my XD 9mm).

Figured I'd share a decent story to offset the horrors.

04-12-2011, 08:31 PM
How was the ejection pattern on those Winchesters. Direction? Distance?

04-12-2011, 08:56 PM
I'm happy for you! Wanna trade for mine? LOL

04-12-2011, 09:38 PM
How was the ejection pattern on those Winchesters. Direction? Distance?

Sorry, wasn't paying that much attention. I'd say right and forward about 3 feet. Don't recall any landing on the range table.

Don't know if it was the Winchester (they tend to run dirty in my 9mm), but man with that small frame, that was one dirty gun when I was done with 200 rounds.

04-12-2011, 09:51 PM
I'm happy for you! Wanna trade for mine? LOL

Naw, sorry, heard yours is a POS ;)

On a serious note I hope it straightens out for you with the new springs. I'm pulling for ya! Something must be wrong as mine never failed to lock back on the last round.

Bill K
04-13-2011, 09:48 AM
Welcome to Kahrtalk!

Glad to read that your P380 is shaping up after the first 100 rounds. That is after all part of what the break-in is all about. Having a reliable .380 in your pocket as a BUG or a primary, ifin you can't carry anything with more snot, can be very comforting.

Bill K.

04-13-2011, 02:17 PM
Sorry, wasn't paying that much attention. I'd say right and forward about 3 feet. Don't recall any landing on the range table.

Don't know if it was the Winchester (they tend to run dirty in my 9mm), but man with that small frame, that was one dirty gun when I was done with 200 rounds.
I too noticed how dirty the WWB runs, I used a white grease on the rails and it was black after 100 rounds. I cleaned gun went back to using oil until I get the gun straighten out.