View Full Version : Nelly's 380 range update

04-13-2011, 05:30 PM
Hi all,I stopped by the range yesterday and put another 50 rds of WWB FMJ Flat Point & Remington FMJ thru.I had one stove pipe (that was weak hand only,unsupported) & no other issues.My current round count in total is approx 300 this includes the amount before I sent it back & after they replaced the Barrel,recoil springs,slide stop spring..all after only 3 weeks of ownership.I guess you guy's were right about giving it a chance..to shoot itself right-eventually.I also noticed that I needed to keep a death grip on the little rascal for good function.I am still pissed about having to pay the freight for the overnight Fed-Ex back to them..Not right..just not right.I sent them an e-mail today stating that if you bought a new car and owned it for three weeks and the engine quit-how would you feel as a customer if the dealer charged you a fee to bring it back in for warranty work!!! Haven't heard back from them yet,but I agree with BuckeyeBlast..I know how he's feeling.I don't think Kahr values their customers & yes I agree the attitude over there is arrogant!!

04-14-2011, 10:56 AM
I'm getting better results with mine after sending it back also -- I am taking it out again today for a test of "better" ammo .-- and I agree with the "death grip" - after shooting 38 ounce 45's you forget that YOU are the recoild support for this little gun - not the slide and frame mass.

04-14-2011, 10:59 AM
Think choke the chicken. Not alot of mass there for sure which is what everyone seeks for comfort and convenience but it all comes with a price.

04-15-2011, 12:23 AM
It looks like most of the P380 people here have functioning guns now. For a while it looked like no one had a decent one. :33:

04-15-2011, 06:00 AM
thats what we shold expect to. nonbe of this one trip back stuff to get it right. Mine ATER a trip back is running great. ammo keeps dropping in price,I intend to put more rounds thrugh it. I really don't have any different grip on my P380 than I do my PM9 . It doesnt seem like a death grip, but hell who knows. The fokker works and that is allthat matters..