View Full Version : Kahr customer service e-mail response

04-13-2011, 08:53 PM
Does it usually take Kahr a week and half to respond to an e-mail question? I asked them about other methods to break in and loosen up a PM9 besides firing 200 rounds through it since I don't have access to a firing range, got an immediate automated response that my e-mail was received and would be answered.
Does it usually take this long just for them to answer a question? If so, how long is it going to take them to respond to a problem with a gun after I purchase it? Doesn't seem like their CS is really on the ball.

04-13-2011, 08:59 PM
Have you tried calling them? Usually if I need a fast response I call, otherwise if it's just a general question I'll use the contact form or email.

04-13-2011, 09:54 PM
Man, keep me posted when you find out. My wife's PM9 is tight as a drum, it's been 350 rounds, going for 100 more tommorow.

Hell, I even stored it with the slide locked back for a week!

04-13-2011, 10:42 PM
I've usually received a response within a few hours. I suppose it depend on how busy they are but 7 days seems like an awful long time.

I find alot of places are set up for email questions but nobody really checks them sometimes but kahr has always gotten back to me.

The phone doesn't work for me so I gotta use the email.

04-14-2011, 05:13 AM
I asked them about other methods to break in and loosen up a PM9 besides firing 200 rounds through it since I don't have access to a firing range

IMHO, there is no answer to your question. If you can't shoot the gun, how do you expect to practice, much less do any "break-in". What did you expect to hear from Kahr?

04-14-2011, 05:37 AM
My experience in the gun world is email is not a good idea. There are 2 semi-local shops (one is 20 miles the other is 60) I'm trying to use to buy a black PM40. One didn't respond in a week and I had to call. The other took over a week to tell me they where not in stock and availablity was unknown. I asked thay they keep me informed and that the money was burning a hole in my pocket. Haven't heard a word in 3 weeks now. It's very likely I'll buy from Buds. I'd really rather look the exact pistol over in person before handing my money over though, plus I like to do business local as much as I can.

04-14-2011, 07:03 AM
Did you email service@kahr.com ?
That is the address that I always use, and they have always responded within hours. Also check your junk or spam folders to see if the response went into the wrong folder.

04-14-2011, 07:27 AM
They have been great to me thus far, but why not save your self some time, and just look at Jocko's thread on this?


I followed this after buying my 1st Kahr (P9), then headed to the range, put about 300 rounds down range, and had 0 malfunctions.

04-14-2011, 07:58 AM
IMHO, there is no answer to your question. If you can't shoot the gun, how do you expect to practice, much less do any "break-in". What did you expect to hear from Kahr?

+1000 on this.
You mean there's nowhere to go shoot the gun? :confused:

Rule #1: Guns are meant to be shot.

Rule #2: The more you shoot them, the better they get, and the better you get.

Now, go find a place to shoot that thing...:) :)

04-14-2011, 09:17 AM
I always get really fast response to my emails. Maybe it's because my personality sucks so bad; it draws them right back.

04-14-2011, 09:30 AM
I just emailed them yesterday, total of 3 times, with 2 responses and the last response this morning. Got great answers to my questions.

04-14-2011, 12:43 PM
IMHO, there is no answer to your question. If you can't shoot the gun, how do you expect to practice, much less do any "break-in". What did you expect to hear from Kahr?

Maybe just some intensive Fluff & Buff in just the right places. Figured if I could qualify with the M1911 after 2 mags of practice while in the Reserves, hit a target with my .357 Mag, .44 Mag, and Beretta Mod 85 right out of the box then I should have no problem with the PM9 if it is even 1/2 the gun I've been reading about.
Just hoping I wouldn't have to burn up several hundred rounds of ammo just to get a new gun to work as it should. I could pay $175 to join the local Gun Club and use their practice area but just didn't think that should be necessary.

04-14-2011, 12:58 PM
complaining about a gun before you've shot it. a break in period is to make sure the gun works as it should, not "get a new gun to work as it should".

if kahr responded with some secret formula for success i still wouldn't trust it until i had shot a few boxes through it, especially with what you plan on carrying in it

04-14-2011, 01:01 PM
The gun most likely will work just fine right out of the box. I look at the 200 round break in as a proving ground. You'll most likely have to do nothing, it'll work. But how do you know until you try it. It's like different ammo, it'll probably work to but I'd not feel warm and fuzzy carrying it till I knew it would work.

I've lowered my standards some, it used to be 500 flawless rounds to pack, I've lowered that to 350 due to budget restraints. I use that on all new guns I intend to carry. Not just Kahrs.

If you go and shoot 50 and they work good enough for you to trust it. Go forth and conquer with it. To me that's not enough.

It's all about each persons confidence or what it takes to attain that confidence level.

I've know a few (maybe only 2) who bought guns and a box of bullets, carried for years and never ever shot them, not once. Not me, ain't gonna happen.

04-14-2011, 01:22 PM
shooting a new gunb for fun or what ever is actually breaking it in. The fact that kahrs recommends it is what most other gun companies shouldbe telling people also in their owners manual. Every gunb needs some rounds through it to prove toyou it is reliabe. Call them wha tyuou want, break in rounds, reliability rounds, fun rounds down range. If you buy a new gun and don't test it until needed then your kinda folling yoiurself to. For ur not even getting acquanted with thegun. Semi's are not like revolvers, in that u load the cylinder with 6 rounds and pull the trigger and it goes bang or it does not either way, u just pullthe triger again and go to another round, Semi's need to be hand racked properly, YOU need to know how to do it and hopefully it is not on the first cirticial time tha tyou need it either. Kahrs are good to go out of the box but why not give it some rounds to let u and the gun get to know each other better. The best made, more reliable gun u ever had can misfire on the very next round. We again put to uch emphasis on the actual need for break in rounds. Kahr at least has to balls to tell you to shoot their gun a few hundred ronds before getting concerned, and we have seen this a hundred times on this forum, where a new kahr acts up but after a 100+ rounds all it well. I just call them reliability rounds. If u truly buy aq gun and just go home and put it in the thye drawer loaded, ur best gun for total reliability IMO is a revolver..

04-14-2011, 04:51 PM
I called them weeks ago, on a business day, during business hours. Nobody home! Left a message. No returned call yet.