View Full Version : Pm45 frusrations
04-14-2011, 10:02 PM
I have owned the black plastic pm45 for 5 weeks now and 600 rounds of various ammo( all 230 grain ) later this piece of crap is on its way back to kahr.i have spent $906 which includes mn tax and and $300 on ammo (winchester pdx1 self defense,winchester white box,speer le duty ammo and tried hornaday 230 grain +p only to have to sell the hornaday at a loss because this pistol wont accept it in the barrel.$100 at the pistol range and i would have to throw this thing at a bad guy to protect myself or family.are you fooken kidding me kahr.the place i purchased this from is pissed to because it will ruin there rep.i hope they send the gun shop a new pistol so he can sell this to someone else.i will ask to have a store credit for $906 and get a differnt pistol.for this price i passed up many hi qualit 45acp.granted not as small as the pm45.i respect the members on this forum but i am not willing to grind this down or shave a little here or there.the take down pin hole is oval and a chunk broke of the slide and i have come to the conclusion you have to be a damn gun smith and have more money and time than i have to own a pm45.i have 0 confidence in this pistol and even if they sent me a new one who the heck is going to pay for the 200 plus rounds and the trips back to the range to break the new one in.sorry guys i at my witts end and frustrated.if i am forced to accept a new one if it jams on round 201 i will send it back or get the $ back. Thanks for listening:53:
"....if it jams on round 201 i will send it back...."
Well at least you're learning. It took you 600 rounds to come to the "send back" conclusion the first time. Good job!
04-15-2011, 12:19 PM
600 rounds! Wow, that bad. I stopped at 250 and sent my PM 45 back to the mother ship. Works wonderfully now.
It was worth it to me as there is no competition for it.
04-15-2011, 01:26 PM
Gun smith? Maybe. Based on my very limited experience and what people post here, it's hard not to feel as if you either get a Kahr that runs right out of the box or will have to send it back to Kahr for rebuilding.
I think you have pretty much stated the facts Tucson.
It seems that most new Kahrs function properly "out of the box" but there does seem to be a high number that don't.
Don't know whether you would attribute that to poor QC or the fact that the size/design/dimensions of the guns, or some of both, contribute to the problems we see outlined here on the forum.
I have three of the guns and luckily have not had any major problems with any of them.
The couple of minor problems I did have corrected themselves after I tinkered with them and put a fair number of rounds through them.
All three are now 100%.
I personally feel that Kahr should put the 200 rounds through the guns before they sell them if,in fact, that's what it takes to assure that the guns are reliable. It sure wouldn't hurt the gun and would be cheaper than the return shipping costs and buyer frustration that could be eliminated with this procedure.
Just my.02... and hope you get her straightened out fleegs. :)
04-15-2011, 08:50 PM
The 600 rounds i put thru it might be a little much but thought maybe it would clear up.My bad .My thoughts along with several others is that kahr should put the 200 rounds thru there pistols to save a ass chewing on the forum.If i paid 200 dollars for the pm45 i would exspect issues.I could have spent another 100 dollars and got a kimber.I love the feel of the pm45 and i am sure hoping when and if i get it back it will go bang and not click.
04-15-2011, 10:28 PM
I have had the nothing but problems with hornady ammo and kahr 45 pistols. Gotta run gold dots or remington GS
Fleegs, have faith. I just put 350rounds through my Kahr PM45, and zero malfunctions that were not obviously ammo related. Kahr will make it right, I know it.
04-16-2011, 07:42 PM
Believe me, I feel your pain Fleegs. I know you read about my troubles with the CW45. I don't think the 200 round thing is not uncommon. My buddy's Kimber Ultra Carry II says to shoot either 200 or 400 rounds through it before it's considered broke in. Do any of you Glock owners know if they say to run a certain amount of ammo through their guns before considering them for carry? My Beretta manual doesn't state any break-in period, but I shot it quite a bit, before I started carrying it. I had it for years before we were able to get CC permits here.
There is not a a semi auto made that I would feel comfortable carrying without having put at least 200 trouble free rounds through, and preferably 400-500. I did break my own rule with my CW40, and carried after I put only about 150 trouble free rounds through it, but that was after the 200 round break in, and realizing that i was causing a majority of the problems with the way I held the gun.
I agree Kahr should put more rounds through their guns before sending them to the dealer, but I'd still have to shoot a couple hundred myself to feel confident with it.
I sure hope they get our pistols running right Fleegs.
04-16-2011, 08:13 PM
Hey Thetmanski thanks for the reply.Some questioned the 600 rounds i put thru the gun but i did have the barrel polished around the 200 round.I dont ***** much but after all i went thru i :40:.No one wants this pistol to stay with me more than i.But 2 things will happen in this order 1 give me a functioning self defense weapon as advertised or you will take your gun back and i will go with something differnt.I would prefer a functioning self defense weapon.Kahr forum members ROCK and hope i can continue to be apart of it.Thanks again
04-16-2011, 08:26 PM
Fleegs... we can only hope for your PM45 to return 100% functional!
In my case I have a CW45 was flawless for the firsts 250 rds, then it started to have some stovepipes and failure to return to battery. I noticed this when I saw the slide stop coming off away from the frame about 1/8 of an inch. E-mail the comp. and got a new slide stop spring that is installed already. But I still have to go to the range to test it with about 150 rds of ball ammo.
This is my main CCW, and for a reason, so I hope this is going to be the second and last slide stop spring I'll need for a very, very long time.
Again, just stating the facts. Many 1000's of Kahr's pistols out there are working just fine, but (and apparently it is big BUT) there are also a good number of Kahr owners that are having problems with their CCW's and this is a very serious thing to consider, especially when these pistols are made for this special purpose.
So the people experiencing problems are going to mention them and, obviously, look for a solution in order to fix the problem and keep the pistol rather than get to the resolution of giving up the CCW and moving away.
Again, I'm not trying to be critical for the sake of it, but I do have some real problems with my CW45 and how else I (we) can say so?
04-16-2011, 09:16 PM
Hey cornel there are times when you feel good that you are not alone or the only one having issues but obviously i wish this was just my problem.I honestly hope you and i and all kahr gun owners never hear click when our life depends on bang.Thats for every gun maker and fellow americans and legal aliens!!!I am giving kahr one more chance to make a believer out of me or i will be forced to dump it and move on.Our lifes depend on it so my loyalty is to BANG and not CLICK. Thanks
04-16-2011, 09:36 PM
Fleegs, I had to send back my PM45 and it was returned to me in 10 days! I think that's pretty darn fast. They replaced the trigger bar. You mentioned a couple other manufacturers.....they have problems too. There's not a company out there that hasn't had issues at one time or another. These are mechanical devices, and sometimes they have problems. Kahr's reputation and reliability are solid. They'll take care of your weapon. Good luck.
04-16-2011, 10:01 PM
kahrseye the responses i have gotten from kahr members is encouraging and like i said there is no one more than me who would love to post a thread saying i put 500 rounds thru my pm45 with zero malfunctions.I opoligize to everyone in regards to my venting but the bottom line is still trust in your weapon.Like all other military members that relied upon there weapon and civilians like i am now the fact that if you pull your weapon out you darn shure want it to be reliable.I will give it one more try and see how it goes and thank you for your response
04-17-2011, 02:46 AM
if u loose faith in a gun, any gun, then just get rid of it and move on. It is gonna happen, some owners are going to get so pissed they can't see straight and w0n't settle for anything but perfection out of the box. If that doesn't happen then it is a POS gun and we read about it on this and every other forum. Seems that is how gun forums work. When some get a POS they have to post on every gun forum what a POS it is . That is the nature of gun forums. You don't see that from a happy poster. He doesn't go around to all the other fourm and posts happy things about his particular gun. Pick any forum, and I mean any forum and your gonna read far more negatives than positives. I am a Porsche owner and if you think they are a great car, well they are but if you thinki they have no issues, then get your head out of ur ass. THEY DO. Owners put up with them, they work them out and they go on. they know mechanical things break. Not nice when it happens to you eihter, so I am not alibing for a car maker or gun maker, just trying to state some facts. YOUR GONNA READ FAR FAR MORE NEGATIVES ON ANY FORUM. Happy gun owners don't post much, 99% of all gun onwers don't even know about gun forums, let alone post on them, they just don't. Kahrs are great guns, but some are also POS that should have never left the building. Gun forums can be helpful to owners, sometimes a tad of TLC can go a long way toward makng a not so perfecrt gun perfect.
Now if you have a great working gun and I don't care what name it is and u think you can't trust it becuase you read other complaints about the same gun, then u have a real problem. Probably u should not be driving the vehicle you ae presently driving either for that model has some issues and I don't care what make and model it is. Lets remember the TOYOTA was knocked off of it pedestal not to long ago and they are still recalling them today to fix things. That is also what a good company should do. fix what they make that is not right. Kahr does that, their service is the fastest I have ever seen. I owned 3 kel tek, sent those fokkers back 17 times, normal turn around was 4 to 8 weeks, never ever faster than 4 weeks. My 3 were total POS **** guns, I tried like hell to just get them running reliable enough TO PEDDLE them. go over to that forum and read there. Some guys love um so much they have a whole fleet of them, and still some post what POS GUNS they are to, It is just gonna happen.
I own two HARLEY'S RIDE UM LIKE i STOLE UM. tHEY OVER THE YEARS HAVE NOT HAD A STELLAR RELIABILITY RECORD AS U WELL KNOW. tHEYTODAY imo ARE Great bikes but you betcha, they still can and some still do give issues. For me I would rather push my harley than ride a metric bike, that is the way I am, and over 50 years, I have indeed pushed my Harley. I have also sent my P380 back once to .
It is OK to come here and vent to but for me just be alittle careful how you do it, for there are many many here that love their kahrs, This is a kahr forum, not a kahr bashing forum, u need to go to Glock talk for that or THR. This is a forum that is here to help and if you come with an issue we will do what we can to help but if you try to make more of it than it is, then you won't get any support. This stuff I read about well it is a design flaw or I would do it differently. then build your own damn gun and forget about the guns that is out there.
If ur unhappy with your kahr and don't trust it, then peddle it, but please don't try to come on here and convince the rest of us to take the same train ride that you are on. It ain't gonna happen.
04-17-2011, 10:37 PM
.... Do any of you Glock owners know if they say to run a certain amount of ammo through their guns before considering them for carry? ...
I've had five glocks so far. G17 (very early production, first year I think), G19, G26, G23 and a G27. Not a single problem with factory ammo of which I've run thousands through these pistols.
Looking at a CM9 right now but some of these posts are making me think.
Should I wait for a Glock Sub-Subcompact?
I'm not adverse to working on my guns. I'm a veteran of a number of Century Arms rifle builds purchases that took some tinkering to get up and running acceptably but I'm not sure I want to do this in a carry weapon.
.....Looking at a CM9 right now but some of these posts are making me think.....
The Glock subcompact is considerably larger than a CM9/PM9.
Its taller, longer and wider.
Glock Model 26. 6.24x4.17x1.18 19.75oz
Kahr PM9 5.42x4.00x0.90 15.9oz
If you were to put both side by side, the difference is very clear. So, for "sub compact" the Kahr takes the golden ribbon. Glock is not without its problems as well. GlockTalk forum has lots of examples. Ya gotta remember though....
Glock and Kahr are both companies with good service records. Both sell lots of pistols. I dare say, with no particular evidence, but with some experience and an ear to the industry, that Kahr sells far more subcompacts than Glock, and thats saying something since Glock is a huge company compared to Kahr. Glock, due to its wide range of products, sells more total pistols.
Glock or Kahr... just get the one you feel comfy with. Dont let service issues seen HERE give you the willies. Gotta remember - either company - the gripes come to the surface. Every satisfied customer does not come online to sing praise, while those with problems do gripe (rightfully so in most cases), and I dont remember more than a few that called it quits on the product. There was one guy who kept getting a face full of ejected brass. Ouch. Kahr couldn't fix the situation, and it may have been at least "partly" the shooter's particulars. I'm sure there were a few more that just didn't do well with Kahr. Thinking back, there were guns I just didn't cozy up to. That 2-1/2 inch Model 29 Smith & Wesson gave my knuckle a beating it will never forget. Good gun, NOT for me though! Go with what you feel comfy with.
04-18-2011, 12:30 AM
.....Looking at a CM9 right now but some of these posts are making me think.....
The Glock subcompact is considerably larger than a CM9/PM9.
Its taller, longer and wider.
Glock Model 26. 6.24x4.17x1.18 19.75oz
Kahr PM9 5.42x4.00x0.90 15.9oz
If you were to put both side by side, the difference is very clear. So, for "sub compact" the Kahr takes the golden ribbon. Glock is not without its problems as well. GlockTalk forum has lots of examples. Ya gotta remember though....
Glock and Kahr are both companies with good service records. Both sell lots of pistols. I dare say, with no particular evidence, but with some experience and an ear to the industry, that Kahr sells far more subcompacts than Glock, and thats saying something since Glock is a huge company compared to Kahr. Glock, due to its wide range of products, sells more total pistols.
Glock or Kahr... just get the one you feel comfy with. Dont let service issues seen HERE give you the willies. Gotta remember - either company - the gripes come to the surface. Every satisfied customer does not come online to sing praise, while those with problems do gripe (rightfully so in most cases), and I dont remember more than a few that called it quits on the product. There was one guy who kept getting a face full of ejected brass. Ouch. Kahr couldn't fix the situation, and it may have been at least "partly" the shooter's particulars. I'm sure there were a few more that just didn't do well with Kahr. Thinking back, there were guns I just didn't cozy up to. That 2-1/2 inch Model 29 Smith & Wesson gave my knuckle a beating it will never forget. Good gun, NOT for me though! Go with what you feel comfy with.
Points well taken, I'll work on getting the funds and see what I'm thinking and what I've read by then as to if I'll get the CM9.
...Thinking back, there were guns I just didn't cozy up to. That 2-1/2 inch Model 29 Smith & Wesson gave my knuckle a beating it will never forget. Good gun, NOT for me though!
I still have a S&W Model 19 .357 mag 2 1/2" that I bought for CCW during the Clinton semi-auto (as in all semi autos, not just a 10rd magazine restriction) ban scare. I would get a sun tan from the muzzle flash using full power Federal 125gr cartridges! Once I touched off six rounds sans hearing protection just to see what it would be like if I had to use it defensively....WOW. Something not to do again, unless my life was at stake. I'd still use this pistol for CCW but I have some better alternatives available now that could save my life and my hearing as well.
My left ear shares your sentiment.
04-18-2011, 01:05 AM
My left ear shares your sentiment.
Eh...what's that? :)
>>Once I touched off six rounds sans hearing protection just to see what it would be like if I had to use it defensively....WOW.<<
Does the term "tinitus" mean anything to you??
04-18-2011, 08:26 AM
I also own a pm45 and have noyhing but problems.i bought the pistol in apr.2008 put the 200rd. break-in through,the pistol still would not run,i actually put 1000 rds. through it and magizines would fall out during firing,50% of the timme the second rd. would jam,and all 4 of my magizines cracked.they cracked where the back side of the mag. meets the sides at the top corners.i took the pistol back to my dealer in jan. of 2009 he contacted his distributer and explained the problem,the distributer replaced the pistol with a new one and replced all 4 mags.upon recieving the new pistol ran 600 rds. through it,magizines did not fall out anymore,but the pistol still would not feed reliably,frustrated i put the pm45 down and carried S&W M&P .40s&w.last week went to range decided to take pm45 with me ,i ran all differrent brands of ammo through it still would not feed.upon returning home from range while cleaning pitols i noticed 1 of my mags. for pm45 cracked in same place where original mags. cracked with first i took it back to my dealer,he in turn contacted his distributer again, the distributer told him it sounds like a mag said he did'nt see how it could be a mag problem and distributer gave him a kahr reps phone#,he talked to rep. rep said it is not a mag problem and kahr wants to look at pistol,he sent my pm45 to kahr which from other posts probably was the best course of action.hopefully kahr can make the gun run.from what i hear kahr's service is fast and very good.i really hope they can fix my pistol,i love the compact size and it is very accurate i just want it to be reliable if ever needed in self defense.
04-18-2011, 10:13 AM
Welcome oso1964.
That many problems with your Kahr, or any gun for that matter, would quickly sour anyone.
I personally would have sent that puppy down the road by now but admire your patience and perseverance.
Hopefully the Kahr techs can get her straightened out.
Sounds like maybe a replacement is in order.
Good luck.
04-18-2011, 10:14 AM
>>Once I touched off six rounds sans hearing protection just to see what it would be like if I had to use it defensively....WOW.<<
Does the term "tinitus" mean anything to you??
Why, Yes it does. :33:
Or it could also be from playing drums in the 80's and all those boxes of .22 LR I shot as a kid before I knew what hearing protection was. :53:
Or 40+ years of motorcycle riding! :(
04-18-2011, 10:20 AM
Tinitis sucks, I can promise you that. Drives ya bonkers sometimes.
Too much time on the drag strip, motorcycle racing pits, farm tractor. It all takes it's toll. Huh?
>>farm tractor<<
Oh, and I've had my share of the too!
04-18-2011, 10:38 AM
>>farm tractor<<
Oh, and I've had my share of the too!
Yup that ole exhaust stack right in front of your face and your thinking about work not that engine running in your ear. Doc figured that was a big culprit for me. My dad was the same way. He always looked over his right shoulder and I always looked over my left. We were deaf in opposite ears. Go figure.
We were ok for awhile long as he walked on my right side, we had both directions covered. Course I hardly hear out of the left now so don't matter no more really.
Quiet can be nice sometimes and a real pain in the backside at others.
Like asking for dates, they say yes and I say thanks anyway, maybe another time.
>>Yup that ole exhaust stack right in front of your face and your thinking about work not that engine running in your ear<<
Yeah, back then (late 50's) nobody gave a thought about hearing protection. I have the same situation with the tractor I have now, but at least I now use hearing protection when I'm in the saddle for any length of time. Oh, I guess I must have looked over my right shoulder as well, cuz it's my left ear that ain't so hot!
04-18-2011, 10:44 AM
I'm going to tell Mrs. B you said that. I can't wait to sell the tickets for that slaughter. I might be able to bank roll a new toy out of it.
04-18-2011, 12:16 PM
thanks for welcome 500KV,i also had 1 other problem,with slide locked back insert slide release and 50% of time the pistol would not chamber a rd.
04-18-2011, 12:52 PM
You did the right thing by sending her back to Kahr.
They have good customer service.
It's taken more than one trip back for some folks here but they usually get the gun running the way it should.
Hope you detailed all the problems when you sent it in.
If not you can give them a call at (508)795-3919 or email them at
Good luck
04-19-2011, 07:02 AM
yeah i will see what kahr has to say or what they do.if they repair it and it works great if it still deos'nt run i may do some alterations myself,i was going to try to fix it myself but it would have voided warranty.if they replace the pistol then i have a decision to make,sell a new gun or try it and see if it runs.1 out of 3 has to run as it should,it will be a tough decision if they replace it.i will have to wait and see. i will keep you posted when hear from kahr.
04-19-2011, 03:49 PM
Hey jocko and cjb been thinking about things and as much as i hate to admit it i probably did rant to much.I am waiting untill i get my pm45 back and i will keep the negatives between kahr and myself,hoping there is only good news to report.If i could i would like to recommened this-For new kahr owners(keep in mind you guys did recommened sending it in)that kahr monitors the sight for people like myself and can head off the majority of the gripping.I would have been very impressed if someone from kahr would have responded and said hey send that pistol back to my attention and we will get it working for you and send her back asap.You guys are very knowlegable but for someone who spent there money they have saved up to hear that some people are forced to pay for shipping ect..After all its there rep that takes a hit.Keep in mind i dont need to be babied but i guess if i had a buissness and new of unhappy customers i would find it in my best interest to respond. Thanks
04-19-2011, 04:40 PM
they probably do monitor this site alitlte but probalby not alot. I rememger one of the past directors there before he reitred telling me that he hardly ever visits the site, ad he feels he should not ge tinvllved with forum issues and kahr reallay wants to stay out of any fracus on thei and orhte rkahr forums.
It's easy to get pissed when a gun doesn't work and when talking tyo the makers and not getting the answers you feel you shouold be getting also. Just count to 10 and try again, Kahr is a good comapny with outstanding turn around, the best in that category I have ever dealt with. I have had kel teks back, glocks, Para and Ruger back and they are all good but the feastest is kahr by far.
04-19-2011, 07:01 PM
I own a Glock 36.It's not as tall as my Cw45,but is a tad longer.The point is,my Glock never needed a break-in period,none of my 3 Glocks have.I'm breaking in my Cw 45 with Blazer ammo and at round count 130,it seems to be good to go.My Blazers are $17 a box(good deal around here),Then after $68 plus tax for 4 boxes,I'll have to shoot a couple of those expensive short boxes of hollow points.You would think that an expensive brand name like Kahr would be reliable out the box without jams and the slide release coming loose? Just saying ! Still,I never trust a new gun without shooting a couple hundred no problem shots......
04-19-2011, 07:38 PM
It's important to remember that most Kahrs are good to go out of the box. I've owned probably a dozen Glocks over the years and they were good to go every single one but none rode with me until they did 2 or 3 hundred to prove it.
We only hear about the ones with issues here. I like to think that we sort out the ones that need just a little tweeking or have operator error involved before we send people back to the mother ship. We're doing a good thing for new owners and we're doing a good thing for Kahr.
Don't let some of these kahr bashers around here lately scare you off. There's a price for everything and being small like Kahrs, the price is a little patience and maybe a little tweeking now and then.
Again, most just run with no worries.
04-19-2011, 08:14 PM
I own a Glock 36.It's not as tall as my Cw45,but is a tad longer.The point is,my Glock never needed a break-in period,none of my 3 Glocks have.I'm breaking in my Cw 45 with Blazer ammo and at round count 130,it seems to be good to go.My Blazers are $17 a box(good deal around here),Then after $68 plus tax for 4 boxes,I'll have to shoot a couple of those expensive short boxes of hollow points.You would think that an expensive brand name like Kahr would be reliable out the box without jams and the slide release coming loose? Just saying ! Still,I never trust a new gun without shooting a couple hundred no problem shots......
gun out of the box goes bang every time, we can say, that we never needed any break in rounds even though the gun was doing exaclty that, :breaking itself in" Doesnt mean it has to have issues to break in, just means rounds down range to test all things out, a gun has to mate itself up.. Kahrs are not the only guns that ask u to shoot x number of rounds down range to smooth itself out. Para is one example that I am familair with. they told me when I was having issues with my carry 9 to call them back when I got 500 rounds through it. I never needed to call them. You buy a gun, certainly one is going to shoot it, u can call those first 50 or 100 or 200 rounds what ever you want. There is no doubt in my mind THAT ANY SEMI after 200+ rounds is smoother than when it came out of the box. So what would you call it???
My G19 went bang right out of the box but I can assure you after 200 rounds it was smoother than when I took it out of the box. I had a Smith M &P that went bang out of the box but oh what a crapy ass trigger, after alof of rounds that damn trigger just seemed to cure itself.. And of course there is going to be times when the damn gun what ever make it is, must go back to the factory to get well..
Hell I can remember back in my early days when a new car came with what they called break in oil, It was merely a 10W oil but they called it break in oil and to drive it 1000 miles and then change over to your regular weight oils, and to not drive it over 50 mph... Today they don't do that but they still tell a new owner to drive it at a certain speed and under for so many miles. I would think when metal objects tend to move against each other that proper lubrication is needed and propper metal to metal mating has to take place.these guns are machine made, mass produced the makers are not gonna SHOOT 200 rounds out of it to smooth things out. they do expect the owner to assume some responsibility of doing it. Again I have no stastical facts PRO OR CON but my guess is that well over 95% of kahrs are good to go OUT OF THE BOX. Probably higher than that but I damn well betcha 200 rounds later than gun feels different to.
How many times have we readhere of at the beginning one could not hand rack the slides but after rounds down range, they are able to do that with ease. Is that a miracle or what???? U know what the hell I am talking about..
04-19-2011, 08:28 PM
Like asking for dates, they say yes and I say thanks anyway, maybe another time.
That's great, made me laugh! Happen often? :yo:
You know I didn't even think of the tractors! As a farm kid of past (much past) I remember how loud the International 460 was when we were using it to clean chicken pens on the first floor. Add one more reason to the list.
04-19-2011, 09:12 PM
Must not have been that long ago, you still remember the number. I know we had an International and a little Ford, and a mid size Massey but don't recollect any of the numbers.
We didn't have no chickens. Well I'll take that back, I think we had a few for eggs an stuff for ourselves. Didn't sell em or anything. Cows and a huge pile of pigs. Yup we was pig farmers. Ironic huh, pig farmer in my youth, Law Enforcement in my declining years.
I also own a pm45 and have noyhing but problems.i bought the pistol in apr.2008 put the 200rd. break-in through,the pistol still would not run,i actually put 1000 rds. through it and magizines would fall out during firing,50% of the timme the second rd. would jam,and all 4 of my magizines cracked.they cracked where the back side of the mag. meets the sides at the top corners.i took the pistol back to my dealer in jan. of 2009 he contacted his distributer and explained the problem,the distributer replaced the pistol with a new one and replced all 4 mags.upon recieving the new pistol ran 600 rds. through it,magizines did not fall out anymore,but the pistol still would not feed reliably,frustrated i put the pm45 down and carried S&W M&P .40s&w.last week went to range decided to take pm45 with me ,i ran all differrent brands of ammo through it still would not feed.upon returning home from range while cleaning pitols i noticed 1 of my mags. for pm45 cracked in same place where original mags. cracked with first i took it back to my dealer,he in turn contacted his distributer again, the distributer told him it sounds like a mag said he did'nt see how it could be a mag problem and distributer gave him a kahr reps phone#,he talked to rep. rep said it is not a mag problem and kahr wants to look at pistol,he sent my pm45 to kahr which from other posts probably was the best course of action.hopefully kahr can make the gun run.from what i hear kahr's service is fast and very good.i really hope they can fix my pistol,i love the compact size and it is very accurate i just want it to be reliable if ever needed in self defense.
Welcome. Hey just a little side note. There's a key on the keyboard with a little dot on it. It usually has a little right facing arrow right above the dot. When you put a dot after a word, it lets folks know they need to come up for air, then start reading again.
So you put 1600rounds through the pistol, and Kahr has had it since some time after January, 2009? I'm trying to get your timeline right. Or is it, the pistol was purchased three whole years ago, you put 1600 rounds in it, it was replaced during that time and you're just now sending it back to Kahr?
A little confused on my end... sorry.
04-20-2011, 07:08 AM
no kahr has not had my pistol since jan. 2009....the first pm45 i bought was relaced in jan. 2009...after recieving the new pistol went to range several times...i put 600 rds. through the replacement and still would not i put the pm45 away with rest of collection and carried a reliable S&W M&P...last week i went to range and decided to take pm45 with me...same problems,cracked mag. dealer contacted his distributer to see if they would replace the pistol again...they wanted to replace dealer talked to kahr rep,the rep said kahr wanted too see pistol...kahr sent my dealer postage paid fedex return pistol has only been at kahr since end of last i said it's probably best kahr has it...hopefully they can make the gun run...from what i have heard they have very good customer service and are very fast....
04-20-2011, 07:40 PM
It takes a real man to admit when he's made a mistake. And an even bigger one to admit it in public.
My hat's off to you. My good wishes go with you and your PM. I think they are worth a bit of work, there just isn't anything else that small in the caliber that means something.
04-20-2011, 11:30 PM
Welcome. Hey just a little side note. There's a key on the keyboard with a little dot on it. It usually has a little right facing arrow right above the dot. When you put a dot after a word, it lets folks know they need to come up for air, then start reading again.
So you put 1600rounds through the pistol, and Kahr has had it since some time after January, 2009? I'm trying to get your timeline right. Or is it, the pistol was purchased three whole years ago, you put 1600 rounds in it, it was replaced during that time and you're just now sending it back to Kahr?
A little confused on my end... sorry.
Gee, oso1964's post looks like my texting. Well I do put dots but few caps, too much trouble. I just figure he posted that from his cell phone.
04-21-2011, 05:57 AM
I did not know this was an english composition and grammar forum.
04-21-2011, 10:28 AM
I did not know this was an english composition and grammar forum.
It isn't and please don't be offended. Think of it as constructive criticisim. My wife types exactly like you also and she don't dig criticism from me in any form so don't give it a thought.
Jocko is our spelling coach, the only one here with no need for spell check just in case your interested. He sometimes give us some very interesting work challenges. Entertaining.
Your fine, do what you want to do.
>>Think of it as constructive criticisim<<
There's no such thing in this day & age, lest someone be "offended". :p
04-21-2011, 10:48 AM
oso, no negative intended. It's what you have to say that counts. I'm somewhat eyesight challenged but not a biggie. Please just stick around and keep on doin what you do.
04-21-2011, 11:03 AM
>>Think of it as constructive criticisim<<
There's no such thing in this day & age, lest someone be "offended". :p
It does seem like a thing of the past and less PC now days just like so many other good things, like common sense for one. I still try to bring it back every chance I get.
04-21-2011, 11:09 AM
I get alot of that on this forum in a joking way, bothers me nadda. If they don't want to read my dribble for the CONTENT over the CONTEXT, that is fine with me,. I can't please everyone, I know that.
04-21-2011, 11:17 AM
I get alot of that on this forum in a joking way, bothers me nadda. If they don't want to read my dribble for the CONTENT over the CONTEXT, that is fine with me,. I can't please everyone, I know that.
Holy telephone booths batman, you spelled CONTENT and CONTEXT perfectly correctly. Least I think ya did, I better check.
That's a mightly thoughtful post there Jocko. Content over context. You rock!
04-21-2011, 11:26 AM
yup, I was pretty proud of that to and coming from you, actually means nothing!!!! I am not used to compliments from u, so don't confuse me anymore. and yes I do rock!!
04-21-2011, 12:37 PM
Watch out!!!
There are Self-Appointed Grammar Cops who are on a five-year mission to explore the internet, and to criticise bad writing wherever they find it. They're going to boldly nail split infinitives that no-one has nailed before.
Just seems strange to find them on a gun forum.
04-21-2011, 12:47 PM
04-21-2011, 01:57 PM
grammar cops, Humm very intreresting Watson!!!!
I have some grammar for them but Bawanna will not allow me to post it!!!
I'm not a grammar cop, but when I gotta go back and re-re-re-read something because there is very poor, or missing punctuation, I figure poor pillock who wrote the message might want to know some folks - potentially those that could be of assistance to him - would do better if they could actually understand what is trying to be communicated.
im not a grammar cop but when I gotta go back and rerereread something because there is very poor or missing punctuation i figure poor pillock who wrote the message might want to know some folks potentially those that could be of assistance to him would do better if they could actually understand what is trying to be communicated and thats how it comes across when you dont use any punctuation the kahr folks have a way of being fairly nice to most anyone here when your pistol is not living up to your standards you can always get the right scoop from kahr folks here kahr can also help directly if you call them once in a while we get a real zinger of a thread though
04-21-2011, 04:16 PM
Good one CJB, kind of a touche if I ever seen one.
04-21-2011, 05:35 PM
well my friendj,,,, ur gonna not like my posts!!!!! as I don't do paragraphs worth. a rats ass>>>>, nor do I know all the proper pronunciations either, just laziness more than anything, but thats what I am to, kinda lazy in my retired ol days. BUT I do know kahrs pretty well, so if one will take the time to read very slowly my dribbles, he will maybe after rereadng it a few times get my point. Or if it really bothers the hell out of u(not meant to be just u cjb) when u see a post by ol jocko, I will never know that u just passed it by either.....**^^. I tend to do that alot when Bawanna posts!!!!!!???
Sometimes it is like a crossworld puzzle, stick with it and u will get it done and u will be happy for it....????
I tired my damdest here to include all those ending sentence marks. again I didn't know which one to use, so I just put all in there!!!**?
04-21-2011, 05:38 PM
Your truely one of the wonders of the world. I can't remember how many there are, 7 or 12 but your definitely in there someplace.
04-21-2011, 05:40 PM
see what did I just say, I should have passed right by that comment to~!!!....???
04-21-2011, 05:42 PM
see what did I just say, I should have passed right by that comment to~!!!....???
But its a good thing meant with respect. Somebody told me once, well actually several times that I was a wonder too but I don't think they meant it in a nice way. Something about stumbling thru life with the brain of a flea.
Are fleas pretty smart?
Jocko, somehow... by the grace of the Almighty no doubt, I seem to understand your posts just fine!
04-22-2011, 02:15 PM
my dealer just called to let me know he has my pm45 back from kahr. he said they replaced cracked mag.,included long letter with repairs they made.also that they test fired pistol.well on my way to pick up my pm45.will be curious to see what all repairs were made.that was only a 1 week turn around.
04-22-2011, 02:59 PM
Let us know what you find out. We'll wait right here.
04-23-2011, 07:37 AM
kahr stated in the letter they sent back with pm45 that they polished feed ramp,did complete inspection of pistol,test fired and everthing is okay. well after cleaning pistol and inspecting pistol myself they did alot more then stated in letter. feed ramp not only polished but bottom of ramp was rounded and polished. the back face of breach were ramp joins breach,also has been either machined or ground and polished.there was some steel removed. i can see the marks where it was removed,polished up nice but left side of ramp is not flat there is 3 different heights. i didnt take calipers and measure but it only appears to be .002" in in markings from grinding. in frame it looks like all new springs installed. trigger spring and trigger bar spring are new for sure. other springs cant say 100% sure they were the slide,at the ejection port opening there was steel removed just in front of extractor. two different marks both at different angles then polished to match rest of opening. both recoil springs replaced over original guide rod. striker spring was also replaced. two mags. replaced. i dont care what kahr did as long as pistol runs thats what i do care about. now i just have to go to range or friends house and test fire pistol. may not be able to get out to test pistol until fri. will keep you posted after i make it out to shoot.
The suspense is killin' me.... !!!!!!
04-23-2011, 03:06 PM
Hope all goes well with your pm45.I also sent my pm45 in and should get it back in 2 weeks.I was very impressed with kahr customer service,they got back to me the same day.You just dont see that kind of service anymore so that goes along way with me.I am sure they will get my pistol fixed up and back quickly.Let us know how it goes at the range.
04-29-2011, 07:34 AM
I made to the range on test fire my pm45.Besides the fixes kahr made,i beveled the stripper rail myself as others have on other threads on this forum.Even after kahr had inspected and test fired my pistol when i would insert a mag. i would hear crunch.The first cartridge in mag. would not clear the stripper.Either it would dent the rim then cant the mag forward to clear the stripper or push the cartridge down into the mag and the stripper slide right over cartridge and fail to chamber a rd.Beveling stripper solved feed problem.Now back to the range my pm45 ran flawlessly for first 100 rds.during next 60 rds. i had 3 FTF.After first FTF i insected pistol,the feed ramp was black,the underside of slide was filthy.So with pistol being so dirty that is to be expected,only 3 FTF issues after 100 rds.with no problems i am one happy camper.Finally after first pistol replaced,second going back to kahr and 3yrs.later the pistol runs like it should.I now trust it enough to be my primary carry gun.I still have one problem if anybody has any suggestions,the 2 mags kahr replaced when they sent my pistol back to me both of them cracked.When at the range i kept the new mags seperate from my other mags in case i had any problems i could then see if it was consistent with either old mags or new mags.My pm45 ran great,i just dont know why mags keep cracking.I might try altering some 1911 officer mags as i have seen in other treads on this forum and use the kahr follower and mag spring.
04-29-2011, 01:25 PM
Wyn went thru that with his PM45 and eventually they replaced his whole gun. It kept cracking mags. He's on temporary hiatus but I'm sure will enlighten us upon his return. You might do a search and find that thread also. I agree a call or email advising Kahr of your situation is in order.
04-29-2011, 01:31 PM
i just got my pm45 back from kahr a week ago. kahr wanted to see the pistol because of cracked mags. they knew that was one of many problems i was having. kahr returned the pistol and replaced both mags. one trip to the range both of the new mags cracked. thats a total of 6 pm45 mags that have cracked on me. either the mags are weak or there is a problem with the pistol. kahr made some repairs test fired the pistol and said everything was fine. what am i to do keep sending it back to kahr for the same problem that doesn't get fixed?
04-29-2011, 01:47 PM
my pm45 was replaced once already. i took it back to the dealer where i bought the pistol because all 4 mags cracked plus other problems. he contacted his distributer and his distributor replaced the pistol not kahr. the replaced pistol had all the same problems as the original,including cracked mags. i took it back to dealer again, this time the pistol went to kahr. the gun now runs reliably but still cracking mags.
05-05-2011, 02:51 PM
the dealer whom i bought my pm45 called me today, he told me he talked to his distributer about my pm45. the distributer then called me and asked me if i wanted to send my pistol back to kahr again or if i wanted to replace it with a new pistol. i told him i will take a new pistol.:) he even asked me if i wanted same model or a different model or caliber. i figured why send it back to kahr again for same problem that didn't get fixed on last trip back to kahr. also i think odds are in my favor, this will be the second time my pm45 has been replaced. 1 out of 3 should run and not crack mags. also kahr may have made some changes to the design,don't know for sure. should have new pm45 tomorrow or mon. i am hoping for the best, that i get a gun that runs the way it should. can't wait for new pistol to inspect and see if there is any changes to design, then i'll be off to the range.
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