View Full Version : Close Call Questions

12-02-2009, 07:33 AM
I'm sure some of you saw this post on another forum but for those who didn't..This is only the OP not the entire thread.

Responses to his actions were generally favorable, most thinking he did the right thing but others (in the minority) thought he overreacted.
I personally thought he did the right thing "because it worked".

It does seem he's having a lot of encounters, maybe bad luck, maybe something else.

What do you all think about his reaction?

Close Call

I was in the Westend, area of Atlanta, today leaving a venue at 7:00pm. As I was walking to my car that was parked in a lot three guys approached me and asked me for money. I told them that I did not have any money to spare (I think that was the wrong answer) and then I was asked how much money do you have and where is it.

Mind you when this happened I did not continue to my car I turned around and headed
back in the direction I just come from. As I was walking back to the restaurant they started to follow me and as I sped up they did also.

Then it was, yo man how about those funds! Well that was it, I drew my weapon to low ready and shouted very loud "leave me alone" and that's all it took they turned around and ran in the direction we just came from. I happened to see and older guy standing there who said he saw the whole thing. How much I did not ask, he said those guys just didn't know did they.

I could feel my heart rate go up, I could see me shooting all three of them, I felt the recoil of my weapon, and even saw the crime scene all in a flash.

Having had to discharge my weapon twice defending myself in 89, against three guys and in 97, against four guys I saw all of this happening again.

12-02-2009, 05:38 PM
At face value,he made the right call.Three chasing one is cause enough to pull and use your weapon. But it does seem that he has had a lot of encounters.Makes you wonder.:confused:

mr surveyor
12-02-2009, 05:48 PM
it certainly makes me wonder. I think very, very few of us will ever be in a situation where we draw a weapon, and obviously, even fewer will discharge a round. Anyone that has already drawn and fired twice before, and had a third encounter is either living in the wrong neighbor hood(s), or it blowing smoke. I tend to believe the latter myself. Call me cynical.


12-02-2009, 09:23 PM
.....What do you all think about his reaction?.............


Given what's given, it's obviously proper. What I don't understand is why anyone feels compelled to write about experiences like this, especially with past history included, in a public forum and ask for opinions.

My personal experience and belief is that anyone competent and rational who's ever been in a lethal force situation doesn't discuss or brag about the details with strangers on the internet.