View Full Version : MW Surveyor and Willieboy pop some caps

04-15-2011, 06:35 PM
MW and I went to the range again today and I broke in a new K9 with 200 rounds and put another 100 rounds through the PM9.

Shooting the K9 was a dream. Very little recoil and, when I took my time and aimed, very accurate. I had one premature lock back of the slide and one failure to go into battery. I have no explanation for the slide locking back. I don't believe my hands were anywhere near the slide release lever. I attribute the failure to go into battery to a fatigue induced limp wrist, at least that's the story I'm going with for now.

The PM9 functioned flawlessly and things are coming together for me with this gun. My shots were better grouped and centered.

04-15-2011, 06:39 PM
ur k9 will smooth out nicely to. Kinda hard to beat the K series kahrs.Probably the facrt that you were with surv is what caused the issues, so send that fella back and keep the K9.

MW surveyor
04-15-2011, 10:10 PM
Thanks jocko, I appreciate all of your kind words.

Wait, it's not me. Willieboy was the man holding the gun!