View Full Version : Old Lincoln's 1000th!!

04-16-2011, 11:02 PM
So what are we going to get Old Lincoln for his 1000th!? My gift to you, if I were able to get it, would be 1000 shiny new brass cases. Or, since you're having so much fun reloading and getting them all nice and clean, how about 1000 really dirty brass and a lifetime supply of that bedding stuff from PetSmart and a case of Nu-Finish or Jet-Dry y'all are raving about! Glad to see you coming up on 1000, my friend - make it a great one!

04-16-2011, 11:05 PM
I like the dirty brass idea. I got the tumbler running steady today, got a bucket of 45 and a little bit of that other junk mixed in.
Girl from work brought me some dryer sheets, I can't remember what they are suppose to do but their in there doing whatever it is.

Lizards are alive and well and the wax is makeing em pretty.

Happy 1000th Old Lincoln. Maybe I better send ya a industrial size tumbler?

04-16-2011, 11:18 PM
Yeah, I know what I would get OldLincoln for 1000. But what could I possibly get Mr. Bawanna in honor of his upcoming 7000th?! That is almost an impossible question for me to answer. Here's a few of the things I wish....

I wish I could give you my ability to get around upright again so you can get back to building walls, but I know that's something that I can't grant you unfortunately. I wish I could give you my hearing, but again - I'm stuck there too. Probably better you don't hear how them youngin's talk these days anyway. I would give you my gun "collection", but if I gave you my one I'd be down to none and would have to give up my KahrTalk secret handshake card and all. If I had a van, it'd be yours my friend. But again, no luck there. If I had a tax refund coming my way, I'd share - but I, like you, just had a few big bills ripped out of my pocket by uncle Sam. So what in the world could I possibly give you for big ol' 7000!?!?!

Well, about the best I can do, considering - I would like to offer you my sincerest thank you that I can possibly give, for all that you've done and given on a regular basis - and continue to do and give. You are an awesome fellow in word and deed, and don't let that Canadian Swede tell you any differently!! This place definitely wouldn't be the same without you, and I'm honored and it's my pleasure to call you my friend...er, uncle. You know what I mean. Congrats on the big 7x1000, uncle B!!! And once again, thank you for everything!

P.S. If possible and if it's not too much, please update title of this thread to "OldLincoln's 1000th...and Bawanna's 7000th!!!"

04-16-2011, 11:26 PM
Well thank YOU nephew for all them fine thoughts. They surely are fine thoughts. I tell ya if I was blessed with new legs (that sounds so Forest Gumpish) first thing I'd do is walk to your house for a visit. Then stop by Jocko's and check out his Harley since he can't post a picture, maybe mosey up the east coast and visit Dietrich, and Wyntrout, might as well make the loop and visit Mr. Surveyor and Jlott and JDlott in Texas, and maybe meet Old Lincoln at the state line, not sure I could enter California. Heck, I'd have to stop and visit everybody. Be a long long walk.

Why are all those people suddenly hoping dreams don't come true?????

Likewise this place would be much the worse without your presence, it truely would.

All is well with the canadian swede this weekend, marital bliss for the time being.

04-17-2011, 02:17 AM
So what are we going to get Old Lincoln for his 1000th!? My gift to you, if I were able to get it, would be 1000 shiny new brass cases. Or, since you're having so much fun reloading and getting them all nice and clean, how about 1000 really dirty brass and a lifetime supply of that bedding stuff from PetSmart and a case of Nu-Finish or Jet-Dry y'all are raving about! Glad to see you coming up on 1000, my friend - make it a great one!

a pair of tit-y pink finish grips for a J frame the "great one" finished for me. :bump2:

04-17-2011, 05:15 AM
Maybe Bawanna will send Linc one of his handmade Gnerr pillows.They`re all the rage in some circles. Anyway, congratulations Old Lincoln and you too, Bawanna.

04-17-2011, 07:09 AM
P.S. If possible and if it's not too much, please update title of this thread to "OldLincoln's 1000th...and Bawanna's 7000th!!!"

Never been able to change a thread title. Not sure I can. I tried to change the April free for all thread as it sounded confusing to some. Couldn't do it sorry.