View Full Version : 1,000% Confidence In My Kahr's

Old Salt
04-17-2011, 04:20 AM
I had a number of Glocks and used some to shoot IDPA, of the thousands of rounds I’ve fired I can’t remember having any kind of malfunction. I had full confidence in a Glock but gave them up as my primary carry because I just did not like and never got used to the why the thick, double stack Glock felt when I carried one concealed. I now have three Kahr’s, CW45,CW9 and a used PM9. All are great shooting guns and best of all I just love the way they carry. I read the problems people are having and have to scratch my bolding head because I can not relate because I have never had any issues except for a couple of FTE because I had to get used to a different grip feel over the thicker Glock.
My newest Kahr purchase is my CW45 I only have 100 rounds through it but after the first full magazine I just knew it would not need much of a break in. But before I make it my full time carry, next week I’m going to put another 150 rounds through it then a box of JHP. I did the same with my CW9 which has around 500 trouble free rounds. My used PM9 is another great pistol and has replaced my LCP as my pocket carry. I might also add, when I was a Glock nut I hung around the forum, Glock Talk there were members on that forum that are having some of the some issues I’m reading hear.
So if there are people out there thinking of trying their first Kahr do some research but the biggest thing to understand is Kahr’s are a very tight manufactured gun. And as far as I know the only manufacture that recommends in their manual a 200 round break in period before they become reliable. Some need more, and like my CW45 some need less. Sorry for the long post and again sorry if I was not making much sense.

04-17-2011, 06:07 AM
Buddy,if there`s one thing in this world you don`t have to worry about it`s not making sense on KahrTalk.We thrive on people not making sense but in your case,you made perfect sense.A double stack mag don`t feel right in your hand and the slim lines of the Kahr does.My first cc handgun was a G19 and I still carry it sometimes but my main carry gun is my PM9 followed by a Glock 36 which,of course, is a single stacker.They both simply feel better in my hand and therefore, I feel more confident in my ability to use them.

Old Salt
04-17-2011, 06:13 AM
Buddy,if there`s one thing in this world you don`t have to worry about it`s not making sense on KahrTalk.We thrive on people not making sense but in your case,you made perfect sense.A double stack mag don`t feel right in your hand and the slim lines of the Kahr does.My first cc handgun was a G19 and I still carry it sometimes but my main carry gun is my PM9 followed by a Glock 36 which,of course, is a single stacker.They both simply feel better in my hand and therefore, I feel more confident in my ability to use them.

Thank you, at my age sometimes I feel like I’m just rambling. :o

04-17-2011, 06:30 AM
Ramble on,my friend,ramble on.I have been known to ramble myself on occasion and every once in a while I drool.It makes the young girls go ,Ewww.I love it.

Old Salt
04-17-2011, 08:32 AM
Ramble on,my friend,ramble on.I have been known to ramble myself on occasion and every once in a while I drool.It makes the young girls go ,Ewww.I love it.

Ha,Ha,Ha Hay I hope all is safe down there after the weather you had.

04-17-2011, 09:23 AM
Besides beeing tight, Kahr pistols are lighter and smaller, which works against shooters with big hands or long fingers.
I have medium size hands with short fingers. First time I put CW9 in my hand at the Sportman's Warehouse it was like Cinderella slipper. It felt like Kahr made that pistol a specially for me.
This is one of the reasons why I stayed away from P380, it is just too small even in my hand.
Plus I own step brother Research Magnum Micro Desert Eagle which is 100% so far.

04-17-2011, 09:35 AM
i know the feeling it all started for me when i wanted to try pocket carry with an auto,i had always carried a revolver as my pocket gun. the first kahr i tried was a used pm9 that i immediatly fell in love with it was much slimmer and easier to carry than a wheel gun and for me shoots better.when i got my hands on a cw45 my glocks became safe queens dont get me wrong i still love and shoot the glocks but just dont carry them after carrying the kahrs i am totaly spoiled.

Old Salt
04-17-2011, 03:13 PM
i know the feeling it all started for me when i wanted to try pocket carry with an auto,i had always carried a revolver as my pocket gun. the first kahr i tried was a used pm9 that i immediatly fell in love with it was much slimmer and easier to carry than a wheel gun and for me shoots better.when i got my hands on a cw45 my glocks became safe queens dont get me wrong i still love and shoot the glocks but just dont carry them after carrying the kahrs i am totaly spoiled.

Totally agree and yes wait tell you get the feel of the CW45, love my CW9 but it’s feeling neglected.

04-17-2011, 03:52 PM
My Buddy says his new Kimber Ultra Carry II manual says to either run 200 or 400 (can't remember which) rounds through it before considering it broke in. So Kahr is not the only gun with break in period.
I'm glad you're having such great sucess with your guns Frank. Keep up the good work!

Oh, I just saw a post where someone was talking about his Kimber, and his manual said 400-500 rounds to break it in.

And while I was looking up break-in procedures, I ran across a thread called "Do you believe a gun needs a break in period?"
I was totally amazed at the number of people that believe a gun is totally reliable right out of the box, and if not, it's junk and is sold off if it has a FTF in the first 20 rounds or so. I'd sure think you'd want to put a couple hundred down range if nothing more than to get the feel of the gun, not to mention dependability, and let the parts mate up well.
Most folks were more reasonable and stated they liked to fire a few hundred to make sure it was ready to go.
Some vets said they never knew if the guns they were issued were broke in or not, so they did that themselves. One fellow reported being issued an M-16 that had no firing pin, but found out during his initial cleaning of the gun the day it was issued to him.
I just don't see how a person would take any semi-auto pistol and call it reliable without putting at least a couple hundred down range.
I did this before I even heard of Kahrs. No semi earned my trust until 2 or 3 hundred trouble free round went down range.
On a revolver, I usually shot a couple boxes, 100 rounds total and called it good. I shot less rounds thru the revolver since it didn't have as many parts to mate up as a semi does.

04-17-2011, 04:24 PM
I had issues with my Para carry 9 and when i TALKEDTO THEM, THEY SAID GET BACK WITH THEM AFTER 500 ROUNDS. I never needed to do that.

Now I guess then as I have read here from a few, that if it ain't perfect out of the box, it is gone, woulds hold true for kimber, and Para for sure.Guarantee you that peddling a new gun ain't gonna make u any money either and what about the next buy you make???

sometimes I also think some posters speak out of the side of their mouths to. kinda like puffing one's chest to show dominance,when in essence really no one here really cares what u do.

04-17-2011, 04:59 PM
Yeah Jocko, there were quite a few mentions, that this "break-in" trend started with the newer 1911's that were coming out in the 70's and 80's with tighter specs than the old GI spec ones. There was some bitching about a $2000 1911 needing a break in. But I figure those have the tightest tolerences of all and really needed a breaking in period.
I'd just always heard that you needed to break in every gun before you trusted it, so I have. Maybe not to the extent that I do now with my carry guns, but they all got shot until I felt comfortable with them, and that they were not going to malfunction when I needed them. My Sprinfield 1911 ran fine out of the box with round nose ammo, but it went to hell when trying HP loads, and got a good feed ramp polishing.
It still doesn't like those 200 gr "flying ashtrays" very much.
Never had a problem with my Browning Buck Mark .22 or my Beretta Cougar, but the Cougar had probably been shot plenty. My Star Model 30 9mm was probably the most troublesome to break in, but it finally got pretty reliable after several hundred rounds. It still has a problem every once in awhile, which is why I don't carry it very often. Actually it does pretty good as long as you use the mag it came with.

Old Salt
04-17-2011, 06:39 PM
I would never carry an auto without being 100% confident in it’s performance and my ability to handle it in a way that will protect myself and family. If you’re an avid shooter like most of us on this forum then breaking in an auto is not an issue because we like to shoot and will rack up three or four hundred rounds in just a couple of outings. I think the people that will have a problem are the ones that buy a pistol shoot 25 or 30 rounds then stick it in a drawer and are lucky if they handle it a couple times a year.

04-18-2011, 02:13 AM
I'm 100% confident in 75% of my Kahrs.


04-18-2011, 05:48 AM
Only my Glocks and my Sig P220 inspire 100% confidence.

04-18-2011, 07:03 AM
Browning HiPower
Ruger Security Six
Kahr PM9
Glock 36
S&W 642
Rossi 461
Glock 19

Gee,that`s all of my handguns.Been toying with the idea of adding another .45 though.Pretty sure it will be a Kahr.A 1911 would be nice but I`ve decided to stay in cc mode and although you can conceal a 1911, I want a .45 that is very easy to conceal and comfortable.Hmmm,CW45 or PM45?Decisions ,decisions.