View Full Version : E9 IDPA training tool

04-17-2011, 05:52 AM
I stumbled across this last week while on vacation. I spent almost every day at the gun range trying to master my E9 and it's dreaded long heavy trigger pull. After sending several hundred rounds down range, I was beginning to think that there was some potential that I could compete in an IDPA bug class. The sad news was as I found out, my club was not shooting an IDPA bug class. The good news was that after the E9 training, I was amazed at how much better I shot my 5" 1911 with a 3 # trigger. From now on that is my training method. Practice with the Kahr and shoot the full size 1911 Springfield.

BTW, my primary carry is a 4" Kimber 1911 CDP II .45.

06-22-2011, 09:42 AM
Good training discovery. I found a similar relationship between muzzleloader rifle (hair trigger) and archery with release aid (set very fine). They seem to work synergistically for trigger control and follow through. For some reason shooting one helps to improve my shooting with the other. I know what you are talking about with your training with the Kahr and gaming with the 1911. You're on to something as far as training goes.

I'm using my PM40 for IDPA, just because it is my carry sword. I have NO question that my scores would definately improve with a gaming gun, but I want to be as good as I can with my PM carry gun. There's No bug class in our IDPA game either. As long as my improvement curve keeps moving upward each time, I don't worry about the rest of the game. It's all about the gun handling improvement with my carry gun. But again, I concur with your training method.

Joe L
06-23-2011, 07:53 PM
I shot my last IDPA club match with a SIG P226 but I want to try either my CM9 or PM40 next month. I'm encouraged to see that GaryB has done this. Thanks.

09-29-2011, 01:55 AM
I shot my last IDPA club match with a SIG P226 but I want to try either my CM9 or PM40 next month. I'm encouraged to see that GaryB has done this. Thanks.

How many mags do you end up needing to shoot your PM9 at an IDPA match?

10-11-2011, 01:42 PM
I used my PM9 in my 1st IDPA match and had 4 loaded 6rd. mags and 1 Barney mag. for loading the chamber. I believe that "official" IDPA rules limit you to 3 loaded mags with a maximum of 10 + 1 in the chamber, but since this was a "club" level match, they didn't have a problem with having an extra one.

I had 2 on my belt and 1 in my pocket. Since most of the stages had less than 18 rounds required, I could have just used the 3 but wouldn't have had the option to shoot additional rounds for score.

Like Garyb said..."I don't worry about the rest of the game. It's all about the gun handling improvement with my carry gun".

03-02-2013, 08:13 AM
IDPA rules only allow 2 mags on the belt and one loaded mag in the gun. You may use a Barney mag to load, but not during the stage. True at the local level it's not an issue. They want to get you interested in the game.

Captain Crunch
03-02-2013, 09:45 AM
Wheel gun shooters get 3 speed loaders plus the six in the gun. You would think 6 round mags could be treated the same.

03-02-2013, 07:49 PM
Yes, wheel gunners get more, but it's just the rules. You have to remember that IDPA was invented, and is owned by, one of the best IPSC shooters ever, even before USPSA, Bill Wilson.

Read about it here


The first few Limited National ti-
tles went to shooters using single-stack
guns, but the move to Hi-Cap was un-
stoppable. Frustrated by this, by the
continuing move toward competition-
only equipment, by frequent Limited
Division rules changes, and by prob-
lems with sponsor relations (among
other things) Wilson led a schism
within USPSA to form the Interna-
tional Defensive Pistol Association

04-10-2013, 09:53 AM
I stumbled across this last week while on vacation. I spent almost every day at the gun range trying to master my E9 and it's dreaded long heavy trigger pull. After sending several hundred rounds down range, I was beginning to think that there was some potential that I could compete in an IDPA bug class. The sad news was as I found out, my club was not shooting an IDPA bug class. The good news was that after the E9 training, I was amazed at how much better I shot my 5" 1911 with a 3 # trigger. From now on that is my training method. Practice with the Kahr and shoot the full size 1911 Springfield.

BTW, my primary carry is a 4" Kimber 1911 CDP II .45.
Excellent point! Mastering a factory newer Kahr trigger definitely should improve overall trigger control on other weapons. I go a little further and run a K frame in IDPA club matches as trigger conditioning for when I run My T40 in SSP. I think it also helps with the mental game of ammo management, too

I don't know if you are aware of the youtube video showing a trigger and action job on Kahr pistols. It may save you alot of ammo breaking in the Kahr.

04-10-2013, 11:26 AM
With practice you'll find that you can shoot your Kahr almost as well as your 1911 Springfield.

09-28-2016, 01:24 PM
just a update on IDPA BUGS, if you want to compete w/your carry CM/PM you will need 4 mags,3 on the belt; 6rd.per mag, NO BARNIES ALLOWED. 6rds. in gun (like revolvers), 7rd. mags ok if only loaded w/6rds. strong side holster.