View Full Version : How's the kick?
12-02-2009, 04:26 PM
Hey Guys,
I was in the gun shop today were I frequent and I was discussing the Kick of the Kahrs because I'm very interested in the P9 or PM9.
I was told the 9s kick like a 35 J frame. Is this accurate?
12-02-2009, 04:34 PM
Haven't fired the 35 J frame. However a buddy of mine brought his LCP to the range. I'd rather shoot my PM40.
12-02-2009, 04:49 PM
I suspect they mean a .38 J frame (snubbie) S&W. I have one and the PM9 is a better trigger (long and smooth) and I find the .38 much harder on my hand then the PM9.
If you are looking for a pocket size pistol in 9mm that is easier to shoot then the .38, easier and much better to shoot then the Kel-tec PF9, then get the Kahr PM9. However, keep in mind that this is a small pistol, short barrel and it is going to have more kick then a larger pistol with a longer barrel.
I'm female and have relatively small hands and I'm fine with the kick on this gun. I can attest to the fact that this is an excellent pistol for it's purpose. As far as I'm concerned, it's a keeper!
12-02-2009, 05:50 PM
I own a S&W 642 .38 snubbie and a PM9. To me the PM9 is easier to shoot and has less recoil.I`m not knocking the J-frame.I feel very comfortable carrying it but I`m married to the PM9.I love her plenty good,you bet!!:001_tt2:
Longitude Zero
12-02-2009, 06:09 PM
Go for the PM9 for overall effectiviness.
12-02-2009, 06:23 PM
I find the PM9 with standard pressure ammo (115 gr Win USA FMJ and 147 gr Fed HST) to be more pleasant in terms of recoil than an airweight j-frame (642) firing standard pressure .38 FMJ ammo (Win USA, Federal American Eagle) even when the 642 is wearing Pachmayr oversize stocks that allow me to get all my fingers on the gun. I can't quantify the difference, but it's noticeable.
The difference is even more apparent when stepping up to +P ammo in the J.
12-02-2009, 10:20 PM
Hey Guys,
I was in the gun shop today were I frequent and I was discussing the Kick of the Kahrs because I'm very interested in the P9 or PM9.
I was told the 9s kick like a 35 J frame. Is this accurate?
Oopps I didn't mean 35 J, just J frame S&W.
I have a S&W body guard that has a nice kick to it, I'm glad to hear the Kahr kicks less then the J frames.
Wayne's World
12-03-2009, 06:18 AM
I was concidering the Ruger LCR before purchasing the PM9. I finaly got the oppertunity to try one at the range a few days ago and found out that I made the right dession. Don't get me wrong, I have had a few Rugers over the years and I like them but I was looking for a pac gun that was also comfortable to shoot. Having R.A., my hands ached for hours after 20 rounds thru the LCR. Thank God for slide/recoil springs.
12-03-2009, 10:13 AM
I shot the Ruger LCP and several small 38 revolvers before I made up my mind to get a PM9.
The PM9 is easier on the hand than any of the others.
I normally will shoot 100 rounds thru mine at each range session with no ill effects. Can't say that about my Taurus 85 or Colt 38 Detective Special.
Smoke Eater
12-03-2009, 12:40 PM
I own both the PM9 and a S&W 442, I find the PM9 not only to be more pleasant to shoot but much easier to conceal.
The grip is higher(due to the feed ramp design) and closer to the muzzle line which in turn reduces felt recoil. I have found for my size hands(medium) that the Pierce grip extension is perfect and does not effect concealment to much and allows a more stable hold.
In a nutshell try them both before you buy the PM9!
12-03-2009, 01:20 PM
PM9 IMO much easier to shoot than any J frame. Course I had mine magna-ported from the git go so it feels like a 22..
12-03-2009, 07:52 PM
PM9 IMO much easier to shoot than any J frame. Course I had mine magna-ported from the git go so it feels like a 22..
Wow that sounds awesome. Is that Kahr upgrade?
12-04-2009, 06:27 AM
Wow that sounds awesome. Is that Kahr upgrade?
slide and barrel has to go to
look up their webb site, read and enjoy, ten decide. about a 10 day turn around. They don't need the entire gun, so you can send the slide an barrel regular mail for aobut $5..
Any photo of your kahr, Magna Port is only Half Mile from my Home, Be Nice to see it.:photo:
12-05-2009, 05:47 PM
Any photo of your kahr, Magna Port is only Half Mile from my Home, Be Nice to see it.:photo:
just not savvy enough to be able to put them on the forum. Half mile, hike your butt down there and talk to them. wow, I would do that in a hear beat if it was me. course My K9 and G190 and PM9 are all magna-ported..
I'm also a female with small hands and I find the PM9 very comfortable. No problem with recoil and much more comfortable than the revolver. Also much easier to conceal due to small profile. Good luck and let us know what you do.
Wayne's World
12-09-2009, 06:11 AM
A totally novice question….
In a “auto-load” pistol, if it were to be ported, would this hinder the recoil operation needed to seat the new round? Does the springs do all the work or is the gasses from the previous round needed. I’m sorry if this sounds stupid, but dad did say, “you’ll never know, if you don’t ask”. Thanks guys.
12-09-2009, 08:04 AM
I own a S&W 642 .38 snubbie and a PM9. To me the PM9 is easier to shoot and has less recoil.I`m not knocking the J-frame.I feel very comfortable carrying it but I`m married to the PM9.I love her plenty good,you bet!!:001_tt2:
I agree 100% with Dietrich comments here, I also have a S&W 642 and a PM9 and the when shooting +P defensive ammo in both the J-frame has a much more substantial felt recoil. Even with this said my wife prefers the 642 over my PM9 as her primary carry weapon as she is just more comfortable with the simplicity of running the revolver. And at 21 feet she can consistently gets 2" groups in slow controlled firing. And now you understand why I answer most of her questions and all of her request with a firm and clearly spoken YES, DEAR! :biggrin1::biggrin1:
12-09-2009, 11:59 PM
I just bought a PM9 and got it out for its first trip to the range last Saturday. I was pretty impressed with how (relatively) light the recoil was, compared for example to the Glock 27 I used to own.
I was also surprised at how well the PM9 shot for me ... I put the last 13 rounds I shot (6rd mag plus 7rd mag) all onto a sheet of 8x11 paper at 15yds. And except for one flyer out at the edge of the paper, 12 of those shots were in a circle about the size of a softball. The only problem was, the gun shot about 5 inches low for me, with me putting the middle dot directly over the center of my target. To get that result I had to aim at the top edge of the sheet of paper, where the target was in the dead center of the page. Could be me pushing the gun before the trigger breaks, but if so my flinch is darn consistent.
So yeah ... recoil not an issue. Amazing pistol, really.
12-10-2009, 05:24 AM
I own both the PM9 and a S&W 442, I find the PM9 not only to be more pleasant to shoot but much easier to conceal.
The grip is higher(due to the feed ramp design) and closer to the muzzle line which in turn reduces felt recoil. I have found for my size hands(medium) that the Pierce grip extension is perfect and does not effect concealment to much and allows a more stable hold.
I own both and find the PM9 much more controllable (I don't have a aftermarket grip on the 642) with normal and +p loads. I like my 642, but it is a house gun for the most part (Till I get a .45 :D). Usually after about 75-80 rnds of .38s, the 642 really start wearing your hand out. I would not want to shoot more than that at one time, however, a 3 finger grip would help that tremendously.
I could shoot the PM9 all day, and the factory trigger is much better than the 642.
12-12-2009, 08:11 PM
I agree with the other owners who have J frames and PM9s. I have a 637 Airweight and prefer my PM9 over it, hands down. Ever since the PM9 arrived, the 637 isn't getting any CCW time. ;)
Believe me when the Real thing happens and you have to use the PM9, you will never Feel a thing.:33:
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