View Full Version : FTE unfired round

04-19-2011, 10:17 PM
Hi everyone,
I picked up a new CW45 that doesn't want to extract unfired rounds. I did the prep that is sticked on the forum and figured I'd cycle some rounds to see how it did. Well, It hangs up to the point I have to put the slide on hard surface an really push to get the round extracted.

Is this something that should work it's self out in the break-in, or do you think there might be something more going on? I haven't had a chance to make it to the range yet.. Hope to soon though.


04-19-2011, 10:58 PM
Welcome to the forums:)
When my CW45 was new, some ammo (230 gr. Remington HP in particular) could be problematic, much like you describe, to eject by hand. They never malfunctioned when actually firing them. The CW45 has quite a few rounds through the pipe now and everything feeds/extracts by hand without issue.

04-19-2011, 11:01 PM
Lock the slide back and just drop a round in the chamber. push it with a finger. Now tip it muzzle up and see if it falls out. Sounds like you have some long cartridges. What kind are they?

04-20-2011, 05:28 AM
yup what bawanna is telling u is your problem. change ammo, try another brand. your rounds are getting stuck in the throat. If it does it with other brand,s then yo have a barrel that needs some attention to it. come back to this forum and they will help you on that. The barrel wold need togo back to kahr. probably not the entire gun, just the barrel.

04-20-2011, 07:55 AM
I was using Winchester White Box ammo. Hopefully I can get a trip out the the range to get through the break-in.

Thanks for the replies, I'll follow up in this thread after I get some quality time with it.:33:


04-29-2011, 09:59 AM
Minor update..

I haven't had a chance to make it to the range yet, but I did cycle some reloads through it. They fed thought it without any kind of issue. It cycled them super smooth too.
That made me feel much better. I think the rain is supposed to hold off so hopefully I can get out and shoot it soon!

04-29-2011, 10:12 AM
wwb should work OK, that is good ammo. no doubt the rounds are getting stuck in the throated area of the barrel. If it was me, I would call kahr and talk to jay, and tell him that the rounds are getting stuck in the barrel/throated area . You might just be able to send back the barrel first class mail for about $5 and they will exchange it for another one. Your 45 shold shoot wwb with ease. If they want the entire gun, the ask them to issue a pre paid pick up, , be nice...

gb6491 has a point, if you willbe patient, and shoot some rounds out of the ugn like up to 200 and then retst to see if ur issues have gone away. It is amazine what rounds down range willdo for a gun. If u have a dremel and a polishing cone, u can polish that insid eof the chamber and do wonders to, u can'thurt anything. rolled up 600+ grip auto paper on a smalldowel willdothe same thing, only slower..

04-29-2011, 11:49 AM
I'm planning to get some rounds down range before I worry about it. I'm going to assume it'll be a good shooter until it proves me wrong.:D


04-29-2011, 12:01 PM
I'm planning to get some rounds down range before I worry about it. I'm going to assume it'll be a good shooter until it proves me wrong.:D


That's the spirit iajtywu, too dang much negativity in the world. I think your gonna be just fine and dandy.
I am getting anxious for a report though, you might want to get an umbrella and just get out there and get r dun.
Go now, tell your boss I said it was ok, better yet tell him Jocko said it was ok.

05-01-2011, 01:12 PM
Long vs short cartridges.

Yah, long ones get stuck in the rifling lead. Not the case, but the bullet itself. Kahr has a very short leade to the rifling.

Also - the Kahr design really seems to favor shorter cartridges. My little bit of playing around shows a few things.

Ya know that "bevel" on the slide? If the cartridge is almost as long as the magazine, you absolutely need that bevel there to make the pistol function at all. Cartridges that are a little shorter will move forward in the magazine under recoil, giving a tiny bit more operational room for the slide, and function is very positive with that condition. The 1911 on the other hand, prefers longer rounds. It has adequate overtravel on the slide, but the ramp setup is not as nice as the long ramped Kahr. Shorter rounds in the 1911 tend to nose dive. Not so with the Kahr, who's ramp seems to be the black hole of all ammo. They go right in, assuming they're stripped from the magazine.

The 200g loads I shot last week were very short - no way they'd work in any of my 1911s on hand. The Kahr ate them like M&M's. The 230g HP's were very long, worked well in the Commander, but would not feed well in the Kahr, which often left them sitting in the magazine instead of the chamber. My slide has "the bevel", but shorter ammo does help. I'm going to reseat the 230g HP's and see how things improve (or not) with the Kahr.

05-04-2011, 07:50 AM
Well I finally made it out to shoot the new Kahr...
I picked up a box of Remington UMC to see if that would hand cycle, and it did. I made it thought the box of 100 with only 2 failure to feeds! I was pretty happy with how the gun shot at this point. Now I was onto the box of WWB. This box didn't go so good.. constant FTFs my left hand is sore from smacking the slide foward:rolleyes:

Then I noticed that slidestop worked its way out a little ways and caused the slide to lock back. I reseated it, checked out the function and continued through the box. this happened a couple more times before I finished up the box.

So on to what I found.. It looks like where the slide stop meets the frame there was some plastic buildup that would not let the slide stop full seat. I removed that "extra" material and the slide stop looks to fully seat again. I'm going to keep a close eye on this.

The next thing.. The primers look like the firing pin is dragging when the case is extracted. Any Idea on this??

So for the first trip it went OK.. I was really impressed with the gun when I used the box of UMC.. I hope to get this issues worked out. The gun is a fun little shooter!

05-04-2011, 08:36 AM
Someone just posted the same thing the other day. I think the post was called primer "smear". From what I can tell everything looks normal.

05-04-2011, 08:52 AM
Someone just posted the same thing the other day. I think the post was called primer "smear". From what I can tell everything looks normal.

I did some searching on that and it appears to be normal.. Now I'm down from 3 to 2 issues to worry about.:o

05-04-2011, 09:45 AM
did u by chance do any pre preping of the gun, l.ike hand cycling a fewhundred times, lcleaning it to ake sure aqll kahr crapola is out ofthe gun and striker channel and then a proper lube.

two goood stickys for that is:


Hit on karh lube chart

and propper prepping of your new kahr.

ur photos of the shell casing are excellent, they are normal, as shown in the kahr manual. nice photo work though, it will come in handy to future owners who ask the same question.

05-04-2011, 10:37 AM
I did follow the prep thread.

I think the barrel might just be a little tighter then most. I don't know if the barrel will break in or if I'll have to call Kahr about it not feeding the WWB ammo.

05-04-2011, 11:31 AM
how about giving the feed ramp and the inside of the chamber a good polsihing to see if that helps. It should should wwb with east. Probaby more rounds will help alot..Everything will mate up, to what extent is every guns personality.

05-04-2011, 02:18 PM
I would respectfully disagree with jocko in that a dremel inside the barrel can't hurt it. Seen it done more that once and it can be pretty painful.

The 'leade' or the part of the chamber area just before the rifling starts typically is very short in all .45 autos. Kahrs don't seem any worse to me, but my experience with them is limited.

If the leade is the trouble, it probably won't change with rounds down range. Well, I imagine forty or fifty thousand could do it . . .

I would call Kahr once you reach the 200 round count. if you still have issues with WWB. They stand behind their product.

My instruction maunal shows a pic of the fired primer (called primer wipe), looks just like yours and says it's normal with their products. It is with my PM 45, does it religiously. Was werid to me as an old 1911 shooter 'cause it ain't normal with them.

Good luck and keep shooting and reporting back.


05-05-2011, 11:05 PM
You mention cycling rounds through the pistol to check function without firing.

You need to be careful about repeated chamberings of the same round, especially WWB and (in my experience) Blazer Brass .45. It doesn't take too many to drive the bullet deeper in the case. Sometimes twice is enough to do it.

Then it may not feed right at all in "real life".

Check some of the rounds that didn't feed against new ones.

They aren't made with all the cement, cannelures, and other tricks to keep the bullet in place like the high dollar stuff.

05-06-2011, 11:18 AM
I called Kahr yesterday about the failure to feed WWB and the slidestop coming out. The good news is they're sending a new slidestop spring to fix the slidestop from coming out. But the bad news is he told me that Kahrs are not designed to cycle unfired rounds :confused: , and if the gun didn't like the WWB shot something else.

This lead me to taking a better look at whats causing the issue. It looks like the WWB ammo is just a little too tight to fit "freely" into the barrel. I can't get it to fully seat by hand. This happens with untouched ammo too. I think I'm going to shoot some more to see it it loosens up at all.. If not I'll see if Kahr will help out on a barrel. Has anyone made a 4" ported barrel for the kahr .45s yet? That might be the way to go;) Maybe they'll send me one to test out for them:p

05-06-2011, 11:32 AM
no ported 45 bbl, probably IMO) won't be any.I think it should cycle WWb OK, and thatis pure b.s. about not being ableto eject a live round, maes zero sense,what dou do with a mis fire, ??? What I would do if it was mine and as it looks now kahr is not goingfto address it eithyer is get a dremel and a polishing cone and some polishing compound and shine the hell out of the chamaber and then go into the throat area and also polish, ur not goi8ng to hurt anything and it should be OK. WWB is good ammo but againif it is picky with that one brand, then u might just wantto move on to anothger brand that does OK and stick with it. either way u can't hurt anything with a good chamber and throat polishing.

When you put in thye slide stop spirng I would advse going to GTB6491 thread n the kahr tech section under cw45 fixes, It shows in photo detail how to do it with wout taking that little screw all the way out so as to not damage the threads. It is the best tutorial/pictorial Ihve ever seen. You will need a $6 torx tool for that little screw, u can get it at sears singulary.

You don't need to send the entire gun into kahr eiter if the barrel thing doesnt work out. callthem and just tell them that most all rounds are not coming out of the barrel when unloading it and some will not allow the slide to return to full battery. U can send that barrel to them asap by u.s. mail for about $5..