View Full Version : Happy Earth Day! Broke in new CM9 today.

Chief Joseph
04-22-2011, 03:33 PM
I celebrated earth day today by driving my SUV to the forest and shooting some lead into some trees.
Shot 1 box of Remington UMC
1 box WWB
1 box Blazer
2 boxes Blazer Brass
6 rounds Winchester Ranger

Used the 6 round CM9 mag, 8 round mag I bought with the CM9, 7 round PM9 mag, and 7 round CW9 mag.

Had 3 fail to feed, 2 on the 8 round mag, 1 on the PM9 7 round mag and 4 times the slide failed to lock back on empty mag. Didn't keep track of which mags it happened on. The 6 round CM mag worked flawlessly, was able to slingshot the first round every time without a hiccup. The 8 round mag would not slingshot, the 7 round pm9 mag only half the time. The 7 round CW9 mag worked as well as the CM9 6 round mag.

This was my results at approx. 20 feet.

This was my results at approx. 30 feet. I first aimed at the middle, then the lower right corner.

And this one at approx 60-65 feet. I didn't take as much time aiming as I should have. I shot 28 rounds total at this one.


Now, I fully have 3 carry guns. All in all, felt just like shooting my pm9. Very happy with it.

04-22-2011, 03:38 PM
Shooting lead into trees. Can't think of a better way to celebrate Earth Day. :hippie:

Bill K
04-22-2011, 03:46 PM

Thanks for the break-in range report. So it reads as if you're good to go ifin you stick to the 6 round magazine, correct?

Take care,
Bill K.

Ps. I've got to learn how to do that finger nail slide show that you see folks posting.

04-22-2011, 04:05 PM
Shooting lead into trees. Can't think of a better way to celebrate Earth Day. :hippie:

My thoughts exactly.

04-22-2011, 04:06 PM
Oldie but goodie.

Warning. Serious hippy alert. :hippie:




Who names their kid "Dumpster Muffin" anyway? :o

04-22-2011, 04:09 PM
That last target looks alot like Jocko's at 3 yards, cept for them ones in the black middle. That would be unusual. Just sayin.

Dumpster Muffin??:confused: And we wonder why we're where we are today.

Chief Joseph
04-23-2011, 11:10 AM

Thanks for the break-in range report. So it reads as if you're good to go ifin you stick to the 6 round magazine, correct?

Take care,
Bill K.

Ps. I've got to learn how to do that finger nail slide show that you see folks posting.

Ya, for me the 6 round mag is the most important mag, I pocket 90 percent of the time and the 6 round mag makes it happen, and since the cw9 7 round mag is what I carry as extra, and it performed also, I'm good to go.

Chief Joseph
05-10-2011, 05:21 PM
Traded in my PM9 today and got a Glock 27, took my CM9, the Glock and a buddy up shooting. Only put another 50 rounds through the CM9, but they were flawless, only used the 6 round mag. Even my friend noticed the CM9 did not have the feeding issues I had with the PM9. The only issue was again, on the very last round fired the slide failed to lock back.

05-10-2011, 05:34 PM
was this every magazine thatit didn't lock back or maybe once or twice??

Chief Joseph
05-10-2011, 06:30 PM
was this every magazine thatit didn't lock back or maybe once or twice??

No, just the very last 50th round. Of all rounds to do it.

05-10-2011, 07:05 PM
ok thats good, if it was constant then it would be different. more rounds out of the gun and u and the gun mating up will eliminate alot of little quirks. Nice report