View Full Version : Quick impression of my new PM9

04-25-2011, 01:23 PM
The gun was reasonably clean from the factory but a bit too wet. There was a touch of oil or grease underneath the follower in each mag. I cleaned everything and lubed according to instructions on this forum. Besides noticing how finely made the slide seemed to be, I noticed how harsh the frontstrap was and how sharp the serations in the slide are. On balance, this is a very nice looking gun. I was only able to work the slide at home 50 times, not the recommended 200-500. I loaded both mags to capacity and left them loaded for 36 hours. I left the gun open for 12 hours.

1. The mags releases only about 2-3 inches and have to be pulled out the rest of the way.

2. The trigger is already extremely smooth but has a very long pull. Takes a short adjustment period. Some of that is from owning two SA Only guns and a striker fired short DAO.

I fired about 75 Lawman FMJ 115 gr rounds at the indoor range today. I liked the trigger after I got familiar with it. It shoots accurately as far as I can tell. I was mostly there to check reliability and functions.

1. The mags haven't yet loosened up from shooting

2. The recoil is significant. I can't see shooting over 75 rds and enjoying it. The grip needs something, A cheese grater is easier on your hands.

3. The slide is very hard to work and you need a mag inserted to make locking it back routine.

4. It jammed (cartridge tips down and the slide locks but not fully to the rear). Mag will not release. Pulling the slide back about a 1/3 inch allows the mag release button to work. As the mag is removed. the jammed round falls out thru the grip. Note that I always chambered the first round by releasing the slide stop lever. NO slingshoting for me on this gun. I also fired 20 rounds from the same ammo in a Ruger SR9c without any problem. For now it is a more accurate and reliable gun. It has fewer than 450 rounds thru it. If I had to concealed carry today, the RUGER comes with me.

04-25-2011, 01:46 PM
by the time u hit 200 rounds the gun will be OK, The mag releasing about 2 inches is on many quite normal. My PM9 has over 31,500 rounds through it and the mags do not drop free. Really doesn't bother me, but you can try to wax the outside of ur magazine and give it another try. After a few hundred rounds if that doesn't do what u want u can call and talk to kahr and send the magazines back for exchange and cross your fingers that they will do what you want. All kinds of slip on rubber grips to solve that cheese grater thing. 98% don't feel that is an issue. KaHRS ARE TIGHT, the slide will loosen up a tad but this is not a rattly gun even with thousands of rounds down range, they just seem to remain tight. Trigger is what it is, you have a full 3/8" trigger travel in your PM9. it is there by design, it is ur guns only real safety. U will adapt to it,they have the smoothest trigger system on the market.

04-25-2011, 02:08 PM
Might also check the mag well. A little sanding in the high spots might free the mag up some if it's close. There do seem to be some slightly oversize mags out there though too so I'd not do much more than a minimal clean up.

Bill K
04-25-2011, 02:49 PM

Wish I could have read that your PM9 was without issues but I'm confident you'll get it up and running 100%.

Recoil doesn't seem to be an issue with my new PM9 even with Black Hills 124 +P. Maybe because I'm so used to my Kel-Tec .380? Seems a bit more recoil than my Glcok 26 with the same ammo but that, because of the extra Glock weight if nothing else, is what I'd expect.

Slide on mine after ~350 rounds is still stiff but not a whole lot.

Keep us informed of your progress.

Bill K.

04-25-2011, 03:18 PM
by the time u hit 200 rounds the gun will be OK, The mag releasing about 2 inches is on many quite normal. My PM9 has over 31,500 rounds through it and the mags do not drop free. Really doesn't bother me, but you can try to wax the outside of ur magazine and give it another try. After a few hundred rounds if that doesn't do what u want u can call and talk to kahr and send the magazines back for exchange and cross your fingers that they will do what you want. All kinds of slip on rubber grips to solve that cheese grater thing. 98% don't feel that is an issue. KaHRS ARE TIGHT, the slide will loosen up a tad but this is not a rattly gun even with thousands of rounds down range, they just seem to remain tight. Trigger is what it is, you have a full 3/8" trigger travel in your PM9. it is there by design, it is ur guns only real safety. U will adapt to it,they have the smoothest trigger system on the market.
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm not too concerned about the mags not falling free at this stage.

I'm close to saying I love the trigger but it does complicate my training being my only DAO. I do have a house gun which is DA/SA but I will shoot it at the range only (hopefully) and usually just in SA mode. Its a hammer fired 9mm (HK P30 v3).

I should have a slip on Traction Grip in a few days. If I shoot again tomorrow, I'll try to do 100 rounds and report here.

04-25-2011, 04:56 PM
Congrats on the new PM9, Rainman! That long trigger takes a little getting used to, but after 350 rounds, I like shooting the PM9 more than my Glocks. :)

04-25-2011, 05:36 PM
Like everyone has already said. Keep shooting. I'm at about 350 rounds and very few issues (all same ammo, so I blame the ammo, not the gun).

04-25-2011, 06:21 PM
I have just less than 3,000 rnds. through my PM9 with out a single malfunction and it started to loosen up around 2,600 rnds. The "cheese grater" feeling will diminish.

Have you tried the new range, Close Quarters on 23 Mile Rd.?

04-25-2011, 07:00 PM
I have just less than 3,000 rnds. through my PM9 with out a single malfunction and it started to loosen up around 2,600 rnds. The "cheese grater" feeling will diminish.

Have you tried the new range, Close Quarters on 23 Mile Rd.?

DJK, No I haven't, that's not a new name for an older place, is it? I shoot mostly at Bass Pro Shop. It used to be cheap and worth the drive. That's no longer true. The most convenient place is Double Action, On Dequindre south of 14 mile. I'll look into Close Quarters. Thanks

04-25-2011, 07:02 PM
2. The recoil is significant. I can't see shooting over 75 rds and enjoying it. The grip needs something, A cheese grater is easier on your hands.

Get a pair of these


The vast majority of posts regarding recoil read like this

Melissa5 is right on the money. Recoil is less than my S&W Bodyguard and is quite pleasurable to shoot espcially with standard pressure 9mm loadings.
For that matter I wouldn't be too concerned with +P 9mm loads as in case of an emegency I seriously doubt that you would even notice the recoil.

04-25-2011, 07:05 PM
Congrats on the new PM9, Rainman! That long trigger takes a little getting used to, but after 350 rounds, I like shooting the PM9 more than my Glocks. :)

I like smaller concealable guns best, but my Sig P238 is trying my patience. Got two new brands for tomorrow, WWB and American Eagle. I'm sure there is an issue with the S&B 380 stuff I bought. Now I've added the PM9 to my worry list. No problem since I can't legally go CCW until late June unless I really catch a break.


04-25-2011, 07:13 PM
Get a pair of these


The vast majority of posts regarding recoil read like this

Melissa5 is right on the money. Recoil is less than my S&W Bodyguard and is quite pleasurable to shoot espcially with standard pressure 9mm loadings.
For that matter I wouldn't be too concerned with +P 9mm loads as in case of an emegency I seriously doubt that you would even notice the recoil.

Where does an office worker get a "pair like those"? LOL

I have no plans to shoot +P. The Lawman ammo I was shooting always has stuck me as a hot load. I'm trying some American Eagle next time out. Maybe tomorrow. I am learning that guns are cheap but ammo just costs and costs.

I enjoy the hell out of my very small P238. I get a better grip on it for some reason. I guess the PM9 is an opportunity to shop for a grip sleeve.


04-25-2011, 07:17 PM
try shooting with gloves, that will help also!

04-25-2011, 08:35 PM
Any minute now Bawanna will be along to tell you about his inner tube grips. 10..9..8..

04-25-2011, 09:13 PM
The Lawman ammo I was shooting always has stuck me as a hot load. I'm trying some American Eagle next time out. Maybe tomorrow. I am learning that guns are cheap but ammo just costs and costs.


FWIW, my PM9 doesn't like Speer Lawman. Maybe it's because it is hotter and the PM9 is more prone to limp wristing. My Glocks love Lawman though.

04-25-2011, 10:29 PM
I suppose running 300 plus rounds through a PM45 in one range session would really do you in. To me, thats just a fun shoot.

Then again, I dont find the 416 Rigby, .425 or .475 Westley Richards, nor the .505 Gibbs particularly bad either.

04-26-2011, 07:20 AM
I'll try some golf gloves today and see if that helps. I've already added some TractionGrips. These are thin rubberized stick-ons cut to fit the existing panels.

04-26-2011, 08:36 AM
I also shoot at Double Action but want to check Close Quarters, just for the heck of it.

04-26-2011, 10:18 AM
This is my first post here, but I noticed the front strap cheese grater thing on my P380 when I first got it, but after a couple of weeks the sharp edges have either worn down a bit or my hand is just gotten used to it. Whereas is bothered me a lot at first, I don't even notice it now. Hopefully, that happens for you.

04-26-2011, 10:58 AM
I also shoot at Double Action but want to check Close Quarters, just for the heck of it.

I just looked over their website. Looks like a great place and its now the closest to my home. They have a very impressive instructional staff and a nice retail shop. The Mancom's "Competition Series" booths also are a big improvement over the other ranges.


04-27-2011, 05:57 PM
try shooting with gloves, that will help also!
Actually did shoot today with two golf gloves. Works very well except when loading mags. Posting an update to First Impressions thread in a minute.

04-27-2011, 05:59 PM
I also shoot at Double Action but want to check Close Quarters, just for the heck of it.I shot there today. Very nice. The building is very generic, no clues as to who's inside.

04-27-2011, 06:06 PM
Actually did shoot today with two golf gloves. Works very well except when loading mags. Posting an update to First Impressions thread in a minute.

those fingerless bicycle riding gloves. Wal mart sells them for about $10, they have enough padding in the pam area to give a nice feel but yet your fingers are open...

04-27-2011, 06:21 PM
those fingerless bicycle riding gloves. Wal mart sells them for about $10, they have enough padding in the pam area to give a nice feel but yet your fingers are open...

I'll look for them tonite.

04-27-2011, 06:24 PM
I jwill say this for those finger gloves. I never had any issues with kahrs grips beingsharp or anything like I read on this forum, but after a couple hndred rounds with those bicycle gloves the palms were literaly chewed all to hell..

04-27-2011, 06:39 PM
No doubt your iron man choke the chicken grip. Or perhaps the vicious recoil of those super sonic little bullets. We might need a scientist to explain the theory of our relatives here.

I know, I know, here comes another horse head picture card.