View Full Version : Today's the day

04-28-2011, 12:29 PM
This weekend, Mama surprised me and said she wants to learn how to shoot. Yes!!!!!! So, in a little while, we are going to the range. My uncle left us an S&W Model 36 and she's been keeping it at her house without any bullets in it. I plan to start her off with my .22 semi just to get her used to aiming and to get some of the nerves out of the way. Then, we'll go to either my G19 or my Ruger GP100 w/.38s. Last, we'll try the Model 36. I put some Hogue grips on it so they would absorb some of the recoil. I'm excited.

04-28-2011, 12:36 PM
Way way cool Melissa. I'm excited too. Your going at it just right, go easy, go slow, start with the light stuff. Keep it fun. I can't wait to hear a follow up after first session report.

Give momma a great big wet smoochy kiss right on the smackers from all us folks on kahrtalk. We're all supporting her 100%.

Hope she really enjoys her first session and becomes a regular at the range.

MW surveyor
04-28-2011, 12:37 PM
Sounds good to me. Good idea to start her off with the 22 then work your way up.

Have fun at the range today.

04-28-2011, 01:14 PM
Nothing better then a gun convert! Great idea about starting light. Have a wonderful Mom & Daughter day!

04-28-2011, 03:21 PM
Allright Melissa!!!.Best of luck to both of you.:cheer2::cheer2:

04-28-2011, 03:44 PM
My wife told me "today's the day" and I got all excited.......
..........she wanted the shed painted.

04-28-2011, 03:46 PM
My wife told me "today's the day" and I got all excited.......
..........she wanted the shed painted.

Finally something around here I can totally relate too. I feel your pain. Well not directly or in any mano mano way ya understand.

ok bye

Bill K
04-28-2011, 04:47 PM
That is fantastic!

My Mom took to it right away and now goes to the range all by herself...

:) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_nFUq8O1wff0/Sup02KxFhuI/AAAAAAAAHak/8FFXv8wm6n4/s200/pistol+packing+grandma.JPG :)

Bill K.

04-28-2011, 05:43 PM
I know this isn't the way you're supposed to do it, but.....started my wife off shooting with a/her brand new M66 3" K-Frame by loading it with the hottest .357 mag rounds I had on hand. After a cylinder full of those I told her "that's the worst it's ever going to get", reloaded it with .38 wadcutters and worked back up from there. Once she stopped flinching...:D...she turned into a really competent shot and gun person.

04-28-2011, 07:32 PM
That's great Melissa! Hope you two have a great time!

04-28-2011, 07:44 PM
Awesome news, Melissa, that's great! You'll definitely have to let us know how it went. It's great that you'll be able to shoot with your mom, but I think more importantly, I'd be thankful to know that your mom will learn everything involving gun safety since she's got one in the house (whether loaded or unloaded). Have fun!

04-28-2011, 08:12 PM
Success! She liked it and wants to go again! :D

On her first shot with the .22, she jumped like someone had goosed her, but she kept shooting and was putting some in the x-ring. Then, I handed her the G19. She fired 3 rounds with that and gave it back to me. Next, she fired 6 rounds out of the GP100 and said she was ready to shoot the Model 36. So, I put up a fresh silhouette target with the heart area in orange and away she went. She put a few in the orange, but most were low and right. We started out at 3 yards, but there was no light there so I ran it out to 7 yards. Really, she did great for her first time shooting and best of all, she wants to go back and practice with just the Model 36. I don't think she really like the semi's and wouldn't shoot my PM9.

Afterwards, we went to Olive Garden and met my cousin and his wife and daughter. A good time was had by all!

04-28-2011, 08:21 PM
Mrs Dietrich didn`t want anything to do with my automatics either.She had her mind set on a S&W 642 and that was that.If your mom`s comfortable with the 36,so be it.Please tell her congratulations from the gang at KahrTalk.
P.S. Congratulations to you too.

04-28-2011, 08:26 PM
I think it's great you were able to create some memories with your mother and that you were able to introduce her to shooting. As a new shooter it's probably good she prefers a reveolver over the autos.

04-28-2011, 08:32 PM
Mrs Dietrich didn`t want anything to do with my automatics either.She had her mind set on a S&W 642 and that was that.If your mom`s comfortable with the 36,so be it.Please tell her congratulations from the gang at KahrTalk.
P.S. Congratulations to you too.

Thanks! I'm really proud of my Mom.

04-28-2011, 08:35 PM
I'm trying to get the gf to go with me more often. Shes shot my mosquito and PM9. Its fun to have close family member that like the range!

04-28-2011, 08:36 PM
Congrats Melissa and mom. It's heartwarming to hear you teaching your mom to shoot. Sounds like you both had a ball. You never know when those skills might come in handy.

MW surveyor
04-28-2011, 09:11 PM
Good first range report with your Mom and that she's ready to go again. Hopefully we'll get to read some more!

I'm going to have to agree with her using the revolver. Try and see if you can get some low power wad cutter rounds for the next time that you shoot. They have even less recoil than a regular 38 round and are really good for practice. Plus they make a good clean hole.

04-29-2011, 12:15 AM
I see more & more new women shooters at our gun club all the time. My GF had never shot a gun before she met me. I bought her her own guns, shotgun & revolver, now she goes every chance she gets. She took to shootin' like a pig to mud! Oops, that's probably not the best analogy is it?:eek:

04-29-2011, 07:05 AM
This weekend, Mama surprised me and said she wants to learn how to shoot. Yes!!!!!! So, in a little while, we are going to the range. My uncle left us an S&W Model 36 and she's been keeping it at her house without any bullets in it. I plan to start her off with my .22 semi just to get her used to aiming and to get some of the nerves out of the way. Then, we'll go to either my G19 or my Ruger GP100 w/.38s. Last, we'll try the Model 36. I put some Hogue grips on it so they would absorb some of the recoil. I'm excited.

Tell her not to lean back as if to get away from the gun. Teach her the proper grip before the first shot. Teach her muzzle control when handling malfunctions. If she's good, put her on YouTube. If not, PLEASE don't put her on YT.

Enjoy the day

Bill K
04-29-2011, 07:57 AM
That's really cool Melissa. I'm glad you guys had such a good time.

04-29-2011, 08:05 AM
Excellent! Isn't it great when another family member gets the bug?
My ma-in-law, mid 70s, has two Ruger .357s. Its my wife I can't get out to the range.

04-29-2011, 08:21 AM
She took to shootin' like a pig to mud! :eek:

Oh oh oh no Jeremiah. Really you could have picked a better analogy.

04-29-2011, 08:42 AM
Good first range report with your Mom and that she's ready to go again. Hopefully we'll get to read some more!

I'm going to have to agree with her using the revolver. Try and see if you can get some low power wad cutter rounds for the next time that you shoot. They have even less recoil than a regular 38 round and are really good for practice. Plus they make a good clean hole.

I was using WWB, so I thought that would be low powered enough, but I'll try to find some wad cutters for the next time. Yeah, I'm glad she likes revolvers better. That long trigger adds a good safety measure. Another thing that comes to mind is that she might like shooting at an outdoor range a little better. Also, next time, I'll have her use ear muffs and plugs. I didn't this time because I wanted to be sure that she could hear what I was saying to her.

04-29-2011, 09:03 AM
Tell her not to lean back as if to get away from the gun. Teach her the proper grip before the first shot. Teach her muzzle control when handling malfunctions. If she's good, put her on YouTube. If not, PLEASE don't put her on YT.

Enjoy the day

She did not lean back or forward. I was not too picky about form because I wanted her to become comfortable shooting and have fun. She was pushing the gun forward a few times. I still do that sometimes. I'd really like for her to stick with a .22 revolver for a while.

I showed her the two thumbs forward grip and the more traditional revolver grip. She chose the revolver grip. She did pretty good with muzzle control, but I would like for her to be more conscious of keeping her finger off the trigger until she's ready to fire.

She did great for a 74 year old lady shooting for the first time.