View Full Version : New K9 and shooting low...

04-30-2011, 08:17 AM
I have had my new K9 out to the range twice now. The first time out was strictly break in and run time. Didn't concern myself too much with accuracy. The first session was 250 rounds of flawless run time performance. Only one ftf but that was due to my son not racking the first round using the slide release.

Second time was also more run time but did lean on the accuracy aspect this time out as well. Ran another 200 rounds of flawless performance. But man do I shoot low with this gun! Nice groups but about 2 to 3 inches low of the black at about 20 to 25 feet.

My only explanation may be that due to the longer trigger pull I must be pulling down on the gun at trigger break. I had my son watch me from the side and couldn't notice that I was doing anything that would cause this but it's all I can think of.

This being my first Kahr I know it's going to take a little time to master this trigger even as nice as it is. I usually shoot da/sa and am more accurate with my other guns in this configuration but they are also full size guns.

Any new Kahr shooters experience anything similar?

04-30-2011, 08:25 AM
I experienced the same thing. I took some advice offered to me on this forum and practiced dry firing. As you suggested I was pulling the nose down during the long trigger pull.

I also plan on trying the surprise snap cap test. Have someone else load your mags and put in a few random snap caps. This way you will be able to notice if you are anticipating recoil.

Learning to shoot the thing is half the fun. Enjoy

Bill K
04-30-2011, 09:12 AM
Dry firing with snap caps is excellent practice/training for trigger control (and other stuff). At the range live firing, when you're working on trigger control and accuracy, you need to call your shots - what was the sight alignment and sight picture just as the shot fired. Get your sight alignment down pat and then see where you're hitting with your sight picture/image.


I'm agnostic concerning lasers for carry but a firm believer in their benefit for practice and training. From my experience lasers are great for both dry fire and live fire practice.

Continued good luck with your K9.

Bill K.

04-30-2011, 09:12 AM
gear guy, the mystery snap cap will certainly show what you are doing. When it shows you that it is the shooter, and not the gun as some seem to think, then you have taken the first step to shooting a kahr much better. Kahrs are not easy guns to shoot PERIOD. This is a defense gun, I dojn't thin kahr ever made any bones about it not being that either. It is just built differently .. The long trigger systme is there by design but it takes time to get use dto it. I can say in over 30,000+ rounds out of my pM9 that I have not mastered it yet and I guess I never will either but IMO is the best defense gun out there. I own a K9 and if there is a better looking and nicer gun that that, point it out for e. These guns are simple and the K9 is kahrs bread and butter gun, verty strrange when we see issue sin the K9, they have been out for years, and kahrs has tweeked them to almost perfection. I alwys try to tell shooters don';t expect 1911 style gun accuracy with any kahr,. If you want a beer can gun at 25 yards, I wold suggest alot more guns than a kahr. Alathough someone here about a week or so ago posted a 3" shot group at 25 yards with his kahr, so some of my theorys he just shot square in the a-s..

Bill K. nice photo work in the sight pictures. Wish I could do that stuff!!!

04-30-2011, 09:33 AM
What Jocko said...
Have your son load that dummy round(s) somewhere in the mag, load the gun, then watch you shoot.
You will concentrate way more, just knowing that dummy is in there.

You can do the same with someone loading just one round...or not, but with most guns, the extractor will show if a round is chambered or not.

04-30-2011, 09:42 AM
when my wife loads my magazine she will put anywhere from 2 to 3 snap caps in the gun. Besides showing your shoot8ing way, it also gives you some training in the TAP, RACK AND BANG THINGS drill....

Course I can say I shoot the finest ONE HOLE groups u will ever see. and every one of those ONE HOLE groups are exactly where I aimed-- Gods truth!!

04-30-2011, 09:43 AM
Good advice gentlemen and thanks. I'm quite certain the problem is me and pulling down on the gun. I will keep practicing and am certain I will solve the problem. My expectations are in the right place with this gun. Not anticipating dead on accuracy at 25 feet with a 3.5" barrel.
With the groups being as close as they are but just low the accuracy is in the gun I'm sure of that.

But i'll tell you what I am impressed with this gun in every other aspect. Fit and finish and so far complete reliability. Anytime you can take a gun out of the box and run 450 rounds of several different kinds of ammo without one single failure on the guns part that's impressive in my book.
Looking forward to having this gun for a long time and most likely not my last Kahr. :D

04-30-2011, 10:00 AM
Thats what the K9 willdo 99% of the time. What makes is nice for mis not all those damn lever and button along the side of the gun. Very clean lines and they even scuptured the K9 when they went from the carbonsteel frames to the stainless frames. Trust me, more shooters willshoot low with a kahr than ever high.

What you could try is ordering the 5# striker spring from wolffs. I have it in my PM9 and k9 and it doesn't change the trigger travel but merely the trigger poundage from normal factory ofr 7# + to down to 5#. You will get no light strikes from this either, and it drops right in with no mods needs

Now if u so decide to do this later on down the road. while your at it, order from them them the 22# recoil sprngs. You gun comnes factory with 20# springs and the little extra strength just makes felt rfecoil a tad better and grass tend sto stay closer. then scroll on down to their magazine sprinngs and order a 3 pak of their 5%$ extra strength magazine springs for your 7 round magazines. This little extra ump gives that magazne follower alittle more strengthg at the end to push up the slide lock lever with ease. You won't notice any difference in the loading. wolffs makes kahrs springs..

04-30-2011, 11:47 AM
Thats what the K9 willdo 99% of the time. What makes is nice for mis not all those damn lever and button along the side of the gun. Very clean lines and they even scuptured the K9 when they went from the carbonsteel frames to the stainless frames. Trust me, more shooters willshoot low with a kahr than ever high.

What you could try is ordering the 5# striker spring from wolffs. I have it in my PM9 and k9 and it doesn't change the trigger travel but merely the trigger poundage from normal factory ofr 7# + to down to 5#. You will get no light strikes from this either, and it drops right in with no mods needs

Now if u so decide to do this later on down the road. while your at it, order from them them the 22# recoil sprngs. You gun comnes factory with 20# springs and the little extra strength just makes felt rfecoil a tad better and grass tend sto stay closer. then scroll on down to their magazine sprinngs and order a 3 pak of their 5%$ extra strength magazine springs for your 7 round magazines. This little extra ump gives that magazne follower alittle more strengthg at the end to push up the slide lock lever with ease. You won't notice any difference in the loading. wolffs makes kahrs springs..

Thanks for that info Jocko! I may do this down the road but for right now I'm content with doing cosmetic changes only to the gun. Wood grips and a stainless steel guide rod and stainless mag base plate.

04-30-2011, 03:07 PM
I am having a challenge getting my snap shots to hit where I want so I spent the big bucks ($14 Delivered) and bought a laser for my PM9. Now I only use it for practice so don't get all excited. Here are a few pics:





I like to give the folks here a chuckle now and then, but I'll tell you what, it works great. I had to tape a spacer on the pen to align it but once aligned it stays pretty well.

04-30-2011, 03:21 PM
wow lincoln, ur smarter than a 6 year old ant stuck in a maze box!!!

04-30-2011, 03:26 PM
Love the laser. This forum needs a "thanks" button.

04-30-2011, 05:14 PM
Old Lincoln, I'm not a lawyer, but I'd highly suggest that you take those pics down ASAP. Crimson Trace might just be sending you some lawyerly paperwork and who knows, maybe a cease and desist order. :32: You get a holster for that set-up yet? I wonder if Kahr Shop has something for you...

04-30-2011, 05:25 PM
I'm fearful the gangs will see that and deplete the entire stock of that laser pen company. They'll no doubt install it on their Glock fortees though. Have to steal too many TV's and O'Dell guns to buy a Kahr.

Lord I apologize O'Dell that was a cheap shot. I'm ready to take my medicine, I really am. As long as I'm getting the medicine I might as well apologize to the starving pygmies where ever they may be too.

04-30-2011, 05:41 PM
I'm fearful the gangs will see that and deplete the entire stock of that laser pen company. They'll no doubt install it on their Glock fortees though. Have to steal too many TV's and O'Dell guns to buy a Kahr.

Lord I apologize O'Dell that was a cheap shot. I'm ready to take my medicine, I really am. As long as I'm getting the medicine I might as well apologize to the starving pygmies where ever they may be too.

Papua New Guinea

04-30-2011, 08:41 PM
It's what we called a kludge in the computer world years ago, kinda like duct tape holding your tail light together. But it works many times better than I expected. I can practice shoot with it turned on, or leave it off, take my "shot" and turn it on to see where the gun is pointed.

Initially I was way off but worked out the feel of where my gun rests with my hands against my chest and it's getting better. I intended to shoot Friday but didn't feel up to it so I'll go first part of the week. I'm not looking for tight groups, just better than 1 group per shot.

04-30-2011, 08:55 PM
Nice windage adjuster.

05-01-2011, 01:48 PM
I like to give the folks here a chuckle now and then, but I'll tell you what, it works great. I had to tape a spacer on the pen to align it but once aligned it stays pretty well.

Well I got a laugh out of that,Thanks.
Ps . You know these photos will end up on failblog/gun mods.com right?