View Full Version : P380: 3rd range trip today. Rounds 200 thru 318.

05-01-2011, 04:37 PM
I began today's shooting with 200 rounds under my belt.
Rounds 100 through 200 were, surprisingly, flawless.

Today I shot 100 rounds of WWB and 3 mags of Hornady XTP.

A total of two stove pipes, could have been limp wristing?
Another round took a quick nose dive, surprisingly after using
the slide release to chamber it. I think I might have dropped the slide stop kind of slow instead of fast and snappy.

A guy who I dealt with before at this range was kind enough to
unjam it because I couldn't. I later asked him how to do it and he showed me. He showed me how to hold the gun, retract the slide and then use the slide stop to lock it open. He was then able to pull the magazine out and all was well.

On a positive note, the 3 magazines of Hornady JHP went just fine.

While not my hoped for "flawless", the malfunction rate was, I imagine, fairly low?

Your thoughts?

05-01-2011, 06:10 PM
Sounds like you have a one of the "good ones". Occasionally, while practicing at the range, it might be good practical experience if you can arrange to insert a snap cap somewhere in the middle of your magazine. The resulting failure to go bang and the subsequent need to clear the snap cap to keep shooting would help you learn to deal with problems in the real world.

Many of us so called "experienced shooters" have owned at least one pistol that introduced those learning experiences without much planning. While not always welcome those events helped us learn what to do. I'm sure you won't be too disappointed that your Kahr is not providing learning opportunities more frequently. Still, failures, real or introduced are usually the only way to learn what to do.

Here's hoping you continue to enjoy your nearly perfect pistol. :D

05-01-2011, 06:26 PM
Mokum. to me it is what u think not me. u stated some reason for some failures now if they were the cause, then u know what to do the next time. U know when u think about it, u can shoot a 1000 perfect rounds out of your gun, go home clean and lube it, reload stick it in your pocket and BG tries to harm u and out comes the gun and CLICK. You cannot control some things, U make the gun as trust worthy as you feel , not what I feel or Tucson. it's ur baby. ur report is good. I never thought of it in terms like Tucson stated but issues at the range should help your produce protective drills that other wise if never happened at the range but only the very first time u truly needed it, then WHAT??? I just don't think u can beat a snap cap or two in a magazine for range trraining purposes. it will show ur shooting errors immediately and your emergency gun clearing skills or lack of them..

don't alibi for the gun, if u think u limped the gun that is a positive thing but if not don't give the gun that benefit. If you think u release the slide stop to slow, that to me could be an alaibi, thereis no to slow, once it clears the slide is gone. certainly good to see that the defense round were flawless. That gun willget smoother even with more rounds to..

05-01-2011, 06:29 PM
Glad you asked for thoughts:

I don't know in what universe 3 malfunctions out of 100 rounds is considered okay, and enough to call a P380 one of the "good ones".

That said, the WWB 95 grain FMJ has been the most problematic cartridge I've used in my P380. I'm saving the rest of mine to shoot through the new LCP.

Were the WWB any part of the 1st 200 rounds?

I've had good luck with WWB in other calibers, but the .380 in my P380 has not been a good experience. I'll find out soon enough if it's the ammo or the pistol.

The 3 magazines of Hornady JHP going flawless, now that's okay. Seems like the P380 needs harder kicking rounds to get the ejected casing out of the way. Stovepiping is the round getting caught in the ejection port before it's gone out of the way.

Unfortunately, you need to burn through some more of the Hornady's IMO before you call it good. That is if you intend it to maybe save your life someday.

Good luck.

05-01-2011, 06:57 PM
FYI, rounds 100 thru 200 that were flawless were 100% WWB.

I think it's good that all the JHP ammo ran fine.
Bear in mind, this is not my primary carry gun.
That would be my Walther PPS in 9mm.
Never a problem with that.

The P380's role in my "carry rotation" would be for those rare times
I need something even smaller.
Considering that I can easily carry the Walther with only a t-shirt and shorts,
I won't be carrying the Kahr all that much.

What range target ammo are you using that has had better results than
WWB? Is it American made and brass cased (just what Kahr recommended).

05-01-2011, 07:04 PM
is that wwb the flat nose or round nose. I never see it aroud here in 380 period. our walmart only has rthe remeingotn 380 and it works fine for me and I shoot their 9mm wwb 99% of the time for rang euse and it is fine. It should be good ammo vbut if is flat nose for me anyways I have kind of a fobia about that flat nose round and I know they work or it would not be made either but I just won't shoot it...

05-01-2011, 07:19 PM
What range target ammo are you using that has had better results than
WWB? Is it American made and brass cased (just what Kahr recommended).

Well, I wish i could answer that, but I haven't found any yet. But I've only tried the WWB 95 grain, and S&B 92 grain in the FMJ. They both worked fine in my previous LCP. I thought the S&B was good to go in the P380, but I had a stovepipe with it recently, after it's second return from Kahr.

I've only had 100% success with Speer Gold Dot 90 grain JHP in the P380. That's 300 out of the 800 rounds I've (and Kahr) have put through the pistol. I have no idea what Kahr uses when they "testfire".

Tomorrow I'll be trying some Winchester Ranger 95 grain JHP in the P380. And running a quantity of the WWB through the LCP. Will give an honest report later in the afternoon if things go as planned.

05-01-2011, 08:00 PM
The .380 WWB FMJ I have been using as target ammo has been the flat nosed.

For whatever reason, the online ammo retailer I buy from sells the 9mm in round nose but the .380 is flat nosed.

Whether it's good, bad or indifferent, I am not qualified to judge,


"Don't be scared, you have a 3% chance of living".

I don't know about you, but those are not good odds. (For a BG)
Once again, zero failures with self defense ammo.

All kidding aside, I am still trying to decide whether the micro .380
has a legitimate place in my carry rotation,

05-01-2011, 08:06 PM
Whether it's good, bad or indifferent, I am not qualified to judge,

actually I am not either, I just have a fobia about flatnose ammo in small ass guns. course I have a fobia about heights to...

05-01-2011, 08:15 PM

"Don't be scared, you have a 3% chance of living".

I don't know about you, but those are not good odds. (For a BG)
Once again, zero failures with self defense ammo.

All kidding aside, I am still trying to decide whether the micro .380
has a legitimate place in my carry rotation,
Yeah, I still think you have one of the good ones that you will shoot to 100% reliability. In fact, it sounds like you may already be there with self defense ammo. However . . . HadEmAll seems to disagree. :confused:

I don't know in what universe 3 malfunctions out of 100 rounds is considered okay, and enough to call a P380 one of the "good ones".
It's my own little world, and the people there like me, so I'm staying. You may have greater threats where you live or because of your profession. Me, I'm just an old guy that nobody expects to be armed. In the last decade of carrying here on the polite side of Tucson, I have never had to draw or even come close. Life is good! :)

As Jocko points out . . . it is Mokumbear's decision and my opinion does not count at all. Best of luck, sir!

05-01-2011, 09:50 PM
In fact, it sounds like you may already be there with self defense ammo. However . . . HadEmAll seems to disagree. :confused:

A little farther along I said....

"The 3 magazines of Hornady JHP going flawless, now that's okay."