View Full Version : Usama Bin Laden Is Dead

05-01-2011, 11:05 PM
Guess you've seen the news by now. UBL is dead. Good bye and good riddance.

He wanted to become a martyr they say. Glad the US military and intelligence agencies were able to accommodate him.

Kahr Carrying Infidel
05-01-2011, 11:27 PM
Bask in your eternal damnation in the endless pit of HELL, you POS.

Kahr Carrying Infidel
05-01-2011, 11:28 PM
Oh, wait. I almost forgot to have you buried with 10 pounds of bacon in pig's blood.


05-01-2011, 11:30 PM
Outstanding news. Congratulations to our teams that were in the hunt.

05-01-2011, 11:31 PM
What will happen to the 72 virgins. Will there be an auction?

05-01-2011, 11:33 PM
Bask in your eternal damnation in the endless pit of HELL, you POS.

Don't worry. He will.

05-01-2011, 11:37 PM
Not only is he dead, he was killed by U.S. Special Forces versus an impersonal bomb or missile. One or more of our guys looked the SOB in the eye and killed him. UBL knew he was about to die and had some time to be afraid. May he rot in hell!

05-01-2011, 11:51 PM
Glad he's dead.

Consider repercussions. Remaining core of his cronies mastermind raids on oil fields. World crude prices climb to $250, $400, $800 a barrel. Petrol rises to $25 per gallon. World economic crises brings western lifestyles to a crippling standstill.

All acts have repercussions.

05-01-2011, 11:59 PM
We got the big one, no problem getting the rest of the flock.
If he did make matyr status I hope all his virgins are ugly ole hogs.

05-02-2011, 12:04 AM
It's being reported he lived in an affluent area, in a compound 8x-10x bigger than any other property. 12 foot high walls. No cave for OBL. The city has a population of about 120,000 and there are a lot of retired Pakistani military living in the area. The Pakistanis have a lot of explaining to do.

05-02-2011, 12:10 AM
My hat is off to the brave US Special Forces personnel who were involved in this effort. In essence they were going behind enemy lines to pull this off, given the duplicitous nature of the Pakistani government and the ISI.

05-02-2011, 12:36 AM
Yah and the mongrel hid behind a skirt - used a woman for a shield. Low.

05-02-2011, 06:10 AM
I have always believed that Pakistan was one of our worst enemies in the war on terror.I don`t see how our government can continue to even pretend to listen to their lies anymore.They provide funding, aid,comfort,personnel,and training for terrorist activities.They are,by their actions,a nation of terrorists.It`s not over by a long shot.There are many eager to take Bin Laden`s place.

05-02-2011, 06:48 AM
Yah and the mongrel hid behind a skirt - used a woman for a shield. Low.

I read that also. I hate to say it but im glad they didnt let him get away because of a human shield.

05-02-2011, 06:57 AM
Hats off to all the people who made this happen and especially those boots directly involved in the firefight. Well done!

05-02-2011, 07:27 AM
I congratulate our President for authorizing the action and the Navy SEALs for being one badazz bunch of dudes.

In and out in under 40 minutes. I sometimes take longer in the bathroom.

Now, what is the backlash going to look like?

05-02-2011, 08:21 AM
Congratulations to the Special Forces, another dirtbag bites the dust. I also heard on one of the new programs that they are burying him at sea so no memorial can be erected at a grave. Now the controversy is whether or not to show his a picture of his dead body. I say DO IT. They showed Saddam, Hitler, Mussolini. He deserves no less.

05-02-2011, 08:38 AM
Now, what is the backlash going to look like?

The glass is half full or half empty? This is a good day for America, and a very bad day for Islamic terrorists and they know it too. I'm wondering what the follow up will look like. What treasure trove was seized at Osama's compound? I'm happy in the thought that there's a large number of evil people wondering how soon their last day is coming, compliments of a G.I.

05-02-2011, 09:25 AM


I hope it was a big 45 caliber slug that Osama saw for his last split second alive. It would be fitting somehow in this 100th year of the 1911, and truly all American. :D

Glad he is dead, glad our boys did the work (big medals deserved there to the guys who did it), glad he was dumped in the sea and fed to the fish. Shark bait is all he was suited for. As for his human shield, I am betting everyone in that house would have been glad to take a bullet for their dirt bag leader, so the world is better off without that b--ch.

Chief Joseph
05-02-2011, 09:49 AM
I'm sorry, but burying this guy at sea in the "islamic law" is absolute BS. With this lying joker at the helm I WANT PROOF, not just his word. And if anyone does NOT deserve islamic law respect for his remains, it was him. He should have had pigs blood shoved up every opening and buried with a dead pigs carcase.

05-02-2011, 10:13 AM


I hope it was a big 45 caliber slug that Osama saw for his last split second alive. It would be fitting somehow in this 100th year of the 1911, and truly all American. :D

Seal Team Six: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Naval_Special_Warfare_Development_Gr oup

Media reports that it was a single shot, to the left eye, under defensive fire. Now that's gun control I can really get behind!

I would like to know what gun was used...

05-02-2011, 12:15 PM
I'm sorry, but burying this guy at sea in the "islamic law" is absolute BS. With this lying joker at the helm I WANT PROOF, not just his word. And if anyone does NOT deserve islamic law respect for his remains, it was him. He should have had pigs blood shoved up every opening and buried with a dead pigs carcase.

I have no problem with the way it went down. I consider the United States an honorable nation regardless of who occupies the White House, and the the whole matter was handled in an honorable fashion. Why make more enemies within the moderate Islamic community unnecessarily. And for ONCE, I don't have a problem with the actions of Obama. He did good!

BTW, we don't have to take the word of Obama. He wasn't there, but a bunch of Navy SEALS were, and I'll take their word any day.

05-02-2011, 12:50 PM
I'm sorry, but burying this guy at sea in the "islamic law" is absolute BS. With this lying joker at the helm I WANT PROOF, not just his word. And if anyone does NOT deserve islamic law respect for his remains, it was him. He should have had pigs blood shoved up every opening and buried with a dead pigs carcase.

I too would like more proof than just Obama's word that the DNA was a match.

05-02-2011, 12:53 PM
my bet a shoulder weapon. we will hear in the future but I am sure the military will wantto keep aot behind closed doors which is OK with me. It was a smooth operation and as O'dell stated the Big O done something right this time.

Hard telling how we was buriend we might be telling the mujslims that stuff but it won't help and we probalby knew that but it will got down much nicer that a pigs di-k up his ass photo. I doubt if he got the reverence that we are seeing on the news but again I'm OK with that. It is so har dto understand how that man could have lived there for overe 5 years (Ithey even built that 3 story building for him in the last 5 years) and WE DIDN'T KNOW JACK SH-T. certain we willhear and read omore ofr this to..
Certaihnly a good day for America, now watch the muslims go to town with the world now!~!!! Oh I'm sorry muslin EXTREMISTS..

JD Cowles
05-02-2011, 01:09 PM
In the end the big tough guy used a woman as a shield. What a piece of ****. Wonder if his 'paradise' is full of virgins. I give Obama credit for sending them in to KILL not capture. 110% to the folks in uniform who made it happen and all came out unscathed. Good riddance scumbag. As for the burial at sea, they should hang his carcass down in NYC for a few days.

05-02-2011, 01:45 PM
People,let`s all pray that the names of our heroic special forces members are never discovered by the media or anyone else for that matter.They and their families would be targeted by muslim extremists for the rest of their lives.

joe d
05-02-2011, 02:12 PM
I think proof should be shown...It's a great ending to this story,so let's see it...This p.o.s. put people through a lot of unbearable misery and has forever altered the lives of many innocent families...Personally, I'd love to see the pictures..I'm certain a lot more would as well...I just don't accept everything that's spewed at me anymore no matter where it comes from....After searching for him for 15 years,he's caught,dead,and in the water within 8 hours...I'm not saying I doubt it,I just think proof of something like this needs to be shown,and I feel the people of this country deserve to see it if that is what they need and wish... just my worthless .02

05-02-2011, 02:31 PM
agree with above post

burail at sea thought sh%&t floated

05-02-2011, 02:41 PM
In the end the big tough guy used a woman as a shield. What a piece of ****.

Agreed but not at all uncommon in that part of the world. It was very common for terrorists to fight US forces from mosques in Iraqi and to store arms there as well, and in schools and hospitals – both as a deterrent and if that failed so they could get the propaganda value if/when we assaulted their locations. Same thing goes on right now in Gaza with Hamas against Israel. The media hasn’t done its job on reporting on that enough in my opinion.

I give Obama credit for sending them in to KILL not capture.

Obama had no choice – he had painted himself into a corner. Given that:

1) this whole series of dominos (re: the ID of the couriers that years later eventually led to UBL's compound) started with "enhanced interrogation techniques" (re: waterboarding) of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and
2) Obama was highly critical of such interrogation techniques to say the least, and
3) KSM was held in secret CIA & military prisons prior to his current incarceration in Guantanamo Bay, and
4) Obama was highly critical such secret prisons and of Guantanamo Bay to say the least, and
5) unlike Bush who tried to (and FDR who actually did during WWII) prosecute out-of-uniform combatants in military tribunals, and
6) Obama was highly critical of such military tribunals to say the least, and tried to get KSM transferred to the US where he would be afforded trial according to civilian standards (including the exclusion of classified material) but including his Miranda Rights and other technicalities that the ACLU very likely could use to win an acquittal,

then I think the option of capture is one that Obama not only would not welcome but in fact would take steps to prevent. Indeed all reports to date are that the special forces went in with the instructions and expectations to kill and not capture UBL. You lose the interrogation value (there are more bad guys out there intent on doing us harm) but Obama gains extrication from that corner he painted himself into.

People,let`s all pray that the names of our heroic special forces members are never discovered by the media or anyone else for that matter.They and their families would be targeted by muslim extremists for the rest of their lives.

Absolutely. I’d love to know more about the details of the raid, but NOT to the point of identifying the individuals involved in the operation. I absolutely agree with Dietrich on this point.

I think proof should be shown...It's a great ending to this story,so let's see it...This p.o.s. put people through a lot of unbearable misery and has forever altered the lives of many innocent families...Personally, I'd love to see the pictures..I'm certain a lot more would as well...I just don't accept everything that's spewed at me anymore no matter where it comes from....After searching for him for 15 years,he's caught,dead,and in the water within 8 hours...I'm not saying I doubt it,I just think proof of something like this needs to be shown,and I feel the people of this country deserve to see it if that is what they need and wish... just my worthless .02

While I’d like to see that too I doubt it will happen. The Obama Administration has shown great respect for Islamic traditions throughout this ordeal. That’s fine with me I guess – as long as he’s dead how they handled the body is of less concern to me.

The proof of his death is best represented by the reaction of the Muslim world and of UBL’s al-Qaeda’s associates. They all know the truth and are reacting exactly as you’d expect them to do so.

Having said that I’ll make a prediction right now. People love conspiracies theories and it won’t be long before a raft of them will appear on this topic as well, much like we have Bush being responsible for 9/11, like the CIA off’ed JFK, like Area 51 is really the home of UFOs, like … It’s just human nature I guess.

05-02-2011, 03:17 PM
My 2cents I agree with Diet--I also have questions about not having collaborating witnesses, Imam's, forensic experts confirming DNA analysis, etc.
That said, the resources can now be directed at Al Zourahire, and how to clean-up Pakistan without losing control of the Nukes!
I to have praise for our Spec-Warriors. Believe JSOC operation. Glad the boy's could help him get to Alla

05-02-2011, 03:23 PM
People,let`s all pray that the names of our heroic special forces members are never discovered by the media or anyone else for that matter.They and their families would be targeted by muslim extremists for the rest of their lives.

I totally agree. The identities of the spec forces group should be kept from the media, because we know what they would do with that info. Those heroes would be targets for the rest of their lives.

I do have questions about all of this,...if , indeed it all took place on Sunday, and Obama said DNA proof had been established, how was this done so quickly? Haven't we always been told it takes weeks to do that?
If all of this is true, I think burying him at sea was a very wise thing to do. Can you imagine if there was an actual gravesite for all these fanatics to visit?
Finally, thanks to Pres. Bush, more so than Obama, I think it was his policies that led to this.

05-02-2011, 04:03 PM
Not an Obama fan, but this is just too funny.....


05-02-2011, 04:13 PM
If there's any "justice", (pun intended), this is what the 72 virgins will look like. ;)

http://www.observer.com/files/article/Lat-RuthieB1V.jpg (http://www.observer.com/files/full/Lat-RuthieB1V.jpg)

05-02-2011, 04:39 PM
Naw, I say all 72 Nancy Pelosi twins on bad hair day. Yours is kind of cute.

05-02-2011, 05:09 PM
If there's any "justice", (pun intended), this is what the 72 virgins will look like. ;)

http://www.observer.com/files/article/Lat-RuthieB1V.jpg (http://www.observer.com/files/full/Lat-RuthieB1V.jpg)

the first woman to be labeled "coyote " ugly.:behindsofa:

05-02-2011, 05:11 PM
If there's any "justice", (pun intended), this is what the 72 virgins will look like. ;)

http://www.observer.com/files/article/Lat-RuthieB1V.jpg (http://www.observer.com/files/full/Lat-RuthieB1V.jpg)

the first woman to be labeled "coyote " ugly.:behindsofa:

she actually reminds me alittle of one of my nuns I had in school 60 years ago.:behindsofa:

05-02-2011, 05:51 PM
First if the SEALS really took Bin Laden out then it's a great day for America and our finest brave military in action...Now I don't want to sound like a conspiracy nut but this thing happened a little too fast and slick for me....I just can't see how they were to confirm it was really him with DNA unless they had a complete forensics lab set up on that carrier with samples of his dna we had on file from his visits to the USA for medical treatments...They either had to do the match on board the Carl Vinson or they somehow sent a sample from the body back to CIA Langley via rocket ship to make the call that fast because they said the match was from his sisters DNA who lived in the USA...I only hope they kept several samples from the body to get a second independent opinion to back up the offical one...I also think that with a person as wanted and hated as OBL was it really necessary to dispose of the body as fast as possible which at best seems questionable to me... Why not dump a sack of potatos overboard and say it was his body then bring what was left of the real body remains home for forensic work to prove once and for all this was the real dude....I just don't trust anything our Government tells us about anything anymore...I don't believe 9/11 went down as was told...Ask yourself this, How did Mohamed Atta fly a 757 into a building at over 600 mph obliterating the plane and everything in its path in a massive fireball and then have the FBI just happen to find his passport picture and ID in the street unscathed and in pristine condition????... How did Hani Hanjour who's piper cub flight instructor would not fly with him after one flight lesson saying the man was not capable or fit to drive a car much less fly an airplane suddenly turn into an ace fighter pilot and fly a 757 an near mach 1 speed at ground level and center punch his target???...Veteran 757 captains with years of experience said they couldn't do it on their best day...Why did the NTSB not find a black box or any human remains from flight 93 at Shanksville Pa???...They have found the black box and human remains from Air France 447 under 5000 ft of water so why not from flight 93???...I don't believe Oswald killed President Kennedy alone even though the Government says thats what happened...I don't believe TWA 400 just happened to blow up off the coast of New York from center fuel tank vapors since its never happened before or since and there were many (over 300) reports of a missle contrail right before the explosion and the fact that the FBI wouldn't let anybody but them close to the wreckage until after it was scrubbed....I could go on and on and sound even more like a conspiracy nut but i am not at all...There are answers to all these questions and more but in my view the Government hides more than they show....In closing I again want to thank the brave military that did this dangerous mission and whether its the real OBL or not doesn't matter because you can't fake real heroism and guts and those SEALS and choper pilots are the real deal and NUMBER 1 in my book...God bless them all and bring um home safe and soon!!!...

05-02-2011, 06:01 PM
If it`s not the real Bin Laden we`ll be hearing from him very soon with proof he`s still alive.What a black eye that would be.As much as I despise Obama,I don`t think he`d set himself up for something that would be so easily disproven.

05-02-2011, 06:16 PM
I agree, he's deader than a doornail. twice shot. one in the chest and one in the head. My thoughts the head shot was when he was laying down and kinda like giving him ur seal of approval. or maybe that woman hostage thing didn't float with the seals either. Put one through her to get him, WTF, who really cares. then came the love tap to the head..

05-02-2011, 07:18 PM
I'm sorry, but burying this guy at sea in the "islamic law" is absolute BS. With this lying joker at the helm I WANT PROOF, not just his word. And if anyone does NOT deserve islamic law respect for his remains, it was him. He should have had pigs blood shoved up every opening and buried with a dead pigs carcase.

I'm 61 and thus have seen a few Presidents come and go. I have yet to see one not flip flop on an issue, break a campaign promise or flat out lie while campaigning.

We observed the Islamic TRADITION (no law) of "burial" within 24 hours to show the world we are at war with terrorism, not a religion. That may not be your view or desire, but that is our official position per George Bush and Barrack Obama.

I bet video will be released very soon. Patience will be rewarded.

05-02-2011, 07:20 PM
I agree, he's deader than a doornail. twice shot. one in the chest and one in the head. My thoughts the head shot was when he was laying down and kinda like giving him ur seal of approval. or maybe that woman hostage thing didn't float with the seals either. Put one through her to get him, WTF, who really cares. then came the love tap to the head..

I'm hearing the woman was Bin Laden's youngest wife.

05-02-2011, 07:42 PM
I have no problem with the way it went down. I consider the United States an honorable nation regardless of who occupies the White House, and the the whole matter was handled in an honorable fashion. Why make more enemies within the moderate Islamic community unnecessarily. And for ONCE, I don't have a problem with the actions of Obama. He did good!

BTW, we don't have to take the word of Obama. He wasn't there, but a bunch of Navy SEALS were, and I'll take their word any day.

About a dozen or more in the Adminstration watched it via a live feed from the Seals vantage point. Expect some video or a few stills to be released soon

05-02-2011, 08:29 PM
Almost 10 years waiting for this moment...then finding out that he most likely has been hanging out for 6 years or so in this veritable castle compared to the neanderthal underground tunnels that we kept hearing about. Pakistan sure does have a lot of 'splaining to do. :32: Right, no one in Pakistan's authority over there knew he was right there relaxing and making videos. Not another dime in US government support to them, and instead let's send everything that Pakistan was supposed to get to India. Until some answers are given as to why this moment didn't happen earlier.

05-02-2011, 09:30 PM
Getsome, I have a few spare tinfoil hats lying around my house if you want one. I got plenty and it sounds like you need someone to share. :)

I won't even try to answer your statements point by point, although there are really easy answers to them all. And I won't try to convince you that the government is trustworthy - goodness knows I don't believe that, in all cases, myself.

But you don't have to believe the government about 9/11. Usama Bin Laden himself is on videotape speaking to this topic. It has even been broadcast on TV several times (though not recently). Khalid Sheik Mohammed, who actually did the operational planning for 9/11 on behalf of UBL, was ready to confess to it all in a military tribunal - or was until the Obama Administration got him all lawyered up and ready to move into a civilian courtroom in the US. But his sworn statement is on record. There is a mountain of other evidence, both classified and unclassified, that is readily available (at least the unclassified part is).

As for the DNA samples, UBL's sister died of brain cancer in a Boston hospital a number of years ago. They preserved her brain and tissue samples for just this purpose, and had forward-deployed them into Afghanistan. Everything was ready to go, just waiting for actionable intelligence to get a green light to put a carefully choreographed sequence of events to move forward.

It's really hard to keep real secrets, much less hypothesized conspiracies that would involve thousands of people in scores of professions. Goodness knows there is no way the government could keep treason against its own citizens buttoned up. All you need is one whistleblower, and the government is filled with people of all political persuasions. Someone would blab, and take hard evidence with them.

05-02-2011, 09:48 PM
FYI lots of celebrations around the country but I found this one particular poignant. I live just outside of Annapolis, MD, home of the US Naval Academy. We see the midshipmen all the time around town, and feel they are part of the extended family up here.

Below is their reaction when they were told it was a SEAL team that took out UBL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy03ovjLFaU

Great "kids" - brave soldiers. Best & the brightest of America.

05-02-2011, 10:22 PM
FYI lots of celebrations around the country but I found this one particular poignant. I live just outside of Annapolis, MD, home of the US Naval Academy. We see the midshipmen all the time around town, and feel they are part of the extended family up here.

Below is their reaction when they were told it was a SEAL team that took out UBL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy03ovjLFaU

Great "kids" - brave soldiers. Best & the brightest of America.

Were you there when I was at "Canoe U" in the early sixties?

05-02-2011, 10:25 PM
No, I moved here in 1987.

05-02-2011, 10:28 PM
It's really hard to keep real secrets, much less hypothesized conspiracies that would involve thousands of people in scores of professions. Goodness knows there is no way the government could keep treason against its own citizens buttoned up. All you need is one whistleblower, and the government is filled with people of all political persuasions. Someone would blab, and take hard evidence with them.

This is a fact that helps me sleep better at night. I know, I'm weird. And o yeah, sleeping on a Tempurpedic works too!

Old Salt
05-03-2011, 04:46 AM
Double Tap to the Head, Great. Now, let's get the hell out of there and bring our troops home.

05-03-2011, 01:07 PM
Just got back from having my tin foil hat replated and new batteries installed...Man that was really close... Ever since I made that anti government conspiracy post yesterday the CIA has been brain scannng me relentlessly...I can tell when they have the beam on because my ears start burning and I smell pop corn...:popcorn:.:p..... I hope y'all don't think I really believe all that conspiracy stuff but I do like to stir up the pot around here sometimes....:D....I don't trust everything the government tells us but there are some things we don't need to know about...The SEAL raid was a fantastic end to a real evil SOB and I hope the first shot hurt real bad....I do want to see pictures though because of all the billions spent and lives lost to corral his sorry a$s, at least a big fat ugly toe tag or something....I do have a problem with our so called super power intelligence gathering network...I mean really folks, how do you miss a huge mansion with razor wired 18 foot high walls and a mail box at the street with Bin Laden in big letters....Stevie Wonder should have been able to find that place on a moonless night in a rainstorm, I mean in the last 5 years nobody asked who might be living there...WTF???...I also think we should forget Libya and send the SEALS over to meet with Pervez Musharraf and bend him over and take his nuke keys away cause he's got some real splainin to do...:80:

05-03-2011, 01:13 PM
They must have multiple scanner beams there getsome. They have been scanning my brain relentlessly also for weeks. I think they have to use the super power scanner since it's such a small target to scan.

I dont believe hardly anything the government says anymore. It would be nice to jump in the time machine and go back 20 years or so and do things differently to avoid the mess we're in. Course nobody listened then and no doubt they wouldn't listen now.

I hope the the first shot hurt really bad too and the Seals all had bacon for breakfast and Ham sandwiches for lunch and a full pig barbecue for dinner.

05-03-2011, 02:42 PM
I haven't heard any talk, what so ever, concerning the huge reward offered to anyone turning in Bin Laden, therefore I must conclude that very, very few people knew where he was. Only the inner circle of true believers, family and perhaps a few Pakistanis had to know. If it were widely known for so many years, someone would have talked. This exonerates the Pakistan govt. to some degree. 50 million would have induced someone. Even devout ragheads would like that kind of bank account.

That or the snitch is being protected by us and we'll never know who it was. Either way, I believe very few people knew OBL's whereabouts.

05-03-2011, 02:51 PM
Very hard to believe that in 5 years of being there, NO ONE KNEW about it. The Paki's knew, they will never tell us that, for they will lose the 4 billion we are giving them. My feeling is just tell them we believe you but we are cutting off the funding due to our country's tremendous debt and we can no longer afford to dole out billions just because we used to. They are beginning to look alot like welfare people. First of the month they expect a check for 333 million or break that down to 10 million+ EVERY FOKKING DAY. Now would you swear on the koran that you knew???

But we will dance around this issue and congress and the senate who have no balls will give us a c0ck and bull story that most here will think is OK..

Shoot it like ya stole it.

05-03-2011, 05:02 PM
Story behind the Bin Laden photos and why they haven't been released, or at least not so far: http://whitehouse.blogs.cnn.com/2011/05/03/even-more-on-the-photos/?hpt=T1

05-03-2011, 10:31 PM
Naw, I say all 72 Nancy Pelosi twins on bad hair day. Yours is kind of cute.

OKaaaayy,....I can give you the name of my eye Dr if you like! ;)

05-04-2011, 11:00 AM
OK, so this is sorta funny:

05-04-2011, 01:30 PM
Well, well, well, it seems UBL was unarmed when he was gunned down Sunday night according to the most recent version of events from the White House: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/04/osama-bin-laden-killing-us-story-change

I think it was intended to be a kill operation from the get-go. I don’t think Obama had any intention of letting the SEALS bring him back alive.

What would Obama do with a captured UBL? He can’t send him to Gitmo – campaign promise. He can’t interrogate him – UBL would never talk without “enhanced interrogation techniques” – again that nasty campaign language gets in the way again.

No the only thing he can do is bring him back into the US (New York?) to stand trial in a civilian courtroom. Yeah, that worked well with Khalid Sheik Mohammed, right?

And that’s where the fun begins: First, there was no warrant for UBL’s arrest. What judge authorized his detention? Based upon what evidence? Was he read his Miranda rights?

And what about the evidence against him? All tainted and thus cannot be used in a civilian court of law. Everything that ties him to 9/11 was a result of secret intelligence (can’t use that) or prisoner interrogations (like KSM) that resulted from “enhanced interrogation techniques” – so can’t use that either. Tainted, tainted, tainted. Even a junior Grade-B lawyer would have no problem getting that tossed out of court. We do have his videotaped message taking credit I suppose, but that wasn’t under oath. Pretty weak stuff given our current judicial system.

There are plenty of ACLU lawyers just chomping at the bit to get these terrorists released to “prove we are a nation of laws” and would be happy to see UBL or KSM get sprung on a technicality. And it is a very realistic possibility too, if you’re forced to go the civilian trial route as opposed to a military tribunal where you can for example use classified material to aid in a conviction.

Faced with that, I’m certain that Obama gave instructions to not let UBL walk out of that door alive – armed or unarmed he was to be gunned down.

Not that UBL didn’t deserve it, of course. The world is a better place without him. But at the same time you lose valuable intelligence on other terrorists still out there and plots against the US in the planning phase … but only if you’re willing to use “enhanced interrogation techniques” against him that is. If not, well then Obama went down the only path he had open to him.

05-04-2011, 02:47 PM
I'll say again that I'm happy with the way it went down. There was obviously no intention to bring him back. If we had, how many Americans would have been kidnapped world-wide to be held as ransom for his release.

05-04-2011, 03:07 PM
I think everyone wanted him snuffed.

I just would have liked to have squeezed him first to develop leads on, for example, al-Zawahiri, the #2 guy in al-Qaeda (er, make that #1 - looks like he just got himself a promotion, eh?), Mullah Omar, the head of the Taliban, and others. They, too, represent a clear and present danger to Americans world-wide.

Squeeze the juice out of the lemon before you take out the trash.

But good people can differ on this issue. I'm not sorry that he's gone. Indeed it has put quite a spring in my step the last few days.

05-04-2011, 04:47 PM
Well as you've no doubt heard by now the WH has decided not to release the photos of UBL himself. That's fine with me. I can understand how seeing gory pics of UBL might inflame some in the Islamic world. He's dead - that's all I care about.

But there are photos of what was left behind not including UBL himself. Those photos are not as bad as seeing the top of someone's skull blown away from a bullet to the left eye, but for those of you who wanted some pictures, the link below will take you to photos of our downed helo as well as the three dead men left behind: one of UBL's sons and the courier and his brother.

Warning - graphic content. Only follow if looking at bloody dead guys doesn't bother you. Otherwise, just move on.


Edit: I knew that was a foreign language newspaper when I posted it. Fox News just came up with an English language version and has a few additional photos as well: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/05/04/unidentified-men-dead-usama-bin-ladens-compound/

05-05-2011, 07:39 AM
I heard a congressman say that if the photo of OBL was released, and it meant that one GI in Afghanistan found its release made dealing with a local on a crucial bit of intel impossible, it is not worth it. Good point, and I had not thought of it. It is just a picture of a dead man. The war goes on, and we need to do anything we can to make it easier on our boys.

05-05-2011, 11:15 AM
As previously stated the White House had to retreat from its earlier false statements that UBL was armed. We now know he was not.

As stated I also assert that this was a "kill" mission from day one, for the reasons previously cited. It just makes NO sense for the current administration to do otherwise.

Now, however, due to the first issue (killing an unarmed man) it looks like the Obama Administration is getting ready to throw the SEALS under the bus, just in case. They're starting to get flak about "execution", "assassination", etc. I'm wondering if they're looking ahead to the first time someone raises the phrase "war crimes".

Pay careful attention to the language below:


"Mr Panetta also told the network that the US Navy Seals made the final decision to kill bin Laden rather than the president."

Related, darned convenient that the comms dropped out just when the SEALS were on the ground in the complex, eh? Can you say plausable deniability? Who was it was talking about not trusting everything you hear from the government, huh?

You send these brave heros in to do your bidding, to do the world a favor, to risk their lives, then if necessary you leave them behind to twist in the wind. Sick.

05-05-2011, 11:49 AM
As previously stated the White House had to retreat from its earlier false statements that UBL was armed. We now know he was not.

As stated I also assert that this was a "kill" mission from day one, for the reasons previously cited. It just makes NO sense for the current administration to do otherwise.

Now, however, due to the first issue (killing an unarmed man) it looks like the Obama Administration is getting ready to throw the SEALS under the bus, just in case. They're starting to get flak about "execution", "assassination", etc. I'm wondering if they're looking ahead to the first time someone raises the phrase "war crimes".

Pay careful attention to the language below:


"Mr Panetta also told the network that the US Navy Seals made the final decision to kill bin Laden rather than the president."

Related, darned convenient that the comms dropped out just when the SEALS were on the ground in the complex, eh? Can you say plausable deniability? Who was it was talking about not trusting everything you hear from the government, huh?

You send these brave heros in to do your bidding, to do the world a favor, to risk their lives, then if necessary you leave them behind to twist in the wind. Sick.

I agree aray. I see no reason why the WH would want or need a live UBL. It is rather ominous the the administration is now putting the decision on the SEALS, when we both know that it came from the top. Do they really think that they can wash their hands of the death and blame it on the servicemen on the scene. I doubt that that will fly.

05-05-2011, 01:02 PM
You knew it had to happen!

So a few Navy SEALS drop by a local bar.

Barkeeper asks what they will have.

A "Bin Laden" is the reply.

I know the recipe for a lot of drinks but do not know that one.


05-05-2011, 10:45 PM
Lest anyone be under the false impression that Obama would never hang folks out to dry who were serving their country and fighting against terrorism if it served his best political interests, take a look at this video. This is one of the 9/11 family representatives that met with Obama today in NYC, his first visit to Ground Zero as president: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/05/05/burlingame_after_meeting_with_obama_he_turned_his_ back_on_me.html

FYI I'm going to try to find the time this weekend to type in some comments about the critical and essential role enhanced interrogations played in bringing down UBL Sunday.