View Full Version : Sick of CW45 not working--what to do?
05-02-2011, 04:43 PM
I have a long saga of troubles with a CW45--all related to dropping mags. Long story short:
-Dropping mags like crazy
-replaced mag catch several times
-sent back twice
-pistol REPLACED (made me pay for FFL transfer because it's a new gun)
-pistol better for 100 rounds
-starting to drop mags again, less often but 80% reliable is unacceptable.
At this point I dont want to keep paying to make sure any new gun or fix is reliable. Let alone pay FFL fees for transfers. Does Kahr buy back at any point? Trade in? I bought a PM9 recently because I believe that other models are more reliable, I dont blame the company, just this lemon. :(
I'm surprised at the FFL transfer - since the manufacturer can replace a pistol if the need arises, as long as its sent back to the owner. I'm guessing you shipped it through a dealer?
I'm almost certain Kahr does not "buy back", since you got your gun through one of their own customers - dealer or distributor.
Now on to your problem. Having multiple magazine drops, after changing the catch several times, going back to the factory twice and having the pistol replaced.... tends to point to a problem that is shooter related, not hardware related.
Here's my suggestion to you:
1. Have another (experienced) shooter fire the pistol and see how they do.
2. Shoot it left handed, as a test. See if it changes things.
3. Lets assume it turns out you are the culprit. Do not despair. If you're hitting the release and your hand just cannot avoid it (that happens sometimes), then I suggest that you, or a gunsmith, modify the release. Off the top of my head, I'd consider reducing the material sticking out of the left side of the frame (as you hold it), and re-checkering (easy with a metal checkering file). I've personally had to do this to a few 1911's for customers, some of which also required VERY short triggers. Not saying this is your problem, but I recall the one guy I did work for.... he had very short fingers, and it was a "reach" for him to get his hands on the 1911. He also insisted that he shoot the 1911, and would not take no for an answer. Eventually, we got every detail worked out for him: Trigger, mag catch, slide release, safety, grip safety and hammer... they all gave him problems, and were all corrected.
I'd not expect any huge charge for the "custom" modification. I decent gunsmith would have the job done in way less than an hours time.
Just some food for thought, and welcome aboard.
05-02-2011, 05:08 PM
have u tried at least anoher mag release to see this time if that solves it. when the magazine is in the gun, can u pull it out without hitting the mag button??? even tugging on it, can u do it??? do u notice when the magazine is i the gun if that button is not fully returning to be flush on the right side as it is with no magazine in it??. Is there any chance that maybe ur thumb is hitting that button andu kow knowing it??? How about trying ti left handed to testout a few questions. gotta start somewhere. No doubt the reason they replaced the first pistol was that it was definitely out of spec in that area and nothing could repair that mistake, I would really want to think they didn't send you another bad lower section. We have readof mags dropping but wirth a new mag release it take scareof that issue. Never to my knowledge reading where ur issues was not repairable...
Check over a few of my questions, although they may be stupid, eliminate some of my questions ad no way that is the issue. Then I would call kahr and talk jto Jay or eion and run all that yhou have had done to both guns and the additional cost etc and that it is eating you up in postage and ffl fees. be polite and nice, honey catches the bees!!!
05-02-2011, 05:08 PM
When they replaced the pistol, it had a new serial number, and they could not send it to me directly anymore. It had to go through an FFL and *I* had to pay transfer fees. They wouldn't budge on that.
05-02-2011, 05:13 PM
I agree with the possible mag catch diagnosis. Although I do wonder why they sent a new gun, they couldn't cure the first one? Seems like we're missing something here. Also replacing the catch and it working for a 100 rounds or so then going bad again isn't a good sign but leads to the operator error CJB suggested.
Any new gun even if replacing one as a warranty has to go to an FFL and include the requisite transfer papers since it's a new serial number. It can't be shipped directly to the owner if it's a replacement gun.
I guess the transfer fee would be a small price to pay for a new gun if it did work and was cured.
05-02-2011, 05:24 PM
I tried shooting it left handed, and even having other people shoot it. The original problem got worse the more I shot it. On first sending back, Kahr replaced the mag catch. It helped a little but problem persisted.
They sent a new mag catch that I had a gunsmith replace for me and it seemed better but eventually the problem returned and got worse with use. Back to the factory and thats when the new gun was issued.
I discovered that some mags were worse than others and went through a few weeks of swapping mags with the factory. All this testing and $ wore me out. I knew I had some questionable mags but had some that were 90% or better so I just left it.
This last weekend I went out shooting a lot with this gun after having let it be a safe queen awhile and I see the symptoms getting worse. Thus me growing weary on the thing. would anyone buy a problematic CW45?
05-02-2011, 05:33 PM
Here are some things to look at:
05-02-2011, 06:06 PM
a serial number lives and dies with the gun it was originally made. A maker like kahr who has the serial number on the frame, cannot by law restamp a new one with the same number and send it back to you. Even though will destroy (maybe) it. That is the law. It has to go to a ffl person and be reregistered as a new gun.
I now of only one company that ever keep a guh and restamed a new frame with the same serial number and then ship it back tothe original owner. kEL TEC did that to two of my upper allow frames that were defective and that had the serial number on the back of it. No doubt it was illegal from all i have ever read but that is what they did. I guess once it was returned tome and the old destroyed, who could prove otherwise, ??
05-02-2011, 06:10 PM
I tried shooting it left handed, and even having other people shoot it. The original problem got worse the more I shot it. On first sending back, Kahr replaced the mag catch. It helped a little but problem persisted.
They sent a new mag catch that I had a gunsmith replace for me and it seemed better but eventually the problem returned and got worse with use. Back to the factory and thats when the new gun was issued.
I discovered that some mags were worse than others and went through a few weeks of swapping mags with the factory. All this testing and $ wore me out. I knew I had some questionable mags but had some that were 90% or better so I just left it.
This last weekend I went out shooting a lot with this gun after having let it be a safe queen awhile and I see the symptoms getting worse. Thus me growing weary on the thing. would anyone buy a problematic CW45?
with the magazine in the gun is the catch returning on the right side to be flush like it should look when no magazine is in the gun??? It has to look like that, if it sticks out a tad then we have a problem Houston.
05-02-2011, 06:13 PM
I tried shooting it left handed, and even having other people shoot it. You didn't say what happened when OTHER people shot it. Did they have the same exact problem? Were they experienced with shooting Kahrs? If no to the above, I suggest taking it to a supervised range, probably indoors, and have one of the more experienced range masters there shot it.
If they shoot it and it is okay, then be happy as you do not have a defective gun. If they repeat the same problem you have eliminated a lot. However, to have the identical problem on TWO brand new guns would be very remarkable odds.
05-02-2011, 07:08 PM
Me shooting it left handed or shooting it with NO thumb near the catch, and having experienced people shoot it (tech at the shooting range) all had the same result: Dropped mag on next to last round.
When they replaced the pistol, it had a new serial number, and they could not send it to me directly anymore. It had to go through an FFL and *I* had to pay transfer fees. They wouldn't budge on that.
There was no legal reason for them to do that. I've had pistols replaced by H&K and one from Ruger for that matter. There must be some CYA involved for them on that.
05-02-2011, 08:08 PM
with the magazine in the gun is the catch returning on the right side to be flush like it should look when no magazine is in the gun??? It has to look like that, if it sticks out a tad then we have a problem Houston.
Yes It does stick out a hair more when there are at least 2 rounds in the mag. So, do I just have to file down the mag followers so that it stays flush?
05-02-2011, 08:22 PM
Lots of great info in the link posted in post #7. I had the same issue with my CW45, but a new mag catch from Kahr solved the issue. I now use an officer size 1911 mag in mine. It fits flush, gives me 7 rounds instead of 6, and hasn't had any problems of dropping on its own. See below for more info on the 1911 mags:
mr surveyor
05-02-2011, 09:02 PM
Not trying to take this thread off course, but will Chip McCormick Shooting Star (officer's size) mags work in the CW45? Will they work in the PM45?
I hate to hear that a second factory replacment gun is doing the same thing, which does seem like a real stretch of the odds considering Kahr's normal expected quality in both product and CS.
05-02-2011, 09:02 PM
As a licensed FFL, I would not have charged a transfer fee and all I charge is $15. I would rather have a happy customer than another $15 in my pocket.
05-02-2011, 09:36 PM
This was just my local FFL who had nothing to do with the original purchase of the gun, I bought it at a gun store.
The newer gun perormed better than the original one but not 100%
05-03-2011, 09:53 AM
Wow Dino, My CW45 is at the factory now for a week today for the first time there and its a brand new gun also. I hope this does not happen to my gun :(
05-03-2011, 11:48 AM
Yes It does stick out a hair more when there are at least 2 rounds in the mag. So, do I just have to file down the mag followers so that it stays flush?
ur on to something, the worst yuu can do is runi the follower and have to buy a new follower. What is happening at that particular round number is the follower is pushing the slide lock button out a tad and could possable now be not holding it lke it should.
Why not sand that right side of the follower that comes into that opening of that magazine window and then reinsert with the rounds missing to produce what was originally showing up and see it that helps, You might have to do this a few times to get where you want but it will happen. Ur only other course of action is to work on the magazine release which would entice taking it out of the gun, which is a no brainer to. GB6491 posted some ncie photos of some difference in these mag button. I think it if was me I would try to sanding of thefollower till it doesn't do it.
05-03-2011, 11:54 AM
As a test I shaved down the follower on one of my mags. I'll let you all know how it works...
05-03-2011, 12:04 PM
As a test I shaved down the follower on one of my mags. I'll let you all know how it works...
it is fluish like not a magazine being in the gun?? Keep us posted
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