View Full Version : K9 back from the factory in 7 days!

05-04-2011, 12:00 PM
I shipped it on Wednesday, got it back today.

They replaced the trigger bar, trigger bar spring, recoil spring.

While dry firing it, the trigger has a small spring-like noise in the first 2mm on travel, but it doesn't effect the operation.

The slide is very tight, very hard to rack the slide. I am sure I will need to run a lot of break-in rounds.

I can't go to the range until Friday, so more info then.

But overall, I am very happy with the speedy service Kahr gave me.


(yes, I know one of the screws is dirty. This was a used pistol that I have not completely disassembled/buffed/polished yet. I shipped it the day after I bought it and took this picture 10 minutes after FEDEX dropped it off)

05-04-2011, 12:10 PM
Looks like it has the rubber original grips like my K40. I like them much better than the harder plastic types they put out now.

We'll stand by for a good shooting report.

05-04-2011, 12:18 PM
wow my CW 45 had been there for repair 2 days before yours and it still has not been returned! You are a very lucky guy Jim.... I am so f**king pissed right now but happy for you sir!

05-04-2011, 12:22 PM
put a drop of oil in that trigger area whereyou see that little coiled spirng and on that hook spring that sits on top of your trigger bar and slides along the bar when the triggeris pulled. More than likely it is dry. fast service.

05-04-2011, 12:24 PM
wow my CW 45 had been there for repair 2 days before yours and it still has not been returned! You are a very lucky guy Jim.... I am so f**king pissed right now but happy for you sir!

myfriend, their service is fast, ur's will be coming. U would not do well if you had a kel tec. I never got faster service than ever 4 weeks and most of the time it was 6-8 weeks. That was just they way ther operated.

Maybe there are out bore/hoig huting with yours to test it out:9:

05-04-2011, 12:28 PM

I understand but my pistol was there before Jim's and yet he received his pistol before I did But yet again his pistol didn't fall apart on him at the range during break in....

I wanna Go hunting also!!! oh well I am missing my new toy and will have to play with his brother and sisters which are not as nice :( XD 9MM Compact is OK but its like a plastic toy to me, And My service weapon m&p 40 full size which is no thrills.

05-04-2011, 12:40 PM
qujite possably maybe because it was a K9 and yours was a cw45 might b ein two different benches for tech repair., Not making excuses but kahrs service is fast, very vast two or 3 days plus or minus is still much faster than many.

05-04-2011, 12:44 PM

Agreed . I am happy though someone in our forum was able to get there pistol back Fast from there repair service. I had etched in my head before May 13 but that would make it 3 weeks at there factory for repair and everyone is supplying there love stories and I am here in the Dark with just a gloomy memory....

05-04-2011, 12:55 PM
When I sent my K40 in shortly after purchase a long time ago, I called to check on it's status and found they were waiting for a black slide. I asked what it would cost to switch to a stainless slide since that's what I prefer anyhow and was told nothing and you'll have it tomorrow. I did get it the next day.

Could be waiting on a part for your, lots of possibilitys.

It'll come, don't get yourself down, it's worth waiting for.

05-04-2011, 01:02 PM
"Its worth waiting for" Best line ever!!! Im a sicko So Hope you guys get my jokes
I better break her in real well ;) I just wanna Hit that target with my CW45!

05-04-2011, 01:41 PM
It's worth waiting for but I'd not hesitate to give them a nice pleasant whats the status on my gun phone call either. To ensure you haven't fell thru the cracks. In my case I would have been stuck in limbo who knows how long had I not made contact.

Mine was actually in the system but they couldn't find it. It was logged in under my dept and when I contacted via email as I recall I gave my name. Dorothy I believe was her name took a couple days to put 2 and 2 together and then she went to bat for me.

05-04-2011, 01:54 PM
I sent an email to jay on Monday and he said it was in queue for repair . Meaning its waiting in line... can I pay for fast pass?!

05-04-2011, 02:00 PM
I am such a persistent ass lol, I just spoke to Eion and he said its on its way back and should be at my FFL Tomorrow by 4:30!!! I feel like a little kid!! well I am kind of I am 28 years young... I will post results on a separate thread and my cw45 thread that I posed when it fell apart on me!

05-04-2011, 02:07 PM
I sent an email to jay on Monday and he said it was in queue for repair . Meaning its waiting in line... can I pay for fast pass?!

Darn I forgot that you said you had done that. It probably won't do any good but send me a check and I'll see what I can do for a fast pass.

Sorry now refunds and the speed is directly related to the dollar amount.

Disclaimer- sorry I got now strings to pull or skids to grease. Bet I'd be wicked popular if I did huh?

05-04-2011, 02:20 PM
How about if you are ever In Miami, FL Or south Florida I treat you to a brazilian Specialty drink called "caipirinha"

05-04-2011, 02:30 PM
How about if you are ever In Miami, FL Or south Florida I treat you to a brazilian Specialty drink called "caipirinha"

Umm, could I send a sample to the lab to determine whats in it?

Sadly my chances of ever being in Miami are about the same as me winning the lottery without buying tickets but if I ever get down there I'll link up with ya for sure "caipirinha" or not.

Pondering this I'm about as far from Miami as I can get and still be in the good ole USof A.

You won't believe me when I tell you and I of course had no official information but I had a premonition that your gun would be home tomorrow. I really did. Honest injun.
Now I just hope it works perfectly which I think it will but I dont have a premonition to back that up. Weird. True story too.

I guess the check isn't in the mail now huh? Damn!

05-04-2011, 03:48 PM
Lol, well maybe Ill be training out west soon! Happens time to time I have to go train new agents. Thanks for the good thoughts and I'll be hitting the range ASAP once I hopefully pickup tomorrow! I really hope it's fixed. I would like to know what they did to it also..

05-05-2011, 06:06 AM
Its a Brazilian Drink I recently have fell for. you can Google it online and check it out for yourself!

05-06-2011, 04:22 PM
I just got back from the range where I put 300+rds down the tube.

200+ of WWB
50 of WWB 147 JHP
25 of HST 147
25 of Ranger 127+p+

Two hick-ups: One of my 7rd mags (one only) had a FT feed the 127+p+ ammo, mid mag, same mag, different volley (5 mags and can volley 36rds per set). This is most likely a bad mag. I was able to repeat this FTF, since I had marked it earlier. I will compare it to the other 7rd mags I have. Probably something easy. I may also just be the mag/ammo combo. No problem, I am out it and my carry ammo ran fine (HST 147)

Second one was twice the gun failed to fire during mid mag. Gun did not ****/trigger reset problem. Happened early with WWB JHP. No mark on primer. Second time was with HST 147, no mark on the primer. Puzzling, this one.

I will get out the Sunday early and see what I see with more JHP.

Sine this is suppose to be a carry gun, I will focus on that.