View Full Version : Oklahoma 911 call

12-07-2009, 09:40 AM
NewsOK (http://www.newsok.com/multimedia/video/54313835001)

This was posted at the LCP forum. The home-invasion intruder is shot at around 10 minutes into the 911 call.

mr surveyor
12-07-2009, 10:45 AM
yep... and 20 minutes before LEO could make the scene!

I live only about 1/2 mile outside the local city limits, and about 1/4 mile from the county line.... the local city PD may, or may not respond. In the type situation reported in the OK case they probably would, if they weren't tied up elsewhere in the city. The county SO, on the other hand would be the responsible jurisdictional authority, but with only a couple of deputies/vehicles on duty per shift to cover a 980 square mile county, I'm in the 20 minute response time area.... if the deputies are on the South end of the county, maybe 35-40 minutes. By the time the county SO and local city PD figure out who can send help, and who is actually responsible for coverage, my expected minumum time for LEO "protection" would be 8-10 minutes at best. There are many of us, if not the vast majority of us, that would fall into that "10 minute window".

I would bet that there have been hundreds of "Donna's" yearly that LEO has beeen able to respond to before the mentally incapictated individual actually breaks through the castle barrier. But there are probably too many others like Donna that have gone unnoticed.

You can bet that there will be plenty of apologists for this man's actions, and condemnation for Donna for taking the life of a crazy man that was just drunk and confused. Donna did good, and although she now has to deal with the trauma, she is alive to do so.


12-07-2009, 11:55 AM
"I'll kill him graveyard dead"..Gutsy lady.

12-07-2009, 02:14 PM
Listening to the call just reaffirms the need to have a plan and training before there is a need to defend yourself. You can hear her tell her son on the phone "I just did what you and you Dad taught me to do". Thankfully that was enough to save her life.

+1 on one gutsy lady

Longitude Zero
12-07-2009, 06:03 PM
I live about an hours drive from the location. I am actually surprised they got there that quick. Many county sheriffs do not actively patrol at night due to cost and manpower issues.

It is a sad fact that in most counties in this country active patrol stops at midnight or shortly thereafter and if they need to send anybody they must wake up a deputy, get dressed, drive their own vehicle and hope for the best.

Rural folks are hardy stock and know how to take care of themselves. This lady did it right.

12-07-2009, 06:13 PM
She did what she had to do, good for her for not allowing herself to become a victim.