View Full Version : PM45 replaced

05-06-2011, 10:31 PM
just today picked up a new pm45(replacement pistol). actually this will be my third pm45. bought original pistol it was replaced and now the replacement pistol has been replaced. i am not sure what i am going to do. either sell it being brand new never been fired or take a chance and shoot it and see if it runs as it should. odds have to be in my favor 1 out of 3 should run. i do like the pm45 but with all the problems i have had with the first two pistols i just don't know if i should bother with new pistol. there is a gun show this weekend by me i may sell it or trade it. after inspecting the pistol, kahr has made design changes to the pm45. there are multiple changes in this new pistol that did not exsist in the first two pistols that were replaced. this is what has me torn i like the pm45 and want it to run in the worst way and become my carry gun. if i shoot it and it has problems then it's no longer a new pistol i can sell. what would any of you do if you were in my situation. i am a gambling man.

05-06-2011, 10:37 PM
Now that you have my curiosity....

Do you care to enumerate and elaborate upon the new design features?

How old were the prior pistols that were replaced?

Got a serial number (range) for the masses?

I'm just curious about this one... many thanks, and best of luck with it.

05-06-2011, 11:08 PM
first pistol was bought april 2008 serial #SA series. second pistol was replaced in jan. 2009 serial#SV 1948. new pistol serial#SV 3830. as for changes new pistol has different guide rod and longer recoil spring. the feed ramp and throat of barrel come from factory highly polished. also the feed ramp is at a different angle. the extractor is is machined with two angles on it. the ejection port opening has changed,right in front of the extractor the angle is different. the stripper rail comes from factory with a bevel on it. i can insert a loaded magazine and it clears the stripper rail. also there is a small hole in the underside of the slide right next to the stripper rail just over the striker.

05-06-2011, 11:14 PM
You pistol is less than 40 from mine in serial number!~!~ Hoot!~~

Actually, mine shows a higher number than yours does... I wonder how that can be, since I got mine in March, and no doubt it had been on the shelf at least a little while.


Gotta say, mine has been top notch - with a very few exceptions.

I'm wondering why they replaced the pistol when it sounds like only changes were to the top end. Their call I guess.

Shoot it. FWIW, I hand cycled mine a few hundred times during the course of a week just to loosen it up a little.

Mine has all the features you describe - so you got a good chance of a keeper.

05-06-2011, 11:28 PM
kahr didn't replace the pistol the distributor that the gun dealer i deal with replaced it. the second pistol kept cracking mags. kahr wanted to see the pistol, the did some repairs test fired and said everything was okay. when i got the pistol back from kahr i went to the range and i had two mags crack again. i talked to gun dealer, he contacted his distributor and the distributor called me. left it up to me, he asked me if i wanted to send it back to kahr or he would replaced it. i said i will take a replacement, i didn't want to keep sending it back to kahr for same problem that doesn't get fixed. the distributor that my gun dealer uses is awesome, kahr's warranty is 5 years the distributor adds on to the warranty to make it lifetime and not just on kahr's on many brands. not only was distributor willing to replace the pistol but he asked me if i wanted a different model or caliber.

05-07-2011, 05:26 AM
osop1964 wow, what a great dealer and distrubutor to work so close with yoiyu to jmake you happy. That is a good ending to a bad story.

05-07-2011, 07:21 AM
That would be Davidson's. You do pay for that service... but not much. Now the picture is clearer!~

Brotha, I'd shoot that gun like its no tomorrow. Give it whatcha gonna give it. Clean and prep first, and do cycle that slide a bunch first - there is noticeable loosening of the recoil system when doing that.

Got any pictures of those cracked mags?

05-07-2011, 07:27 AM
yes you would be correct it is Davidson's. i already did prep. and cycled slide by hand 600 times. i have decided to shoot it and see what happens. if this pistol(3rd.one) has problems then i give up on the pm45. no cracked mags went back with pistol. there are pictures on another thread, they keep cracking where the back of the mag meets sides of mag in top corners where rim of cartridge rests.

05-07-2011, 07:53 AM
you simply cannot beat davidsons. they replaced my last one (oss45) with no questions asked. even asked if i would like to exchange for a different model. had it in 3 days. anytime i buy a new model or one that i might have questions about i buy from davidsons. i have been looking at the pm45 and more than likely go with them just for the reasons mentioned above.

05-07-2011, 08:06 AM
yes davidsons is awesome i would highly recommend buying guns through a dealer that uses davidsons. i talked to davidsons rep. on thur. he overnighted to my dealer, i picked up new pm45 in less then 24 hours. you may save a few dollars with some dealers but if they don't use davidsons i won't buy from them. how do you put a price on lifetime warranty when kahr only offers 5yr.