View Full Version : CW9 dropping magazine while shooting

05-06-2011, 10:11 PM
I'm having a problem with my CW9 dropping the magazine while I am shooting. I'm using a thumbs forward grip. I bought the pistol new about 5 months ago. The magazine dropped a few times during the two hundred round break-in, but lately it has been dropping more often. My magazine will drop free, so sometimes it ends up on the ground.

The pistol shifts in my hands while I am shooting. I got a used bicycle inner tube from the local bike repair shop, and cut a piece to fit over the grip. Maybe this will help.

Could the magazine release be faulty? I don't know if I'm causing the problem or if it is the pistol.

05-07-2011, 04:33 AM
try it lefthanded to see what gives, if it does release, then call kahr and hav ethem send u a ned mafg release. It is a no brainer to install and there is a picutre tutorial on this forum somewhere

Also when the magazine is out of the gun look on the rigght side and seehow flush that magazine buttom looks, now insert a magazine and see if it isjust as flush or it it is sticking out just a tad. If it is stickng out a tad, then it is not seating properly and my guess a new mag button is needed. Your doing the right thing, u just need to eliminate the possables before panicking. If the gun is moving in your grip, indeed this can be a cause. so go with the bicyle tube to test out also. U seem to have ahandle on what to do. keep us posted.

05-07-2011, 04:13 PM
Thanks, Jocko. I checked the right side magazine button and it is flush with the magazine out and flush with the magazine inserted. It pops out while the magazine is being inserted, but that seems normal. Haven't made it to the range this weekend. With Mother's day tomorrow, I'm thinking that doing things for my wife (and mother of our children) is going to take priority over my going shooting :)

MW surveyor
05-07-2011, 04:40 PM

Insert the mag as you normally do. Let it click in (you do hear a sharp snap don't you) and then pull down on it. Is it tight or does it move? If it moves you may need a new mag release. If it doesn't move then you are most likely hitting the mag release without realizing it. The other thing is if there is no sharp snap, the mag release may have to be changed out. Try a little lube in that area first and work it in.

As per jocko's instructions, try to shoot it left handed.

The other thing to do is depress the mag release while you are inserting the mag into the gun. See if that helps.

05-07-2011, 05:45 PM
redjak: pay attention to what surveyor said. he hit on all the right points IMO. Inever slam my magazines in any semi. neverdid andnever will. some do it for I think macho stuff but if u get used to doing it enough u can slide a magazinein and just touch that mag button enough to let themagazine glide right over the release button.

05-08-2011, 05:57 AM
Had the SAME thing happen to me when I had a CW9. At some random interval the mag would drop (sometimes only partially). Turned out to be ME. A two-hand hold would have my weak-hand thumb bump the mag-release. Sometimes it was the thumb of my shooting hand bumping the button.

Of all the pistols I shoot, this particular model (CW9) had the ability to interrupt my shooting by dropping the mag. I never perfected a good hold to stop smacking that release. I think most of the time, one thumb or the other, would hit the release during recoil.

I sold the CW9 (sorry Kahr).

OP.... Have someone take video of you shooting. Frame the left-side of the gun. I think you will see what's going on.

05-08-2011, 09:53 AM
Allow another person to shoot your gun and see if it happens. Then compare grip styles with one another.

05-08-2011, 04:04 PM

Insert the mag as you normally do. Let it click in (you do hear a sharp snap don't you) and then pull down on it. Is it tight or does it move? If it moves you may need a new mag release. If it doesn't move then you are most likely hitting the mag release without realizing it. The other thing is if there is no sharp snap, the mag release may have to be changed out. Try a little lube in that area first and work it in.

As per jocko's instructions, try to shoot it left handed.

The other thing to do is depress the mag release while you are inserting the mag into the gun. See if that helps.

OK. The magazine clicks in with a sharp snap. It is tight when pulling down on it. It is starting to sound to me like the mag release is OK.

I will try shooting it left handed (hopefully tomorrow). First I will try right handed with the inner tube over the grip, maybe I will get lucky with that. If the magazine drops out while shooting right handed, I will shoot several magazines left handed. Hopefully the magazine will drop out while shooting with either hand. If not, then I am the culprit.

Paul55, I was shooting with thumb over thumb, and am now shooting thumbs forward. If my thumbs are hitting the magazine release now, well I don't know what to say. I'm actually surprised that my thumbs are not messing up the slide stop operation. And yes, if it turns out that I am the culprit, I'll change 9mm handguns. I have shot a two day Front Sight class with a rented XD9, and my concealed carry class range test with a borrowed S&W M&P 9 compact, and had no malfunctions with either of those handguns. But a light single stack may be a whole different thing.

05-08-2011, 04:29 PM
another good shooter can be of help to you. don't give up, work on it. Not sure it demands changing handguns but this is ur call to make. We arfe not po9nting the finger directly at the shooter but if the magazine clicks in OK and can't be pulled out then something has to be releseing it..

05-08-2011, 08:28 PM
I had the same problem with my P9 after the breakin. Kahr sent me a new mag catch and gb6491 gave me some help with the installation of it. I was already using a rubber slip on grip on mine. I havn't shot it since I put the new mag catch in, so I don't know if that was the fix or not. I might run a 100 rounds through it tomorrow since I am on vacation and not going anywhere.

05-09-2011, 05:28 AM
Paul55, I was shooting with thumb over thumb, and am now shooting thumbs forward. If my thumbs are hitting the magazine release now, well I don't know what to say. I'm actually surprised that my thumbs are not messing up the slide stop operation. And yes, if it turns out that I am the culprit, I'll change 9mm handguns. I have shot a two day Front Sight class with a rented XD9, and my concealed carry class range test with a borrowed S&W M&P 9 compact, and had no malfunctions with either of those handguns. But a light single stack may be a whole different thing.

It was the strangest thing for me. I could shoot any other gun and not experience this mag drop. I have a Kahr CM9 now and haven't had a problem.

Before selling the CW9, I was considering a way to build-up the grip-face on the left side. (skateboard tape, rubber slip-on, etc.). I wanted to lift my hold away from the mag release. I was also looking at sanding-down the mag-release button a bit.

There was no way I would trust CCW with that pistol. I just pictured accidentally smacking that release. I suppose that if the CW9 was my only pistol I would have eventually perfected muscle memory enough to perfect the correct hold for this gun.

Another suggestion: Take some pool cue chalk and rub some on the top of the mag release button. Shoot and then see where you can find blue chalk on your hands/thumbs. My theory is that folks are hitting that mag release a lot more often than they think, just not always hard enough to release the mag.

Best of luck with getting this figured out. Please keep us posted. BTW- a sample of one other person shooting your gun is not proof that something is wrong or right with either you or the pistol. Seriously, getting things on video or covered in blue chalk can tell you a lot.

05-09-2011, 03:11 PM
Shoot a 100 rounds today and the mag stayed put. This P9 is so accurate, I hope the mag problem is solved. To me it's the perfect sized carry pistol.

05-09-2011, 03:24 PM
redjack: a solution that I have seen on this gun forum and on other gun forums for people who have issues with the mag release button. Some just modify that button to be less than what it is. Seems to work for many. Indeed going from a double stack to a single stack will give a different grip feel and position. That as u know is the not the guns fault, If u like that cw kahr, I would think u could try to modify that button or try to change your shooting style. Just my two cents, if u have lost confindence in you and the gun as a good working team, indeed peddle it..

05-09-2011, 05:30 PM
Shoot a 100 rounds today and the mag stayed put. This P9 is so accurate, I hope the mag problem is solved. To me it's the perfect sized carry pistol.
That's good to hear:)
Thanks for the update.

05-09-2011, 08:52 PM
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.

I went to the indoor range this evening. I shot six rounds with a thumbs forward grip, and then the magazine dropped down and I had a click/no bang.

Next I shot 21 rounds left handed thumbs forward grip without any malfunctions. OK, now I am pretty sure that I am the culprit. :(

I want to keep the magazine from dropping. I decided to try moving my support hand down a bit. My support hand pinkie ends up below my shooting hand pinkie, and is supporting the bottom outside edge of the magazine. With my support hand that low, I could not use thumbs forward, so I end up left thumb pulling down right thumb. I think to myself, no way is this going to work. This feels like I am gripping a snub nose revolver. I then proceed to fire 73 rounds accurately without a single malfunction. :)

I talked with the range officer. He is a fan of Kahr pistols for concealed carry. He looked at my target and advised me to keep shooting with this grip.

05-10-2011, 10:40 AM
My CW9 is AWESOME!!! I think Front Sight is a joke of a training class but at least you took one. There are many other Training facilities that are MUCH better than Front Sight.

The CW9 is now my EDC besides my S&W 442 that drops in my pocket every now and then. The Glock 19 that I used to EDC is now a Brick by my front door as a home defense and feels like my bedside Glock 21 after shooting the Kahr CW9. Very accurate & reliable 9mm second only to my T9 in accuracy.