View Full Version : New tapered front vs old blunt nose design

05-06-2011, 10:17 PM
I know there was a design change on the PM9 / CM9.

I heard that the new tapered front is about 1/8th inch longer than the old blunt nose M9s.

I was wondering if anyone can confirm that.

If anyone knows the new specs - OA length & weight.

And also, was that just a change to the slide or did the frame also change?


05-06-2011, 10:47 PM
i just got a pm45 replacement pistol today and i noticed same change in my new pistol compared to the two that were replaced

05-07-2011, 04:10 AM
I haven't noticed if the weight has changed, but Kahr previously reported the PM9 at 5.3 inches, now it's 5.42. So 1/8 inch would be right.

05-07-2011, 04:23 AM
no doubt the new beveled slide has to be a heavier gun buy maybe an ounce at best and it is as dermensions show longer in the slide. Other than that all is the same. My preference by far is the old style blunt nose version (via glock style) Just baffles me why they would wantto change their smqallest gun to be a tad bigger. Please don't give me the easier to holster stuff either. Iain't buying that. Had there never been the blunt nose first version which proably close to 50K of them have to be out in the open market in owners hands, and only the beleved version,k I and others would have never known the difference, Although probalby about .20' longer which isn't much but I just question wy... oh well the cm9 is he new version and we hav enot readone issue on that gun as of now. That is a big trophy in kahrs cabinet as far as I am concerned..

Probalby will give them enough firewood to proceed with the cm40 and mayhbe the cm45,. what a line up they wold have then..

05-07-2011, 05:39 AM
i don't know for sure jusy my guess, longer slide kahr can move the slide lock notch in slide ever so slight. just enough to make inserting a loaded mag. clear stripper rail. without affecting any other functions or timing. i did notice this difference in my new pm45, first one of 3 pm45's that when inserting mag. it clears stripper rail right from factory.

05-07-2011, 06:15 AM
no doubt the new beveled slide has to be a heavier gun buy maybe an ounce

Maybe not. If you took the end of a rectangle, and chopped off its corners, and added them back to the front, you'd have the same thing.

05-07-2011, 06:22 AM
CJB, you may be right i was just making a guess i don't know for sure the reason but the change does exsist. now it has me wondering way the change.

05-07-2011, 06:43 AM
Maybe not. If you took the end of a rectangle, and chopped off its corners, and added them back to the front, you'd have the same thing.

um and see. Its heavier. a long recoil spring is alson in the equation along with a longer barrel. weight um.

05-07-2011, 06:52 AM
I don't doubt that the new slide style weighs slightly more(an undetectable amount without using a scale) as you also have to add a little weight for the longer spring + rod and barrel too.
I would like to know why they made the change also.
I will take a guess, it is to simplify the machining process???
OR maybe the engineers have reasons to think the slight length change helps make the gun function a little better???
Just guesses...Don't really matter I guess, as I am very happy with my new "long slide" CM9.

Ha, I see Jocko posted about the other extra weight you have to add...while I was typing

05-07-2011, 07:11 AM
now i'm going to have to get my digital calipers out and measure barrel length. the recoil spring is longer 14 3/4 coils. i can see where coil was nipped off, was done at factory.

05-07-2011, 08:34 AM
Does anyone have both the old and the new?

I'm also wondering if the frame changed in size or if the slide release lever moved position or anything like that.


05-07-2011, 08:44 AM
I don't have both. I have the CM9 and can give you a measurement for it.
From the front of the frame to the center of the slide release hole on the right side of the gun it is 2.600".

05-07-2011, 07:33 PM
I don't doubt that the new slide style weighs slightly more(an undetectable amount without using a scale) as you also have to add a little weight for the longer spring + rod and barrel too.
I would like to know why they made the change also.
I will take a guess, it is to simplify the machining process???
OR maybe the engineers have reasons to think the slight length change helps make the gun function a little better???
Just guesses...Don't really matter I guess, as I am very happy with my new "long slide" CM9.

Ha, I see Jocko posted about the other extra weight you have to add...while I was typing

If they wanted more of a melted edge, the old slide would not permit it without frame alteration as well. Maybe they added length just so they could bevel it.

Yah, Jocko... maybe a little more. The P9 and PM9 are only what... 2 ounces different? So from old PM to new PM... its probably something like a few tenths of an ounce, if that.

Chief Joseph
05-07-2011, 07:41 PM
I have the pm9 old style and the new style cm9. The difference in weight IS noticeable if you hold one then the other. Also, the grip is a bit larger than the old style. My old pm9 feels like it disappears in my hand when I grip it, while the cm9 is more prominent, in my opinion. My fist kydex holster works on the new style cm9, and clicks into it, just not as tight as the pm9 fits it. I've decided the slightly heavier and larger grip on the cm9 makes it more accurate for me, so I'm selling my pm9.

05-07-2011, 08:24 PM
my new pm45 has the longer recoil spring and tapered slide that sticks out further past frame than the older models i have had. interesting though the barrel length on the new pm45 measures 3.08". on the older models i have had the barrel measured 3.14".