View Full Version : Loading PM9

05-07-2011, 05:32 AM
The manual says to insert the magazine first then lock the slide back and release with the slide stop lever. Is it OK to lock the slide back first and then insert the mag? It would be no different than when you're swapping between an empty ( slide is locked back) and a full mag.

I figure Kahr wouldn't specify a certain procedure if there wasn't a reason. What's the reason and what do you do?

Bill K
05-07-2011, 06:39 AM
I lock the slide back myself. Of course when shooting at the range the slide is locked open on the last shot, the spent mag is removed and a loaded mag inserted. After shooting I drop the last spent mag an inch or so and return the slide to battery. Gun is cleaned and when about to be carried I lock the slide back, insert a full mag, use the slide release to chamber the top round, drop the mag, top off with a round and re-insert the topped off mag. So no, with only two mags I generally don't have one empty to use to first lock the slide back.

I'd guess that Kahr's reason for the procedure is to make the operation simple to perform. Dummy it down to the lowest denominator kind of thing due to somewhat stiff recoil springs leading to a bit of awkwardness for some folks.

Bill K.

05-07-2011, 06:46 AM
This is one of the instances when I don't follow the manual. As far as I can see, you cant do any harm, doing it the way you want. I also slingshot my PM9, and I don't believe that is the Kahr approved method.


05-08-2011, 08:42 PM
Should not matter if you lock it open before or after inserting a mag. I normally lock mine open then throw the mag in her, and throw the switch!

05-08-2011, 09:29 PM
Thanks for the feedback. New shooter here. Just following jockos advice of reading the maual twice. Wanted to make sure that I wasn't doing something non standard.

Now, back to reading about those bullet holes in the floor and pencil repairs. #2s on sale at Walmart.:D
